Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (7 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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Hell, maybe they’d learn to be friends. For the sake of Pansy’s happiness. Because Beau was steadily coming to the realization, she needed both men in her life.



Billy was stopped at the door of the club by a large man with a tattoo sleeve all the way down to his wrist who checked a list on a clipboard he held. When his glance shot up, he gave Billy a smile. “Welcome to the club. You’re a new member, I see.”

Billy gave a firm shake of his head. “I’m just a guest.”

The big beefy man flashed him a smile. “Nope, Mondo took care of your membership. You’ve got full status. Enjoy.” With a tip of his head, he reached back and pushed open the door leading into a large, loud room.

Billy strolled inside, blinking at first as he glanced around, and fought against letting his jaw drop. Aiden had warned him what the club was like, and he thought he was prepared, but holy shit.

He halted in the middle of the room and thought about turning around and walking out. But a small hand landed on his upper arm.

Marti Kowalski stood beside him, her cute face turned upward and a wide smile stretching her mouth. She wore short skirt that looked like it was made of plastic and a see-through mesh top.

Billy fought hard not to stare at her pretty breasts.

“See you made it.” She reached up and kissed his cheek. “Don’t look now, Jackson’s heading this way. Don’t worry if he looks like he’s ready to wipe the floor with you. He’s just mad at me because I just kissed you, and he didn’t give me permission.”

Her grin was infectious. A smile tugged at his lips. Billy glanced up and spotted Jackson’s large frame striding straight for them. Familiar with Jackson from the friendly Saturday football matches between the police station and the firehouse, he gave Jackson an easy wave.

When Jackson reached them, he gave Billy a hard-eyed glare and snatched up Marti’s hand. “See you later. This one,” he said, pulling her arm, “needs to learn a little discipline.”

With Marti hanging back to blow Billy a kiss as her irate boyfriend dragged her behind him, Billy shook his head in bemusement.

“They do that a lot.”

Billy grimaced as Mondo stopped beside him.

Mondo gestured toward the couple disappearing together into ladies’ room. “They won’t be long. Marti instigates so Jackson has a reason to spank her.” He shrugged. “It works for them. Jackson’s not really a hothead. Fact is, he sets her up to disobey.” Mondo gave him a glance that spared nothing, raking him head to toe. “So you like our girl, Pansy?” he said, getting right to the point of the visit.

Billy bristled. “My interest is none of your business.”

Mondo pursed his lips. “That’s where you’re wrong. She’s one of us now. Adopted by our group. Aiden’s one of us too now. Because he’s with Craig and Jenn.” Mondo flashed him a smile. “We aren’t close minded. We can accept a fireboy.”

Billy rolled his shoulders. “I don’t have anything against cops.”

“But you resent one cop’s interest in one particular woman.”

“I don’t resent Beau.” Billy blew out a breath. “I just wish he wasn’t in the way.”

“Do you also wish Pansy wasn’t into this?” the dark-haired man asked, indicating with a sweep of his arm around the busy room.

Again, Billy looked around, his face heating because no one seemed shy about letting things hang out. And they also didn’t seem to care if they drew a crowd of watchers while they engaged in some kinky-ass activities. Billy grimaced, uncomfortable gawking.

He’d walked into a party like this in high school, where other jocks were busy getting blowjobs by wannabe girlfriends—rainbow parties—that had disgusted him. He hadn’t bothered sticking around or ever attending another. But now he stood in the center of a room where orgies were taking place. Fucking hell.

From a crescent-shaped couch in a corner came the unmistakable sounds of a woman nearing orgasm. Her rhythmic moans getting louder and louder.

Billy’s head swung toward her just in time to watch a rather large woman bounce one last time in the lap of scrawny man. His eyes widened.

“All shapes and sizes,” Mondo murmured. “All flavors of desire. There’s freedom inside these walls, my friend. Freedom to explore whatever brings you pleasure.”

