A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (2 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

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After his shower he wrapped a towel
around his body, and rambled into the kitchen to start the coffee,
popping some aspirin. He heard giggling as Win said something
clever as usual to the groupies, then Win shutting the door and
heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Two loud knocks came at the apartment
door and Rex and Andy came sauntering in. “What up, shithead?” came
Andy’s usual morning hello. They heard female voices coming from
the back rooms. “What, you still have your fucking chicks here?
Man, we kicked ours out last night,” Andy laughed.

Coffee’s ready. I’ll be
out in five.” South rolled his eyes, heading back to his room to
get dressed. Then Rex shouted back at him.

You’re out of fucking
cream, man!”

But he was too hung over to be dealing
with that shit.

His lay from last night had finally
woken up. Good! That meant he didn’t have to shake her ass out of
his bed. “Hi, South, I was wondering if you were coming back to see
me again?” she purred.

He must have drunk too fucking much, to
bring home the girlfriend type. What the hell was he thinking? “You
need to get your ass up and out, I’m heading to work. You’ve got
five minutes,” he said with his back to her, getting his pants

She sat up and the sheets fell around
her hip, exposing some big-ass tits. Okay, that’s what caught his
eye last night. “Do you want me to leave my number? Maybe I can
come over tonight?” She giggled in that fake sweet tone, and South

Sorry, sweetheart, got
shit to do tonight. If I want you in my bed again, I’m sure I’ll
see you at the club,” he told her. “Now, get your shit on and get
going. I’ve got to be at work in thirty minutes.”

Her mouth fell open. He really didn’t
know what these women expected. They fall into bed with him, let
him fuck them, and then what? He’s supposed to fall in love or some
shit like that?

She huffed out of bed, bitching as she
put her clothes on. He was completely dressed and ready to head to
work, when she slipped on her shoes, stomped out his bedroom door
and down the hall.

She looked at Andy and Rex sitting at
the counter, sipping their coffee and not paying any attention to
her. “You’re an ass!” she hissed at South as he came into the
kitchen from behind her.

He just shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve
been called worse,” he said, filling his thermos.

The door slammed shut, rattling the
apartment, as Win came out. “What the hell was that?” he asked, but
managed to kiss the two women goodbye, smacking their asses on
their way out, waving to him.

Just my nighter. She was a
fucking clingy one. I must have been wasted if she stayed the
fucking night!” South told the guys.

Rex ran his hand through his jet-black
curly hair before putting his hat back on. “Dude, I have no idea
what the hell got into you last night, but you were downing the
drink like a man possessed.”

Andy finished his coffee and put his
empty cup on the counter. “Let’s just get our asses to work before
Reggie fires us. We don’t have the record deal yet, and I need this
fucking job if we don’t get it.”

Dude, I’m tired of you
leaving your shit on our counter,” Win griped, smacking Andy in the
back of the head.

Andy rubbed the back of his head,
getting pissed. “Man! Just because you’re a mammoth don’t go
hittin’ me in the back of the fucking head!” he whined.

Win started to laugh. “If you weren’t
such a fucking shrimp, I wouldn’t.”

They walked out into the parking area,
when Win noticed a big old purple van with fucking dragons
airbrushed on the sides. Like something you’d see from a terrible
seventies movie. “Whose fucking ride?” he questioned, walking over
to it. The plates said California, so he looked into the windows to
see whose psycho van it might be. The dudes must be some pretty
shitty band who couldn’t cut it in Cali and came out

Just fucking leave it,
Win. We have to get our asses to work,” Rex called out as they got
in his four-door truck.

South shrugged it off. “Maybe Louie was
looking for a band since he knows our ass is out of here!” He
laughed and they all started talking. Win looked back once in the
rearview mirror, but once out of the parking lot didn’t give it
another thought.




The girls walked into their new living
space, and Lynn actually laughed. “Oh this is something special,”
she said, dropping the bags on the floor.

Mindy huffed at her, “Not now,

They all seemed a little worked up, and
when Addison came from the restroom they all remembered why. The
side of her face was just one huge bruise, and the bruises on her
arms were in complete handprints from where Jimmy had grabbed

Addison went into the bathroom so she
could take her ibuprofen in peace without all eyes staring at her.
She walked into the kitchen and looked back at the girls. “Well,
I’ve got to admit Lynn’s right on this one, this place sucks. But
maybe with a little paint, I think it has potential.” She winked at
her sister Tia, who was still shaken by the sight of her sister’s

Marge came from one of the rooms with
her book in hand. “Well, there’s only two rooms so I guess the real
question is, who gets the sleeper sofa?”

I guess the only thing
fair is we draw straws,” Mindy said.

They grabbed the straws from their
sodas, and Mindy cut them all one size, making one shorter than the
rest. She then held them in her hand while Lynn started laughing.
“You know, I think I’ll take the sofa. This way if I bring someone
home, you all won’t get pissed when I kick your ass out of the
room,” she smiled at them.

Okay then, Tia stays with
me and Mindy, you and Margie are together,” Addison said, walking
over to one of the suitcases. “Now we all need to register today in
our classes, so let’s get that shit done. And I called Tommy
yesterday; he’s the one who told me they have a pretty good rock
scene out here. He also said a friend of his owned a place called
The Tab, and he’d help us get a gig,” she said, pulling out clean

Tia looked at Ad as she rummaged
through her clothing. “Did he say he was going to give Jimmy the
divorce papers this time? Did you make sure you signed everything
so we don’t have to see him again?”

