A Killer's Agenda (28 page)

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Authors: Anita M. Whiting

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: A Killer's Agenda
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“We’ve come to the same conclusion. Any chance you know

someone who can take a peak at sealed records? I don’t want to get you into any trouble but…”

“Shush, let me think,” Rosa said impatiently. “Give me half an hour. I’ll call your cell.”

Alex disconnected the call, shaking her head ruefully.

“Motherhood hasn’t dimmed that determination of hers. She told me to shut up and wait for her to call back.”

“So my buddy is a new dad.” He shook his head, his lips

twisting. “Somehow I can’t see it.”

She shoved him. “He’ll be great, you big jerk. Seven pounds, twelve ounces, a little girl. They named her Emma Rose.”

“Nice name. Everything okay?”

“She’s on cloud nine.”

“You sound envious.”

She shook her head. “I’m not.” She eased back, laying her head on his shoulder. “It’s just that I can’t help but get a little sentimental. I’m the oldest of five and I remember how sweet and precious newborns are.”

He tipped her faced up and claimed her lips, letting them linger as he ran his hands down the length of her. “The idea of watching my child grow inside of you is suddenly incredibly appealing,” he murmured, his mouth continuing its path down the soft curve of her neck.

“Oh, is that so?” she murmured, wrapping her arms around

him and then groaning as he caught one pebbled nipple through


A Killer's Agenda

the material of her nightshirt. “Brad, we only have about half an hour before Rosa’s call,” she gasped, arching as he moved to the other breast.

He slowly slipped the nightshirt off. She watched as his eyes darkened with passion. “Then we’ll just have to make the most of that time, won’t we,” he said, lowering his lips to her soft midriff.

She felt herself melting degree by degree as he continued to leave a trail of heat on her skin with his lips. Every thought, every concern disappeared as he sent shivers of need through her.

Her hands began to move restlessly along his muscular back,

wanting more, giving more until both of them were skin-to-skin, clothes tossed impatiently away. Their lovemaking was incredibly wild and incredibly potent, almost desperate. When it came, their release was simultaneous and just as incredible.

When she could breathe, she opened heavy lids to find him

watching her with those mysterious dark eyes, his own breathing still uneven. “What? Do I have dirt on my nose or something?”

He didn’t smile but shifted to ease beside her, not answering.

She rose on her elbow, impatiently tossing her red gold hair away from her face. “Listen Brad, we just finished having beyond fantastic sex and suddenly I’m being shut out again. Why?”

“I wasn’t aware I was doing that,” he said quietly.

“I think you are, maybe not consciously but definitely

subconsciously. Do I frighten you that much?”

His gaze flew to hers but instead of anger in his eyes, she

caught a glimpse of something entirely different. “You scare the hell out of me, Alex. What I
for you scares the hell out of me.”


Anita Whiting

She fought back the hurt his words inflicted and instead

reached for her discarded nightshirt, slipping it on. “I can’t help being who I am, Brad.”

He caught her arm before she could rise, pulling her back

down and into his arms. “You don’t understand. I just realized a moment ago that life wouldn’t be worth living if I lost you and how damn close I came to doing just that.”

Although tears misted her vision, she met his gaze steadily.

“I’m not going anywhere, Brad. Count on it.”

“You can’t control everything, Alex, especially someone with the money and connections that Ferron has.” He rose, pulling his jeans over lean hips. “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all to hire someone else to finish the investigation.”

Fury flashed in her eyes but she stood without haste, facing him. “You're firing me?”

He pulled her to him, not gently. “You know I won’t. I can’t, damn it! I’d worry more if you weren’t with me.”

His words serving to bank her temper. “Don’t fight so hard.”

His lips curled. “I’m going to regret this,” he said wryly, “but what is it I’m supposed to be fighting?”

“Me. Us. Love hurts sometimes. Deal with it.” She slipped her arms around his neck again. “I think other people have told you the same thing, haven’t they?”

“Maggie’s been talking,” he growled.

“Just giving me tips,” she answered flippantly.

“God save me from conniving women!”

