Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (25 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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The maid gasped as she felt her pussy being filled with hard cock. She worked her pussy muscles to squeeze around the hard shaft and John just left his cock inside her to enjoy the experience. The maid closed her eyes and moaned. She sensed Ann at her head and opened her eyes to see the older woman straddle her and bring her pussy down. The maid felt her excitement growing as the pussy got closer and she stuck out her tongue and licked along it. Ann reached down and used her fingers to open her pussy wide. The maid held her tongue stiffly and let Ann push down onto it. The woman could feel the wetness dripping onto her tongue and started to lap at it as Ann slowly worked her hips up and down. Ann felt the maid raise her head a little and kiss her pussy. The maid then worked her lips up to Ann’s clit and sucked on it hard.


The feeling was gorgeous and Ann felt the excitement explode inside her. She suddenly wanted to cum on the maid’s mouth. She told the woman to lick her pussy again and worked her own fingers onto her clit. As the woman licked hard on her pussy, Ann stroked her clit hard and could feel the excitement rushing through her. She threw back her head and moaned as the orgasm closed in on her. Ann worked her fingers harder and harder to bring her to climax and the pressure finally worked. She felt the excitement really explode inside her and was suddenly gasping as the intense feelings of a climax rushed through her body. She circled her hips hard, working her pussy onto the maid’s mouth and coating it in her juice.


As John heard the loud moans of his wife, he began to work his cock in and out of the maid’s pussy. Ann had been right about how tight it was and as he drove inside he could feel it close around his hard shaft. The maid lifted her ass from the bed and John fucked into her harder. He could feel the pressure growing inside his balls and knew that if he kept fucking hard he wouldn’t be able to hold back. He slowed his movements, wanting the excitement of fucking the maid to last as long as possible. He finally saw his wife slump down on the bed and smiled. She had obviously reached her climax and was trying to calm herself as the afterglow rushed through her body.


Ann finally turned around to see her husband still fucking his hard cock into the maid. She moved down the bed and ran her fingers onto the woman’s clit. “Let’s make her cum hard,” Ann laughed as she started to work her fingers across the clit. John began to speed up his movements again and before long his cock was flashing in and out the maid’s tight pussy. Ann worked her fingers harder and could hear the moans of the maid growing louder and knew they were driving her close to an orgasm. Ann looked at John.


“I want to see your fucking cum on her,” she said. “OK?”


John nodded his head and fucked his cock in harder pushing himself to the point where he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. As he neared it he slowed and worked his cock in and out, waiting for the orgasm to roll over the maid. Ann worked her fingers harder and suddenly the maid arched her back hard and squealed as the climax crashed down onto her. John fucked his cock into the maid hard, feeling her pussy tighten even more around him. As the maid’s climax climbed to a delicious peak, John pulled out and let go. The three of them watched as the cum flowed from the tip of his cock. It shot along the maid’s body splashing down onto her smooth skin. John kept thrusting his hips forward, letting his cum jet onto the maid and cover her in white streaks.


By the time it was over, John and the maid were lefty gasping for breath. Ann moved up to kiss her husband and then went to kiss the maid. “This is one fucking fantastic anniversary,” she said.


“It’s not over yet,” laughed John. “I think our little friend might find some more time to join in the fun.”


“Oh fuck yes,” giggled the maid as she looked down at her cum covered body. “You’re going to have an anniversary to remember.”

The Dirty Nurse Threesome


Bill smiled. “So they’re finally going to let you go home are they Sally,” he said.


“Yup,” she answered. “I’m so glad. I was starting to go a little stir crazy cooped up in this room.”


“When do you get out then?” asked Bill.


“Tomorrow,” said Sally. “So you two can come and pick me up, right?”


Bill turned to look at Alex. “Oh I don’t know about that. I think we might be busy,” he teased and ducked as a cushion whizzed past his head.


“Don’t listen to him,” laughed Alex. “We’ll be here. Does the plaster cast come off today then?”


Sally looked down at her leg. “Yeah, they’ll remove it and keep me in overnight just to check on my leg. They think the break has healed OK, so there should be no problem though. I should be set for tomorrow.”


They heard the door of the room open and turned to look as Sally’s nurse, Katrina, walked in.


“Jeez, are you two reprobates here again,” she laughed. “Can’t you leave the poor woman in peace to rest?’


Bill looked at Alex and smiled. He could see his friend’s eyes dropping to Katrina’s short skirt. They had discussed at length, what kind of panties were under it. Bill couldn’t help his own eyes dropping to the hem of the skirt. It was mid-thigh length and hugged Katrina’s legs and hips tight. The blouse was tight too and showed off the nurses gorgeous breasts.


Bill quickly brought his eyes up to Katrina’s face as he heard her speaking his name. He saw the faint smile playing on her lips and wondered if she realized the dirty fantasies he and Alex had about her. She probably did, he thought, on the basis that most men coming into the medical center probably fantasized about the sexy nurses. The short skirts and tight blouses had a lot to do with that.


Bill looked questioningly at Katrina. “Sorry, did you ask me something?”


“Was your attention distracted?” she teased and Bill flushed a little. “I said can you and Alex come along and sign the release form for Sally.”


“Oh yeah, sure,” he replied. “When do you want us?”


“Well right now is good for me,” replied Katrina, “if the pair of you can fit it into your busy schedules that is.”


Bill laughed. “I’m sure we can manage.”


Katrina turned to Sally. “Is there anything else you need just now?”


“Yeah,” started Sally, a huge grin forming on her face. “Could you smack that idiot on the back of the head,” she said, pointing at Bill.


