Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (2 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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“I’m not playing,” she whispered while she gazed at him from beneath the thick black fringe of her lashes. “I told you. We’re not exclusive.”

Beau snorted. “You got a guy for every night of the week?”

She jerked back her head and glared. Then she raised her hand, cupped his jaw and gently tugged his face closer. When her lips were a breath away from his, she whispered, “I’m not seeing anyone else. Haven’t for a while. And I don’t appreciate the implication. Got a problem with me having two boyfriends?”

Beau swallowed hard and then slowly shook his head, wondering how she’d managed to take control so quickly.

“Don’t expect either of us to play fair.”

“Lover, I’m counting on it,” she said, a slow smile stretching across her face.

Beau’s gaze locked with her steady glare, and he started to chuckle.

Billy’s chair scraped backward, and he reached for Pansy’s hand and tugged her up. “Baby, let’s get out of here.”

Beau rose and gave Billy an even stare. “Why did you come here?”

Billy frowned.

“He wanted you to see them together.” Mondo pursed his lips as he studied Billy. “Bet he didn’t decide until he saw her in that dress.” His gaze slid slyly to Pansy. “Are you wearing panties, Pansy?”

Her cheeks flushed. “Of course not.”

Billy’s hand slipped boldly to her waist, then lower, cupping her bottom.

Pansy lifted her leg and rubbed against his thigh.

Beau’s dick jerked against his fly, and he sank his thumbs in his jeans’ front pockets and let his fingers frame his sex.

Her gaze dropped and held. She raised her thigh a couple of inches higher and tightened it against Billy.

Billy slid his hand lower.

And there in the shadowy club, a seduction began. Beau felt lazy fingers of heat tug at his crotch. He welcomed the heat, welcomed the challenge. When his friends had succumbed one by one to premarital bliss
he’d felt a little abandoned.

Now he had his own little drama, a sexual tug-of-war he was eager to explore. “See you tomorrow night,” Beau said, his voice smoky and deep.

“See ya, Beau,” Pansy said huskily with a curl of her raised fingers.

“Where are you taking her?” Billy asked.

And although they both knew he didn’t have any right to know, Beau smiled. “I’m not. We’re meeting at the club.”

Billy let out sharp gust of air and turned Pansy away from the table, apparently eager to be away.

Mondo’s long dark hair shivered around his face as he chuckled. “Do you have a plan?”

Beau gave him a rueful smile. “I was hoping you might help me with that. I have to blow her socks off. Whatever
does, I have to do better.”

“No worries there. But Pansy’s not new to the scene. She might enjoy the fact Billy isn’t well schooled. His innocence might feel refreshing.”

“For a time,” Beau said, but then he remembered how quickly Billy had taken to the flogger he’d used to lightly stroke her flanks. “Perhaps.”

“Exactly,” Mondo said, as though reading his mind. “She’s a sub. She wants a man to lead. Wants punishment, just not anything heavy handed. Even if she likes Billy well enough, she’ll still expect him to learn what she needs.”

Beau settled slowly into his seat, his gaze following Billy and Pansy but his ears tuned to what Mondo was saying.

“He’ll make missteps. He might be shy about taking charge. You will reinforce her identity each time you press her to submit. Billy won’t stand a chance. Just—” Mondo touched Beau’s shoulder, drawing his gaze, “—make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. I like Pansy. She’s sweet. Funny. I don’t want her hurt. If she could be happy with him, and you’re not that into her, let her go.”

Beau nodded slowly. Although he wasn’t accustomed to sharing his intimate thoughts, he aimed a glance around the table. His buddies were all leaning forward to hear. “I don’t know where this is going. We’ve never even shared a bed or a full-on scene. But I can’t get her out of my head.” His gaze slid back to Mondo. “I’ll see you at La Forge. Early. And I’ll need to borrow your room.”

“What if Billy shows up early?”

