A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (39 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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I roll her giggling form over, our
feet vanish under the bed. With a little bit of difficulty considering her legs are closed I manage to push inside while my eyes connect with hers.

Her eyelids flicker, her breath comes out in little pants as do my own. This feels really, really good. I’m fucking her legs at the same time as I’m fucking her wet opening.

“Did I scare you?” She asks in between thrusts.

I stop moving and tower over her on my forearms. My hands grip her shoulders, so smooth.

“It’d kill me if anything happened to you,” I admit and the truth behind my words startles even me, my voice soft and quiet. Her lips curve up at the ends, as do mine. “So yes, you scared me. Don’t do that again.”

“I won’t.”

My hips rise as I slowly and torturously leave her body. They lower as I sink back in, savoring every millimeter of her tight, warm and wet center. She moans, her lower lip trembles, tormenting me with the need to bite it. So I do, but only enough to cause her a tiny amount of pain. As expected, she loves it. I do it again and again but each time I bite I move to a new location until finally I’m at the pulse under the soft skin of her neck, which I cover with my tongue before sucking and nibbling.

Her body jerks beneath mine, she goes crazy. Her breathing almost stops but when it starts
again it’s rapid and shallow. I feel her pulse against my lips, fluttering as fast as the wings of a butterfly. With her skin against mine I feel every shiver, every tremble and every tiny spasm that jerks her body.

I take it in. All of it. I savor it. She doesn’t demand for me to go faster, she doesn’t demand for me to go harder.

It’s just now that I realize for the first time since we first started becoming intimate we’ve only ever fucked. This isn’t fucking, I don’t know what it is but it isn’t an animalistic mauling that brings us both to climax. This is slow, this is steady and this right here, is fucking beautiful.

Words touch my lips, words I feel I want to say but I don’t. I’m a coward. A complete coward.

When the moment becomes too intense I watch her squeeze her eyes shut. I can’t have that, I need them open.

“Open your eyes for me sweetness,” I whisper, my breath caressing her lips. She does, it’s magnificent. It’s what I need as the burning that floods through me and rips apart every cell in my body finally pieces itself back together in
the buildup to one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever felt before exploding and lingering under my skin and in the bottom of my stomach for an eternal moment.

We don’t moan, we don’t make a noise. We just watch each other until our bodies
begin to randomly jerk and convulse from the sensitivity of the feelings finally ending.

And then the moment is ruined.

The door flies open.

“IT’S CHRISTMAAAAOOOOH MY GOD!” And Mason slams the door behind him.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this lost moment.



Mortifying. Absolutely mortifying.

“Let’s just stay in here forever,” I grumble, pressing my eyes into his neck to protect myself from the world.

Jacob kisses my temple and climbs off me. He lifts me as he does which is irritating because I was going to hide under the bed but that’s no longer an option. Damn him.

“Shower?” He suggests, his eyes full of a tenderness I’ve never seen aimed my way from him before. I nod. “Let’s go.”




“I think I should kiss you. Can I kiss you?” Mason says to my boyfriend. The reason for his odd request is because Jacob got him a season pass for his favorite football team. I have no idea who or what because I didn’t handle that gift and I don’t have a clue about football, nor do I care about it.

“No. I’d prefer it if you didn’t kiss me. That’ll be my Christmas gift on its own,” Jacob jokes and winks at me. There are piles of wrapped gifts under the tree. Mostly his. He eyes them with excitement.

I roll my eyes and nod for him to go ahead. My gifts that are under the tree aren’t extravagant, just crappy little bits that he probably won’t even like yet he opens them all with fervor. He loves his flavored lubricants as I knew he would. So much so he drags me into the bedroom when Mason goes to make coffee, squirts some of the bubblegum flavored lube on his cock and pushes me to my knees.

When we reenter the room, Jacob in his new, long dressing gown (I got sick of him stealing mine), he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his gown around me. My brother enters with a huge box in his arms, eep, it has my name on it. Underneath the box is a large flat rectangular gift with Jacob’s name on it.

“It’s from him, he couldn’t hide it from you anywhere else,” Mason grins and places the box on the ground in front of me, it reaches my knees it’s that large. What the hell is it? “And this is from her.”

I scramble off Jacob’s lap and start tearing at the silver paper. Throwing it over my shoulder as I go.

Then I stop, I feel
dizzy, I’m going to faint.

“What’s wrong?” Jacob asks, he still hasn’t opened his. A second ago he was clearly eager to see my reaction
, now he looks panicked. “Don’t you like it?”

I nod eagerly, feeling like an idiot, “
I love it. I think I’m going to cry.”

“Oh shit,” Mason says and his eyes go wide. “Don’t cry sis, please. It makes things really awkward because you never cry and you never let anyone comfort you
when you do so it goes quiet and all you can hear is your sniffling and nobody knows what to say because you just…”

“It’s perfect,” I say to Jacob, effectively cutting my brother off. “I can’t believe you got me this.” Admiring my brand new, top of the line professional camera which had to have cost a fortune. It has everything, the case, the tripod, the extra lenses and even
its baby sister version for travel use.

Now I feel really bad, his present is stupid. So fucking stupid. I want to tell him not to open it but it’s too late. He’s staring at the framed picture I took, the city to the left reflecting off the river, I’m pressed tightly to him, my hands flat on his chest and my face tipped back as he presses his lips to my forehead and stares off over the water. The next frame holds another photo, the same setting but this time our lips are touching, my hand is in his hair and his is gripping the back of my neck while the other grips my hip.

“It’s so stupid,” guys don’t want photos. Guys want season passes! I’m an idiot.

