The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (5 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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‘Nooooooo. What are you doing? Don’t stop.’ I beg.

He laughs. ‘Oh Stella. A is for arousal. You’ll have to learn to wait. It’ll be so much sweeter when it arrives.’ Then he gets off the bed.

I sit up still, my eyes widening,‘What are you doing? Where are you going?’

He starts to put his trousers back on.

‘Home. I have an early start tomorrow. I told you we wouldn’t fuck on the first date Stella.’ He winks.

My hand covers my mouth, ‘You can’t leave me like this?’

‘Watch me.’

I throw one of my pillows at his head. ‘I hate you.’

He laughs, ‘No you don’t.’ He comes over and teases my ear with his tongue. I sigh and try and push my ear closer to his mouth.

‘Look at you, you wanton hussy.’

‘And who made me like that?’ I groan.

‘Promise, you won’t make yourself come. Just let your body wind back down. It’ll be worth it.’

I sigh, ‘Okay. I’m tired anyway, so get out.’

He walks away and I hear my main door click shut.

‘Arrrrgh,’ I groan in frustration and let my head roll back against my remaining pillow. What have I started?










Chapter 5



My alarm screeches its ‘not quite on a radio station’ white noise out. It’s hideous at the best of times, but when I wake with a slight headache and a tongue that feels like I used it as a sticky roller, its worse. I’ve left my curtains partially open and a chink of bright sunlight lasers through. I bash the alarm off which takes two attempts and then push my head back under the covers.

I’m cold since I fell asleep with no clothes on. I’m desperate for clothes and coffee, not necessarily in that order, but figure that’s probably the least scary way of doing it. I gingerly slide myself out of the side of the bed, leaving my head on the mattress until the last possible moment and then clutching my forehead stagger to the bathroom.

As I wash myself in the shower, gliding the sponge over my body, it brings back memories of the previous evening. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Gabe’s hands and tongue as I guide the sponge over my breasts and then between my legs. I’m tempted to finish myself off in the shower, but decide against it. I wonder if he’ll be able to smell my arousal?

The shower has perked me up in more ways than one. I can’t wait to get into work. Who’d have thought I’d like a job that much?


Lorraine smiles at me as I walk in. ‘Morning Stella. I’ll just let you get settled, then I have some messages for you.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ I walk into my office. It’s a small room with the usual office set up of desk, computer and filing cabinets. There’s an interconnecting door between my office and Gabe’s with a small window in it. The blind on his side of the window is open so I go to peer through but there’s no sign of him.

I stick a pod in the coffee machine and sit at my desk, noticing a stack of work on it.

Lorraine knocks and enters. ‘Mr Gregory said to tell you he’ll be out most of the day, they’ve had an emergency situation arise.’ She lowers her voice, ‘Some footballer got a Judge’s daughter pregnant.’

‘Gosh,’ I respond. ‘So it’s crisis management time I take it?’

‘Absolutely,’ Lorraine seems animated, as if the local Sunday newspaper has delivered a juicy piece of gossip right to her own desk. ‘That’s one of the perks of being here. You find out tons of gossip, even if you can’t repeat it outside these walls. At least I have you to share it with now.’

I smile at her. ‘Do you want a coffee before I start my work?’


The day drags on as I type my way through Gabe’s work and answer the phone. It’s just not the same without him here. I hear his door bang and jump up to see if he’s back but it’s Domestic staff emptying the bins. I wonder when I’ll see him again. Then I berate myself for being needy. It’s a side effect of an abandoned child, if I’m shown any interest I seem to cling on for dear life. I phone Ronnie and see if she wants to meet me for a Pizza after work. She’s up for it, wanting to know what transpired the night before.

She gives me a wild wave, her blonde hair topped with a cowboy style hat, that would look ridiculous on me, but looks boho-babe on her.

‘Where were you this morning? Me and Col were waiting to see what had happened. We figured you must have still been at it to not make your morning latte. Was he good? Is he massive?’