Beau grinned. “So what if he does? Tomorrow’s my night.”

Chapter Two

As they drove to the Italian restaurant where Billy had made reservations, Pansy watched the handsome firefighter from the corner of her eye. He was all wrong for her. A vanilla guy who didn’t understand the first thing about what a girl like her needed.

And yet she couldn’t do the right thing. Couldn’t tell him take her home and forget about seeing her again. There was something about him she really liked.

Didn’t hurt he was easy to look at. Tall and thickly muscled
, he looked like a Viking come to life. Only with short, bristly blond hair. And with pale, penetrating eyes that were completely swoon worthy.

The first time she’d felt that arctic-blue gaze settle on her naked body at the party, she’d felt an electric spark sizzle across her skin. She’d been so excited her nipples had tightened as though pinched by naughty fingers.

Or maybe it was the added bonus that Beau’s whole body had stiffened beside hers as Billy had approached. She’d been trying to get Beau’s attention for the longest while, every time he entered the club. At last, that night, he’d given a hint of jealous possessiveness regarding her.

Billy’s expression had been open for anyone to read. Predatory, stark, his gaze raking her nude body and snagging for long moments on her breasts and bare mound. His chest beneath his orange University of Tennessee T-shirt had expanded. His arms had tensed, both displaying impressive bulges, but not a show he’d purposely given. He’d just been in a rush to reach her. A heat-seeking missile homing in on a hot target like the ones she’d watched on the news.

She’d never gotten that reaction from a man before. She’d been nude in many settings—at the club, at private meet ’n’ greets, at BDSM conventions—but she was used to polite interest, not the hungry intensity she’d felt all the way to her bare toes.

She’d creamed on the spot and then wondered how to hide the evidence, clamping together her thighs.

Beau hadn’t missed much. His quiet, watchful gaze had studied her and then looked at Billy. If she hadn’t noted the tension lending a sharper edge to his already taut jaw, she wouldn’t have known he was jealous.

That was something unexpected, because Beau McIntyre was a bit of a mystery. The other female subs at the club wondered about him, talked about him in the female locker room. They knew he was Mondo’s friend, and that increased his cred exponentially, because every girl wanted a go with Mondo and paid close attention to his attractive crew of friends.

She’d played with Mondo, been his demo girl a time or two, but only that many because he liked a sub who could take a more intensive S&M session than she could endure. And truth be told, he scared her.

But Beau had always fascinated her. From his tall, buff frame, his bald head, and stark features, he was handsome enough to give her butterflies just looking at him. His heritage was a mixture of African American, Asian, and by his last name, Celt, but his expression was all inscrutable Asian. What he thought or felt was something he didn’t divulge. He posed a challenge.

For the longest time, she’d wanted to get him alone, get him naked and see whether he could manage to hide what he thought without giving a telltale twitch of his cock.

She wasn’t ambitious. Just curious. And accepting that invitation to Aiden’s sexy little get-together had opened more than one door.

Now she had two sexy men to contend with. What to do? She wasn’t sure how she wanted this to all go down, but she knew just the thought of one of them watching while the other had his wicked way with her was a fantasy that played over and over inside her mind.

The tension inside Billy’s Ford Raptor was thick enough to slice with a knife, but was it because of the confrontation with Beau at the bar, or because Billy was alone with her at last and didn’t want to proceed according to his plan? Was he wishing he’d cut straight to the fun and games?

Pansy hid a smile and glanced out the passenger-side window. She liked to play in public. Would he be appalled or into it? If this budding relationship was going to work, she needed to know.

The backlit sign for the restaurant appeared just ahead. She waited until he pulled into the parking lot and began to open his door before she turned in her seat and let the bottom edge of her dress ride up. Enough to give him a peak of her ass—if he needed reminding she’d gone commando.

Behind her, his breath caught, and she smiled, eager now to see just how far she could push him.

