Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (56 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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The young man standing on the doorstep smiled and spoke straight away. “Mrs. Greene, I’m Johnny,” he said, introducing himself.


“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you,” Susan replied. “Come on in.”


Susan closed the door when he had entered and led the young man through to the lounge. “Take a seat,” she said. “Would you like a coffee? I was just going to have one.”


“No thanks,” Johnny said and when he finished the silence stretched out between them.


“So,” said Susan finally. “How do we do this?” She had heard about Johnny through a friend. The stress of work had been taking its toll on her and she had been telling the friend that she was thinking about visiting a spa to try and relax a little. The friend had laughed and told Susan that she had a better idea for her. She had explained that Johnny was a great masseuse and did home visits. Susan had been intrigued by the idea. It was a lot less costly than visiting a spa and she had eventually rang the number her friend had given her. One thing had led to another and Susan now found herself sitting in her lounge looking at the young man.


“Well,” said Johnny. “If you can show me where you want the massage, I will get things set up for you.”


“Of course, it’s this way,” said Susan. She led Johnny from the lounge and took him upstairs. She let him walk up the stairs in front of her and couldn’t help taking a look at his tight ass. He seemed to be in good shape. “It’s the first door on the left,” said Susan as they reached the top of the stairs. Johnny made his way into the bedroom, with Susan close behind.


“We can do it in here,” she said pointing to the bed. Susan flushed a little as she realized what she had said and saw the smile flit over Johnny’s lips. “The massage I mean,” she added quickly.


“Sure,” replied Johnny. “I understand. If you want to go and have your coffee, I will get things set up in here. Give me 10 minutes and I will be ready for you.”


“OK, sure,” she said and watched as he put the large bag he was carrying down on the floor beside the bed. Susan turned and left, going back down the stairs to make herself a coffee. The 10 minutes passed quickly and Susan finally washed her empty cup and made her way back up the stairs. She could hear the soft, relaxing music playing even before she reached her bedroom and her eyes opened in surprise when she walked inside. The scent of the aromatherapy candles was nice and Susan looked at the rose petals spread on the bed. There was also an array of lotion and cream bottles standing on the bedside cabinet.


Susan smiled at Johnny. “This is nice,” she said. “I am starting to feel relaxed already.”


“Glad to hear it,” said Johnny.


Susan laughed as a thought suddenly popped into her head. She was 35 and as she looked at Johnny she reckoned he must be in his mid 20s.


“What’s funny?” asked Johnny.


“If I was 10 years younger I would think you were trying to seduce me,” said Susan.


Johnny smiled. “Na, younger woman are not my style,” he laughed.


Susan felt a sudden spark of excitement. “So…,” she said. “How do you want me? And what do I wear?”


“Up to you,” said Johnny. “It’s obviously easier if I can touch your bare skin.” He nodded to the bottles on the bedside cabinet. “They feel nice when they are worked into the skin, but at the end of the day you are the boss, so it’s whatever you feel comfortable with.”


“OK,” said Susan. “I’ll just get on the bed?”


“Yup, if you just lie on your front,” answered Johnny.


Susan walked across to the bed. As she got to the side she stripped her robe off and quickly lay on the bed in just her panties and bra. It felt exciting to get nearly naked in front of Johnny and as she lay waiting for the massage to start, Susan could feel her anticipation rising.


Johnny moved to the side of the bed. “Just a couple of questions,” he said.


“OK,” replied Susan. “Fire away.”


“Do you want a towel covering your butt?” asked Johnny.


“Umm…, no, I’m fine as I am,” replied Susan.


“And can I unhook your bra?” asked Johnny.


“You sure you’re not trying to seduce me,” laughed Susan.


“It just gets in the way,” laughed Johnny.


“Sure,” said Susan. “Go ahead and unhook it.” She felt his hands fumbling with the clasp, but it stayed stubbornly closed. Susan laughed “Have you done this before?”


“On occasions,” answered Johnny as he finally managed to unhook the clasp and move the bra straps to the side. “Just close your eyes and relax,” he said.


Susan did just that and could feel Johnny’s fingers pressing hard into her skin and working their way over her body. He started at her shoulders and worked his way down. Susan’s friend had been right, he really did know what he was doing and she could feel him work the kinks and knots out of her muscles as he worked his way down her back. She felt her excitement rise as his hands worked to the top of her ass, but he passed over it and moved onto her legs, working all the way down to her ankles. By the time he had worked back up to her shoulders again, Susan already felt the tension draining from her body.


Johnnie reached across for the one of the bottles and poured some oil into his hands. Susan thought the scent was lovely and the sensation of the oil being stroked into her skin was nice. Johnny worked down the full length of her body again and by the time he was back at her shoulders, Susan felt even better.


“Gosh, this is fantastic,” she said as Johnny reached for another bottle.


He laughed. “I try my best.”


“How long have you been doing it,” asked Susan.


“Around four years now,” answered Johnny.


Susan grinned as a wicked thought suddenly crossed her mind. “Don’t you ever get excited at touching all the sexy half-naked bodies?”


Johnny laughed again. “Only with the gorgeous older women, but I try to hide it.”


Susan rolled onto her side and held her bra in place with her arm. “And what about me?” she grinned.


“I’ve kind of been a little hard since you opened the front door,” he laughed.


Susan’s grin grew broader. She moved her arm to let the bra drop from her breasts onto the bed “And now? Are you still a little hard or a lot?”


