Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (20 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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He liked a combination of
rock and alternative, the music she usually ran to.  They pulled into the
parking lot of a simple apartment complex.  Neat but a little run-down, not
uncommon in a college area.  He grabbed her duffle and walked with her to the
second floor. 


It was all college students,
all the time, inside.  Mismatched furniture and clutter.  Not dirty, but
definitely chaotic.  He went thru the living room with a couple of couches and
a huge television, passed a tiny kitchen, into a bedroom at the end of the


A beat up dresser and a king
size mattress with, thankfully, clean sheets sitting on the floor was the
extent of the furniture.  It was clean and surprisingly, didn’t smell funky. 
Sitting on the dresser was the most complex stereo system she’d ever seen.  


He turned on music,
obviously a compilation of his own, and Kid Rock’s
Feel Like Making Love
blasted into the room.


He tossed her bag on the
floor and tackled her to the bed.  She was smiling and laughing as he pinned
her and pretended to eat her alive.  Growling and snarling and snorting
loudly.  She was soon hysterical and just trying to keep him from tickling
her.  He was removing her clothes and his own, then kissing her with true


Their laughter was quickly
replaced with heavy breathing.  Caught up in the moment, it felt like this is
what college should have been like.  By the time the second chorus started,
they were both naked and she only had a moment to note the unbelievable cut of
his compact body before he was slipping and sliding all over her, kissing,
rubbing, sucking. 


She felt like she’d bungee
jumped off a bridge, totally disoriented and breathless.  He was everywhere at
once.  Hard, fast, and aggressively exploring her.  She could barely
participate; he was going from one place to another without letting her get
near him.  His entire intent seemed bent on pleasuring her and not letting her
touch him until he was done.  He was hitting one erotic zone, making it buzz
for a moment, and moving on to the next one. 


After he’d worked over every
inch of her front, he flipped her to her stomach and started over.  Only when
he’d done this twice did he flip her to her back again and grab a condom from
the floor next to the bed. 


He was covered and inside
her within seconds and
holy shit


He worked her fast and
well.  He wasn’t huge, but he certainly had skills with what he had.  About
seven inches with an acceptable width, he was pounding into her hard and fast. 
She was coming from the atmosphere alone before long and he smiled smugly. 


Then he pulled her knees up
until they were on her chest and went deeper, circling his hips and rocking
into her hard and steady.  Within minutes, she came again and he was gritting
his teeth while he watched her. 


There was no way he could
keep up this pace for too much longer.  Surely not. 


Good lord…


He leaned back long enough
to put her legs over his shoulders then leaned forward and kept going, kissing
the inside of her knee as he smiled down at her.  This position hit her G-spot
perfectly and she was bucking and moaning under him. 


Joshua was inspired to dig
for deeper traction and hit it harder.  When she came she was gripping the top
of the bed and straining into him, shouting ‘oh fuck’ over and over.


Finally, he came with a roar
above her, his climax tightening his already cut physique so hard he looked
carved from stone.  After he’d pumped the last of his release from his body, he
gently lowered her legs and settled between her thighs, collapsed against her
chest and played absently with one of her nipples.  He sighed heavily against
her and was nuzzling the skin between her breasts.


“I feel better,” he said


“I’m feeling fucking
awesome, personally,” she told him honestly.


He lifted up to look at her,
“Really?  You’re not just saying that?”  How the hell did a young man with
skills manage to look insecure after?  She went up on her elbows until she was
inches from his face.


“Are you seriously asking me
that, Joshua?  I admit, I was a little surprised, though not unhappy, when we
got right down to it.  But you have excellent skills working your cock.  You’re
inventive, controlled, and fun.  Yeah, I feel awesome.” 


He watched her for a second
then kissed her.  He tasted like red Gatorade and she got into the kiss as she
realized he was already hard again.  He pulled out, slipped on a fresh condom,
and slid back inside her.  “You are smoking hot, Riya.  I could fuck you all
day.  I think I will.  I don’t have any more classes and my roommate won’t be
home for a few days.” 


He began stroking inside
her; fast…fast…slow, in a rhythm that was making her tingle all over.  “Oh, I
think you like that.”  He lowered his head to take a hard nipple in his mouth
and she buried her hands in his coal black hair.  He switched to the other
nipple and she lifted her legs to circle his waist.  He never paused in his


“You’re so wet and hot. 
Your pussy clenches around me every time I pull back, like you’re trying to
keep me from leaving.”  He was petting his hand down her back and over her
ass.  “I think you’re the coolest woman I’ve ever met, totally balls to the
wall kind of woman.”  He looked at her intently, “I want to make you come
again.”  After a few more strokes, he did just that, Riya arching fully off the
bed toward him. 


His arms clutched around her
back and he pulled her up with him as he went to his knees, fucking her deeper
and harder.  When she came the next time, she plastered herself to him, her
arms locked around his neck, her legs around his back, her feet crossed on the


One hand was splayed between
her shoulder blades, the other hand slid down her back, his fingers tracing
down the cleft of her ass and going lower, playing with the small piece of skin
between her pussy and the entrance to her ass. 


He was rubbing her there,
fucking her deep, and the extra stimulation threw her over again.  She threw
her head back and screamed his name, her hair falling over his arm behind her.


