Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (5 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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Excitement flared again and she gave him a catlike smile. “I wouldn’t mind one little bit. But it could get complicated.”

Billy leaned to the side on one elbow and ran a hand down her side, sliding it beneath her buttock and giving her a squeeze. “I think I can handle complicated. I’m a quick learner.”

Laughter bubbled up and spilled over. Pansy couldn’t help it. The days since Aiden’s party had been filled with so much anticipation, she’d been a little afraid to hope the reality would be anywhere near as exciting. Billy might be untried, but he was certainly game. “You do know his whole crew will likely be there for support.”

“I’ll have a friend in my corner too.”

“Aiden’s pretty formidable. Scares me a little.”

“Aiden’s not getting anywhere near you with a flogger or a paddle,” he said, his face and voice darkening.

Pansy couldn’t pussyfoot around the larger issue. “How are you gonna feel about Beau

and me.”

Billy’s mouth twisted. “I haven’t been a choir boy. Never mattered whether a girl I liked stepped out on me or not, only because I never made any promises and never expected any back. But I’m jealous as hell of every minute he spends with you. Doesn’t mean I’ll think any less of you. Truth be told, I’m curious about what he’ll do, and how you’ll react.”

“Because you want to learn?”

He gave her a crooked smile. “That, and because I want to watch you come apart—without the distraction of trying to hold on to my own control while it’s happening.” Billy snorted. “If any of my buddies, other than Aiden, heard me say that, they’d think I was out of my mind.”

She smoothed the backs of her fingers across his cheek. “I get it. And while we’re bein’ honest, I have to tell you, I’ve wanted him for a long time. Like a craving for sweets. I know I shouldn’t want him, not when I’m with you, but until I try him out

Billy’s lashes fanned downward and he drew a deep breath. “I want to keep seein’ you, Pansy.”

She gripped his lobe and pulled his face down. “I want to keep seein’ you too,” she said softly. “The way you handled me

” She bit her lip then smiled. “Baby, I’ve never come so hard. Not even with someone who knew exactly what I like. I think I enjoyed the fact you were feelin’ your way with me.”

“I like feelin’ you. Period,” he said, giving her a sexy nudge with his cock, which was filling again. He smoothed his hand up her side and cupped her breast. The roughened pad of his thumb swiped the tip of her nipple.

“Gonna throw a hissy if I start squeezin’?” she murmured, trying to resist the natural urge to clench around him.

He arched a brow, a wicked light in his eyes. “Sweetheart, I don’t throw hissies.” He scraped her nipple again.

“And you didn’t answer my question,” she said, gritting her teeth because her pussy was gonna do it, and no thought of punishment was going to stop it. Already, fresh fluid was beginning to coat her inner walls.

Billy Sorensen still weighed her down, still held her pinned to the mattress, and there wasn’t anything she could do to budge him—not that she wanted to. Oh, no. She relished the fact she lay trapped beneath his huge frame. She swallowed hard and then gave his rapidly expanding cock a sexy, trembling squeeze.

“Mmm-mmm,” he growled. “Now you’ve gone and done it.”

“What are you gonna do?”

Billy didn’t answer. He just smiled and then moved down her body, his cock slipping from inside her.

She almost complained, but he was already nibbling on a nipple, so Pansy stared at the ceiling while Billy showed her just how wicked a vanilla boy could be.

Chapter Four

The next morning, Pansy’s doorbell rang. She heard it in the distance but pulled the pillow over her head. She wasn’t ready to let go of the pleasant dream she’d been enjoying—of her and Billy. Her mind replayed the sexy encounter of the night before but with a few subtle changes.

Rather than her and Billy enjoying the comfort of his king-size bed, they’d been at his firehouse atop a red fire engine as he demonstrated the proper operation of a fireman’s

The doorbell rang again. This time, the chiming continued in one long, annoying peal.

“All right,” she yelled. “Coming!” She rubbed her sleepy eyes, raked her fingers through her spiky hair and rolled off the bed.

“Jesus, who the hell wants me this early?” She glanced at the clock. It was nearly noon. Shit.

Glancing down to make sure she was wearing her usual sleeping attire, an oversized tee and pull-on shorts, she hurried downstairs to the door.

The moment she’d swung it open, she tried to swing it back closed.

But a big foot wedged in the crack. “Morning, sunshine,” Beau’s booming voice rang out.

She eased open the door a little wider and hid her body behind it before giving the large man a glare. “Thought our date was at the club. Tonight,” she said, knowing she sounded grumpy but not caring. He’d caught her at her worst, and by his uncustomary grin, he knew it.

“I come bearing gifts,” he said, raising a hand, which held a large black gift bag.

She eyed it with suspicion, not missing the gleam in his dark eyes. “Really, it couldn’t wait?”

Then he held up his other hand. He had a cardboard cup tray with two cups of her favorite designer-brand coffee.

She reached out, took a cup from the tray and dented the nozzle for a sip. “Thanks for the coffee.” She tried to close the door again, but that pesky size-twelve shoe hadn’t moved.

Sighing, because she knew he wasn’t going to leave gracefully, she stepped back and let the door slowly swing open on its own while she headed to her kitchen for creamer.

Once there, she ignored the sound of his footsteps trailing slowly behind her. He was likely ogling her things, trying to figure her out. Unfortunately for her, she hadn’t learned the art of subtlety. Family photos graced the walls of the foyer with her in various stages of hair fashion. Now he’d know for sure she wasn’t a natural blonde and that she’d been a cheerleader. And that she was an outdoorsy sort of girl who liked to canoe and hunt.

