Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online
Authors: Jennifer Byars
Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker
Margie clasped her hands on the back of
her neck and her elbows went to her knees. “Jimmy got wrapped up
being the rock god and was in heaven when Nickels introduced him to
a big movie star who was totally ridiculous about him. So Jimmy did
what most stupid men do with a pumped-up ego. He cheated on his
Lynn took over where Margie left off,
shaking her head. “When Ad found out it broke her heart, and she
left him, going over to my place. After about a week he broke off
everything with Crystal and came over begging her for forgiveness,
telling her it was a mistake. He let fame get to his head, and he
loved her, she was his girl.” She laughed. “I don’t think I’d ever
seen Jimmy so damn pathetic!”
Addison was trying to take deep breaths
so they could finish this story. “I took him back. I thought it was
a one-time deal, and I could move past it.”
Win’s voice rumbled through her. “But
you couldn’t, could you?”
She shook her head. “He wanted me to
act like nothing ever happened. He wouldn’t even give me a chance
to heal. I was just supposed to be his Addison again. He wanted me
to touch him and treat him just as I did before, but I needed
time…” she told him angrily. “Then when he’d come home drunk,
accusing me of still being mad at him, I would tell him I
Things would happen after
I would say that, and he’d smack me a little…and then he would tell
me he was sorry, that he loved me, and he’d force his love on me.
After we’d finish, he would become upset with me, accuse me of
purposely making him suffer by not making love to him like I used
to… Then he’d go out on me again. Leaving me at home in
Lynn stared at the empty bottle of beer
in her hands, remembering all the memories. “We all could see the
change in her relationship with him. She had a hard time when Jimmy
touched her. She’d make any excuses to get away from him when he
wanted to put his arm around her, or tried to give her a kiss.
That’s when he started the drugs…yeah, things were different for
Addison looked up at Lynn, holding back
tears. “That’s enough. He knows enough now.” But Lynn frowned at
her. “Ad, he has to know everything that happened to you, to us, to
understand the decision we’ve made. If he’s going to be a part of
your life, he has to know what you’ve been through, what you’ve
suffered, to understand everything. That’s the one thing we’ve all
learned through all this shit. Just get everything out in the
open,” she told her softly.
She sighed when Addison didn’t speak,
looking away from her. “So about six months later we all witnessed
the decline of Jimmy even further. That’s when Ad decided to tell
him she really wanted to make their marriage work, she loved him,
and started to blame herself for his decline.
So she brought us home
with her one night to tell Jimmy she was truly ready to forgive him
if he’d get help… But that’s the night we walked in on their
groupie gang-bang. All of them were with a bunch of groupies. Jimmy
was so high, he looked at Ad and never stopping fucking the girl he
was with. We went upstairs, packed her shit, and she left
For good this time!” Tia
told them.
Lynn nodded. “Not until he sobered up
did he realize what Ad saw and…went to go see her.” Addison wiggled
her way off of Win’s lap, going over to the window. She didn’t want
anyone to look at her face.
That wasn’t the first
night Jimmy had hit me. The first time was when I found out about
Crystal, but this is when it became worse. I called him a whore
that night he came over after his little orgy… I got smacked for
that, making my lip swell up and bleed. I remember feeling the
blood roll down my chin, and I told him to leave, and I never
wanted to see him again. He grabbed me, shaking the hell out of me,
accusing me of making him want to hurt me.” She took a
I never told anyone about
what Jimmy did to me. It went on for about a year before the girls
found out. I would tell Tia I fell, or that I needed iron pills and
that’s why I was bruising so much. But the others… I stayed away
from them.
There were times, Win,
that I’d sleep with him hoping I would appease him enough that I
wouldn’t get hit. I just couldn’t mentally take it during my
exams,” she said, embarrassed by her own stupidity.
There were many women, and
at first all I wanted him to do was stop. Just stop being with
these women, but the drinking and drugs were so bad at this point
his brain just couldn’t get it, it was like his brain was floating
in the whiskey he drank every day.”
And when did the girls
find out, angel?” he asked in a tortured voice.
Addison looked out the window, finally
ready to tell all of them what happened. “Jimmy came over for what
seemed like the hundredth time that week. I was exhausted from
studying my ass off for school and that didn’t help me bridle my
mouth any.
I was so tired of this
game he was playing with me. He’d come over drunk or high, or both,
asking me to come home. I’d tell him no, then I’d get hit, then
he’d tell me he was sorry and that he loved me... I was done! I had
to go back to our home. I went up to our bedroom to get some
paperwork I had at our house for school. That’s when I saw him in
bed with some girls.
They giggled at me.” She
wiped a tear off her cheek. “Knowing they were in bed with my
husband. But there was nothing to say at this point. I turned to go
for the door when he woke up, stumbling naked out of bed. He was
shouting my name, calling for me to stop as I went running down the
stairs to get away from him. I didn’t want to see him, I didn’t
want him talking to me, I didn’t want him touching me, and I
definitely didn’t want to see his stupid face!
He easily got ahold of me,
and started in on all the same shit. Can you believe that? I walk
in on him with three women, and I’m just supposed to forgive him?”
She shook her head.
He started to kiss me,
whisper all the things he’d said before that would’ve softened me.
That worked on me a couple times, like an idiot I’d sleep with him.
But after what I just walked into… I was disgusted by him. He might
have been drunk, but those women were in
bed. The bed he claimed he
missed me in, and wanted me to come back to. That was never going
to happen now!”
Her hands wrapped around her body,
keeping her together. “I was so stupid to go back home without
anybody for support. I just couldn’t get it through my damn head
that this wasn’t my Jimmy anymore!” She wiped away a couple more
tears, then her arms hung by her sides.
