A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (37 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“I’m sure he does, he’s probably just going through something at work,” I try to lie but for once I can’t. This has been going on for too long. Since they got this house and Chris
got a promotion and raise at work, his hours got longer and he just stopped paying attention to his wife. Then he started spending all of his time out with friends or in the cave as he calls it. That’s his gaming room, it’s large and it has all of his equipment in it. It’s also constantly dark and a place where he hates to be disturbed.

“Even you don’t believe that,” Summer sniffs and wipes her nose on her wrist. “If you love Jacob, tell him. If he doesn’t feel the same it’s better to get out now than to get out later when you fall even deeper.”

“Wise words Summer,” I wipe a tear from her cheek with my thumb and stare at the moisture that makes my skin sparkle. “But there is no way in hell I’m telling him.” I’ll take what I can get while I have it.

“I am really happy for you Marie.”

I see the sincerity in her eyes and smile, “Thanks poppet. That makes one of us.” To which I receive a slap to my arm.

“Are you excited for Christmas?” Summer asks.

I shrug, “I guess so. I’m spending it with Maya. Mason is coming too and Jacob.”

“Are those two still at each other’s throats?”

“Nope, they bonded over an argument Jake and I were having.” What a fun day that was, not.

“Do tell.” Nosy vulture.

“Jacob wants to buy a place in the city and he wants me to move in,” I ignore her light squeal of delight. “I said no.”


“I don’t want to put too much pressure on our relationship right now.”

At this she laughs and I’m about to find out why, “What’s the difference? He’s living with you anyway. His mom likes you. He’s met your family. Everything is already done.”

Okay, she has a point. “I don’t want him to think I’m relying on him.”

She rolls her eyes, “He probably wants you to rely on him a little. Give him that.
He knows you’re not some gold digging whore.” Her eyes pan up to the ceiling. “Well, he knows you’re not a gold digger. The whore part I can’t say for certain.” Ooh, Summer got bitchy. I like it.

“I’ll think about it.” And think on it I will.
Then I add as a retort to her banter. “Ginger.”

“It’s strawberry blonde!” Hehe.


Chapter Twenty Five

Clashing of the Strong Minds


When work ends I check my phone but have no emails or texts. This sucks. I was hoping for five, maybe six at least from Marie.

My mind reels as I picture her with this Kev, then it spins and lands on something it shouldn’t. Images of her in bed with this Kev. The thought makes me feel sick, physically sick. I don’t share. We’ve already covered this. I know she’s only been with him a few hours but I can’t help how this feels.

I feel like walking up to him, throwing Marie over my shoulder and whining like a petulant child, “This is my pussy. Mine!” Even though I’m a state away the feeling is so strong I’m ready to hop on a helicopter and fly there just to do it. Maybe I should?

No, I’ll call her first.

Actually, no I won’t. I’ll let her call me. Don’t want to look like I’m checking in on her.

Fuck it.

I’m calling.

It’s ringing.

There’s no answer. Marie always answers. That is… unless she’s… nope not thinking it. It’s not happening.

Whistle. Whistle. Whistle.

I wonder what’s on the TV. This magazine looks interesting, it’s about… diabetes and how to live with it and it was by the minibar. Yikes, there’s no way I’m reading that. What’s that even doing in here? Don’t they clean these rooms after use or is this just a complimentary thing like mints on the pillow? Seems like a weird thing to leave out as a gift. Will I find a guide to AID’s with the complimentary condoms? Maybe I’ll find a dental hygiene guide on the sink with the complimentary toothbrush.

Okay. Now I’m being weird.

I call her again.

There’s no response again.

I’ll call Maya.


“I was so hoping you’d ring I need to ask you something,” wow, the phone rang before she answered? I’d only just clicked on her name in my phone before I hear her half shouting at me. “What do you think of white with splashes of dark purple and silver?”

“Wasn’t that your original choice?” This is apparently the wrong thing to say.

“Don’t get snarky with me drama boy.” Drama boy? Is this my new alter ego? “I’m being totes serious.”

“I’m being serious when I say don’t ever say totes again.” Shudder.

“Why will nobody help me?” She whines.

“Sylvia will help you.”

“She’s changed her number and James won’t give me it. Nor will the IT guys. Who work for me I might add. Everybody’s avoiding me.”

“Speaking of which, have you seen Marie today? I really need to talk to her.”

“Nope. Like I said, everybody is avoiding me!” She does not sound happy. “Amelia screamed when she saw me yesterday. Lucas tried to ward me off with a crucifix and Loryn started crying.”

My laughter bubbles up from deep within, it’s loud and it won’t stop. “James?”

“Gagged me and not in the good way.”

Oh my god. Oh, it hurts. My sides.

“Stop laughing!”

“S… sorry.” No I’m not. I’m still laughing.

“You’re such an ass.”

“I love you Maya but did you ever think you’re maybe taking this wedding thing a little bit too far,” I suggest and I’m about to figure out
it’s wrong to suggest anything to Bridezilla at this point. Even through the phone I can sense she’s about to blow. “Maya, honey. I love you yeah?”

“Yeah.” Her tone scares me. It’s clipped, it’s tight and it tells me she’s on the verge of a major KABOOM.

