Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (43 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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“She waxes…damn that’s
pretty.”  She was now completely naked and neither of them could breathe. 


“No, I don’t wax.  Laser
hair removal.  Expensive but worth it,” Riya breathed.


“I will happily set up a
fund to make sure you continue the practice indefinitely.  You are too gorgeous
for words, love,” Micah said.


“Riya, baby, can you please
put your hands over your head?  Just for a moment…oh yeah, just like that,
sweet girl.”  Max wanted to keep this picture in his mind always.  She looked
completely decadent sitting on the leather seat of the limo, wearing nothing
but jewelry and a pretty hairstyle.


“You’re so beautiful, Riya,
so wet already,” Micah said.  “I want to lick every inch of you.” 


Riya was afraid she’d come
the moment they touched her she was so keyed up.  “Take your shirts off.”  She
was shocked at how strong her voice was.  They knelt back to begin unbuttoning
their shirts and she let one hand drift down her chest to play with one
nipple.  Both of them froze.  “Please don’t get distracted, darlings.”  She
told them as she tugged the nipple out and twisted it lightly. 


Max had his shirt fully
unbuttoned but had to bend forward to suck the nipple she’d teased for them. 
Then he pulled his shirt off and tossed it away.  Micah was still hypnotized
but he’d finally gotten his shirt off.


They were both stunning. 
Micah was slightly darker.  Fit with muscles rippling across their chests and
abs.  Their bare arms were cut and powerful.  Shoulders broad and defined. 
“Sweet lord, you’re both so gorgeous.”  She met Micah’s eyes, “You were going
to thank me for dancing with you?” 


“Actually, I’m thanking you
for being a fucking great dancer…there’s a difference.  But while I’m giving
thanks, I’ll add that one in too, in triplicate.”  He slid between her knees
and lowered his mouth to her outer lips, sucking them in softly and causing her
entire body to lock tight.  Max sat beside her, helping her to relax. 


He loosened her hands from
where they gripped the seat and began to kiss her and play with her nipples,
watching the other man eat her pussy.  Micah took his time getting to know her,
licking every inch of her, using his fingers to separate her folds, opening her
to him.  He slid two fingers inside her, stroking her G-spot as he swirled his
tongue around her clit. 


She pulled Max to her by his
belt, “I want to taste you.”  His eyes drifted shut as she reached between them
and made quick work of the buckle and closures to his pants, sliding the zipper
out of her way and stroking him through the fabric. 


He went up on his knees and
Riya slid her hand around to his ass, enabling her to push his pants and boxer briefs
away and down his thighs, freeing his engorged cock for her exploration.  He
was long and thick and calling to her.  She slid her hands between his thighs,
cupping his balls, and nudging him firmly in her direction. 


He settled one knee on the
seat by her hip, watching as her fingers circled the base and she leaned
forward to lick the crest.  A shudder of pleasure rippled through him,
spreading out from the root of his cock and he had to fight for control. 


She took him in her mouth to
her throat in one thrust and he gripped the back of the seat to keep from
losing it.  She set a steady rhythm and he could feel her tongue on the
underside, moving over him.  Every few thrusts, she’d lightly scrape her teeth
over him as she pulled back, increasing the pressure with each downward


She was moaning from the
pleasure of Micah eating her, especially when he lifted her leg and spread her
wider for his mouth to access every inch of her.  The sounds of her pleasure
vibrated up through Max’s cock.  Her fingers through Micah’s hair moved more
and more urgently.  Her sucking matched to the thrusts of Micah’s fingers
inside her pussy, not really meaning to. 


Her moans were getting
stronger and Max knew he was going to come very soon.  He slid his hands gently
into the arrangement of her silken hair.  “Riya, baby, I’m going to come.”  She
ignored him, increasing the strength and speed of her mouth over his cock. 
“Riya, I can’t hold back, baby…ah fuck, yes.  Yes, love, god yes.  That feels
so good, so damn good.” 


His come spurted hot and thick
from the head of his dick and she was swallowing around him, the muscles at the
back of her throat clutching at him and pulling everything he had from his


She didn’t let him go as her
own orgasm rocketed through her, bringing her back up off the seat and pressing
her thighs against Micah’s shoulders.  He licked her faster, stroked her pussy
harder, forcing another orgasm on top of the first until she was vibrating with
the strength of it.


She was limp when Max
slipped his cock from between her lips and leaned down to kiss her deeply.  One
hand went to his neck, holding him to her.  He stripped away the rest of his
clothes and slid behind her, his back against the side of the limo. 


He picked her up and settled
her snugly against his chest and groin, his still-hard cock nestled between the
cheeks of her ass.  She snuggled into him, sliding her hands over the tops of
his thighs, and laying her head back against his shoulder. 


“You’re both so very good.”


Max’s hands were cupping and
kneading her breasts from behind while he kissed and nibbled along her
shoulder.  “You okay, love?”  She lifted her hand to stroke his cheek and
nodded.  “I’m going to hold you just like this and Micah is going to make you
feel good again.  We can’t do everything we want to you here.  We have to be
very careful with you; it’s all about your pleasure.”


“She has the happiest look
on her face, Max.  Our beautiful Riya.  Open your eyes for a minute, baby.” 
Micah smiled at her and leaned in to give her a deep kiss.  She tasted her own
fluids as he nibbled hungrily at her lips, “We want to get you used to feeling
both of our bodies against you.”  He watched Max’s hands play with her breasts
while his own were moving over her hips and stomach.  “Do you like that, Riya? 
Do you like having four hands on you?”  He stroked his cheek along one side of
her face, Max nuzzled her other side.


