Daddy’s Bachelor Party: A Vegas Tell-All

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #daddy daughter sex kelsey charisma fuck adult erotica

BOOK: Daddy’s Bachelor Party: A Vegas Tell-All
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The Bachelor Party: A Vegas Tell-All



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


The Bachelor Party: A Vegas Tell-All

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma



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Andy didn’t even see Kia
coming when she showed up to his bachelor party, but with him
cuffed to the chair, he had no choice but to notice her.

Book Formerly Known As: Daddy’s Bachelor
Party: A Vegas Tell-All





Other Titles by Kelsey


























Makeup cluttered the bathroom counter.
Foundation, powder, eyeliner, it was all there, and scattered from
the sink to the wall. Messes drove Kia nuts, but her young mom was
so vastly different from her that everything Samantha did drove Kia
up the wall. Kia accredited it to Samantha having her at seventeen,
and instead of her growing up quick she held onto her youth and
necessity to stay hip and cool. Kia on the other hand was a tidy
recluse, probably because she strived to be the exact opposite of
her mom.

“Did you want any money?” Samantha asked,
and glanced at Kia through the mirror before touching up her
lipstick with liner. Kia considered her mom in that moment. She
didn’t know what possessed her to push for marriage. But it was no
wonder Andy would accept. Samantha was beautiful. And besides, Kia
being much younger, they looked like they could be sisters. They
both had the same curly blonde hair, big steel-gray eyes that
popped no matter what they wore or if they chose not to wear
makeup, and they both had the same knockout figure. Only Samantha
chose to use her curves to manipulate.

“No, I don’t need money,” Kia said when she
couldn’t look at her mom anymore without getting upset. “What for?
I’m eighteen and in Vegas. I can’t gamble. I can’t drink. I can’t
go to your bachelorette party. So what’s the point? Why’d I even

“I’m getting married tomorrow silly.”

“Yeah, to the guy you made a pact with ten
years ago to marry if you were both thirty-five and single.” Kia
huffed, folded her arms, and leaned against the counter. She didn’t
even bother to hide her irritation, or care her little temper
tantrum seemed immature. She let her mom think the reason she
grumbled was because she’d be bored all night. The truth of the
matter was, she didn’t want the wedding to happen.

Andy, her soon to be stepdad, was the man
Kia had always had a crush on since her mom met him over twelve
years ago back when the two seriously thought about dating, but for
some reason it never happened. They became friends instead, and Kia
was pleased to learn they never even kissed. But lately, she knew
they were trying to connect sexually, but with Andy constantly
traveling, he hadn’t seen Samantha in over two years. The entire
arrangement was crazy, but that was always her mom’s flare.

Kia’s on and off infatuation with him never
resulted in anything other than an occasional hug, but for some
reason, she couldn’t let it go. Eventually he stopped touching her
altogether, because she stiffened whenever he embraced her and she
was sure he thought she grew uncomfortable with his touch. Kia had
a lot of regrets about not trying to let him know she liked him,
and especially more now that her mom convinced Andy marriage was a
good thing. If she had a chance to do things differently she’d go
back in time and tell him, but that wasn’t possible.

“Don’t be such a downer,” her mom said. “I
don’t want anything to put a damper on this night. It’s going to be
legendary. Tonight is the last night I’ll be single, and I want it
all. Some girls dream of their wedding, I’ve dreamt of an amazing
bachelorette party.” Her mom rubbed her lips together and then made
a soft pop sound when she opened her mouth. She oozed sex appeal
while dabbing her finger to her lips. Samantha always had a way
with men. And so did Kia after years of watching the best. “Which
is why you’re staying here and you’re not coming to my crazy party.
I intend to have my first and last threesome.”

“Gross! Mom! Seriously who tells their
daughter that? Why do you tell me shit like that? Now I’m picturing
!” Kia hissed and pushed off the counter, deciding
to leave the bathroom. She hated it when her mom said inappropriate
things, which she did a lot, and sometimes in public just to get a
rise out of her. Nothing irritated her more.

“We’re friends.” Her mom sniggered,
apparently finding it amusing that Kia didn’t want to think of her
as a sexual creature.

“I’m still your daughter! That’s so

“Well, at least now you won’t show up.” Her
mom continued to laugh from within the bathroom. Kia wandered out
to the balcony and shut herself outside away from her mom. Now that
her shock was wearing off, she thought about Andy and Samantha’s
bizarre pact that they could cheat on each other until the wedding.
It made Kia wonder if her mom simply wanted a reason to party. She
sure as hell hoped so, because she wanted one of them to call it
off before they eloped the following evening.