Billy remained silent as Mondo guided him deeper into the large salon. With furniture covered in plush, dark velvet and crystal chandeliers lending a golden light to plenty of nude skin, he felt as though he’d entered another time. And a place outside of reality. People frolicked on couches and settees, blowjobs and handjobs taking place while watchers stood by, nodding their approval as they got it on.

And the outfits everyone wore

There were some dressed as casually as he was in a button-down shirt and blue jeans. Some were in business suits with their ties loosened, their shirts hanging open for happily roaming hands to touch. There were women in slinky dresses and others who wore barely anything at all, except maybe a strip of leather across bountiful breasts or underwire bras that bared rosy pierced nipples.

When a man strode by holding a dog leash with another man trailing, completely nude except for the hardness surrounding his cock and balls, all Billy could do was shake his head. No fucking way would he ever be into something like that.

Billy didn’t know what he thought about everything he observed. These weren’t teenagers proving themselves or seeking peers’ approval by letting themselves be used. These were mature people with open faces and happy smiles.

Except for the man with leather straps crisscrossing his dick and weights attached to his painfully sagging balls. Billy couldn’t hide his grimace.

“Some get off on pain,” Mondo said, as he studied the man’s gear. “For most, a little pain ratchets up arousal. For others, deeper pain is the only way they can let loose. Your friend Aiden is a master at working with a sub who loves pain.”

Billy shot him a glance.

Mondo nodded. “Both Jenn and Craig enjoy pain. Aiden enjoys administering it. He’s more careful with Jenn, but with Craig he has found the one person with whom he can fully share himself, and Craig loves him for it. They fulfill one another.”

Billy liked Aiden, had bunked next to him, filling many hours talking in the dark about football and their dreams for the future. Not once had Aiden mentioned he needed to use a riding crop to blister someone’s butt in order to be happy.

When he’d discovered the depth of Aiden’s obsession, he hadn’t been sure what he felt. He’d stood rooted to the spot as Aiden had taken Jenn in full view of the doorway to the firehouse gym. His friend had asked him to play lookout while he’d demolished sweet Jenn’s composure, humiliating her to the point of tears.

Billy had felt sick to his stomach at Aiden’s behavior and with the fact he himself had grown aroused watching Jenn blow Aiden, her nude bottom pointed his way where he could see just how into it she’d really been.

Afterward, he’d avoided Aiden—until he’d accepted the invitation to the party. Aiden had promised to give him some insight into his lifestyle, perhaps in an attempt to mend the rift between them. Billy sure as hell hoped Aiden hadn’t guessed at his fascination.

Mondo touched his arm. “She’s here.”

Billy sucked in a deep breath, preparing himself to see Pansy in her element and dressed in some kinky outfit that would completely blow his socks off. He turned toward the entrance and watched as she swept into the room.

At first, he didn’t get it. She looked so out of place. But she wore a wide grin that lit her face up like Christmas lights. Giddy joy shone there.

She wore combat boots and a camouflaged coverall covered in splotches of pink and white paint. A helmet was tucked under one arm and goggles dangled from her fingers. She strode straight for Billy and Mondo.

Mondo leaned down and kissed her cheek. “He’s in my room. Go on. I’ll make sure everyone else knows to get ready.”

Pansy nodded then gave Billy a smile. “You ready to rumble?”

Billy shook his head, still not getting exactly what was happening here.

“Don’t worry,” she said, grabbing his arm and turning him toward a corridor. “You’re gonna love this.”

He let her lead him to a doorway that was cracked open. Inside, Beau stood in the center of a room with contraptions that looked a lot like those in Aiden’s playroom. A padded table, a spanking bench, a bed against a wall, a line of cabinets with implements hanging on hooks—floggers, whips and some things Billy didn’t recognize. He returned his gaze back to Beau who was staring at Pansy, approval gleaming in his dark eyes.