Ad sighed. “Yes, I had the hospital
send out the papers to Tommy. And yes, Tommy said he’d make sure
that Nickels has him sign them this time. So now I’m just plain old
Addison Reade once again. Oh, that reminds me, Margie, I’m going to
need help so I can dye my hair back to my original color. I don’t
know how to take the black out and make it blonde

Margie came to her, giving her a loving
pat on the back. “Don’t worry, we’ll get it out as much as we can.”
Addison frowned, but Margie gave her a hug. “Don’t worry, Ad, I’ll
fix it,” she told her.

Addison took a deep breath and nodded.
The last thing she wanted to do was cry in front of everyone and
make them worry. “Does anyone mind if I take a shower first?” she
asked. All the girls frowned and shook their heads.

No, you go ahead, Ad.”
Margie was the only one who answered.

She headed to the bathroom as Tia came
running to her. “Here, you’re going to need this,” she said,
handing her a plastic cover for her cast. “Just yell when you’re
ready for me to help you put it on.”

Once Addison was in the shower and away
from worried eyes, she let loose the tears she’d been holding in
for days. How Jimmy could do this to her just baffled her mind. He
never used to hurt her, ever. They’d loved each other since they
were kids. He was her best friend, confidant, supporter, lover, and
husband for so many years…and they’d been best friends since they
were ten.

Within the last three years, the women,
drugs, and the drinking, it was just too much for her. She was
happy that he was fulfilling his dream as a musician; too bad it
was destroying him. And all she could do was sit back and watch him
fall apart at this point.

She and the girls, they left the music
scene soon after the guys got signed and they moved into Hollywood.
Jimmy promised he’d pay for any college she wanted to go to, and
after a couple of years when she finally told him she didn’t want
to be in the public eye, all she wanted was to become a doctor…he
was as good as his word and sent her wherever she wanted to

What Jimmy had turned into, that was
something she never thought possible. Never would she have thought
he’d cheat on her. Which was stupid in hindsight, considering the
lifestyle he’d chosen, but that’s what she thought. But to hurt
her, to leave bruises on her body, break her wrist…that was
something she’d never thought her Jimmy capable of.

The night they all walked in on the
guys at Jimmy’s, in the middle of a full-on gang-bang, she was
done, they all were done. She went upstairs, packed her things and
left. Jimmy didn’t even stop screwing the girl he was with until he
saw her with her bags in hand. To this day she still thought he
might’ve been so screwed up, he probably didn’t even realize it was
really her he saw.

Two days later when the booze and drugs
ran from his system, he came looking for her. After everything
they’d been through, all the hurt, the lies, the…violence, she
finally had the guts to tell him they were done, really over. She
didn’t want this life anymore, she didn’t want him in her life
anymore, and all she wanted from him now, was a divorce.

Jimmy begged her not to leave him.
Swore he loved her more than his life, and that he’d never screw up
again. But those were the things he’d said so many times before.
Now at this point in her life and with him so far gone, she didn’t
want to end up like her mother. So the only thing left to do was
hold firm and get the damn divorce. And that’s exactly what she
told him.

That was the day when things changed.
His anger was out of control over her wanting a divorce. He’d come
over to her place whenever they weren’t on tour, and ask her to
come home, beg her to love him again, yell at her that they weren’t
through, that they’d never be over…

She had found a place in the hills soon
after she found out about an affair he’d had with a famous movie
star. It was then Addison knew she didn’t want to deal with this
kind of life her husband was into, and left divorce papers on the
kitchen table for him to sign. That was, whenever he finally made
it home.

He’d still show up to her place she now
shared with Lynn, Tia, Margie and Mindy. But even that didn’t stop
his mad tantrums when he’d show up and they were home with her.
Now, every time he’d come over to see her drunk, so stoned out of
his mind he could barely stand, and order her to come home with

Once she went back to their old place.
She needed something for school, but it was more than that, she
missed him, and what they had together. But again, it was a
mistake. She walked up into their bedroom to find three girls
draped over him. He woke up long enough to realize she was there,
and then she ran out.

He caught her before she could escape,
and once again told her he was sorry. Addison could have kicked
herself for her stupidity, and she smacked him, then made the
mistake of screaming that she was going to a lawyer as soon as she
left… But that never happened.

That was the first time Jimmy put her
in the hospital in a drunken rage over her leaving him. The saddest
part of that story is, it was the women he’d slept with who called
911, because he just sat over her crying, telling her how sorry he
was before she blacked out.

All those memories she just wanted to
put behind her. It was time to move on. She knew they were getting
too old to be dealing with this bullshit. All she wanted was a
place to call her own, and to become the doctor she always told her
mother she’d become. It was time to have the normal life they all
dreamed of.


Chapter 2


Win looked out the window to see the
ugly-ass monster of a van pull back into the parking area. Then a
whole handful of fine-looking women came piling out of it. He had
the whole fucking rainbow. From a tall thin athletic one, to a
short petite brunette, a little blonde and a strawberry blonde to
boot. Oh hell yeah, he was going to be having some fun!

He was about to leave and introduce
himself to all his new neighbors, when the driver door opened and
out came the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She wasn’t tall,
maybe five four, but man was she built. There were curves upon
curves on that woman. Her hair was long, thick and wavy. He could
tell from where he stood in the window, and it looked to hang
almost to her waist with her bangs sweeping down over her forehead
and behind her ear.

The hair color didn’t quite seem to fit
her. It was a chocolate brown with golden blonde running through
it. But under the black sunglasses were little porcelain lips that
looked pink from where he stood. Her t-shirt hugged that fine
little body, and those shorts exposed just enough thigh to get his
mind racing with dirty thoughts. Yeah, she was the kind of woman
he’d be having tonight in his bed.

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