A Killer's Agenda (34 page)

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Authors: Anita M. Whiting

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: A Killer's Agenda
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A Killer's Agenda

“You think I was stupid enough not to keep people informed of what we’ve discovered, Russell?” She laughed despite the tears still glistening in her eyes. “The paper trail is a mile wide. Wide enough for the authorities to walk right through it.”

He aimed the gun, a sneer curling his lips. “Sorry to disappoint you, sugar, but I covered my tracks, very well. Just like I have today.”

She shook her head. “Your hired murderer was too greedy,

Russell. He couldn’t resist keeping that ring he lured your wife to her death with. Couldn’t resist wearing it.”

His expression tightened, changed. “So what. Doesn’t connect me to him.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You see, we’ve got phone records, Russell. Records that connect you to Fowler and Fowler to your wife and that expensive ring. Oh, not to mention Corey Johnson to Fowler to you. A nice little ring of clues that the police in several cities are following.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. “Looks like you are as stupid as I thought you were.”

His face grew red with anger and he took a step forward before he caught himself. “Shut up!”

“Why?” she goaded him. “Don’t you like being exposed for what you really are?”

He eyed her silently for a moment and then startled her by

growling a laugh. “You’ve got some balls, I’ll give you that, lady.”

His expression narrowed again, grew cold as he leaned against the door, his hand steadying on the weapon he held. “Wendy,” he

called loudly, not taking his gaze from the two of them, “quit playing games and get out here.”

“Just leave, Ferron. You’ve got what you came for.”


Anita Whiting

“He can’t to do that, Steven,” Alex said, moving to stand next to him. “We’re those loose ends he doesn’t like. He’ll kill us just like he did Michael. Isn’t that right, Russell. You were responsible for your son’s death?”

He followed her movement, his eyes ice blue, their lack of

emotion giving her the chills.

“I didn’t pull the trigger but yes. The kid just got in the way but it worked out. Kept everyone quiet until you messed things up.”

“Just got in the way!” Wendy said from behind them, stepping into the kitchen, her face pale but composed, a large gun held steadily in her hands, pointed directly at Ferron. “From what, Russell? Killing me instead?” She locked her gaze to his, her expression tight and controlled. “You don’t know how many times I wished it had been me. Dreamed and prayed it had been. You

didn’t even have the courage to do it yourself.” She moved forward, stopping just in front of Brad, glancing down at his still body briefly, her gaze flicking to Alex. “I wish you could have been there and watched your son bleed to death,” she said, a sob hitching her voice. “Watched his sweet face lose all its color and those blue eyes so much like yours go lifeless.” Her voice grew firm. “Then again, you might not have cared after all. You’re a pretty sad excuse for a human being, aren’t you, Russell?”

“Shut the hell up!”

“Why? Because you can’t bear to hear the truth?” She raised

the gun higher. “I’ve dreamed about this as well, you know.

Dreamed about having just one chance to put a bullet right

between your eyes for what you did to me and to our son.”

Russell whipped his aim from Wendy to Alex and Steven, a

smirk playing about his mouth. “Truth is, my lovely Wendy, you


A Killer's Agenda

didn’t plan very well.” He cocked the trigger. “Drop the gun or you can watch your husband die just like your son did.” His smile was ugly. “Your choice, my dear.”

Alex shot her telepathy forward once again, pleased when she saw an answering flicker in Wendy’s eyes. She moved her gaze to Brad still lying on the floor and then back to Ferron, hoping Wendy was astute enough to understand her message.

“Yes, it is, isn’t it,” Wendy said, stepping back suddenly just as Brad sat up and lunged for Ferron’s legs, knocking him off


He fell hard, bellowing with outrage, wrestling with Brad for the suddenly loose weapon. His fingers settled on it just before Brad’s and he kicked hard at his face with his foot knocking him back.

Steven rushed forward, fists raised, murderous intent in his eyes.

Russell fired just as Brad shoved his fist into his shoulder sending the bullet into a curio cabinet, glass flying in every direction.

“Die, you bastard!” Russell screamed, pointing the gun at Brad, his eyes glaring maniacally.