“So you made your choice,” Beau said, his tone quiet and even.

Pansy let go of Billy’s arm and set the helmet on a cabinet ledge before walking slowly toward Beau. When she stood in front of him, she knelt, clasping her hands behind her and bowing her head.

Beau reached down to ruffle her hair, and his gaze went to Billy. “She’s been worrying about how this might work. I thought rather than giving her what she expected, she might like a change of venue. A chance for us all to play before we explore what might be.”

Billy swallowed, knowing he’d just been included in the invitation, and that rather than watching, and maybe discovering he wasn’t cut out for a life with Pansy, he was being given a chance to join in. To play on an even field with the man who was watching him with a steady stare.

For a moment, he felt a little overwhelmed. Like he’d been offered a gift he didn’t expect, and didn’t know how to reciprocate. Like he’d come to a party without a favor in his hands for his host. “This is your night.”

“Which I decided wasn’t the way I wanted to look at this. My night. Your night. Every night should be hers.”

Pansy’s breath sounded jagged as she inhaled.

Billy glanced down to watch her hand wrap around Beau’s knee. She leaned against him, hugging him.

“You’re really okay with his?” Billy asked, his voice a little husky.

Beau’s mouth slowly widened into a smile. “We should be friends. The best of friends. Because we share something we both desire.” Beau glanced down and tipped up Pansy’s face. “You want us both, don’t you?”

Pansy wet her bottom lip with her tongue. Her eyes were large in her face and tears shimmered in her eyes. “You can punish me later for being a slut, I think I’d like that, but yes, I want you both.”

“You’re not a slut

unless, you want to be our slut.” Beau waggled his eyebrows.

Pansy giggled and turned her head to flash Billy a smile. “You’ll get used to it. I swear.”

Billy scraped a hand across his hair and stared at the pair who waited for his answer. He couldn’t see a future where he’d ever get used to this. “You cops are a kinky fucking bunch.”

“Sorry you joined the wrong force?”

Billy snorted. He dropped his gaze to Pansy. “So long as you know, I won’t always want to share.”

The corners of her mouth curved higher. “So long as you know Beau gets his own alone time too.”

Billy shook his head, hiding his unease. Inside, he wasn’t sure how this would work. The idea of multiple partners was something he’d only ever expected to see on bad reality TV. “You’re gonna be a busy girl.”

“She’s gonna be bowlegged.”

Billy shot Beau a glance and then laughed at his crudeness. He nodded toward Pansy. “Are we going paintballin’ or not?”

Chapter Six

“Okay, so you know those paintballs hurt, right?” Pansy said from the passenger seat of the Raptor. Excitement skittered through her and she was unable to wait for the answer before she asked, “Are we almost there?”

Beau chuckled beside her.

The sound surprised her so much that her glance went from the dark highway to his face, illuminated by the dashboard lights. When she glanced behind her, she found Marti, who was wedged between Jackson and Billy, also staring with bemusement at Beau.

Pansy still couldn’t believe Beau had come up with an idea like this, rather than keeping her selfishly to himself. “How did you know I’d go for this?”

Beau shrugged. “I wasn’t sure. Not until I saw all those family photos. The guys in them—they your brothers?”


“You the only girl?”


He nodded, not glancing her way. “Paintball just came to my mind when I thought about something fun we might do. Something physical so we could all let loose. Then I saw the photos

You must have had lots of chances to play with the boys when you were growing up—catch, football

“I did. I was usually the pitcher because I had the best arm. And I was the wide receiver, because I’m small but fast.”

“I bet you dodged right around those hurtling bodies. You learned to play a little rough.”

“I always had a black eye or a bandage.”

“I saw that.”

“And you didn’t immediately assume I was the victim of abuse?”

Beau gave her a baleful glance. “You’re too happy a person to be from that kind of home, sweetheart.”

“Where is home?” Marti asked, tapping her shoulder.


BOOK: Twice the Bang
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