Letting her contented sigh
escape on a small moan, she whispered, “I’m enjoying this very much, thank you,
Micah.”  Her hand was on his face, sliding back into his hair, “You’re both
such a lovely, tactile experience.”  She glanced down between them, “Why are
you still dressed?”  Her words brushed warmly along his neck. 


“We’re moving slow so we
don’t scare you, Riya.” 


Separating enough to give
him a quizzical look before glancing up at Max, her snort was disbelieving. 
“Um, I just performed a blowjob on one man while another went down on me.  In a
limo.  And we’ve known one another less than twelve hours.  I think you can
lose the pants.”  She held him to her and wrapped one leg around his hip,
kissing him soundly and rubbing her breasts against his chest and ordered,
“Lose the pants, Micah.”


Letting him go, she settled
back against Max and Micah groaned, “My god, please take all my money and have
my babies.”  Riya smiled and went back to touching Max’s thighs and neck while
she watched Micah strip out of socks, shoes, pants, and briefs.  He was a
little thicker than Max but Max was a bit longer.  He grabbed a condom from one
of his jacket pockets and returned between her knees. 


She studied him carefully as
he turned.  “I have a logistics question,” she said sounding suddenly nervous
and out of breath. 


“Riya,” Max said softly in
her ear, “We would never take you at the same time without preparation to make
sure it wouldn’t hurt you.  Once we do that, the answer to your logistics
question is, yes, your body will take both of us, and, yes, it will feel good. 
For all of us.” 


He was still playing with
her tits, cupping, kneading, tweaking, and rubbing the flats of his palms over
her.  “I want to watch Micah fuck you, Riya.  He’ll take very good care of you
and it will make me that much more excited to have you myself.  Are you ready,
baby?”  She nodded against his chest. 


Micah sat back a bit and
rolled the condom over his heavy erection.  He set himself at the entrance to
her pussy and did a couple of test strokes to spread her natural lubricant over
him.  Her breathing was unsteady as the crest of his dick rubbed over her clit.


“Riya, you’re so tight,
baby.”  He tucked his elbows under her knees and lifted her to him.  When he
surged into her pussy, it was a hard stroke of pleasure/pain that buried him
balls deep inside her.  He went still to let her adjust.  “So beautiful, baby,
neither of us realized just how beautiful you were going to be, love.” 


She arched against him and
fisted a hand in his hair to pull him down for an aggressive kiss.  When she
let him go, she turned her head for a similar kiss from Max. 


Then she started flexing the
muscles of her pussy walls.  In order to keep up with these men, she was going
to pull out all the stops. 


She consciously flexed her
pussy starting at her womb and worked her way down the cock buried inside her. 
“Oh, fuck, Riya, what are you
, baby?”  He dropped his head to her
shoulder and she did it again.  “Max, she’s stroking me with the muscles of her
pussy.  She’s giving me what feels like a hand job from a tight fist right
now.”  Whiskey-warm eyes stared at her.  “Where…and how…did you learn to do
that, lovely Riya?”


Barely able to breathe, much
less form coherent sentences, she said, “Research…one of my characters.  Porn
star…interested in total body health and…oh, god, please move, Micah.  I’m
dying.”  She flexed down his length again and Micah’s eyes rolled back in his
head.  Then he started driving into her with measured strokes.  She was trying
to get closer, but he held her hips in place. 


“Don’t move, baby.  I can
barely control myself right now.”  He confessed in a rough whisper.  She put
her hand on his face and smiled.  “Riya…”  He picked up the pace, thrusting
into her harder and faster, leaning forward to take one of her nipples into the
wet heat of his mouth.


Max’s hands never stopped
moving on her.  He was kissing her, caressing her other breast, and moving down
her body to her clit.  As he circled it gently with the lightest touch of two
fingertips the multiple sensations hit her all at once and she exploded,
arching up, her nails in Micah’s shoulder, her legs going around him. 


She tried to devour Max’s
mouth while the nails of her other hand sank into his scalp.  “Max, tighter
now, so fucking hot, I don’t know if I can hold on much longer.” 


Riya’s orgasm went on
forever as she was fucked, kissed, fondled, and caressed.  She clutched both
men, wanting them everywhere at once, wishing she had Max’s cock inside her,
too.  They were overwhelming her senses and all she wanted was


More of them, room to move,
able to touch them both and have them touch her.  The complete greed of her
body shocked her. 


Micah’s thrusts turned
brutal and she loved it, begging, “Yes, Micah, yes, hard.  Fuck me hard.”  He
groaned and did exactly as she asked.  She was gripping Max, clawing at him,
grinding her ass back into him when Micah stroked out of her. 


She felt another climax, but
looked at Max and managed, “Whatever you have to do to prepare me, needs to
happen soon.  I need you both.  I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire


Max bit her shoulder and his
fingers increased tempo on her clit and nipple.  Micah slammed into her, his
sucking on her nipple almost painful.  She came hard, gripping Micah’s cock so
hard with her pussy he couldn’t move.  She was shaking and moaning and grasping
at them. 


When she unlocked, Micah
stroked into her three times and came with a roar, throwing his head back,
every muscle in his beautiful body standing out in sharp relief.  It was
stunning and made her gasp, “Yes, Micah, come for me.  I want you both to come
for me.” 


Behind her, Max’s cock
stroked firmly along the cleft of her ass and hot come spattered against her
low back as he moaned her name over and over.


They didn’t move for a long
time.  Riya’s body was limp.  Max’s head was on her shoulder, his breath hot
against the side of her neck, his hands clutched around her.  Micah lay
collapsed over her front, his head on her breast, breathing heavily across the
hypersensitive skin of her breast, his hands smoothing along her hips and

BOOK: The Barter System
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