Brad jerked to the side just as he squeezed the trigger, the bullet imbedding itself in the wall behind him. Ferron raised the gun again, aiming it at Steven instead, his expression almost gloating. “Okay, you first then…”

The sound of the gunshot had all of them jumping. Russell

jerked, staring down at the scarlet on his shirt, his face darkening with fury. “Why you little bitch…” he screamed at Wendy, the arm holding his weapon suddenly shaking hard as he tried to aim it at her, shooting off the mark again.


Anita Whiting

She stood there unmoving, eyes glittering. “This is for Michael,”

she said harshly, squeezing the trigger once watching without reaction as Ferron stumbled back. “And this,” she said as he tried desperately to aim again. “This one is for me.”

The gunshot was loud as it found its mark. Blood stained the white paint as he slid to the floor. His eyes flickered once, then became dull and lifeless, the pistol falling from his lax fingers.

They all just stood silently for a moment, Wendy poised like a statue, still aiming at the dead man on the floor. Then ever so slowly the tears began to flow and she simply crumpled, letting the pistol slide from her fingers. Painfully deep racking sobs shook her body as she covered her face with her hands.

Steven gathered her in his arms, tears sliding down his own

face. “It’s okay, baby. Everything is going to be okay now.”

Alex flew to Brad, her hand going to the bleeding cut on his forehead, her hands roaming across his chest, reassuring herself that he was uninjured. “I thought he had killed you,” she

whispered, tears threatening the gaze she lifted to his.

He pulled her close, palming her hands in his. “Lucky for me he was a bad shot and you have magic in those fingers.”

Alex stifled a sob and stood on tiptoe to cover his lips with hers. “I love you,” she said breathlessly, her voice thick with tears.

He kissed her upturned face. “I know,” he said quietly.

They both turned at the sound of Wendy’s continued sobbing.

Steven was kneeling next to her on the floor, rocking back and forth, his arms holding her close.

“I was so afraid to call the police…so afraid…” she sobbed. “He would have killed you and my baby just like he did Michael…”


A Killer's Agenda

“I think you were right about that closure,” Brad said softly. “I bet she’s never allowed herself to really grieve. Really let go.”

Alex’s thoughts went back to that scene she had relived earlier.

“No mother should have to go through what she did.” Her eyes, brilliant with tears found his. “I saw it, Brad. Felt the love those two had for each other, watched as that little boy hugged her.” She took a deep, steadying breath. “She held him in her arms as he took his last breath.” She glanced at Ferron’s body, her expression hardening. “It’s fortunate she shot him before I was able to.

Because I have a feeling I might not have been able to stop until that gun was empty.”

Brad shook his head, rubbing a finger along her wet cheek.

“No, you might have wanted to but you wouldn’t have.”

“Mommy,” a small voice echoed from the recesses of the

hallway, “let me out! I have to go pee! Now!”

Wendy lifted her head, her cheeks still wet and horror lingering in her expression. Yet, in the midst of the broken glass, the blood and the tears she struggled to her feet and began to laugh.

Granted it bordered on the hysterical but it was a welcome sound nonetheless.

“Mommy’s coming,” she called, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. At her husband’s questioning gaze, she managed a watery smile. “I locked her in our bedroom.” She allowed herself one glance backward, her expression tightening. “I don’t want her to see any of this.”

Alex moved out of Brad’s arms, nodding. “I’ll call the police.”

“Mommeee…!” their daughter called again.

Alex laughed, giving her a slight nudge. “Go.”


Anita Whiting

Wendy turned to face her. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”

Alex glanced around the ruined hallway, the body still lying in front of the door, staring lifelessly. “For what? Putting you in danger and destroying your house?”

“For giving me some closure and my life back.”

Steven stood, an arm settling around his wife’s shoulders.

“That goes for me as well.” His expression grew taut. “It was only a matter of time before he would have come after us. I knew that.”

He shot a quick look at Ferron’s body. “Wendy had too much on him.” He kicked at the glass in front of him. “This means nothing.”

“Mommee…” Missy cried plaintively, pounding hard on the

door, “let me out!”

