Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (57 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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“Gosh,” moaned Susan. You tease good.”


Johnny grinned. “Are you feeling relaxed?” he asked.


“Well my body was tense,” laughed Susan. “But I sure as hell am relaxing now.” She could feel the afterglow of the orgasm washing through her as her body calmed down.”


Johnny pulled out of her and Susan looked down at his hard cock. “gosh, I cant leave you like that,” she laughed. “Come here.”


As Johnny moved towards her, Susan looked towards the bottles on the bedside cabinet. She picked one up and poured a little cream into her hands and rubbed them together. When she turned back to Johnny, she grabbed his cock and stroked her fingers up and down its length, working the cream into the skin. The feeling of stroking the slippery cock was sensual and Susan began to enjoy herself. She could hear Johnny moaning at the pleasure her fingers were giving him and started to move her hand a little faster. Soon it was flashing from balls to tip hard and she could hear Johnny’s breathing start to rasp. The excitement was obviously getting to him and he was getting ever closer to unloading his cum.


“C’mon,” grinned Susan. “You know you want to give it to me. Splash it on my smooth skin.” She continued to talk, getting dirtier and dirtier and could see it was really turning Johnny on. The feeling of the fingers stroking up and down was gorgeous and he didn’t want it to end. He tried to hold himself back, partly to prolong the sensation of his cock being stroked and partly to build up the pressure in his balls. Johnny was finally desperate to cum and gave up trying to hold himself back. He groaned loud and Susan felt the cock jerk hard in her hand. She moved close and aimed the cock at her belly just as the cum started to fly.


“Oh fuck,” she moaned as she watched the thick cum stream from the tip of the cock and splash onto her skin. It splattered all over her belly, some sticking to her skin and some sliding down onto her pussy. She kept stroking the cock until it finally stopped jerking in her hand and there was nothing left to give. She let it go and stroked her hand across her skin, her fingertips sliding across the cum. She looked at Johnny and grinned.


“Do I have to pay extra for this cream,” she asked, holding her cum covered fingers up.


Johnny laughed. “Nope, that you can have for free,” he replied.

A Female Boss Fucks her Secretary


Glenda heard the knock on her office door and looked up to see the human resources manager walk into her office. A young woman followed him inside and Glenda noticed at once that she had an incredibly pretty face. She turned to look at the manager as he started to talk.


“Mrs. Granger this is your new secretary,” he said, stepping forward to hand her a resume. The manager then turned to the young woman. “I’ll leave you in Mrs. Granger’s capable hands,” he continued, before walking to the door and leaving the office.


Glenda looked at the young woman, who was standing watching her. “Just take a seat,” she said, motioning to the chair on the opposite side of her desk. The woman smiled. It lit up her face and Glenda was again struck by just how pretty she was. She couldn’t help her eyes dropping lower as the woman moved towards the chair, her eyes finally settling on the long, toned legs. The short skirt was well above the knee and while smart, definitely looked sexy.


The young woman sat and Glenda immediately wondered if the skirt was riding up her legs to reveal more of her thighs. She shook her head a little and tried to concentrate on the job at hand. Looking down she started to skim through the resume. Glenda saw that the woman’s name was Hannah and that even though relatively young at only 20, she had already worked in a few jobs. She certainly had the right qualifications though. When Glenda had finished reading the resume she looked back up at the woman and smiled.


“So, Hannah,” she started. “You seem to have the skills I am looking for. Your resume is fairly impressive.”


Hannah smiled. “Thanks, Mrs. Granger.”


Glenda laughed and Hannah looked at her questioningly.


“Call me Glenda,” she said. “We tend to keep things a little less formal in this office. Well I do anyway.”


“OK,” answered Hannah.


“If you match up to this resume, you should have no problem working for me,” Glenda continued. She sat for the next 20 minutes or so taking Hannah through what her duties would be. “So what do you think?” asked Glenda finally.


“It seems fairly straightforward,” answered Hannah. “All I can do is get started and if I have any problems I will ask. Where do I sit?”


Glenda got up and walked around the desk. She couldn’t help glancing down at Hannah’s legs and could see that the short skirt had ridden up her thighs. She was sure she could see the hint of stocking tops and felt a flicker of excitement at the sight.


“Your office is over here,” Glenda said.


As Hannah stood up her skirt slid back down her legs. Glenda led her over to an internal door in her office and opened it to show Hannah a small room with a desk and a filing cabinet. “You work in here. There’s no need to close the door when you are here. Just come through if you need anything.”


“OK, thanks,” said Hannah. “I’ll get right to it.” Glenda watched as she walked across to the desk and booted up the PC sitting on it. She seemed to know what she was doing and Glenda left her to it and returned to her own work.


Over the next few weeks Glenda found that Hannah was good at her job and anything she asked for was completed quickly and efficiently. Glenda couldn’t also help noticing the outfits that the young woman wore. They were smart, but Hannah certainly seemed to like dressing to attract attention. The skirts were always above the knee and Glenda kept looking to see if she would get a glimpse of  her stocking tops again. It never happened, although looking at Hannah’s legs was exciting enough. Her blouses always hugged her body tightly and showed off her slim figure and attractive breasts.


Glenda often thought about what Hanna would look like with the skirt pushed up around her waist, wondering what style of panties she had on and if she really was wearing stockings to work. The fantasy of bending her over the desk and working the skirt up her legs came into Glenda’s mind often. She was chatting with Hannah one day as they were getting ready to finish work and leave the office.


