Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (53 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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“Shit, it’s your father,” whispered Lizzie, scrambling for her clothes. “Go and fucking stop him coming in here,” she hissed. She started to pull her clothes on as Steven finished dressing, walked out into the hall and closed the door behind him.


Lizzie could hear Steven taking to his father, but couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying. She threw on her clothes and sat down. As Steven walked into the lounge behind his father, she was sitting demurely on the couch.


“Hi Lizzie,” said Mr. Gordon. “Steven says you two have been getting acquainted.”


Lizzie flicked her eyes to Steven and saw the huge grin on his face. She tried not to laugh. “Yeah that’s right,” she replied. “I guess I should get going.” As she got up, she could feel the cum seeping out her ass and tried not to squirm.


“Here’s your money,” Mr. Gordon continued. “Will you come at the same time next week?”


Lizzie almost laughed out loud, as the images of how she would like to cum next week ran through her mind. “Yeah, I can come,” she finally said and winked at Steven as she walked out the door.


The Couple’s Dirty Massage


Cheryl’s eyes opened wide as her husband brought the car to a stop. “Man this looks like some place,” she said as she stared towards the huge mansion house they were parked in front of.


Jason laughed. “Yeah, the guy who told me about it says it dates back to the 18
century, built by some fabulously wealthy businessman who wanted a little retreat in the country.”


“Gosh, little?” laughed Cheryl. “The last thing I would call it is little. It looks massive.” She took in the front of the ivy covered building. ”So what happened to the businessman and his descendents then?” she asked.


Jason shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know,” he answered. “I guess they must have sold up. The place has been a hotel and spa for around 50 years now by all accounts.”


“Well let’s go and find out just how relaxing it is then,” said Cheryl as she moved to get out of the car. The couple retrieved their bags and made their way inside. The building was just as impressive on the inside and they moved across a huge lobby to the reception area. They were greeted politely by the women behind the desk, who quickly took their details and checked them in. When they were given the keys they went to their room and were immediately taken by its beauty. The room seemed to be filled with period pieces, with a four poster bed and antique furniture. There was plenty of high-tech equipment though, with a huge plasma TV and impressive looking stereo system. These were hidden in closets that matched the décor and the overall feel of the place was one of luxury.


“Well I plan to have a long soak to get myself relaxed,” said Cheryl and moved towards the bathroom.


Jason looked at the pile of folders and pamphlets on the dressing table. “I think I’ll have a look through what’s on offer to relax or stimulate us,” he said. “I’ll let you know about it when you finish your soak.”


Cheryl went and ran the water to fill the tub. As she sank into the warm water she could feel the tension leaving her body and lay back to enjoy the sensation. An hour later she finally dried herself, pulled on the complimentary robe and made her way back to the bedroom.


“So?” she said.


“Huh?” asked Jason, looking away from the plasma screen towards his wife.


“Duh,” she joked. “So what’s the spa got to offer?”


“Oh man, so much that I have already forgotten half of it,” joked her husband. “There are two hot tubs, a couple of saunas and a swimming pool for starters. There is also a beauty shop that offers top to toe treatments and there seems to be hundreds of massage techniques, half of which I have never even heard about before.”


Cheryl laughed. “A massage does sound nice. I definitely want to do that.”


“We can do it together,” said her husband.


“Huh?’ asked Cheryl looking at him questioningly.


“There is something called a couples massage,” continued Jason. “It sounds kind of fun. The masseuse will come in and give us each a massage, but also teach us some of the techniques so that we can use them when we get home.”


“Oh yeah,” said Cheryl. “That sounds kind of romantic.” She walked across to her husband and sat on his lap. She wriggled around and laughed as she could feel him start to harden against her ass. “Play your cards right and it might lead to some more fun when the massage is finished.”


“So you want to do it,” said Jason.


“Sure,” answered Cheryl. “Book it for this evening.” She stood up and pulled Jason out of the chair. “Get on the phone right now. When you have finished we can decide what to do for the rest of the afternoon. I fancy a swim.”


Jason dialed the massage service and booked the couples massage for 8 O’clock that evening. The couple then put on their swimsuits and went to have a relaxing afternoon lazing by the pool. There was a poolside café and bar, so they had something to eat before finally making their way back to the room.


As 8 O’clock finally rolled around the couple were sitting watching the TV. They heard the knock on the door and Cheryl got up to answer it. When she opened the door she was immediately impressed by the gorgeous woman that was standing in front of her. She had long dark hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and had a stunningly beautiful face. Her looks were set off by immaculate makeup and Cheryl found herself staring at the gorgeous brown eyes.


“Hi, I’m Hayden,” said the woman and smiled. Cheryl wasn’t surprised to see that her teeth were perfect and the smile really lit up her face. “You booked the couples massage.”


“Umm…, yeah that’s right,” answered Cheryl, realizing she was staring. “Come on in.” She closed the door and as she turned saw Jason looking at her. She raised her eyebrows and then smiled as she saw his eyes were open wide. He was obviously as impressed by Hayden as she was.


The masseuse walked over to the bed and put down a bag. She took a couple of pristine white towels out and handed them over to the couple. “If you just put these on we can get started.”


The couple moved across to the bathroom and walked inside to undress. “Jeez, she is something else,” said Cheryl.


