Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (21 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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Riya pushed him to his back
and went down on him fast and dirty.  She sucked him and played with his balls
urgently.  She put his hands in her hair and let him fuck her mouth hard.  “Oh
fuck, your mouth is so sweet.  Girls never let you guide, thinking they’ve got
it.  They tend to just suck and lick…I can’t believe you are really letting me
fuck you in the mouth like this.  I’m going to come, baby, shoot my come down
the back of your throat.  If you don’t want that tell me quick.  Oh, yeah, I
take that hard suck as permission to pop off in your mouth. 
And he came with a moan. 


After she cleaned him with
her tongue, she sat back on her knees and looked at him.  He put his hands
behind his head and watched her examine him.  The man didn’t have an ounce of
fat on him…anywhere.  His arms were muscled and defined, nice shoulders and a
sculpted chest that led down to rock hard abs sporting a ten-pack, which led to
a narrow waist and lean chiseled legs. 


He had a small tattoo over
his heart.  It was a small heart in memory of his mother, who he’d lost in high
school.  She ran her hands over him, learning him.  It felt funny since they’d
already had mind-blowing sex for hours.  But she hadn’t really seen him until
now.  “You’re gorgeous, Joshua.”


He smiled, “Thanks.  So are
you.”  He got up off the bed and held out his hand to help her up.  Once he
kissed her soundly, he glanced back at the bed, “I hate feeling like if I let
you out of here you’ll be gone but we gotta eat and go out.” 


Tugging her naked down the
hall, they crowded into the small shower stall.  He enjoyed showering with her
and watching her wash her hair.  They stepped out and he held her in front of
the mirror and dried her from behind.  When he came back up from drying her
legs, he rested his hands on Riya’s shoulders, just staring at her. 


She met his eyes in the
mirror with hunger of her own, “Go get a condom.”  He was gone and back in
seconds, rolling it on and entering her from behind.  He started playing with
her nipples and stroking her clit so he could see how it looked when he did
it.  He got the best of both worlds, getting to fuck in a position he really
liked while getting to watch her face as he made her come again and again. 


After they rinsed in the
shower again, he changed into well-worn jeans, sneaks, and a t-shirt.  He had a
Longhorns ball cap on his head.  Riya pulled on similar clothes and they were
out the door.  They stopped for food at Chipotle, one of her favorite places,
and talked over burrito bowls and chips.


Joshua was attending
University of Texas on a baseball scholarship but he also played tennis.  He
was majoring in mathematical analysis with a minor in education.  The
opportunity for an education was more important to him than playing sports. 


Most of his family was going
to college because of sports.  He had a huge family, four older brothers, one
older sister, and two younger sisters.  His dad owned a remediation company and
his oldest brother didn’t go to college, deciding to go into the business with
their father and help with the family after their mom died.  They all lived in
Dallas, pretty far but close enough where he could drive to see them.


Riya asked him about
relationships.  He told her he couldn’t get too involved with women because he
had to keep his focus.  This was his senior year.  “My roommate, Jessica, is
totally in love with me, but she won’t admit it.  It pisses me the fuck off. 
We’ve been sharing a place for almost two years.  She brings her people in, men
and women…I bring women in sometimes, but I don’t have a lot of time between
training and traveling.  It’s all very grownup I guess.” 


He smiled at Riya.  “I
fucked up when we’d only been sharing a place for like three months.  We got
drunk one night, a rare thing for me since I’m on a strict diet.  We were
flirting and playing Truth or Dare.  I admitted my biggest fantasy and she got
pissed.  No kidding.  Said I wasn’t even interested in her, just in using her
to get off with two women.  Since then, things are fucking buddy-buddy.” 


“Sounds like you’re pretty
hung up on her, too, Joshua.  Maybe you should just be honest and tell her how
you feel.”  She knew those words were always so easy to say, hard to do…when
you put your heart on the line and it got rejected, it could tear you down for
a long time.  “Maybe start small and let her learn to trust what you really
want, like you’re just meeting for the first time.”


“I guess I am…hung up on
her.  I got the stereo when she was dating this guy named Phil…what a stupid
name.  I like the sound of her coming…she’s so passionate no matter who she’s
with.  But hearing a guy scream down the house with the woman you should be
fucking, well, is not conducive to sound sleep.” 


He took a drink of his water
and really looked at her before saying carefully, “I told her about you.  About
your research.  I hope you’re not mad.”


Riya shook her head, “Not at
all.  I worry about
privacy much more than my own.  She has a right
to know who’s going to be in her place for a week.”  She paused, tilting her
head to the side, “You know, I’ve never been with a woman before, Joshua.  I’m
not sure how to even find someone willing, much less what to do.  I’m not sure
if we can make this happen for you.”


Joshua laughed, “Riya, every
guy has that fantasy.  Few of us ever realize it.  I’m not focused on that. 
You asked and I was honest.  I just like having you here.  It’s been a long
time since I’ve had time for sex, especially with the same woman so you learn
what they like and they learn what you like.  Once I’m done with school and can
settle into the real world, I’ll find someone and make a life.  I want what my
parents had; most guys couldn’t care less about long term.” 


“I think it is wonderful you
have that outlook, Joshua.  Very mature.”  And Riya meant it.