Kia brooded for so long that when she came
back into her hotel room, her mom was gone and it was nearly ten
o’clock. She didn’t want to spend all night bored in her room and
decided to wander the halls. However, she didn’t get passed the
elevator when she stepped in with two female cops. The chatty
policewomen continued to talk, and Kia pretended not to listen in
as she rode the elevator up to the top floor.

“Do you think the bachelor is hot?” One
policewoman asked the other.

“I sure as hell hope so. I can hardly dance
on some guys cock anymore and not start to shake I’m so disgusted.
I’ve refused to give head anymore, but that just pisses some men
off. Seriously, if I had somewhere to go, I’d run.”

“Cherry!” The first policewoman hissed in a
loud whisper before nodding in Kia’s direction. Kia didn’t even
have the decency to pretend not to overhear. She smiled at them,
shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. This was Vegas. Prostitution
was ramped and even she knew that. And even if their talk about
blow jobs didn’t give away their career, their sexy cops’ attire

“It’s fine. I’m a stripper, too.” Kia lied,
but it was fucking genius.

The two girls looked Kia up and down, and
she could imagine they were concluding her tiny skirt and tank top
wasn’t in costume. Besides showing off her legs and cleavage, she
wasn’t flaunting anything. “But you look so young.” One of the
strippers said, in obvious disbelief.

“I’m not working tonight,” Kia said and left
it at that because she didn’t have any other brilliant ideas about
why she’d be in a hotel if she wasn’t working it.

“You’re not meeting someone in his hotel

“No, I’m not even dressed for it,” she said,
and held her arms out to the side while looking down at her own
clothes, “obviously.”

“I think you look pretty hot, and just
enough not to get caught.”

“Ask her, Monica!” The two girls exchanged
silent looks, and then the stripper that spoke prodded her friend
in the ribs.

“You could work if you want,” Monica began.
“If you want to make some cash, we could use the help. We promised
three girls, but Destiny is sick…okay, she was too high to work,
but it’s a guaranteed thousand…”

“Two hundred!”

“Oh, um, right. It’s a guaranteed two
hundred each.”

Kia gaped at them. At first she was so
alarmed by the suggestion of stripping her mouth dropped, but then
she started thinking. “Did you say you’re stripping for a bachelor

“That’s right.”

Kia didn’t know which room Andy was in, but
she was told the two parties were in the same hotel. “Hmm,” she
thought about it for a minute, even stepping out the elevator with
them on the top floor as she considered it. Going to his party
seemed like a perfect opportunity to redeem herself and all her
missed opportunities. It was possible she might not be let passed
the front door, but she had to try. She didn’t want that night to
be one more time she coward away from letting him know she had a
thing for him. If only she could make him see.

Then it came to her—a perfect idea. “How,”
she choked out, determined to give herself no choice to be brave,
“How ’bout this—I’ll come with you, but since I’m not dressed as a
cop, I can just say I wandered into the wrong room if I take one
look at the groom and decide I’m not interested. But if I stay,
I’ll give him a lap dance for free.”

“It may be better than showing up with two
girls, Cherry.”

“Oh, no…” Kia swallowed nervously. “I wasn’t
done with my conditions. You have to handcuff him first.” She
pointed to cuffs hanging from their belts. “The thing is…I might
know the groom. If it’s really him, I intend to let him know I’ve
always had a thing for him, but if not…I’m not really a

Cherry and Monica looked just as shocked as
Kia was when they asked for her to strip, but then Monica said,
“That really sucks he’s getting married. I hope you get him then.
We’ll definitely strap him to a chair for you. And if he’s the one,
we’ll steer clear.”

Her honesty won their trust and friendship.
The two nodded in agreement to help her with her ploy. Then the
three walked down the long hallway. Finally, they were in front of
suite 2243. “I’ll keep wandering down the hall and come in later.
How long do you think it will take to bind him?”

“Five minutes tops. One if he’s eager.”
Cherry snorted in laughter. “Even the most uptight men are all wild
animals when in lust.”

“True that!” Monica exclaimed.

Kia continued down the hall. She didn’t even
stop when the two strippers were let into the loud, rowdy suite.
When she reached the end of the hall, she flattened her back to the
stairwell door and took a deep breath. She was absolutely insane
for going through with her actions. But she had always wanted to
make a move on Andy, and he’d be off limits by the following
evening. And Kia would always wonder. While handcuffed, he wouldn’t
be able to push her away, and that was always her biggest fear. She
liked him too much, and Andy telling her she was too young would be
devastating. But now she thought never telling him was worse than
being young. In Vegas she could be brave. People do things they
never would in a city as crazy as Vegas.

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