‘Oh excuse me,’ the waiter backs away from the table.

‘No come back we need wine,’ Ronnie clicks her fingers at him, ‘What would you recommend?’

She knows full well which are the better wines on the list but she’s flirting with the guy to make sure we get a great service. She fixes him in the glare of her mega-watt smile, and when he makes a suggestion she touches his hand and says ‘Thanks, that would be lovely,’ she looks at his badge, ‘Mike.’ He swaggers off, no doubt struggling under the weight of his hard-on.

‘You are so bad.’

‘Never mind me, what about you?

Several heads turn to look at her. She is lovable but loud.

I fold my arms,‘I didn’t shag him.’

‘What? Nothing?’

I look coyly at her, ‘Now I didn’t say nothing, did I?’

‘I want every little detail.’ Ronnie moves her chair closer to mine.

I fill her in on events.

‘The bastard. Seriously he wound you up and left you like it?’

‘Yes, it was A for Arousal.’

‘That’s A for Appalling. Perhaps he does have a small dick after all.’

I shake my head. ‘Nope, felt it rubbing against me, it ain’t little.’

We giggle.

Ronnie clasps her hands to her chest,‘So what happens next?’

I shake my head. ‘I don’t know. He wasn’t at work today. I guess I need to be thinking of something beginning with B.’

‘Oh I so have some ideas about that, and a slight bit of revenge might be involved.’ Ronnie smirks, and starts to whisper something in my ear.

‘That’s bloody genius. I love you girl.’

‘Great, you can pay for dinner. I’ve spent my allowance on shoes.’ She lifts up a Jimmy Choo. ‘Worth it though aren’t they?’ Then she pours us both another extremely large glass of wine.

We get back to our floor and wave goodnight to each other from outside our rooms and then I walk into my apartment and close the door firmly behind me. I make a coffee, and slide open the windows in the lounge. Ronnie comes out onto her balcony, holding another glass of wine.

‘Lush,’ I shout at her.

‘I know I’m lush,’ she shouts back.

I walk into the kitchen to grab one of my plain coconut
Maison de Truffles,
which are exquisite. I’m just taking a bite when my intercom buzzes. Who’s calling at this time of night? I press the button and carefully ask, ‘Yes?’

‘Good evening,’ a familiar voice says huskily. ‘I’ve been waiting for you to get back all evening. Only I need some comforting, I’ve had a
very hard

I buzz him up and go to close the balcony doors back up.

‘Where are you going?’ yells Ronnie.

‘To teach someone the alphabet.’

‘Whoooooooo hoooooooo,’ she screams. Someone from a neighbouring apartment yells at us to quieten down.


I open my door and he’s leaning against the wall, his five o’clock shadow highlights his cheekbones. He looks eatable. Goody.

‘And where have you been until this hour?’

‘I was out with my friend, here come through.’ I guide him towards the balcony and he walks out.’

I point to Ronnie. She waves her glass at him with a cheers motion. He waves back tentatively and then we move back inside.

‘Do you hang with Ronnie a lot?’

‘I do, she’s my best friend.’

‘You know her well then?’

‘I think so, why?’ I look at him.

‘Oh no reason.’ He pulls me towards him, his warmth draws me in. ‘Now let’s forget about everybody else, and concentrate on us. Now where did I leave you yesterday?’

‘You left me, very, very frustrated yesterday.’

‘Well, I’m going to have to rectify that then aren’t I?’

He chases me into the bedroom.


Gabe slowly undresses me until I am left in my bra and panties. I help him take off his shirt. I want to rip it off him, but I take my time unbuttoning it, hearing his breathing get deeper. He shrugs it off. I put my hand onto his waistband, undo his belt buckle and pull his belt off his trousers and add it to the pile. Then I open his button and unzip until his trousers are by his ankles and he steps out of them. He moves to position me on the bed, but I stop him.

‘Oh no.’ I wag my finger at him. ‘Today is B. It’s my day and I have my own agenda.’