“I like sex, I love it.  But
it means something to me.  That’s why a lot of my teammates think I’m soft,
maybe even gay, I don’t know.  I don’t just fuck anything in a skirt.  I wasn’t
raised like that.  I’d rather spank it myself than have some skank who works
the pole of whatever guy she can land.  So I’m pent up, Riya.  For real.  Since
I saw you sitting in the sun at the mall, all I can think about is fucking


She smiled and leaned toward
him, “I’m not complaining.”  She gave him a light kiss, “Maybe we’ll use a
little lube so the condoms don’t rough me up so bad.  I will happily fuck you
as often as you can go.”  She sat back and sipped her tea. 


He stood and took their
trash then came back and took her hand.  When they were in his car, the A/C
blowing hard and the dark tint keeping out most of the brutal sun, he looked
over at her.  His eyes raked over her from head to toe.  “If I wanted to play
with you right here, would you let me?” he asked her roughly.


“Oh yeah, with you looking
at me like that?  Hell yes,” she answered, surprising herself. 


“Will you wear a skirt
tonight when we go out?”  At her nod he started the car and pulled out of the
parking lot.  “I’m going to try to not touch you when we get back, save it up
for later.  Let’s get dressed and hit the clubs.  I rarely get to go but we’re
off this week, which is why I sent you these dates.  A bunch of my teammates
are going to be at a local sports bar.  Wanna go?” 


Riya thought of Victor and
the misconceptions the other men in his life had of him, sad to see this young
man dealt with it too simply because he wasn’t a man-whore.  She nodded.  “I’m
going to tell everyone you’re college friends with my older sister.  No one
here knows her.  Tell them you were in town and asked to crash with me.  Is
that alright?”


“Perfect cover,” she agreed
with a grin. 


They got back to the
apartment and he shyly asked her for another blowjob to take the pressure off. 
She had no problem with that.  After, he thanked her, kissed her, had to get
her off so he didn’t feel selfish, and then got dressed.  He pulled on another
t-shirt and sneakers.  When he’d freshened up, he went out to watch television
so she could have the bathroom.


Riya had known when she was
packing for her trip that she’d have to prepare for being with Joshua.  She
didn’t mind.  He was a college kid on scholarship. 


Only for him, given his
circumstances, had she packed additional supplies.  She would also use her own
money.  Not a problem. 


She picked out a solid black
schoolgirl pleated skirt, a snug cropped white button-down shirt with a
gorgeous black lace bra and thong underneath, a red tie that dropped down her
stomach, a wide angled black belt and platform heels that would make them almost
the same height.  She went a little heavier on the eyeliner and mascara, making
her eyes pop dramatically, and lip gloss.  Squirted some Calvin Klein on the
best spots and tucked her ID, credit card, and lipstick in a tiny pocket of the


She left her hair loose and
went out to see what her date thought.








When she stepped into the
living room, Joshua sat straight up on the couch staring at her.  Without
bothering to look, he turned off the TV and stood up.  Walking slowly to her,
he took his time circling and inspecting. 


“You are so fucking hot,
woman.  I’m hard as a rock…again.”  He ran his hand over her ass and came
around to stroke her bared midriff.  “I could fuck you all night, you wearing
nothing but those heels and a smile.  Fuck, Riya.” 


He kissed her hard and fast
then stepped back to adjust his cock in his pants before dragging her out the
front door muttering if he didn’t get her somewhere public fast, she wasn’t
leaving his room. 


In the car, she sat gracefully
while he revved the engine and tore from the parking lot.  When he was on the
freeway, she lifted his hand from the gear shift and placed it on her thigh. 
“Your skin is so soft.  I love that you don’t wear hose or anything.  Sleek and
tanned.”  He stroked her leg, moving higher and higher until he was under her


He took an off-ramp and
after a few minutes they pulled into the parking lot of a packed bar.  Before
he got out, he reached over and slid his hand up her skirt, fingering her clit
through her panties. 


“You’re hot and wet already,
Riya.  I wish I could eat that pretty bare pussy right now.  Then slide my cock
in and fuck you hard.  We’re going to do that later, but I need you to come for
me.  I need to know you got to come before we get out of this car.” 


He pressed and stroked until
she came quietly.  When Joshua slipped under the edge of her panties, raking
his finger along her clit and into her wet pussy, she came again.  Then he
pulled out and sucked his finger dry of her come.  “Oh yeah, we are going to
fuck a lot this week.  You’re pure sex.  Stay there, I’ll come around.” 


He got out, discreetly
checking his cock position before coming around and opening her door.  He
blocked her from the doorway as she straightened the panties and skirt.  “Oh,
Joshua, you make me feel very good.  I wish my college boyfriend had been like
you…I would have never made it to class.  Damn.”


They smiled at one another
and walked inside.  The place was crowded but not near the door.  When it
closed behind them, all the people nearest turned to stare.  Most were men and
their looks were impossible to mistake.  He put his hand possessively on her
low back and guided her to a huge table in the back with a bunch of jock-types
wearing assorted Longhorn gear. 


They were revving up to rag
him when they saw her.  Everyone went silent.  Riya put on her biggest smile
and Joshua said, “Everyone, this is Riya.  She’s a good friend of my older
sister and needed a place to crash for a few days.”  The men were instantly
jostling for her attention, but she slipped her hand around Joshua’s waist and
kept him beside her.  They made two spaces for them towards the center. 


A heavily made up blond
wearing a tube top and leather pants eyed her cattily.  “So, do you follow the
team?  Or what?” she asked in a little-girl voice.


“No, honey, I had business
in Austin.  I keep an eye out for opportunities to fuck my friend’s little
brother.  This seemed like the best of both worlds.  I don’t follow jocks.  The
man I want just happens to be one.”  The other woman parted her lips but didn’t
seem to know how to reply to the obvious set-down.

BOOK: The Barter System
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