“Gosh,” breathed out Johnny as his eyes took in Susan’s gorgeous breasts. He watched as she rolled onto her front.


“How about you work some of your magic on these,” said Susan, as she stroked her hands over her breasts.


Johnny just looked at her, watching as she squeezed her breasts and rolled the nipples between her fingers. As Susan’s eyes dropped to his pants she could see the hard bulge. It looked big and as she watched, it seemed to keep growing. She reached her hand out and grabbing Johnny pulled him onto the bed. She made him straddle her so that his hips were above hers. Susan moaned as his hands moved to her breasts and started to play with them. Johnny could feel her nipples hardening under his gentle touch, but as he felt them get harder his touch became more demanding. He gripped her tits and squeezed hard, kneading the flesh to make Susan moan in pleasure.


“I want to massage something with my breasts,” Susan said and Johnny felt her hand slide onto the bulge in his pants. Her fingers stroked along the outline of his cock and he could feel it jerking hard under the touch. Susan fumbled with the zipper and button of Johnny’s pants, finally managing to loosen them. As he raised his hips up a little she grabbed his pants and boxers and pulled them down. When his hard cock was exposed she wrapped her fingers around it and pulled it towards her tits.


Johnny moved up the bed and Susan pulled the hard cock down into her cleavage. “Get some oil,” she said and watched as Johnny reached for one of the bottles on the bedside cabinet. He quickly opened the bottle and dribbled a little onto the top of her cleavage. Susan could feel the sensation of the oil running down between her tits. She stroked the cock in it and used it to wipe the oil over her tits. She finally released the cock and pushing her tits together, trapped the hard shaft between them.


The feel of the hard cock between her tits made Susan moan. She worked the soft flesh up and down, massaging the cock in between and watching Johnny’s face as the excitement of having her tits working on his hard shaft caught him. She eventually stopped and just held her tits still. As Johnny started to rock his hips she could feel the shaft fuck into her cleavage. The oil made it slippery and the cock slid easily between her tits. It made a squelching sound and Susan found it a turn on. She pushed her tits harder together as Johnny began to fuck his cock into her cleavage harder. She could see the excited look on his face as the tits pushed hard around his cock. When Susan looked down she could see the head of the cock popping out of the top of her tits each time Johnny thrust his hips forward. Jeez that’s dirty she thought and moved her hands so that the head stroked against her fingers.


Susan let Johnny play for a while, enjoying the sensation of the hard cock sliding against her soft, smooth skin. She finally released her tits and looked at him. “Massage my pussy,” she moaned. “I want to see how good you do it.”


Johnny moved back a little and let his hands move down to the top of her panties. He teased his fingers under the waistband with the intention of pulling them down, before changing his mind and sliding his hand onto the panties. He traced his fingers up the outline of Susan’s pussy lips through the material, watching the damp stain grow as he played. He stroked his fingers up and down a few times, before moving his hand back to the top of the panties again. This time he worked the panties down a little and as Susan lifted her ass from the bed he pulled them down. He quickly worked the panties to her ankles and pulled them off.


Susan moaned as she felt his hand move slowly back up her leg, the fingertips gently caressing the skin as they moved higher. When the fingers moved to her inner thigh, she parted her legs a little and could feel her breathing getting heavier as the hand closed in on her pussy. She moaned louder as the fingers caressed her pussy lips. They were gently at first, but slowly became more insistent as Johnny’s excitement grew. How worked his fingers between the pussy lips and teased around the entrance to the wet pussy. The excitement built in Susan as the fingers continued to play. She wanted them inside her, but instead Johnny stroked them up onto her clit. Susan felt a massive surge of pleasure as her hard little nub was flicked out of its hood. She watched as Johnny lowered his head to her pussy. His eyes never left hers all the way to her clit and she gasped as she felt the tongue lick over it.


Susan grabbed Johnny’s head and forced him harder against her. His tongue was working in little circles around her clit and her excitement started to spiral out of control as she felt his fingers move back to the slick entrance to her pussy. This time there was no teasing and Johnny straight away fucked them inside. Susan raised her hips, pushing herself against the fingers to try and force them in deep. Johnny slid them all the way in and worked them around, feeling Susan writhe on the bed as the excitement started to overtake her. He worked his fingers around first, feeling them stroke against the slick pussy walls, before pulling them out and fucking them back in hard. Susan moaned as she felt her pussy being finger fucked, her excitement rising as the fingers pushed in and out harder and faster. Johnny kept his tongue working on her clit at the same time and she was soon gasping in pleasure as the excitement built towards an orgasm.


Susan wanted to feel his cock inside her, but she let Johnny’s fingers work their magic first, raising her excitement to an unbearable level. As the orgasm closed in on her, Susan moaned for Johnny to fuck her. He quickly pulled his fingers out and worked the head of his hard shaft onto her pussy lips. He teased it around the wet hole, driving Susan crazy with desire. She was pushing herself down the bed towards him, desperate to feel the cock inside her. Johnny continued to tease her though, building her excitement higher and higher. When he finally fucked his cock in hard the pleasure quickly pushed Susan over the edge. She cried out as the hard shaft fucked all the way into her pussy. She could feel herself tighten around it as the orgasm started deep in her pussy and then rushed out to the rest of her body. She was gasping as the excitement climbed to a delicious high and groaned as it finally passed and left her body shaking in pleasure.

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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