He pushed me up against
the wall and started kissing me. When he finally let go I smacked
his face as hard as I could, screaming at him.” She shook her head
angrily, thinking back. “Then he started in on the same old shit.
He was sorry, he loved me, that he wasn’t whole unless he was with
me. When I saw the lipstick on his neck I lost it, smacking his
face once more, yelling at him to leave me the fuck alone. That’s
when I said something so stupid. I wanted to hurt him so badly,
like he’d hurt me…”
What did you do, Addison?”
Win asked softly.
She laughed quietly. “I told him that
I’d made out with Tom Hunter, and that having his hands on my body
was more exciting than his touch ever was. That I loved the way he
kissed me and he made my body melt for him. And maybe next time
when he asked me to bed, I would say yes. This way I could see what
it’s like to fuck a movie star and get a second opinion on how I
was in the sack.” She said the last part on a whisper.
Fuck!” Andy said, grabbing
the back of his neck.
You did not say that?”
Margie yelled, surprised, and she nodded.
Holy fuck, you made out
with Tom Hunter?!” South asked, star-struck, and Addison
Sit down, ass. He’s just a
guy!” Lynn yelled at him. Then she turned her attention back to Ad.
“I can’t believe you told him about Tom.”
I didn’t do anything with
him but kiss him…you know that,” Addison said softly.
Win sat forward, his hands clasped
together. “But he didn’t, did he?” She shook her head to answer his
question. Tia just sat there cradled in Andy’s arms, hating all of
them talking about the times when her sister got hurt.
The only thing that
flashes through my mind now when I think back to that day, that
moment, is the pure anger on Jimmy’s face before his fist came at
me, and the girls screaming to call an ambulance. I don’t remember
much after that. I woke up in the hospital with Nickels on the
phone with Lynn, and Jimmy holding my hand, crying.”
Tia had her head on Andy’s chest,
wiping tears off her face with the palms of her hands. “That was
the first time he really attacked her, and put her in the hospital.
Nickels made sure everything was kept hush hush since they were
going on a world tour.”
She turned from the window to look back
at Win. “Jones came in to get him, but he wouldn’t leave me. All I
wanted was him gone. I told him to go, go be the rock god like he
always wanted to be. That he was free now to go screw any woman he
wanted without any worry about me. Because as far as I was
concerned we were through, and I was filing those papers for the
That’s when the beatings
really started…after he came back and he wanted her to come home to
him, and she wouldn’t,” Margie whispered.
South ran his hand over his face. “So
you guys want to run again? Why? Just put a restraining order on
his ass and call it a day!” he told them.
Lynn crossed her arms, laughing
sarcastically. “Yeah, because that stopped him
Win got up, making his way to Addison.
“What do you want to do, angel?”
The girls and I have
always wanted to live in Nashville. We used to talk about it when
we were growing up. We all decided that’s the place where we’d like
to start our families and put down roots, roots we never had
Tia smiled. “It was the one thing we’d
all agree on as little girls, moving to Tennessee.” Andy drew her
close, smiling at her.
A dog named Tennessee…”
Win chuckled to himself, shaking his head. “Okay, angel. I can work
construction anywhere. You and the girls want Tennessee, then I
say, what the hell, let’s find ourselves a place in Nashville.” He
folded his arms around her. “But when we get ourselves settled we
deal with your ex, and do what we have to to get you divorced, and
married to me. Deal?” he whispered into her ear.
Deal, playboy,” she said,
turning in his arms to hug him.
Chapter 15
The seasons were changing and Addison
could smell the frost in the air. Funny how quickly you can go from
a pair of shorts and a tank top, to jeans and a sweatshirt in a
matter of a month. Win told them all that he didn’t think Jimmy
would be coming out like they were thinking, because of what he saw
happen between Nickels and Jimmy in L.A.
So Winston and Andy flew out to
Nashville to find all of them a place to live, and jobs for when
they moved in with the girls. Win gave South permission to pick up
Addison from work and keep an eye on her and the others until they
came back. Rex agreed and told Win that he’d help them
Margie just ignored Rex now, wanting
nothing more to do with him. He still tried to talk to her, but
settled by making sure he was always nice, asking how her day was,
was she doing anything later, and so on. But she was truly done;
she really had started to love him, and his cheating in L.A. was
just too much for her.
Andy found an apartment building for
Lynn and Margie to live in. It was nice, two-bedroom place with all
the amenities on the second story. It was close to the heart of
downtown Nashville, making commuting a breeze. Andy made sure to
also take pictures of beauty salons in the area for Margie so she
had a plan to start looking for work.
Winston found himself and Addison a
little place five minutes away from Lynn and Marge. It was a cute
little tan three-bedroom cottage. The big picture window took up
most of the front of the house; there were flowers all along the
front in bright purples and pinks, and a small backyard for a dog,
and a baby.
The guys told them that they picked
this neighborhood because it had good reviews, was clean and
friendly, had a nice homey feel to it, and Andy could get a place
for Tia and him just two doors down, which made Addison and her
little sister extremely happy.
The girls were happy to stay home,
packing and working out their remaining two weeks at their jobs.
Every night when Addison got on the phone with Win, he’d reassure
her that Jimmy wasn’t coming for her, and he’d be home in a couple
of days.
The time came when Addison was working
her last night at the hospital. Lynn and Tia worked the mornings
and Rex took them to and from work. Margie had a friend who didn’t
mind taking her home in the evening.
Frank threw her a little goodbye party
in the break room. They had cupcakes and a candle for her, singing
her a corny goodbye song. She started to tear up as everyone came
up to her, giving her hugs, telling her she was going to become a
great doctor.