The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (9 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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‘What’s going on? You’re treating me like an employee.’

‘You are an employee.’

‘I’ve been a lot more than that this week and you know it.’

‘That’s just it though. I’m scared you’re going to want more from me. I saw what you were like at The Rodeo.’

‘Look Gabriel,’ I snap, ‘I’m not looking for a wedding ring, but at the same time I’d like to not be treated like a call girl. I’m enjoying our arrangement, all I ask is that you just give me a little respect and treat me like the grown woman I am, okay?’

He looks up at me. ‘I can do that.’

‘Good. Now for being such a pain in the ass over the last two days you can take me out to dinner.’


‘No chance. You can wait, I’m going to see my friends. Pick me up tomorrow at eight and I’ll decide where you’re taking me. It’ll be expensive.’

He laughs,‘Okay.’

‘And there may be no sex. We’ll have to see if you earn it. See I figure it’s my turn to choose and that’s what the E is for, earn. You can work on getting into my good books and earning some rewards.’

Then I let the interconnecting door swing back closed without a second glance at him. Next I turn my mobile phone off leaving it to voicemail. ‘Stella is unavailable right now. Please leave a message.’

Time to toughen up.








Chapter 9


Lazy Saturdays. The best part of living alone. I pad out of bed just to make a coffee and as the day’s a little slow in warming up I slip on my robe before I head back under the duvet. I grab my book from the bedside table and spend the morning reading. The book I’m currently reading is a little racy and I can’t help my thoughts wandering to imagining Gabe doing those things to me as I take in the words on the page. I sigh. I need to gain ownership of my plan again.

There’s a knock on the door and I reluctantly drag myself out of bed to answer it. I open to find Ronnie standing there, looking majorly hungover, with her gym bag at her feet. She looks me up and down taking in the unbrushed hair and pyjamas.

‘I was going to see if I could lose the headache in the steam room, but I think I’ll join you in whatever you’re doing.’

‘Come in. I’ll get you a drink, you sure look like you could use one.’

‘Heavy Friday night, good though.’ She gets in at the other side of me and picks up my book off the bed, ‘Well, I hope I didn’t disturb your
time you dirty tart.’

‘I was just reading, you disturbed nothing other than a few fleeting thoughts in that direction.’

‘You sound fed up.’

‘I don’t know what I’m doing there Ronnie. I just seem to be wasting time shagging Gabe and not screwing over my Stepfather. I’m getting back to my original plan.’

‘Yep but don’t look over the bonus babe, you seem a lot less, well,
since he’s been giving you a good seeing too.’


‘Yeah, you know, a bit “I am so confident of myself I eat peni for breakfast”.’

I sit back against the pillows. ‘Is that really how I come across?’

‘Little bit.’

‘Is peni a word?’

‘Fuck knows.’

‘I tried to ring you last night to see if you were free. What were you doing to have such a hangover this morning? Your liver must be ready to pack in.’

‘I know, I need to calm the drinking down a bit but I’ve been having such a good time. I met this guy Rob a couple of weeks ago and we met up last night. He’s so much fun and has a huge cock. I did him in the toilets, we got thrown out of the club.’

I shake my head at her.

‘Anyway I’m seeing him again tonight, we’re going to Saints.’

‘Aw, I’ve always fancied going there.’

‘Come along, Rob won’t mind.’ She raises an eyebrow.

I throw her a look of disgust. ‘Gabe’s taking me out tonight for a meal. I’ve told him he’s got to earn any sexy favours tonight and he might not get any.’

Ronnie mumbles ‘Ballbuster,’ under her breath.

‘I heard that. Anyway what about a double date?’

She raises her hands in the air,‘Yay. I’ll ring Rob and get him to alter the booking. He has connections, can get the best tables.’


She bounces slightly on the bed,‘Gosh this mattress is fucking awesome. When I wake up tell me where it’s from, I need one.’

‘What do you mean, when you wake up?’

But Ronnie has already slid herself well under the quilt and in thirty seconds she’s snoring lightly.

I get out and hit the shower.


I choose a black sleeveless v-necked long dress with a slit up to the thigh for dinner. I’ve arranged to meet both Ronnie and Gabe there. I didn’t want Gabe to pick me up from the apartment as I want him to see my independence and Ronnie had already headed off to meet Rob.

Saints is decorated in white tones, with white floors. The furniture sleek. The tables and chairs are white. There are soft furnishings on the walls. It’s how I would imagine inside an igloo to look. It’s famous for it’s exquisite fish dishes.

Gabe is already seated. He rises up on my entrance and gives me a brief kiss on my cheek. It sends a shiver down my back. I notice his eyes glance at my cleavage from his proximity. He’s wearing plain grey trousers and a loose fitting black top. The colours set off his skin tone and contrast so finely with his eyes. Along with his dark hair he just seems to smoulder so much, he’s ashes. I want to run my hands up his top. Instead I step away towards my chair.

He raises an eyebrow, but holds out my chair for me.

‘So, a double date. Is that to help you resist me?’ His question holds part of the truth and he knows it.

‘I’ve not seen much of my friend this week, so when she suggested it, I thought it would be nice.’

‘Speaking of which, where are they?’

I look back towards the entrance. ‘I don’t know, I thought they’d be here by now but I’m sure they won’t be long. How about we order some drinks? I think I’ll have some olives whilst I’m waiting.’

Gabe signals the waiter, ‘Well I’d better order those for you then seeing as I need to be on my best behaviour for this evening.’

I smile at him whilst trying to make my face look innocent.

‘That just so doesn’t work. We both know you want me to fuck you across this table, but I’ll play along until you admit it.’

