A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (25 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

BOOK: A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series
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After a night in Win’s arms, Addison
was worried about the decision that the group had made the night
before. She needed to see if Tia had talked to Andy, and what his
decision was, and she was going to have to talk to Win. He was
right; they didn’t use any protection last night…at all. What if
she was pregnant now and Winston didn’t want to go with

Loud banging was coming through the
front room as someone pounded on the door. Win stirred under
Addison’s cheek as she lay on his chest, entwining him in her arms.
His hand caressed her back as the banging started to wake him up.
The banging then stopped, but only for a minute before it became
even louder. “Who the hell is at the door?” he said

He was going to get out of bed when his
bedroom door burst open to reveal Lynn, who was so pissed she
looked about ready to lose her mind. “Mindy took the van, Ad! Son
of a bitch! She took the motherfucking van!” she yelled.

Addison sat up, holding the sheet to
cover her chest as Tia came walking in and sat on the bed next to
her, looking perplexed. “Why would she just take the van without
talking to us? I don’t understand what she was thinking…and how are
we going to get around now?” she asked her sister.

South was standing now at the door; he
apparently was the one who let the girls in. He looked over at
Addison, and she could tell that wasn’t going to fly with

All right ladies, give us
a minute to put some damn clothes on and then we can talk. And
South, if you don’t get your fucking eyes off my girl you’re going
to lose them,” Win barked out hoarsely.

South smiled and let his eyes travel
over her messy appearance one last time, before turning and walking
out to the front room. Lynn looked over at Win with her hands on
her hips, shook her head, and followed after South. Tia on the
other hand looked quickly at Win, blushing a deep crimson red.
“Sorry!” she told him, scurrying away from Addison on the bed. She
quickly ran out the door, and shut it behind her.

Win looked at her, but she just took a
deep breath, knowing all the shit that was going to be coming
out…and this was the true test. Climbing over Win to get dressed,
she didn’t make it that far. He pulled her naked body to his chest,
kissing her thoroughly, grabbing her ass and rubbing his needy
morning erection on her. He moaned when she broke free of their
kiss and wiggled from his grasp, going to the duffle she’d brought
for some fresh clothes.

He didn’t move, just watched her slip a
pair of panties on, then reach back into the duffle, grabbing a bra
and latching into place. She turned to see him smile as he watched
her dress. “Hey, you know what’s going on?” he asked

Yeah,” she said, slipping
on her tank top and grabbing a pair of sweats.

You want to clue me in?”
His smile faded, as her answer looked to have started to worry

I think you’ll have all
the answers when we go out to talk to everyone.”

Win got out of bed and slipped on a
pair of his boxers, then made his way to her. “You know why she
took your van?”

Yes,” she told him,
completely dressed and at the bedroom door. She stood there waiting
for Win to get his clothes on.

There’s more to this,
isn’t there?” he said, grabbing up his jeans from last night and
putting them on.

Yes,” she

When they went to the front room
Addison looked for Margie. “What’s happened to Marge?”

She ran into Rex, and the
two of them started to hash it out…big time,” Lynn told her, and
that was all Addison had to know to understand what Win said last

The front door opened and Andy walked
in, looking a little disheveled and worried. “Um, maybe one of you
should go get Margie. Rex is trying to tell her he’s sorry, but I
think she’s really pissed.” He looked over at South. “I said
something to him about when we were in L.A., not realizing she was
walking behind us. Well, neither of us noticed, and she

Lynn looked over at Addison, then got
up from the couch, shaking her head disgustedly. “I’ll go get her.
Addison, you need to tell Win what’s going on.” She headed for the
door, mumbling loudly. “And people wonder why I quit dating men and
switched to women!” she grumped, slamming the door behind

Win’s head turned quickly to her, and
she started to squirm under his stare. “Well, first things first.
Tia, did you talk to Andy about what was going on and what we
wanted to do?” she asked.

Tia nodded but Andy answered for her.
“Yeah, she did. I don’t like that you guys think you need to run
from this ass. But if that’s what you’ve got your minds made up on
doing, then there’s no way in hell that I’m not going with her. You
want a fresh start, I’ll be there to help you,” he said, pulling
Tia down into his lap.

Win was now squinting at Addison. “You
care to update me on the situation, angel? What is he talking
about, a fresh start? And why did Mindy steal the damn

She shook her head and put her palms to
her face, rubbing her eyes as she stood in the doorway to the
kitchen. “I need to tell you a little more about us, and how we all
fit in with the guys from Death Ever After.” She ran her hands
through her hair, trying to figure out the best place to

You see we all were
together. Lynn and Nickels. Margie and Jones, Tia and Howie, and me
and Jimmy. But Mindy…she was into Dax. For as long as we all can
remember Dax has led Mindy on, telling her he loves her, but never
being committed to her. She follows him wherever he

She took a deep breath. “When Nickels
came into town the other night I guess Dax was with him, and even
though they’re all like brothers, Dax and Jimmy are best friends,
he’s the one he goes to for help. Nickels wouldn’t tell Jimmy where
I’m at because of all the shit Jimmy could get himself into,
finding me.”

Win looked like he’d just thought of
something, and it made him worried. “Dax, is he the one with spiky
crazy red hair?” he asked, and Addison nodded.

Win fell onto the couch. “Fuck!” he
said, rubbing his hand over his face. She moved in front of him.
“So that night when Dax saw Mindy…well, let’s just say, Jimmy’s
known where I’ve been. Dax told her that Jimmy was giving me my
space, and letting me get away from the rock scene before I came

She looked down at Win, who seemed to
have some things click into place for him. “Winston, he knew about
Mickey and me because Mickey told him about us. Yes, he was pissed
at me, and on more than one occasion he came bursting in our place
screaming at me about it, telling me I wasn’t to see him anymore.
But he also knew I didn’t love him.”