Brad picked up the phone and dialed 911. “I suggest you take care of your daughter before you have to take care of something else,” he said, smiling.

Wendy nodded, her lips twitching despite the lingering tears.

“We’ll be next door at the Stone’s if you need us.”

Brad hung up the phone. “The police are on their way.”

Wendy walked up to Brad, hugging him, and then did the same

to Alex. Finally, her gaze slid past both of them to the lifeless body leaning against the door.

“It’s hard to believe that Michael was the son of such an evil man. So hard to believe I actually thought I was in love with him at one time. Was I really that stupid?”

“Love is never stupid,” Alex said, glancing at Brad, her heart in her eyes. “Can you compare your feelings for your husband with those you had for Ferron back then?”

“There is no comparison,” Wendy said vehemently.


A Killer's Agenda

“Then you have your answer.”

Wendy’s dark eyes found Alex’s green ones for a moment and

then she nodded. “I guess I do at that.” She turned and tucked her arm in her husband’s. “Come on, let’s go rescue our daughter.”

She stopped and turned after a few steps. “Won’t we have to

answer some questions?”

“Probably, but,” Alex responded, reaching down to pick up a

CD lying on the floor, “I think Corey Johnson will supply the answers better than any of us could. I’ll be willing to bet now they’ll listen.”

The faint sound of sirens in the distance began to grow in


“Go,” Brad motioned to Wendy. “We’ll take care of things here.

You daughter needs you.”

She nodded, wiping the remaining dampness from her face

with the back of her hand and straightened. “Not as much as I need her right now,” she said huskily.

The room was silent for a moment after they left, Brad and Alex standing still until they heard the sound of the garage opening and the side door closing. Alex shuddered slightly as the smell of blood and death began to permeate her consciousness. She glanced out the window and caught sight of flashing lights. “Come on, let’s go outside to meet them.” She turned, rubbing her arms with her hands to chase away the sudden chill in the air.

“Wait,” Brad said, pulling her into his arms, his voice thick with emotion. “First, I think it’s time.”

She looked up at him in surprise. “Time for what?”

“For roses and lace and the ‘til death does us part thing.”


Anita Whiting

Her eyes widened. “Are you proposing to me in the middle of a crime scene, with a dead body staring at us and you all bloody and my lip swollen double?”

“That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

The tears began to stream down her face again. She reached up to touch his lips with slightly unsteady fingers.

“Why, Brad Norton, there’s hope for you yet.”

He captured her hand and squeezed. “So what’s the answer?”

“Do you really need one?”

“I guess not.” He muttered, leaning down to give her a swift kiss.

“Ouch!” she complained, touching her sore lip.

“I’m sorry, love, I forgot about that cut.”

She smiled up at him through her tears. “Don’t they say that any love worth its salt comes with some pain?”

“Do they say that?” Brad said softly, his heart in his eyes.

She yanked his head down, murmuring against his lips. “Well, I’m saying it and that’s really all that counts, isn’t it?”

“Is that right?”

“Absolutely,” she murmured. “And by the way, the answer is


He slipped an arm around her waist, tucking her against him.

Opening the garage, door they walked out into the suddenly

refreshing rain as the first squad car roared up the driveway.


A Killer's Agenda


“Why are we stopping here?” Alex asked as Brad slid into the only available parking space in downtown Charleston. “Dad’s

called at least five times since we’ve left the airport. If we’re not home in the next fifteen minutes, he’ll call again. Besides, I can’t wait to see them.”

“What? You can’t stand to be with your husband any more?”

Alex glanced lovingly at the sparkling emerald and diamond

ring on her finger. “You’re right. I just wanted the ring and not the man. You can leave now.”

He laughed, bending down to catch her lips. “Not in a hundred years, wife.” He opened the door and walked around to hers.

She slid out gracefully. “I’m serious though, Brad. In spite of the wonderful honeymoon, I’ve missed my family. Knowing Mom, she’s probably already got dinner ready and she won’t be happy if we’re late and it gets cold.”

“That’s not going to happen,” he said confidently, guiding her toward the sidewalk and the elegant old house that stood before them.

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