Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (24 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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When they got home that
night, Jessica showered while Riya went over the second survey with Joshua,
trying to keep him on task. 



Subject Name:  Joshua


What is the most common phrase you use
for intercourse?

Fucking.  As gentle as I try to start,
it always ends up intense.          


What is the primary trait that attracts
you to a member of the opposite sex?

Acceptance of me for who I am, no matter


When was your first sexual encounter?

I was sixteen.  My first date with a
girl who moved in down the block.         


Do you remember details of that

I was driving her home after the movie
and she went down on me from the passenger seat.  Told me to pull over because
she couldn’t wait anymore.


Have you ever had contact with your
first sexual partner after the first time?

Dated her for a few months until her dad
was transferred to another base.  I wasn’t in love with her, but she had a
pretty little body.  I missed her for a long time.


How often do you masturbate?

There used to be days I’d spank it
several times in a few hours.  Now, I see something that turns me on, I let it
build.  Maybe even check out some Internet porn…eventually when I let go, I
come hard.


Do you have a scenario to facilitate

Oh fuck yes, one woman riding my cock,
the other sitting on my face so I can eat her pussy.  That will be the image
from now on if I have to jerk off.       


Have you ever engaged in sex with a
person you did not know?

With girls I didn’t know well, but I
always made the effort to get to know them if I had sex with them, figured they
gave me something important, I owed them my attention.    


Where is the most unusual place you've
had sex?

The batting cage with a team groupie. 
Unusual because I never messed with them, but I was amped up after a game and
she took me by surprise.   I bent her over the machine and took her hard.


How many casual sexual encounters have
you had in the last year?

None.  I don’t do casual.  Serious
fucking takes knowing someone and learning their body while they learn yours. 
The most casual was you and I never really thought of you that way.  Especially
not now.


He came for her so fast she
was barely able to put her laptop down.  When Jess joined them a few minutes
later, they focused on her with such intensity she collapsed from exhaustion,
unsure when they joined her. 


Riya realized the next
morning why she’d enjoyed being with Joshua, and then Jessica, so much.  Her
college years hadn’t been fun.  She’d had Tawny who’d always been fun.  Tawny
had dated and socialized while Riya had isolated herself and focused on work.  


Her one boyfriend stood her
up more than they actually dated.  She kept him around to keep everyone else
away so she could concentrate on her studies.  Pathetic really.  This
experience was her new college memory and that felt good.  It felt right. 


She left Joshua and Jessica
to sleep and caught up on her work.  She had emails from her dad telling her
she was in big trouble when she got back.  Though she knew he didn’t know what
she was up to, she felt a twinge of guilt anyway. 

She replied and told him how
much she missed him and loved him.  A couple of emails from Tawny. 


She was creating new data
files for upload when the email from her next subject came in. 


Hello, Riya:


Thank you for accepting my application. 
I’m not 100% sure why I’m doing this, but the company will be nice.  I’ve got
the guest room all made up.  I don’t expect anything from you, you know?  Not
at all.  I guess I’m just looking forward to having someone to talk to that
isn’t male and working here.  Seeing a pretty face around will be a good change
for a few days.  I’ll pick you up at the Saddlebag Diner, if that’s alright. 
I’ve told friends the reason you’re coming, I hope that wasn’t the wrong thing
to do.  I have a real hard time with lying. 


Looking forward to meeting you,




Subject Name:  Lucas

Subject Age:  42

Subject Career:  Rancher

Marital Status:  Widowed

Children (Y/N):  Y

Annual Income:  Around 140K

Location:  Billings, MT


What was your primary motivation for
applying to this study?

At first, I was curious.  Then I
wondered if having someone of the opposite sex around wouldn’t be good for me. 
I’m not going to use a sweet young woman though.         


What do you hope to gain by your

I hope maybe to find some sort of


What is one thing you wish the
investigator to know about you?

I’m in pain and I doubt it can be fixed.          


Do you have any negative assumptions
regarding this study?

I don’t want to hope that things can
change in my life then be disappointed.


What is your most secret sexual fantasy?

Camping under the stars and making
love.  My late wife never liked camping but I always wanted to take her.


Have you ever told anyone else about
this fantasy?



Have you attempted to realize this
fantasy in your daily life?

I don’t have a desire to date, I have no
desire for anything it seems.


How have you utilized the Internet in
your sexual life?

The closest I got to sex on the Internet
was when I searched for Internet Therapy and suddenly found myself on one site
after another and ended up on yours.  Maybe it’s’ kismet.


