A Killer's Agenda (37 page)

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Authors: Anita M. Whiting

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: A Killer's Agenda
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“My mother’s dead.” He hoped that would be the end of the


He hoped in vain.

“Oh you poor thing!” Vivian tottered over to him and pulled his head to her ample bosom with surprising strength.

Hunter peeked at Marley, pleading silently for help. It was a battle not to suffocate from an overload of the woman’s perfume.

The more he tried to pull away, the harder she pressed him to her pillow-like breasts. He couldn’t think of a tactful way out of the situation, and he was starting to get desperate.

“Would you let him go for heaven’s sake?” Marley snapped, the disgust in her voice clear. “He’s young enough to be your son.”

“Some men like mature, experienced women,” Vivian said,

letting Hunter up for air. “Anyway, I was just offering him my sympathy.”

“That’s not the only thing you were offering,” Marley muttered loud enough for Hunter to hear. “So what’s it going to take this time?”

“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean?” Vivian sniffed with an air of one who’s been sorely injured.

“Come off it. How much money is it going to cost me to keep

you from making more of a scene at my bar?”

Will the smoldering touch of a stranger be enough to keep her safe?

Alone in Forrester Rock

© 2007 Amy Mistretta

Victoria Valentino is officially dead. After walking in on her fiancé’s horrifying involvement with the Mob, she’s placed in the Witness Protection Program and shipped six hundred miles away to the forsaken town of Forrester Rock.

Alone and afraid, Tori meets Walker Garrison, a drifter with a secret past of his own. Tori discovers herself uncontrollably drawn to this man, his cabin and his bed. But can she trust him? The trouble is, someone in Forrester Rock already knows who she

really is…

This book has been previously published and has been revised
from its original release.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Alone in Forrester Rock:
When she left the sanctuary of her room, Tori found Walker at the bathroom sink, splashing water on his eyes. She had hoped the morning could be forgotten, wished he had never followed her out there to begin with.

Why had he gone after her? Tori realized she hadn’t taken the time to find out. But she would. Walker Garrison was going to tell her why he’d been hiding in the grass, invading her privacy, spying on her.

“Do they still hurt?” she asked.

“It stings a little.” He grabbed the towel, blotting his eyes.

“I feel awful for spraying you.” Tori went back and took a seat on the couch, still facing the bathroom where Walker stood.

“Although I shouldn’t,” she whispered.

It didn’t take him long to join her. He put his boots up on the coffee table, which he always did when sitting in that particular spot, then crossed his arms over his chest.

“I shouldn’t have startled you.”

“I’m glad you can admit it,” Tori couldn’t help pointing out.

“Now that we have that straight, why don’t you tell me what you were doing out there to begin with?”

“Let’s forget about it.”

“No. I want to know why you were following me.”

“I wasn’t following you.”

“Then what the hell would you call—”

“I was protecting you,” Walker admitted through clenched


Okay, now they were getting somewhere. “Why is it you think I need protecting?”

“Do you always make such a big deal of things?” Walker got up and went to the fridge. He returned with two beers in hand. “Look, you’re new around here. I was done with the bridge, so I just thought I’d make sure you were okay. That’s all.”

Tori took the bottle he extended to her. She wanted to believe him, but she also wished there was a way she could find out if he had been sent there to protect her.

“Are you sure that’s all there was to it?”

“Yes, now can we change the subject?” Walker took a deep

swallow of his beer.

“What’s with you and the waitress?” Tori asked.

Walker turned to her, letting his gaze drop to her lips.

“Forget I asked. It’s none of my business.”

Tori stood, but Walker pulled her back to the couch. She

wanted to run from this man, yet she couldn’t. Though she wasn’t sure what he expected from her, Tori couldn’t pull away. His touch was gentle, unlike that of a man who intended her harm. Slowly, he ran a finger up the length of her bare arm.

She wondered if he could feel her shivering beneath his

fingertips, wondered if he could tell how scared she was. She wasn’t afraid of Walker. She was afraid of the way he made her feel. Surprisingly, she found herself closing her eyes, leaning into his touch.

This could very well be the biggest mistake of her life, but she just wanted to forget. And if Walker Garrison could do that for her, even for a few moments, who was she to stop him…

On an impulse, Walker pulled her close. Tori’s breasts barely touched his chest, and her sharp intake of breath told him she hadn’t missed the sensation. He inched her closer, burying his face in her hair, which still retained the aroma of her shampoo. His nose lingered there for a second longer, savoring it.

He let his arms drop, but she tightened hers around his waist.

What he had told her was true. He had wanted to protect her, to make sure nothing happened while she was alone in the forest.

Everything had turned bad so fast. He had been furious when

she had sprayed him with that damn pepper spray. But could he blame her? She had been scared. It was the fear constantly

looming over her that had forced Walker to calm down and try to make her more comfortable.

Then they had fallen. Never in all his life had a woman had

such an effect on him. He knew Tori had been madder than hell at

the time, but whether she felt it or not, something about her had relaxed back in the woods.

He thought he could control it, thought if only he made a joke out of it, as he had in front of Kate, the feelings would go away.

Yet here they were… He should’ve never sat next to her, never dared to steal a touch. This would do nothing but complicate today, tomorrow, every day from this moment on… Yet here they were.

Walker peered down at her upturned lips. Her eyes had been

closed, but when she sensed his hesitation, she opened them.

Walker bent, letting his lips brush over hers, feeling the slight bit of pressure that said she was ready, knowing if he continued, she wouldn’t resist.

Could he do it? He liked his life the way it was. What did he have to offer this woman? His protection? Would that be enough?

He let her go and immediately she fell back onto the couch. He stood up and retreated to his bedroom.

He was beginning to have feelings for Tori, feelings he couldn’t let develop beyond this moment. He would only complicate her life right along with his own. That’s why he needed to stop this from happening. And fast.

Was it too late?

Instead of continuing through his bedroom doorway, he looked back. He wanted to tell her why he’d stopped so abruptly, but knew it wouldn’t make a difference.

He left her there on the couch. Walker sat on his bed, his head in his hands, knowing it had been the right thing to do.

If he hadn’t opened his eyes he wouldn’t have seen her shadow approaching the doorway. Tori had gotten up and followed him,

entering his room. Walker stood up from the bed as she moved in closer, little by little, until she was touching his lips with hers.

He could tell by the way her body trembled against his it hadn’t been easy for her to make such a move. Walker drew his face away from hers, ever so slightly, wanting to give Tori the chance to retreat. She remained there.

He leaned in, welcoming the way her kiss seemed to draw

strength from his, with her showing no signs of wanting him to stop.

Not a word was shared between them. Walker knew she would

realize what a huge mistake they were about to make and walk straight out of his bedroom.

His need for her was too strong to take that chance. He reached out, waiting for Tori to place her hands in his. When she did, he pulled her close, enough to feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. The warmth from her fingertips radiated through the fabric as she took hold of his shirt, with confidence, slowly pulling it over his head. Her hands rested on his chest and Walker was aware their trembling had subsided.

Their clothes disappeared, piece by piece, as if they had

gradually melted off their bodies.

He stood back, only for a moment, taking in Tori’s beauty

before bringing his lips back to hers. Her body responded to his kiss, his touch, as her nails lightly grazed his back.

Up until this second, he hadn’t realized how much he had

wanted her.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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