She reached up on tiptoes and brushed his lips. “You love it and you know it.”


A Killer's Agenda

He lifted her right off her feet and dumped her on the bed.

“Yeah, right,” he said, but couldn’t help grinning. “My turn for the shower. Lock the door, I’ll take a key and be back in five or ten minutes.”

“Be careful,” she warned, leaning on one arm, suddenly

serious. “I don’t think our friend will return but…”

Her cell phone rang at that moment and both of them glanced

at the clock beside the bed. Alex’s dimples peeked out as she reached for it. “I’d say we made the most of the time we had,” she murmured, her eyes dancing.

“Don’t let Rosa hear the tone of voice or you’ll spend the next hour trying to dodge questions.”

“Go,” she ordered, answering the phone only after she had

locked the door as he had asked behind him.

“Took your time answering,” Rosa said on the other end. “Did I interrupt something?”

“Yep. Brad and I were making mad passionate love.”

“Lord I hope it was good.”

“Way beyond good,” she said lightly, grateful Rosa couldn’t see the blush on her cheeks.

“You’re lucky I’m not standing there, my friend. If I was, you wouldn’t be able to hide if you are telling me the truth or just teasing a sleep-deprived new mother.”

“Guess you’ll never know.”

“Keep secrets and I won’t tell you my shocker.”

“You found something?”

“I sure did. In fact I found something big, I mean really, really big.”


Anita Whiting

“Do I ask how you were able to get records unsealed so late at night and so quickly?”

“You can ask but my lips are sealed. No pun intended.”

“So what do you have?”

“Our friend Russell Ferron was a very troubled youth. Records indicate he did well at school but he was suspended several times for altercations. Altercations rumor has he started but was always in the background when whatever it was went down. He just

masterminded the plots, so to say. That’s not the shocker, though.

There was a murder at his high school the year he was a senior.

Upon investigation, they arrested another senior who swore Ferron put him up to it. The victim had just been awarded a scholarship, beating Ferron by a narrow margin grade wise. On top of that, he also took top honors away from him the previous week at the

tennis finals for state.”

“Let me guess. They weren’t able to prove Ferron was


“Oh, they tried. Even brought him in for questioning, but

nothing stuck. The victim’s family pursued it for a long time but came up empty. Ferron had motive, however the kid they arrested already had a long history of trouble with the law and, at least at that point, Ferron didn’t. So of course, when push came to shove, this other kid went down.”

“If that’s the case, Rosa, then it shoots down our theory about Ferron being a criminal.

“Ah but there’s more to the story, my friend. When this kid got out of juvie, he went after Ferron and ended up dead.”

“Russell Ferron killed him?” Alex asked incredulously.


A Killer's Agenda

“Cops thought he did. He was arrested and tried for murder as an adult even though he was still shy of his eighteenth birthday.

His parents sold everything they had for his defense and their high-priced lawyer was able to convince the jury it was self defense. He was acquitted and the records were sealed.”

“It’s amazing that he went to law school of all places, then.”

“According to my source, and he’s reliable, it seems our Mr.

Ferron was very impressed with how this legal team got him off when he knew damn well he was guilty. Impressed him enough to go to law school. He’s a criminal but he’s a smart criminal. Kept his grades above average and stayed out of trouble. When he met his future wife and discovered how much she was worth, he knew he had it made.”

“Rosa, you’re incredible. You’ve just provided me with a reason for having the Steadmans killed. Lawrence Steadman must have approached Ferron with what he knew and threatened to go public if he didn’t back off. Our man saw the gold ring that was so close to disappearing so he found another idiot to do his dirty work.”

“Be careful, Alex. I’ve prosecuted enough criminals to know this man has all the signs of being a sociopath. He won’t hesitate to kill or hire someone else to do it if he thinks it’s necessary and with no remorse. Those are the most dangerous kinds of murderers.”

“I know. Fortunately, Rosa, it’s all beginning to make sense.

Brad was right when he came to me. He had a feeling there was something more to his aunt’s death and he was right. I just have to make sure we have all our evidence together before we approach the authorities.”