Jason grinned. “Is that you fantasizing about girls again,” he joked.


“No,” protested Cheryl, keeping her voice down. The couple stripped off and put the towels on before making their way back into the bedroom. Hayden had opened a bottle of wine and had two glasses ready. “Do you like wine?” she asked and the couple moved over and took a glass each.


“Are you not having one?” Cheryl asked Hayden.


“I’m on duty,” laughed the masseuse.


“Oh go on,” said Cheryl. “We promise we won’t tell.”


Hayden laughed louder, but got another glass and poured herself some wine. “I’m not really much of a drinker,” she said. “I’ll try not to get tipsy.”


“Don’t mind us,” laughed Cheryl. “So what do we do?”


“Well lying on the bed is a start,” said Hayden. “Which one of you wants a massage first?”


“Me,” jumped in Cheryl before her husband got the chance to speak.


“Hey,’ he complained.


Cheryl stuck out her tongue at him. “Too slow, tortoise boy,” she joked and went to lie on the bed.


Jason watched as Hayden got on the bed and worked the robe from Cheryl’s shoulder and pulled it down to her waist to expose her naked back. She turned to Jason. “OK, if you came here I will show you some of the techniques that you can use on your wife when you get home.” Over the next half-an-hour or so Hayden taught Jason how to massage his wife. She worked her hands over Cheryl first and then got Jason to do the same. Cheryl just relaxed and closed her eyes to enjoy the experience.


Finally husband and wife swapped places and Hayden started to show Cheryl some of the massage techniques. She watched as Cheryl started to work her hands over her husbands back and down to the top of his ass. Jason had felt himself start to harden as soon as Hayden’s hands had worked onto his back and the touch of his wife was making him even harder. He tried to get himself under control, but found himself fighting a losing battle.


“How does that feel?” Hayden asked Jason. “Are your wife’s hands relaxing you?”


Cheryl laughed. She had downed a couple of glasses of wine and felt a little lightheaded.


“What?” asked Hayden.


“I would pretty much guarantee he is probably more excited than relaxed,” laughed Cheryl, continuing to work her hands over her husband’s body.


“Oh,” laughed Hayden. ‘Is it that easy?”


“Oh man yeah,” laughed Cheryl.


“Hello,” said Jason. “I can hear the pair of you talking you know. And I am relaxed not excited for your information.”


“Yeah right,” said Cheryl. “So turn over then.”


Jason could feel his cock throbbing. He willed it to calm down, but it remained excited. “Umm…, maybe I will pass on that,” he said.


Cheryl laughed louder and smiled at Hayden. “Told you. I know him too well.”


Hayden laughed. The wine she had drunk had gone a little to her head also and she suddenly felt a flash of excitement. She smiled back at Cheryl. “Now that you have told me you have to let me see it,” she said.


Cheryl grinned. She put her hands under her husband to try and flip him over, but initially he refused to budge. When Hayden started to help, he finally gave up and the two women pushed him onto his back. Cheryl grabbed the towel and opened it to reveal the hard cock.


“Nice,” said Hayden, drawing the word out as she spoke. “So is it just for you?’ she asked Cheryl.


“Most of the time, but it would be kind of horny to see such a pretty face on it,” Cheryl replied. “Help yourself.” She watched as Hayden moved closer to Jason and could feel her excitement building. Hayden reached out and Cheryl heard the gasp as the masseuse wrapped her fingers around the hard cock and squeezed gently. Hayden stroked up and down, watching the cock twitch in her hand as her fingers moved over it.


“Gosh, that’s nice,” she said as she continued to stroke her fingers along the length of the cock. She bent her head down and licked her tongue onto Jason’s balls, working the tip around and feeling the balls tighten up against his body. She slowly moved her mouth up onto the shaft and kissed her way to the tip. She closed her mouth around it and working her tongue around the little slit to lick the pre-cum that was seeping out. She raised her head. “Does it feel good inside?” she asked Cheryl.


She looked at her husband. “Oh yeah, he knows what to do with it,” she laughed.


Cheryl moved across the bed and Jason watched as she leaned forward and kissed Hayden hard on the mouth. It was a gorgeous sight and he could feel his excitement surge. Cheryl broke the kiss and moved her hands to the buttons on Hayden’s uniform. One by one she loosened them until she could pull the uniform open and work it off Hayden. The masseuse was wearing tiny white panties and a bra and both Cheryl and Jason felt their excitement jump at the gorgeous sight. Hayden obviously kept herself in shape and the sight of her beautiful body only served to heighten the excitement the couple was experiencing.


Cheryl wanted to play and pushed Hayden down onto the bed. She moved to kiss her on the mouth again and then began to work her way down the masseuse’s sexy body. As she kissed to her tits, Cheryl saw it was a front closing bra and quickly released it to expose Hayden’s tits. Cheryl worked her mouth over a breast and started to lick the nipple, making it hard. Jason watched his wife and then decided to join in the fun. As his wife played with one breast, he moved his head to the other.


Hayden moaned as her tits were sucked and licked. The excitement of having the couple playing with her was a massive turn on and she could feel the wetness leaking from her pussy. She reached to Cheryl’s head and pushed it, encouraging her to move lower. As Jason continued to play with her tits, Hayden moaned as Cheryl kissed down over her toned stomach and lower still onto her panties.

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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