‘I’ve never thought any such thing.’ Then I wink at him. He stands up to adjust his trousers and I think crikey this is going to be hard for both of us.

The olives arrive and I make a show of eating them, extracting the stone and sucking the rest of the olive into my mouth.

‘You’re killing me.’

‘You can have an olive, I don’t mind sharing.’

‘Only if I can take it straight from your mouth with my tongue.’

I’m now on my second glass of champagne with no Ronnie or Rob in sight. They are now over thirty minutes late.

The waitress heads over to us. ‘I’ve just received a telephone call from a Mr Rob Reardon that the rest of your party will be with you shortly, but something came up.’

‘Thank you.’

She walks away.

‘I bet it did,’ I say to Gabe, ‘his cock.’

‘Stella, wash out your filthy mouth with more champagne.’

I sit back in my seat. ‘This is typical Ronnie, I’m afraid. She’s not very reliable.’

He doesn’t answer and looks somewhere near his feet.

‘Is everything okay?’

‘Sorry? Oh yes, fine, was just thinking of something I forgot to do at work.’

I fake mock outrage. ‘You’re out with me and thinking of work? Oh that won’t do at all.’

I lean back in my chair, remove my shoe and lift my foot up between his legs. He looks shocked but then smiles and settles back. My foot soaks in the warmth from his crotch. I work from the side of his zipper, moving my foot lazily, but with pressure across the ridge of his hard-on.

The waitress is back. ‘Can I get you anything else whilst you’re waiting.’

‘No thanks, we’re all set here right now,’ Gabe drawls in a leisurely tone.

He holds my foot and pushes his erection against it. Then he tickles my foot. I nearly knock everything off the table as I retract quickly. My glass knocks over and the champagne hits my dress.

‘Idiot,’ I shout, flushed as people have looked over at the commotion.

‘How did I know you were so bloody ticklish? I had to do something, otherwise I was going to come in my pants at the table, which would have been a lot more embarrassing for me.’

Gabe beckons the waitress over. ‘Could you sort out the table please and get us some more champagne whilst I just head with this lady to the bathroom so she can sort out her dress.’

‘Of course Sir.’ He whispers something to the waitress and she points towards the exit.

I look at Gabe. ‘Thank you. I’ll go use the hand dryer.’

He beckons me with his head. ‘Follow me.’

‘What are you up to?’

‘Nothing, just come this way.’

He heads me in a different direction from the sign pointing to the ladies bathroom and we approach a door marked ‘staff only’.

‘I asked if you could use the staff restroom as you needed to remove your dress. A promise of a very high tip got her to agree.’

‘You are certainly earning my respect tonight, that’s most considerate.’

‘Now I’ll wait out here and guard the door whilst you sort out your dress.’

I walk inside the small staff bathroom. It’s beautifully clean and smells of lemon. Someone really takes care of it, so I’m happy to place my bag down on a chair and slip my dress over my head. I rinse it at the sink and then hold it against the hand dryer until its dried. Luckily there’s no stain left.

I see myself in the mirror, in my heels and undies. I move to the door, slide the lock across and grab Gabe’s arm and drag him into the bathroom.

‘What’s going on?’

‘I’m horny, that’s what’s going on. Fuck the word earn, lets go for eat.’

I remove my underwear and sit myself across the back of the sparkling white toilet cistern, legs apart.

‘You hungry?’ I ask, ‘the buffets open.’

He doesn’t need a further invitation. He sits across the toilet seat so my crotch is at the perfect angle for his face and he dives in, raising his hands up to cup my breasts. I feel his tongue flick within my wetness. I could come right now. I push my hands through his hair, pulling him closer and begin to raise myself up towards him. Within a few minutes I come over his face, my breathing ragged.

‘You dirty bitch.’

I run my tongue around my lips, ‘Your turn.’

He raises himself off the seat. ‘I want to screw you so hard but I didn’t bring any condoms. I didn’t think I’d need one. You’d made it quite clear that I probably wasn’t getting any you bloody prick tease.’ He pushes me against the wall and claims my lips in his. At first I try and back away as he’s just had his tongue between my legs, but then the thought of the taste of me being on his tongue turns me on even more and I kiss him back hard.

I look around the bathroom, but with it being a staff toilet there’s no condom machine.

I get down off the cistern and indicate for him to sit on the toilet seat facing me. He drops his trousers to the ground and I pull his pants around his ankles.

I mouth him a while, moving him up and down towards the back of my throat and listen to him groan. When I feel him start to pump faster, trying to fuck my mouth, I let him slip out into my hand and then I pump him hard and vigorous until he begins to come. I let his semen spray out over my tits and chest.

He looks at me, his breathing slowing down. ‘You are quite something, Miss Mulroney.’

I smile up at him. ‘I am aren’t I? Now get yourself dressed and out of here. That waitress will be wondering what’s taking so long.’

He dresses, whilst I wash myself in the sink. Our eyes meet in the mirror.

‘I’m going to give the waitress that tip. I’ll meet you back out there.’

I nod, a look of smugness in my gaze.

‘I’m so going to screw that look out of you later.’ He leaves the bathroom.


I return to find a disturbance occurring at the front desk where a drunken Ronnie is arguing with the staff. I can see Gabe talking harshly to Rob, no doubt about the state she’s in. I begin to walk over to them when I hear my name being called.

‘Stella? Darling.’

I turn and come face to face with my mother and my Stepfather.

My mum rises and hugs me, ‘Are you alright beautiful girl? I’ve been worried about you.’

I tense in her arms. ‘I’m fine mum, I’ve just been very busy lately.’

‘You should answer your mother’s calls, she worries about you.’

I give my stepfather an icy look. He sighs.

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