“Do you love him?”


Anita Whiting

The question came out of nowhere. Alex smiled wryly into the phone. She should have known Rosa never would have let the

conversation end and not ask questions.

“With all my heart.”

“He’s a really good guy, Alex. Just don’t let him convince

himself that you deserve something better. Underneath that

gorgeous exterior beats the heart of a boy who was starved for love.

He’s overcome a lot but those kinds of scars don’t heal easily.”

“I know and I won’t.” At that moment she heard the suddenly

lusty cry of a baby. “It sounds like Emma wants some attention so I’ll let you go. Thanks, Rosa, and give Miguel and that precious daughter of yours my love.”

“I will and keep in touch.”

She tossed the phone on the bed and rose to walk to the table where Corey’s laptop sat, running her hands along it, closing her eyes. She waited for the images she was hoping would appear.

Instead, she was bombarded with emotions, Corey’s angular face dominating her mind, his expression intense, his eyes almost burning as if he was trying to tell her something. She concentrated harder and the words began to flow, disjointed but


“…murdered her parents…have to prove it…after me…keep my

laptop close…backup cd’s…have to talk to Rinaldi…Oh my

God!…he’s going to kill me!…”

She jerked as a hand touched her shoulder, her eyes flying

open as she looked up.

“Brad, you frightened me,” she said huskily, her eyes still

mirroring the emotions she couldn’t hide.

“More visions?” he asked, easing into the chair next to her.


A Killer's Agenda

She shook her head. “Not like before. Corey was trying to tell me something and I got enough of it to know he was scared, really scared. He knew someone was after him and he knew Joseph

Rinaldi somehow, someway. His name came through loud and


Brad flipped open the computer and clicked on the folder once again. “If that first sentence is any indication, maybe we’ll have what we need right here.”

Alex leaned closer, reading over Brad’s shoulder.


Laura and Lawrence Steadman, wealthy owners of Steadman’s

Jewelers, a nationally-known jewelers based in Charlotte, North Carolina, were killed August thirtieth of 1996 after their private jet crashed in a field shortly before landing. Initial investigations seem to indicate that the crash was due to mechanical failure of the hydraulics. However, further, more in-depth research raised deeper questions. Questions that resulted in the case staying open and eventually becoming a cold case for lack of evidence. Until now, that is. I intend to prove that instead of being an accident, this plane crash was a very clever way to commit a double homicide. I have the motive, the opportunity and the suspect and when all is said and done, I will convince the authorities I am right and this case will no longer be unsolved but closed. I have names, dates, phone records and I intend to use them to prove that no one, not even a member of the legal community, is above the law. Nor can they hide from it by paying off or frightening into silence those who can provide evidence of his guilt. And that includes myself.


Anita Whiting

“Pretty strong words,” Brad said. “Let’s see what he’s got.” He began to scroll down and then his fingers stilled on the key. “What the hell?”

“There’s nothing else, right?” Alex asked.

“Blank from that paragraph on,” he confirmed in disgust.

“He’s got CD’s somewhere. I sensed it right before you walked in. He knew someone wanted what he had and he wasn’t dumb.

Problem is now we have to find who he gave those backups to.”

Brad glanced at the bedside clock. “Think it’s too late to call Tommy?”

She lifted a brow in amusement. “College kid and a Friday

night? Come on.”

He tossed her a long look as he pulled out the paper with the phone number and dialed. “You seem to know a whole lot about college partying, young lady,” he remarked as he waited for an answer. He frowned when he heard the answering machine.

“Damn, you’re right, no one’s home.”

The images slammed into her so hard and fast that she swayed with their power. She could see Tommy at his desk working. See a gun glinting in the moonlight outside the window aimed directly at him. She jerked as she heard the gunshot, the sound echoing

inside her.

“Oh, my God!” Her vision cleared slowly. She spun and grabbed her gun and the car keys balancing on one leg as she shoved her legs into a pair of sweat pants lying inside the open suitcase. Brad grabbed her before she lost her balance.

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