The hostess was a pretty teenager whose eyes widened as she gave Billy an up-and-down glance that ate him up like a sweet dessert. Since Pansy understood the reaction, she ignored the girl’s blatant infatuation and followed as the flirty twit and Billy chatted all the way to the quiet booth in a dark corner.

Pansy slid across the vinyl seat, her bare bottom cooling deliciously, and waited for Billy to slide in beside her. His thighs halted inches from hers, giving her polite space, but she wasn’t having any of that.

While the girl handed them menus and ignored Pansy altogether to gush over her handsome date, Pansy slid her hand between Billy’s legs and gave his impressive package a squeeze.

His chest billowed. His back stiffened.

The girl hovering over them glanced down and shock had her jaw dropping. “Um, I’ll bring you water.”

Her hasty retreat was followed by a long silence, and then Billy cupped his hand over hers.

Pansy ducked her head as heat bloomed in her cheeks.

“Seeing as you don’t seem to mind who sees us gettin’ friendly, keep your hand right there.” Then he slid his away and rearranged his thighs, widening them and slumping lower in his seat, as relaxed as he could be.

Pansy glanced at him from beneath her lashes. Her heart rate kicked up a notch, excitement skittering through her. The tone he’d used, smooth and deep—controlled—had her pussy clenching.

Drinks arrived, served by another girl, whose gaze went from Pansy to Billy, and then dropped surreptitiously to the hand between Billy’s legs.

So the first girl had mentioned it to the next. Did they have a little fan club going? Pansy gave Billy a blatant squeeze and tipped up her chin to give him a wide smile.

His eyes narrowed and his smile was tight, but he aimed a glance at the girl and placed an order for salads and spaghetti, not giving Pansy a choice.

When the girl hurried away, no doubt to titter in the back with her girlfriend, Billy leaned to the side, until his breath gusted warmly against her ear. “Eat fast,” he said, his tone deep and hard.

Pansy swallowed and slowly withdrew her hand, sitting up and squaring her shoulders. Her head dipped automatically, her responses driven by her training. If they’d been in a private setting, she’d have slid to the floor and knelt beside his knee. Billy might not be familiar with happened between a Dom and his sub, but he slid naturally into the dominant role.

How exciting. How completely delicious. Thoughts swirled in her mind. Possibilities mounted, one atop the other. Could she help him? Coax him into the being the Dom she needed?

They ate their meal, not speaking. Billy didn’t appear to pay her any attention at all, smiling politely at the girls who took turns filling their glasses and checking to see if they needed anything, but purposely ignoring Pansy beside him.

Not that she felt slighted. She understood. The tension in the thigh snuggled beside hers was unrelenting. He was as attuned to her as she was to him. Every breath, every slow chew, every nudge was noted. By the time the check arrived, her nipples were tight, hard beads and there was a wet spot beneath her where her pussy lips sucked at the vinyl.

As she rose, she dropped her napkin to hide the evidence, but not quickly enough that Billy didn’t notice.

His firm mouth curved.

That smile kept her hot all the way to his truck.

He opened the door for her and stood to the side.

She stepped up, her ass nudging his belly and slid inside before reaching for the safety belt.

But he was there first, leaning around her to snug it close to her waist and adjust the strap crossing her chest, and then he held still.

Her attention captured, she held her breath as he lowered his hands and slowly tugged up her skirt until it bunched under the belt at her hips.

“Good thing my seats are leather,” he whispered.

Pansy wet her bottom lip with a slow swipe of her tongue.

He drew nearer.

She knew he was going to kiss her by the quick downward flick of a glance he gave her mouth, and she tilted back her head. It was funny, but despite everything they’d already shared, despite the fact he’d seen her nude, they’d never shared a kiss.

When his mouth touched hers, her whole body vibrated. His mouth was hot and firm. His lips gave, rubbing against hers, parting slightly.

She opened beneath him, creeping her hands up his chest to grip his collar as he sank his tongue inside her.

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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