“Calm down, it doesn’t matter what colors you choose or the centerpieces for the tables. What matters is, after everything you and James have been through, you’re tying the knot.” Again. Let’s not say this out loud though. “He loves you, you love him. Let this day be about you two, nothing else, no stresses. The more shit you do now the more you’ll have to worry about on the day.” Oh crap, is she crying?

Jacob, that was the smartest thing you’ve ever said to me. I forgive you for forgetting my birthday again.”

“Why? When’s your birthday?” And then the line goes dead. Oops.

I get a text a few minutes later.


It’s next week asshole! I can’t believe you forgot!




I was just testing you, to see if you remembered.

Go suck a nipple.


Is that an invitation?


Ooooh! I’m telling!


Wait, dude I’m totally kidding! Don’t tell Marie. Christ… she already thinks I want to fuck you. Don’t feed that.


She does?


She thought it was funny at the time.


I’m getting married and you’re with my friend. It’ll never work. No matter how sexy I think you are and how big your penis may be. James is the one for me (and his penis is probably bigger anyway) and Marie is the one for you.


You’re joking right? This is a joke? I don’t want to sleep with you! And my penis is definitely bigger!


Who said anything about sleeping? You know what… let’s just do it. Get rid of this tension, bump uglies and pretend it never happened. What’s your favorite color? I’ll make sure my underwear is to your liking seeing as you’ll be removing it with your teeth.


I’m never messaging you again.


Probably a good idea, just to be safe until we bonk.


We’re not bonking!


Okay, fine, fucking. Whatever. You’re so weird. What does it matter what we call it?


And that conversation is so over it’s not even funny. Okay, maybe it’s a little funny.

Where’s my bitch damn it?

Why won’t she answer her phone?

Hehe, my bitch. She’d kill me if I said that out loud.

What the hell is she doing?




“So darlin’, darlin’ STAND by me. Oooooh, STAND by ME!” I sing at the top of my lungs with Summer by my side. Glasses of strong alcohol in our hands, our free arms around each others waist.

Summer stops swaying and singing, “Y… hic… You know what I need?”

“No,” my voice sounds funny. “What do you need?”

“I need to orgasm. Hic,
hehe, I’ve got the hiccups.” Her face turns serious. I try to focus on it. “I need to orgasm real bad. Why won’t he make me come?”

“Because he’s a wanker,” I swing my arm out and the piss colored liquid sloshes over the side and down my hand. I need to lick it off before it gets sticky.

“Yeah, and I always give him blowjobs and I always give him sex.” I think I get what she’s saying. “But once he’s done.” Her face takes a comical expression, I’m not sure what it is. “NOOOO. I don’t get shit. He’s done and it’s done.” Then she turns sad.

“Honey,” I hug my crying best friend. “Why don’t you use a vibrator?”

“I do! It’s not, hic, it’s not the same. I want to be touched,” her swaying head suddenly stills and her eyes come to mine. She cups my face with her hands. “I need… let me use your thigh.”

“Holy… what?” I squeal and pull away from my clinging friend. Or at least I try to but she’s holding me around my arms and back pretty tight.

“Let me grind on it, hug me and I’ll grind. And then I won’t feel so lonely.”

“Grind?” She nudges her thigh between mine.

“Yeah. Just grind.” Then she cups my face with her hands. “I’m so drunk right now.” Why’s she whispering? “Can I please use your leg to get myself off?”

Why doesn’t it sound like a bad idea? It should be a bad idea. “You know what you need?”

“What? Hic.”

“You need to orgasm.”

Her eyes go wide, “Babe. You’re a genius. I was just thinking that.” Then she pulls me to the couch. “Okay, how do we do this?” Giggles ensue as we get into position. “I’ve never, hic, done anything like this before.”

“I made out with Maya once and I fondled her in my sleep.” I admit with a proud smile. “I’ll teach you.”

“Umm…” Chris says from the doorway, a brow raised. “What the hell are you two doing?”

“I’m grinding!” Summer says, her concentration on me. Ouch, elbow in my side.

Chris’ lips twitch, “I can umm, see that. Can I ask why?”

“Because I’m

“I think you mean lesbian,” I slur on a giggle.

“Don’t call me a lesbian, you bitch.” Summer looks adorably affronted.

I laugh, then I hiccup with her and we both laugh, “You’re doing it wrong.”

“Come on,” Chris says softly and lifts his grinding wife from my body. He cradles her in his arms as I settle back into the couch. “I’ll be down for you in a minute Marie. Don’t move from that spot.”

Don’t move from this spot.
Got it.

“Why don’t you love me anymore?” Summer cries, lifting her head from her husband’s shoulder. “Why don’t you want me?”

“Babe,” he says quietly, guilt evident in his tone, pain in his eyes. “I do love you.”

“No, hic, you don’t.” Then
Summer blinks through the fog that is her sorrow. Her eyes scan his face. “Can I grind on your leg?”

Chris laughs, as do I. His smile is contagious as he responds, “Yes babe. I promise you can grind on my leg.”

“Okay,” then he carries her out of the room leaving me and my drunken self completely unattended.

He comes back down moments later and folds his arms over his chest watching me with a smile on his lips, “Need a lift?”

“I’m never one to refuse a guy carrying me to where I want to go.” I hold up my arms like a child. “Up.” He places an arm under my knees and the other under my shoulders. “Weeeee.”

“You’re so weird,” he chuckles and carries me carefully up the stairs. “I’ll put you in the guest room.”

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