“So how come you moved around from job to job so much?” asked Glenda. “I would have thought any boss would want to hang onto you.”


Hannah smiled. “Always worked for men,” she answered.


“Yeah, and?” Glenda continued.


Hannah’s smile got wider. “And they seemed to be interested in more than my secretarial skills.”


,” said Glenda.


“Nobody ever really harassed me,” said Hannah. “But the interest they showed was a little uncomfortable, so I moved on. That’s why I am glad to finally work for a woman.”


Glenda flushed a little, feeling guilty at having the sexy thoughts about Hannah.


“Not really interested in men,” said Hannah and Glenda looked at her. The young woman smiled and Glenda saw her face flush a little. “I’ve always much preferred older women,” continued Hannah and then said goodnight and left the office.


Glenda was left standing alone in her office.Gosh, she thought, that sounded like a come on. She smiled and finally left the office, resolving to find out the next day if Hannah might be interested in the older woman she worked for.


Glenda was sitting at her desk as Hannah walked in the next day. When she looked up her eyes widened a little. The young woman’s skirt was shorter than normal and the top button of her blouse was undone.


“Morning Glenda,” Hannah said. “Is there anything you need from me?”


Glenda could think of a few things she would like from Hannah, but tried to retain a little composure. “Not right now,” she answered. “If you come through about 10.30, I have some letters I need to get typed.”


“Sure thing,” said Hannah and walked to her room.


Glenda looked at the way the skirt hugged tightly against the young woman’s ass. She felt her excitement rising, but tried to cool herself off and concentrate on her work. The fun would hopefully come later. As 10.30 approached, Glenda got up and went to lock the door of her office. As she turned to go back to her seat, she saw Hannah had already stepped into her office and was watching her.


“Are you keeping others out or us in?” Hannah said.


“Oh, just to stop us getting disturbed,” said Glenda.


“So we can get our work done,” grinned Hannah.


“Something like that,” laughed Glenda. She could feel the tension building up and couldn’t help her eyes dropping to Hannah’s ass again as she walked to the seat at her desk. When she sat down, Glenda immediately looked to Hannah’s legs. The young woman wriggled a little on the seat to make herself comfortable and when she was settled, Glenda could definitely see a hint of stocking tops. She felt her excitement rise.


Glenda walked across and rather than going to her own chair, leaned on the desk just beside Hannah. She began to dictate a letter, but her mind wandered as she found herself staring down at Hannah’s legs. Glenda kept stopping, then starting again and repeating the same thing over.


Hannah eventually looked up and smiled. “Is something disturbing your concentration today?” she asked.


Glenda could hear the teasing note in her voice and felt herself getting ever more turned on. Her eyes flicked down to Hannah’s legs and then back to the young woman’s face.


“Oh,” grinned Hannah. “You like these do you.” She raised her thighs and hitched her skirt a little higher.


Glenda felt her mouth going dry as the stocking tops came clearly into view. “Oh gosh, they’re nice,” she said.


“Maybe you’re not so different from the male bosses I have had then,” teased Hannah.


“Sorry,” grinned Glenda and walked around to sit on her own chair.


Hannah got up and followed her around the desk. She moved in front of Glenda and perched her ass on the desk, pulling the hem of her skirt up to flash her stocking tops. “Don’t you want to touch,” she asked. Hannah reached down and taking Glenda’s hand moved it onto her leg and stroked it across the stocking tops. She could see the older woman’s chest heaving a little and knew she was getting turned on. “Is this your fantasy?” asked Hannah.


Glenda grinned. “Kind of,” she answered. “But in my fantasy you are usually face down over the desk.”


A huge smile broke over Hannah’s face. “Kinky,” she laughed. “You mean like this.” She turned and clearing a space on the desk leaned forward onto it.


“Gosh,” blurted out Glenda in excitement as she watched the young woman lie on the desk. She just stared at Hannah’s gorgeous ass at first, but then stretched out her hand and stroked it gently onto the rounded cheeks. Hannah let out a soft moan as she felt the fingers gently stroke over her ass and the sound excited Glenda even more. She stroked her fingers harder and then slowly slid them lower to the hem of Hannah’s skirt.


Glenda held her breath as she started to slide the skirt up the back of Hannah’s thighs. As it rose over the stocking tops, Glenda stopped to play with them. The silky feel of the material on her fingertips was a massive turn on and she took a little time just to run her fingers back and forth over them. Glenda then continued to work the skirt higher and gasped as Hannah’s panties finally came into view. They were pink ruffle boyshorts with a small satin bow. The frilly look of the panties drove her excitement higher. Hannah’s ass looked gorgeous in them and Glenda’s breath caught in her throat as she reached out to them. She let out a long low moan as her fingers stroked onto the panties, partly at the soft touch of the material, but more so at how close her fingers now were to Hannah’s naked skin. She thought of the tight hole hidden below the panties and her excitement surged.


Glenda wanted to play with the panties, loving the silky feel of the material on her fingertips, but she was more desperate to see what was below. She finally worked her hand to the waistband of the panties. Tugging gently, Glenda began to work them from Hannah’s ass. She could hear the younger woman breathing heavily and realized that she must be getting turned on. Glenda moaned as she finally exposed Hannah’s naked ass. It was gorgeous and she immediately stoked her hands onto it. She worked her fingers around, feeling the young woman wriggle around as she enjoyed the sensation of her ass being played with.

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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