Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (8 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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“You’re a long way from there.”

“Couldn’t stay,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “Not with four brothers always wanting to know my business.”

“They don’t know what kind of games you play?”

She snorted. “They’d wade into a place like La Forge and break some man’s knuckles if they saw someone whipping me.”

Jackson snorted behind her. “What do you plan to tell them—if things work out?”

“To mind their own damn beeswax. Or maybe I’ll bring Billy then Beau on different visits, and when they ask how long we’ve been together, they can figure it out for themselves when they get the same damn answer.”

Beau laughed, shaking his head.

Glancing back, she caught Billy rolling his eyes.

“It’s a damn certainty we’ll never be invited for Christmas dinner,” Billy muttered.

Pansy folded her hands in her lap and turned in her seat to stare out of the highway. What Jackson had said about things working out, as if what was happening here was more than some fishing expedition or a tryout, made her wonder what Beau might have said to his friends.

Although she’d only been teasing about the guys meeting her family, was Beau really thinking about the future? Had what he’d said to Billy, about looking out for her happiness been about more than just this night? She was almost afraid to hope.

At last, Beau indicated and turned into a large dark, graveled parking lot. He parked the Raptor in front of a log cabin.

“This it?” she asked, hoping there was more.

“Around back there’s twenty acres of fenced-in field. Plenty of space to play.”

“You have night vision goggles for us all, because it’s dark.”

Beau patted her thigh. “Don’t worry. This is gonna be fun.”

More vehicles ground to a stop beside them. All of Beau’s friends and their extended family of significant others—Jenn, Ash and Aiden—spilled from inside. Marti was still dressed in her shiny skirt and mesh top. Jenn was wearing a slinky red dress that molded her slender curves.

But no one seemed concerned about Beau’s preparations. They climbed the porch steps and waited as he unlocked the doors and turned on the lights. Inside, was a large living space with couches and a widescreen TV, and a long counter behind which was a gun rack and tubes of ammunition.

Beau went straight to a wall of lockers and opened the doors. “Choose a coverall. You can change in the restrooms if you like.”

No one liked. Clothing flew, and since she was already changed, she enjoyed watching as all the guys, other than Billy, began chucking clothing left and right.

Billy went to a cabinet and pulled a folded bundle from inside, unwrapping and holding it beside himself to check for length.

“Looks like it will fit fine,” Pansy said, then arched a brow.

Billy glanced around. Her comment had caught everyone’s attention. They all stood, unabashed, in various stages of undress. The guys stared while they waited to see if Billy would strip too. Marti, Jenn and Ash wore matching smiles, and only their bras and underwear.

“I feel like there should be stripper music playing,” Billy muttered, but he unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop. Then he toed off his boots and socks. When he began removing his pants, he gave the women watching him so intently a flinty glare but pushed down his jeans, keeping his boxers firmly in place.

Marti held out our palm. “I win.”

Pansy laughed. “I promise I didn’t tell her you were a boxer boy.”

Billy shook his head. “You do know,” he said softly, “this ain’t normal.”

“You want normal, you shouldn’t want me. Besides, what exactly is normal? So I’m not shy about my friends seeing me in the raw. So I like to be spanked. Who doesn’t now and then?”

“I don’t. Ever.”

“Never say never,” she said, trailing a fingernail down his bare chest before turning and waltzing over to Beau who was snapping his coveralls closed.

Beau’s dark gaze followed her every step of the way, so she gave a little extra sway to her hips.

Beau shook his head. “It just doesn’t work in that baggy getup.”

“Says who?” she said, fluffing up her hair and glancing back at Billy who raised his brows but gave her a wink.

Minutes later, they all trailed down a hallway to step out onto another porch. Beau opened a junction box and flipped a breaker inside. Lights flickered behind them, and they all turned to stare at the large field, stadium lights surrounding it, and tall padded barrels, cones and big puffy Xs placed around the field.

“They’re all filled with Styrofoam,” Beau said, “and you can take up firing positions behind them.” He held up wide armbands, blue and red. “Each team will have its own color. You don’t shoot your own team.”

He handed Pansy a red arm band and gave Billy blue. By the time everyone had selected their color, the women were on teams opposite from their mates.

“I can see where this is going,” Marti drawled.

“Aim for fleshy parts,” Beau said. “The paintballs will leave a nasty bruise.”

Jackson slapped Marti’s bottom. “I know where I’m aiming.”

Marti cupped his crotch and arched a brow.

Jackson’s smile froze. “Oh hell, no.”

The women laughed while the men shared grimaces.

“Red team, take up positions on the far end of the field,” Beau said. “When you’re in place, we’ll commence. Last man standing with a dry suit wins for his team.”

“Why’d you say man?” Jenn asked.

The guys shared leering grins.

“Who do you think we’ll be huntin’ first?” Gus asked, waggling his brows at Ash.

Pansy slipped down the stairs and took off at a jog. “They don’t think we can shoot, girls. Ready to prove ’em wrong?”

Laughter followed her, but she didn’t slow down. Her belly was filled with excited butterflies. She couldn’t wait to play and especially couldn’t wait for what came after. She suspected that since all Beau’s crew was here, this was initiation night—
. And since she’d been present at the last one, she knew exactly what was in store—a whole lot of a naughty.


Billy ran behind Beau, keeping pace as they leapt from a cone to a barrel and hid behind it to peek around the side. The first loud pop sounded, followed by a curse.

“Missed her.”

It was Gus complaining from the barrel beside them. Beneath his goggles, Gus’s mouth was set in a determined straight line. He ducked around the side to steal a glimpse. “I’m goin’ in.”