And then there was the crazy-quilt-painted chair, colored with every color under the rainbow in curling spirals and polka dots. She wasn’t an artist, but she did like color. She took heart in the fact the kitchen walls would blind him.

From inside her sherbet
orange sanctum, she gave him a dark frown.

He cleared his throat, his gaze shooting to the bright walls. “Cheerful,” he said, his face deadpan, as always.

And just like that she stopped being annoyed with him.

Not that she was ready to let him know it, but he’d accepted her color scheme. She narrowed her eyes. “The coffee needs cream,” she said, opening the refrigerator door to reach for the French vanilla creamer, which she held up so he could see the brand.

His head dipped. “Noted.”

She’d only done it to piss his holy Dom-ness off, but again, he took her surliness in stride. Pouring creamer, she lifted her chin toward the table, a ’50s retro metal with a slightly chipped, strawberry-sherbet Formica top and chrome surround.

He eased down on a spindly metal chair and raised his eyebrows. Which had her blushing over her rudeness, so she sat as well, cuddling her cup between her hands as she took a sip. At the first taste, she gave a happy sigh.

“Feel more like it?”

“Like what?”

“Like you.”

Her gaze dropped to the table top. “You do know how awkward this is, right?”

“Because you and Billy had sex last night?”

Not surprised in the least that he’d guessed right, but shocked he’d mentioned it, she nodded slowly before raising her eyes to meet his gaze.

His inscrutable expression was unchanged, but there was warmth in his eyes. Melting warmth.

Her heart fluttered then pounded harder.

“It was his night,” he said, his voice again dead even.

She canted her head. “Just like that? You aren’t mad? Not disgusted?”

He narrowed his eyes just a fraction. “Do you want me to be angry or disgusted?”

“No,” she said, but felt her lower lip protrude just a bit. Why was he taking this so calmly? A girl liked to know she was important enough to piss a guy off.

“But you should be punished.”

Her pussy should have been bone dry after the night she’d had, but from one second to the next, she felt a rush of moisture wetting the crotch of her shorts. “If it was his night, and you don’t care what I do on his time, why am I being punished?”

“Because you need it.”

He stated it so matter-of-factly that all she could do was stare.

Beau arched a dark brow. “Baby, put down that coffee and come around the table. We’ll get the punishment over and you’ll feel better. Come now.”

Pansy sat still for a long moment, staring back. And then her eyes slowly filled. Beau got her. Completely. A fleeting thought for Billy’s sensibilities flitted through her mind and right out the kitchen door. She set her coffee on the table and walked around to Beau.

He turned his seat to face her, locked his gaze with hers and then stared pointedly at his lap.

She didn’t need a second invitation. Pansy lay stomach down across his lap.

“Place your palms on the floor.”

She stretched to rest her flattened hands on the floor. Blood rushed to her head, and his hard thigh constricted her chest. Breathless because of the position and her trepidation of what would come next, she held still.

He smoothed a large, heavy hand down her back, cupped one buttock and squeezed, then moved to the other where it lingered. “How many times did he fuck you?”

“Three,” she gasped, too surprised by the question to lie.

“Did you enjoy it?”

This time she paused.

He squeezed her bottom, nearly to the point of pain.

“Yes,” she said quickly to forestall a painful pinch.

“That’s good. I don’t have to beat him to a pulp.”

She glared at the floor. “You’re okay with him fucking me so long as he does it right?”

“No, I’m not okay. I’m pissed as hell. But since I’m confident I can do it better, I’ll admit it’s a good thing you’ll have a basis for comparison. You’ll be a hundred percent sure you like it better with me.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say. And then wondered if what he said was true. But then him inserting his fingers beneath her waistband had her stiffening.

“Any problem with me taking these off? I can’t punish you properly with them interfering.”

She could have sworn she heard a hint of laughter in his voice, but she couldn’t be sure since she’d never heard him laugh before. “Um, no.” Again, what the hell was she supposed to say?
I’m uncomfortable baring my ass because another man might have left a hickey or two on my bottom?

“Lift up,” he said, waiting as she went up on her toes to make enough space between their bodies for him to pull down her shorts.

Her face burned hotter. Her breaths were coming in short, feeble pants. Maybe she’d pass out before it hurt more than she could take.

He trailed a finger down her crack, skipping over her tiny rosette—which caused her breath to hitch for one concerned moment—then moving downward to slide between her closed thighs.

He fluttered his finger in the narrow space. “Open up, Pansy.”

Scooting her feet apart, one at a time, she gave him the access he demanded, but he didn’t make a move on her.

Beau rested his hands on her back. “We should set some ground rules.”

“Right now?”

“What better time?” When she took a deep breath to issue another question, he tsked. “Think before you speak. Did I give you leave to speak freely?”

Her eyes bugged. “We aren’t at the club.”

“The club doesn’t define who we are, Pansy. Does it?”

She held silent, because he’d touched on another of her needs.

“You want to be submissive 24/7, don’t you, sweetheart?”

“I don’t want to be a slave.”

“Didn’t think you did, but you do want your sexual needs seen to on a regular basis by someone who gets you. Someone you might love.”


“Was that so hard to admit?”

“Of course not. I just didn’t think that was what you wanted to talk about.”

“Are you disappointed we’re having this conversation, right this minute?”

“My ass is bare and you’re not interested,” she grumbled. “Not great for my ego.”

“Your ass is pretty. Except for those two hickeys. Did you know he left them?”

“Yes?” she said, not sure what answer he wanted.

“Were they a message for me?”

“I suppose.”

His body shook.

She glanced to the side. He was laughing silently, his shoulders shaking. Pansy’s jaw dropped. “Should I arrange for you two to meet tonight, seeing as how you’re both so busy flirting with each other?”

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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