“Does this mean you’re moving in with me?” He chokes and clears his throat. “Because I need a wall to put these on and they’re too nice to put up here.”

“Well that was a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one,” Mason mumbles but we ignore him.

Does it mean I’m moving in with him? “I guess so,” I sigh because I can’t think of any reasons not to.

His smile is blinding and brilliant, he shoves the frames at my brother and scoops me up. “They’re amazing Marie. Truly brilliant. Perfect. Best Christmas ever,” he dips his head and touches his lips to mine. “Thank you.”

“The camera is the best present ever.”

“There’s another one under the tree for you.”

To which I discover are the shoes I’ve wanted for ages, I touch their spiked heel and sniff with emotion. “Louis Vuitton’s. You remembered.” He remembered. Fuck me. “Okay, let’s stop with all of this soppy shit now. I need to go and make breakfast before I melt into a puddle on the floor and embarrass myself.”

“And she’s back,” Mason mumbles but we both continue to ignore him.

“I’m taking my camera to Maya’s.” I declare.
There’s never a better time than Christmas to get decent pictures.

Oh my god. I’m moving in with a guy.




We get to Maya’s and her place is full, Lucas, Loryn, Amelia, James, Maya, Evelyn, Sylvia and then us and Mason. It’s madness, pure madness.

I immediately find solace in the bathroom, to escape the noise mostly. When I come back out the first thing I hear is. “Guys, these are wicked. They might help me get the image of Jacob and Marie having sex under her bed out of my head.” And all eyes turn my way.

“Mason damn it, we weren’t under her bed!” Jacob snaps and throws his arm around my shoulders. Where’d he come from? “Our feet were but that’s not the point. You should’ve knocked.”

Mason only shudders and looks at Maya, “It was disgusting.”

I groan but say nothing, sometimes it’s better to just watch and listen.

I watch Maya and James together (after she finished cackling with Loryn about the whole fucking under the bed thing, which we weren’t but whatever), they look happier than I’ve ever seen them. Lucas and Loryn, also happier than I’ve ever seen them. Amelia looks happy but there’s something going on there, I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact her daddy wants another baby. Or the fact that Jacob has his arm around me.

Evelyn is rolling around trying to eat paper.

We sit, we open gifts, we laugh, we joke, we eat an amazing dinner cooked by Maya and then we relax with glasses of wine and a couple of crates of beer. It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s family.

Jacob seems well into this whole scene, I’ve never seen him so laid
back around everyone. No matter how relaxed he is he always holds onto some tension unless we’re alone. He’s like he is at home with me. His guard is completely down for the first time ever.

I’m wondering now if he has been worried about one of us betraying him and selling his secrets. Maybe he trusts us fully now. Or maybe he’s finally found a home. Like Mason and I.

Staring at his profile I smile a little, he’s so handsome. It takes him no longer than ten seconds to feel my eyes on him, he gives me a quick kiss on the nose, a wink and then joins back in the conversation.

After the day ends, we go home. We crawl into bed and sleep for four hours
before waking up and heading to the airport.

Then I watch him board the waiting plane with a heavy heart and a fake smile plastered on my face. I won’t see him now until the end of January and that sucks.


I’m halfway home when I get a text from Jacob.


Check under your pillow when you get home.


So I do and what I find makes me laugh out loud. A picture of an erect penis, Jacob’s to be exact. On its helmet sits a tiny Santa hat and beard, the length holds a little red suit. Written on the back of the photo in exceedingly messy handwriting is:


Thank you for being real.

And for keeping my cock happy.

x J x



Yep. This is going to be a really long month. Too long.


“That’s it baby, faster,” I demand breathlessly, watching as Marie’s hand goes to work on her delicious sex that I miss oh so much. It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m having the time of my life. My hand is working my cock as
I watch her pleasure herself.

“Talk to me,” she whispers through her pleasure. This makes me harder, the fact that my girl needs to hear my voice to get off is just wow. “Jake.”

I pump myself slower, her words almost bringing me to the end before I want. She moans loud and finishes, I follow not long after, using a stolen pair of her panties to catch my seed.

“Brilliant,” I grin, then I frown because she’s covering herself up and I’m wondering why. “What are you doing?”

“What?” She wipes her face with a wet wipe and her hands, before rolling onto her stomach and placing her fingers over the keys of her laptop. I see her legs swing in the air behind her as her face turns serious. “Okay, so, I need to talk to you.”

This doesn’t sound good, I quickly take a pull of my beer. “Go on.”

“Don’t look so frightened, it’s hard enough to tell you as it is,” she looks a little sheepish. She never looks sheepish. I take another pull of my beer. “Can I do a mold of your penis?” A spray of beer leaves my mouth, I can’t breathe. My fist pounds my chest.


“Dude, I’m totally shitting you. That was awesome though.”

Oh… well… “I would’ve said yes.” I hide my disappointment behind my wagging brows and mischievous grin.

“Really?” Her own brows hit her hairline and a slow smile spreads across her face. “Interesting.” I grin when she shakes her head to clear her thoughts. “You’re taking me completely off topic here.”

“You did that yourself.” I take another swig.

“I’m pregnant.”

Spray, choke, thump. Pregnant? That’s not possible… oh god, that’s possible. We do it all the time, the word it meaning fuck. We do it without protection but she told me she had it covered. “Oh my god.” A baby? Why’s she telling me this over Skype? Who the fuck tells somebody over Skype? Unless they’re in the army or away for a while… fuck. Pregnant?

Okay Jacob, remain calm. Both of you are to blame, don’t get angry or weird because she’ll probably sign off and won’t talk to you for a week. What if she doesn’t want it? Holy fuck. What if I do want it?

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