“No problem,” said Katrina. As she walked across the room to the door, she whipped her hand across the back of Bill’s head.


“Hey,” he complained. “Aren’t nurses supposed to be caring and compassionate?”


“Only for patients, not visitors,” laughed Katrina and held the door open for Alex and Bill. “This way,” she said when she had closed the door.


She set off along the corridor with Alex and Bill walking behind. The view of her ass as she walked was gorgeous and the two men couldn’t help staring. They didn’t raise their eyes until Katrina stopped at another door and opened it. Alex and Bill walked in and looked around. There was a desk on one side of the room and a small circle of chairs on the other.


“Just take a seat,” said Katrina, pointing at the chairs and the two men went and sat. They watched as Katrina went to the desk and leaned over to search for the correct form. They could see the way the skirt rode up the back of her legs. It was a gorgeous sight and they couldn’t tear their eyes away. Katrina eventually found the form, attached it to a clipboard and went to sit down. She sat opposite the two men and they couldn’t help staring at her legs as the short skirt rode up her thighs a little.


They quickly looked up as Katrina started talking. The faint smile was playing on her lips again. “OK, well the form is pretty simple. Just fill in Sally’s details and your own. When the form is signed you are free to leave and do whatever it is you two like doing.”


“What makes you think we want to leave?” laughed Bill.


“Oh?” said Katrina. “Is there something in the room that interests you?” she asked.


“I could think of a few things that I would like to see,” laughed Bill his eyes flicking down to the short skirt and then back up to Katrina’s face.


“Yes, I’m sure there is,” she laughed. “The pair of you do seem to have an interest in my nurse uniform.”


“We though you all wore scrubs these days,” said Alex.


“Not in this center,” replied Katrina. “The bosses prefer a more traditional nursing uniform look.”


“Good for them,” laughed Bill.


“Yeah, it is comfortable, but the skirt is short,” said Katrina. “It rides up to easily too.” She smiled and raising her hips hitched the skirt up her thighs. “I mean when I am sitting like this flashing my panties at men it can be so embarrassing.”


Bill looked at Alex. They smiled and looked back at the little white panties.


“You wouldn’t believe the number of time I have seen men getting hard as they stared,” she continued. She looked down at the front of the two men’s pants. “See there it is again,” she laughed.


Katrina stood up and moved across to the door. She locked it and closed the blinds that sat over the small window. She walked back and dropped to her knees in front of the two men. She then popped open a couple of buttons on the blouse and hitched the skirt back up so her panties were on view. “Is this your idea of a sexy nurse?” she asked.


She moved to Bill, put her hands on his knees and parted them so that she could move in between. She looked up at him as her hand stroked over the front of his pants. “Oh dear,” she said. “Is there something wrong with you? Hmm…, maybe I should carry out an examination.”


Bill moaned as he felt her fingers fumbling with the button and zipper of his pants. When they were open she slid her hand inside his boxers and quickly pulled out his hard cock. “Oh it doesn’t look well,” she laughed, “but I have just the medicine it needs.” Katrina bent down and kissed the head of Bill’s hard shaft. She moved back a little and worked the tip of her tongue around the little slit. As the pre-cum oozed out of the slit, Katrina could feel it smear onto her tongue. She kissed the head of the cock again and let her lips slide down over it. She worked her tongue around the head as she sucked the cock deeper into her mouth.


Katrina looked up and could see Alex watching her intently as she sucked Bill’s cock. She moved her head down the hard shaft and held it inside her mouth as she reached across to Alex and worked his pants open. She quickly got his hard cock out and started to slide her fingers up and down it as her mouth went to work on Bill’s cock again. Katrina moaned in pleasure. The excitement of playing with two cocks was getting her really wet and she wanted to make sure they were hard and ready for her. She finally lifted her head from Bill’s cock and moved to get between Alex’s legs. This time as she sucked Alex’s cock into her mouth, she used her hand on Bill, feeling the two hard shafts twitching and jerking as she played with them.


Finally the two men wanted more. The grabbed Katrina up onto her feet and pulled her across to the desk. “Take your panties off but leave the sexy uniform on,” said Bill. The two men watched as Katrina hitched up her skirt and slid her fingers across the front of her panties. They could see the damp patch forming on it as the wetness leaked out of Katrina’s pussy. She played for a short while, watching as the two men gripped their cocks and started to stroke them at the show she was giving.


Katrina finally slid her fingers under her panties and tugged them down a little. Her excitement surged as she exposed her naked pussy to the two men. It was an incredible rush and she slowly stroked the panties down her toned legs and stepped out of them. Katrina hitched her skirt up around her waist and perched on the edge of the desk. She could see the two men working their cocks harder as she slid her hand onto her thigh. She teased them, moving it slowly up her leg and felt her body shiver as her hand stroked onto her pussy. She moved it to her clit and started to stroke the fingers in gentle circles. As she felt her excitement rising, her fingers worked her clit harder until she was gasping at the pure pleasure running through her body.


When she worked her fingers down onto her pussy lips, Katrina could feel how wet they were. She felt like a real slut for putting on a dirty masturbation show for the two men, but it was really turning her on and there was no way she was going to stop. She slid her fingers to the wet opening and watched the men’s faces as she pushed her fingers inside. The feeling of spreading her pussy wide was gorgeous and she quickly worked three fingers inside. Katrina pushed them in as far as she could and stirred them around. Her heart was racing and her pulse quickened even more as she began to pump the fingers in and out. Her breathing became heavier as she sped up her movements until she was fucking her fingers in and out hard.

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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