He held her tight through
it, licking her nipples, and watching her in wonder, never stopping his thrusts
into her body.  “Fuck you are so responsive.”  He gripped her shoulders from
the back with both hands and held her steady as he fucked her hard from below. 
His thrusts were urgent, desperate.  “I want to make you come again, Riya.  I
want your pussy to suck my cock while I come.” 


He licked her nipples fast
several times then sucked them hard and bit them before sucking one and
pulling, letting it slip from his mouth with a soft pop.  “I’m going down on
you after this.  I want to taste your pussy now that we’ve fucked and come
together.  Oh, yeah, I can feel you about to come, I’m going to come too…oh
fuck yes, baby, suck it all from me. 


She was taut against his
body, coming around him and feeling him join her. 
  Joshua was
very…energetic.  She wasn’t sure if she could keep up this pace for an entire


He was still for a long
time, just holding her to him while on his knees.  Their chests were plastered
together, both their hearts racing madly.  Her head was lying on his shoulder,
trying to catch her breath.  He moved back to look at her and she kissed him. 


Riya’s hands on both sides
of his face, she fucked him again with her mouth, mirroring back to him in the
only physical way she had the energy for how he’d made her feel.  He lowered
her to the bed and joined her in a new method of making love.  It went on for a
while and he hardened again, still buried in her.


With a small incredulous
laugh, she watched as he pulled out and put on yet another condom.  The third
in a little less than two hours.  She was going to need twelve hours of sleep
to recover.  The young man was obviously still very much in his sexual peak. 


Joshua took her from behind,
but pulled her up so he could see most of her face while he fucked her.  She
was against his chest and he was talking in her ear.  “It feels so good to fuck
you from behind, but I hate not being able to see your beautiful face and eyes
when I make you come.” 


He was playing with her clit
while he held her face toward him with his other hand.  “You’re so slick…your
clit is totally swollen.  I might be fucking you too much but I don’t want to
waste a minute with you, Riya.  I’m going to finger it real gentle and then
soothe it with my tongue after this time, I promise.  I meant to do that
before, but you felt so good on my cock while we were kissing and I was


He was stroking her up and
down and when she came he pumped her hard from behind.  “Almost lost it that
time, you clenched up and I was so busy watching your face and loving your tits
from this angle, I almost came when I wasn’t ready.  I like to make you come at
least three times before I allow myself.  You’re so open, so soft and ready,
letting me play with you and take you over and over, and I owe you as many
chances to come as I can give you.” 


Her head was rolling on his
chest, her hair all over both of them.  “I need to lay you down, baby.  You’re
tired.  I promise a break after I make you come a couple more times.”  He
leaned her forward and pulled out of her.  Turning her over gently, he smoothed
her hair away from her face and upper body.  He stroked his hands down her
body, pushing her thighs apart. 


She was wet, their combined
fluids all over her inner thighs and she looked exhausted.  He told her he’d be
right back and left the room. 


When he came back, he had a
glass and a wet washcloth.  He settled his shoulders between her thighs and
licked her all over first, very carefully, so he could taste her.  “You taste
go good, Riya.  I can tell what taste is yours and which one is me.  The taste
of us together is really good.  Your clit is so swollen and hot.”  He didn’t
put his fingers inside her, realizing she was probably sore. 


He took a piece of ice from
the cup and rubbed it all over her, cooling her hot skin, following it with his
mouth as she writhed beneath him.  When she came, it was gradual, building
slowly and arching her body as it released. 


He used the washcloth to
wipe down her thighs.  Then he wrapped a couple of pieces of the ice in the
washcloth and held it against her.  Crawling up her body, his voice was barely
a whisper, “I took you too much, Riya.  You should have told me.”  He kissed
her face and stroked her hair.  “I’m going to let you sleep and when you wake
up we’ll take a shower and go out.  Right now, you take a nice nap and I’ll
just hold you.”


Joshua did exactly that. 
Riya didn’t remember falling asleep but when she woke up, Joshua was spooned
around her, playing with a nipple as he breathed in her hair.  She smiled. 
“I’m awake, Joshua.  How long did I sleep?”


He lifted himself on an
elbow behind her, “Like three hours.  I guess that works…three hours of sex,
three hours of sleep.  That seems fair.  I didn’t mean to wake you up.  I’ve
never had a woman sleep in my bed before, it was cool and I got to look at you
and stuff without you thinking I’m a total perv.  Well, now you know I’m a perv
so lot of good that did me.  Why are you smiling?”


“Joshua, you are very
exuberant.  You’re full of life and lust and fun.  I think you’re great.”  She
turned to her back so she could see him and put her hand on his face, “Thank
you for earlier.  You are very good.  Sorry I crashed on you.”             


“Babe, your poor pussy was
like totally raw from me doing you like that over and over without a break.  I
should have known better.  I won’t work you over like that again.”  She pouted
at him and gave him a boo-boo lip. 


“Wow, okay, so you don’t
hate me and we can play again…later, after I get you out of here for a while. 
I’m not normally so all over women like this.  The circumstances are so
different, and I know I only have you here a few days.  I like want to try
every position, make you come until your body can’t come again.”  He looked
down at her, “Your nipples are getting hard, Riya.  See?  That’s what I mean. 
You’re so fucking hot and giving.  God, I want to fuck you so hard right now.”

BOOK: The Barter System
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