Riya could not wait to get
to this subject.  He was in a deep state of depression.  Did no one around him
notice?  She called the airport and made arrangements, then arranged a car service
to take her to the small town outside of Billings on arrival.   


She emailed him back with
details, finished working, and started packing her stuff.  She called a cab to
take her to the airport in Austin.  When she had everything together, she went
to wake Jessica and Joshua.  They were spooned around one another.  Adorable
and sexual all at once.  She crawled up on the bed, fully dressed, and gently
brought them awake. 


“Hey, babies.  Time for me
to go.” 


She leaned in and kissed
them both.  “You better take care of each other.  I left all my contact info on
the kitchen counter.”  She ran her hand over Jessica’s face, smoothing her hair
back.  “I wish I’d had more time to spend with you.  I’ll likely never have a
chance like this again, so you were my first and last.”  She leaned over and
kissed her again softly. 


“Joshua, five years ago, if
I’d have met you like Jessica here, I’d have fallen madly in love with you. 
You are that good.  I’m not kidding.  You’re a man anyone can be proud to call
theirs.  I miss you already.  Take care of Jessica and remember to stay focused.” 
She kissed him deeply, running her fingers through his hair. 


She crawled off the bed and made
it to the front door when a naked Joshua caught her and pushed her against the
wall.  He kissed her hard and well for a long time, his strong arms holding her
in place. 


“Thank you, Riya.  For
everything, every single thing, you did for me.  My life is what I make of it,
but you’ve changed other people’s impressions of me in just a few short days. 
I’m in love with Jessica but I came real close to falling completely in love
with you too.”


He laughed and shook his
head, “I don’t even know if that’s possible, to love two people at the same
time.  But you’re amazing.  Beautiful and smart and kind and devious in the
best possible way.  I’ll miss you.  If you need me, if you ever need me, you
call me.” 


He kissed her until she
couldn’t breathe, “For changing my life, I owe you a debt.  Anything, ever…name
it and its yours.” 


He stepped back from her and
she stroked her hand down his face.  “God, you’re just so beautiful, Joshua. 
Inside and out.” 


One last chaste kiss then
she ducked out in the sunshine and headed for the cab.  As the driver took her
stuff, she paused in the door and waved at Joshua, standing naked in the open
doorway with his arms braced on either side of the frame. 


She ducked into the cab and
didn’t look back.  She didn’t want him to see her cry. 






Twelve – The Rancher


Third week of September…


Billings was cooler than
anywhere she’d been so far.  She pulled a light jacket out of her duffle.  The
sun was setting and the temperature dropping rapidly. 


The car service took her to
a small motel across from the diner where she’d meet Lucas the next morning. 
The scenery was so pretty and different from anyplace else she’d been.  Such
vast open space with no civilization marring the landscape. 


The minute she opened the
door of her room, she crashed.  A few hours later she found herself staring at
the ceiling as she attempted to collect her thoughts.  She called Tawny and
described Joshua…and Jessica.  Her best friend listened without judgment but
there was a lot of “
no you didn’t
” and “
shut up
” throughout the


“Girl, you’ve been repressed
too long.  Certainly coming out of your shell now, huh?”  Riya couldn’t help
but laugh at Tawny’s shock and utter amusement.


Later, she took a long soak and
read a magazine she’d gotten in the airport.  Crawling under the covers again
she thought she would be happy when the goodbyes were finished.  She was
leaving a tiny piece of herself with each subject.  Three little pieces so


Questions were crashing into
her mind, and her heart, but she knew she couldn’t examine them now.  There
would be time enough later.  She finally found sleep and was thankful it was


The next morning was a
little gray and dreary.  She dressed in jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, and her
boots.  Leaving her hair down, pulled back from her face with a clip, she took
a long look in the mirror and figured she passed muster. 


After checking out of the
motel, Riya walked across the street to the diner, dropping her bags behind the


A sweet older woman came to
take her order, returning quickly with a steaming cup of coffee and the local
paper.  Riya thanked her and read through the local happenings here in
Montana.  She was sipping her coffee and reading a whole article on cattle when
she sensed someone standing at her side. 


Glancing up, she found the
spitting image of Sam Elliot, one of her all-time favorite actors, standing in
front of her.  She didn’t remember Lucas looking like this in his picture. 
He’d looked softer somehow.  Her astonishment must have shown.


“It was a church picture. 
Clean-shaven, in a suit, hair cut and maybe even brushed.”  He said before
gesturing to the chair across from her, she nodded.  “Sorry, probably should
have sent you a work day picture.  I’m Lucas.”  He slid into the chair with the
fluid grace of a tall man comfortable with his body.

BOOK: The Barter System
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