Gus darted out. A large pop sounded. He grunted and fell to the ground. “Damn, that hurt,” he said, rubbing his chest and coming away with pink paint coating his hand.

“Cop a squat,” Beau called out. “You’re dead.”

The blue team had taken their first loss. And from the chortles coming from down the field, Pansy had her first kill.

“She can shoot?” Billy asked.

“Of course she can,” Beau said. “She has a photo in her house with her standing beside a large buck she killed.”

Billy’s eyebrows shot upward. “You’ve been inside her place?”

“Haven’t you?”

Billy frowned, but Beau didn’t give him time to think about it. He ran to a large foam-filled X, slung his rifle over his shoulder and climbed into the upper cross, hoping to get a better view of where the red teammates were. Blue team had made it to midfield and had split to take cover.

A pop sounded, and Beau jumped to the ground. Paint dripped down the side of the X. “Missed!” he called out then grinned at Billy.

Silence reigned for long moments, broken by the sounds of scurrying feet as the red team members moved toward them. Blue had decided to wage a defensive war, hurrying to near midfield but taking cover to pick off the enemy one by one.

Billy caught sight of Jackson rounding a barrel and shoved the stock of his rifle into his shoulder to sight down the barrel. When Jackson appeared in his line of sight, he squeezed off a shot, aiming for his chest.

Jackson jerked and then glanced up at him. “Well, fuck.” He set down his weapon and sat beside it, his face screwed up in a ferocious frown.

“Doesn’t like to lose, does he?” Billy said to Beau who patted his shoulder in congratulations.

“Who does? See her yet?”

“Not so much as a glimpse.” Billy glanced to his side to find Mondo and Marti gesturing to each other, Marti darting out as Mondo laid down fire to keep the red team’s heads down.

Another pop sounded. “Got you, Craig,” Marti yelled, but then she made a rookie mistake, doing a little dance in the open that earned her three splatters of paint, all on her ass.

“Holy shit,” she said, rubbing her behind. She sat in the grass and groaned dramatically before shifting to lie on her side.

More shots sounded, followed by a shout. “I’m down,” shouted Mondo. “Damn, Pansy, that was close.”

“Wasn’t aimin’ for your package,
ino,” she shouted.

Billy grinned. “She’s something.”

“I thought she’d be into this.”

“You created a damn monster,” Mondo grumbled.

Ash and Jenn went down in quick succession. Now only Aiden and Pansy stood for the red team, with Beau and Billy still alive for the blue. They were all center field, both sides playing a more defensive game now that they were on the home stretch.

After being forced to give up his position when Aiden began circling his barrel, Billy darted to a tall X and eased down beside Beau, breathing hard.

Beau gave him a rueful glance. “Really? You’re winded?”

Billy aimed a glare at him. “Aiden’s gunning for me. You’d think his big ass would be a great target, but the man’s fast.”

“Excuses, excuses.”

Paint exploded near his head, and Beau jerked down to a crouch. “This has gotta end.”

“Should we let her win?”

Beau’s eyebrows rose. “Where are your
, man?”

“Right in my nut sac. Seriously, do you think we should let her win?”

Beau shook his head. “Nah. She’d know it. But we have to make it more exciting. Give her something moving to take a shot at.”

They both eased up.

Beau jerked his chin to the right. “I’ll head right. You go left. Run and roll to the next barricade. And keep your eyes open for Aiden. I’d love to see his ass covered in pink.”

“You fancy his ass?”

“Unless you want to wear my paint, you won’t say that again.”

Billy grinned. “On three?”

Beau counted quietly.

On three, Billy ducked out and charged toward another barrel. Guns popped, but he kept his head down and scurried, dropping to roll behind the next barrier.

Just as he righted himself, he spotted Aiden popping up from his perch atop an X. With his gun only halfway up, Billy fired off a shot, aiming for Aiden’s chest, but he hit Aiden square in the helmet.

Stomach dropping, Billy watched as Aiden jerked back and disappeared, followed by loud thud.

“Oh, fuck.” Billy scrambled up from his position and ran for Aiden. “Man, are you okay? Aiden?”

Something hard stung his backside, followed by a second shot. He twisted around to find Pansy giving him       a wave. She hadn’t seen her partner had gone down.

He rushed around the back of the X to Aiden who lay on his back, his arms stretched wide.

Billy knelt and pushed up Aiden’s goggles then unsnapped his helmet.

Aiden blinked, then reached up and grabbed Billy’s collar, pulling him down and rolling with him until he had Billy under him. “Dude, what the fuck?” he said, shaking him.

Billy could barely breathe for the weight sitting on his chest. “I promise I wasn’t aiming for your head. It’s just so damn big.”

Aiden paused and shook his head. “My ears are ringing.”

“Think you might be concussed?”

“Nah, I know what that feels like.”

The patter of feet rushed past them—Pansy, panting and laughing as she rushed toward a barrel. A pop sounded but splashed against the barrel. She skidded to a halt and went down on one knee, pulling off a shot.

Beau yelled, “Dammit!”

Aiden glanced at Billy, and then lunged sideways to his gun. Billy went for his.

Both men turned their sights to the dancing Pansy, pinning her twice in the ass.

She squealed and then tossed down her gun and helmet. “What was that for? I won!”

Aiden and Billy shared grins.

Aiden shrugged.

Billy eased up, walked over to Pansy and wrapped his arms around her. “So I could kiss it better?”

Pansy unscrunched her nose and leaned against his chest. “That was fun.”

Billy rubbed his cheek against hers. “Sure was.”

“We should be real nice to Beau.”

Billy grunted. “You won. But Beau gets the prize.”

“There was a prize?”

Billy leaned back and raised a brow. “He gets you first.”

Chapter Seven

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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