She took his hand, holding it in hers.
“But you? You’re something entirely new for me. You see, Mindy knew
how I felt about you. We’ve been with each other so long we know
when one of us is upset, cranky, or has fallen in love with

Dax asked her questions
about me, and she told him that she thought I’d fallen in love with
someone. That’s when he started asking her questions about who she
thought it was, why did she think that… That’s when she brought up
you, and I’m sure he asked her for all the details of

Lynn came in with Margie, whose eyes
were swollen as she hiccupped under Lynn’s arm. She looked up at
everybody, then gave a sad smile to Addison, before going into the
bathroom. “She going to be okay?” Addison asked Lynn.

She shrugged. “Tired of dealing with
cheating men. But then we all are, aren’t we,” she told Addison,
going to get a beer from Win and South’s fridge.

Addison…” Win prompted

Yeah, sorry,” she sighed.
“One of Mindy’s friends called her, telling her the guys were at
Chubby’s; that’s the place where we’d all hang out in Hollywood. I
guess all the guys were talking about the band Inferno, and how
Jimmy was beyond pissed that night she saw him.”

She squeezed his hand, needing to know
what happened that day that made Jimmy so mad. “So I take it you
bumped into the guys at the studio?”

Yeah, you could say
something like that,” Win growled.

Did you guys talk about
anything that would piss him off, or do you think it was because he
knew who you were, from Dax?” she asked him softly.

No, angel, we definitely
had some fucking words with each other. We just about came to
blows, until Nickels stepped in and pulled him aside. But that
redheaded fuck, Dax, he smiled at me like he knew something. Now I
know exactly what he knew.”

Well, whatever happened
between the two of you, and whatever was said, pissed his ass off.
There’s no way he’s going to stay away from us now. In fact I
wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already found out where I live, and
is on his way to come get me,” she told him.

Ad, baby, you don’t have
to go with him,” Win said, pulling her into his lap.

Lynn laughed and Addison’s head fell
back into her hands. “Oh, you don’t know the pull Jimmy has on
Addison. Or the damage he can inflict when his drunk, high ass
comes to take her back home.”

His pull on me is over,
Lynn. I love Win, what I feel now for Jimmy is anger, and sorrow.”
Ad looked over at Lynn and Tia. “He’s so far gone now…all he loves
is his groupies, his drugs and his booze. I’m just the thing that’s
been with him for so long, he thinks I’m just supposed to be there
at night when he comes home from his fun. I’m his play

She turned to Win, hoping he understood
what she was saying. “I just don’t know if with all his drinking in
the last three years, his mind can be rational enough to finally
let me go. He knows it’s over but…” she mumbled, and Win frowned at
Addison’s words.

Addison was hunched over on Win’s lap
and Lynn frowned at him. “Look, she loves you, so don’t go all male
on us because she loved Jimmy. You have to understand, for
twenty-one years we were all together, we were all best friends. We
were all we had as a family,” she told him before taking a drink of
her beer. “That is, until three years ago when all this shit went

I think I’m going to call
Nickels,” she continued. “See if we can all sit down and talk. See
if he can keep Jimmy sober long enough that he can talk rationally
with us.”

You were with Nickels?”
South questioned her.

Margie had come out,
standing against the wall with her foot kicked back, chewing her
nails. “No, she was
to Nickels. That was until he wanted him and
Jimmy to marry up in the world. I mean yeah, Ad is famous in her
own right, but she left it to become a doctor. It was when Addison
found out about Crystal Goss that she left him. That’s when Jimmy
lost it.”

South jumped up out of his seat. “Holy
shit, Crystal Goss, the actress?”

Lynn looked pissed and disgusted with
him. “Is there any other fucking Crystal Goss…dipshit!”

Win pulled Ad into his arms. “So after
he slept with her…”

Margie continued for her. “He saw her
for a while, telling Ad it was all just gossip and none of it was
true. We all noticed his drinking was become outrageous, but then
it was in the tabloids, with Jimmy kissing Crystal on the front
cover, and the headlines saying he was going to dump Ad and marry
Crystal…” Her eyes swung to Addison. “Ad was beyond hurt, but
wasn’t going to play this game with him. So Addison went to her
lawyer and sent Jimmy divorce papers. And we all thought it was
done. They were getting divorced and we all decided to leave the
music scene and have other professions. We were moving

But that wasn’t the case,
was it?” Win said.

No. Nickels thought Jimmy
might leave Ad, then they’d boost their careers even more. But he
never thought Addison would file for divorce. But the rest of us,
including his boys Dax, Jones, and Howie, we all knew Jimmy was
never going to leave his Ad. Hell, Nickels knew deep down he
wouldn’t, but he thought he could help him change his mind with a
famous piece of ass. Or at least that’s what we all think he did,”
Lynn said.

South looked at everyone. “Why did
Mindy take the van without you guys knowing about it?”

Addison spoke through her hands.
“Because she wants to go back home to be with Dax. Don’t you see,
if she goes home, Dax thinks we’ll all follow her, then I will be
away from Win and Jimmy will have me back. I wouldn’t be surprised
if he didn’t give her the damn idea.”

Win tucked Addison into him, his chin
went to the top of her head. “I want to know when he started to
become physical.” Everyone could see he was holding in his

Margie had her nail in her mouth, but
her foot dropped and she slid to the ground, taking a seat. “To
understand everything, you have to know how much Jimmy loved
Addison. I know now it seems hard to believe, but at one time…every
woman was jealous of how much that man loved her. It was

Nickels would get pissed
because he wouldn’t make a move without Ad by his side. It was an
inside joke that Nickels really wanted Jimmy for himself… But
really he just wanted something better for him and the guys. It
just didn’t include five orphaned girls,” she whispered.

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