‘But I haven’t finished A.’

‘You can do that after, believe me I’ll be aroused by then.’

‘Hmmm, I’m intrigued. Where do you want me then?’

‘I want you to lie back on my bed with your head on my pillow.’

He does as he’s told, never taking his gaze away from mine, those steely grey eyes full of anticipation.

‘I’ll be back in just a moment, I need to get something.’ I walk over to the closet in the second bedroom and extract the belts from two silk wraps I own.

‘Well, well, well, this looks promising.’ He sucks on his bottom lip. I want to lean over him and bite it.

I take his hand in mine, lift up his arm and tie one wrist to the bed head. Then I repeat with the other.

‘B is for bondage.’ I tell him.

He smiles. ‘Silk ties are very arousing, Miss Mulroney, but they’re a vanilla couple’s bondage.’

My shoulders slump, ‘Well I’m sorry I’m not more experienced for you.’

‘I didn’t mean for it to sound like I’m complaining. I’m very, very happy right now as you can see.’

I look at the bulge in his pants which looks very happy indeed.

‘I’m just looking forward to how much we have to explore together.’

‘Good. Well now I suggest you be quiet or I’m getting another tie for your mouth.’

‘I’m so tempted to speak.’

I pick up his belt and whip it across his hard thigh.

‘Ow,’ he yells.

‘I said be quiet. One thing you need to bear in mind Mr Gregory is that I may be inexperienced in real life, but in my head I’m all kinds of wanton.’

He quietens down.

I climb up on the bed and trail kisses down his neck and across his chest. I blow on his nipples which stand erect and I lick and suck on them. Then I carry on kissing down his happy trail, moving down onto my knees on the edge of the bed where I begin to remove his pants and he raises his hips to assist me.

‘I kind of cheated,’ I tell him, ‘B is also for Blow Job. I couldn’t make up my mind and decided they made a good package. A bit like this one here.’ I wrap my hand around his length and start to pump. He groans.

I remove my hand and take him into my mouth. He moves his hips up so I stop and let him slide back out.

‘I’m in charge here right now. Do you want the belt again? Keep still.’

‘Oooh, okay, whatever you say.’ He closes his eyes and lays still.

I take him back in my mouth and start to suck. I move my lips up and down on his cock, swirling my tongue around the head and at the same time using my hand I gently stroke his balls. I mouth him gently and then harder, then move back to gentle. He is trying not to move but keeps twisting and groaning in ecstasy. I don’t think he’ll be long now.

I stop. Then I get off the bed.

He looks at me in shock. ‘Why have you stopped?’

‘To extend your pleasure. I’ve heard it makes things better. Enjoy. I’ll be back after I’ve had another coffee.’

He lifts his head off the pillow, ‘Stella, come back. You can’t do this to me.’

I’m laughing as I walk out of the room.


I sit on the sofa drinking my coffee. For the first ten minutes or so Gabe kept pleading for me to untie him, but he soon got the message that it wasn’t going to happen.

While my coffee is still warm and I have a mouthful left I walk back into my bedroom.

‘You are so going to pay for this.’ Gabe’s eyes are darkened steel.

I hold up my hands,‘I just felt bad jumping straight to B, so I thought I’d fit Arousal in to.’ I move to sit astride his chest and lean over him to whisper in his ear. ‘So now you know how it feels to be left hanging.’

‘I promise I will never do that to you again. It’s bloody painful. I was so hard it hurts.’

‘Well, I’ll have to see what I can do about that now.’

I reach over to my bedside table and drink the rest of my coffee. Then I take him in my warm mouth.

‘Oh God that feels so good.’

I suck him as hard as I can, taking him as far back in my throat as is comfortable. I feel wanton, like I am the star of a porno and I hold him at the base and pump him at the same time, occasionally breaking off to stroke the light feathering of hairs across his balls. After a few minutes I feel him start to come up off the bed.

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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