The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (13 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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‘What happened with Isabel?’

‘Ask that boyfriend of yours when he arrives. So how do you feel about my job proposal?’

‘Thanks but no thanks. I’m staying here, near my mother and Ronnie.’

‘Suit yourself. He throws the envelope on the table. Keep it. You never know when you might change your mind.’

He gets up and walks out of the apartment.

I pick up the envelope. Inside is a wad of cash. Too much to count. I go and throw it in the bottom of my closet and hide it under a shoe box.

I wonder what Gabe is going to say to me. Will his words be my final unravelling? Right now I have no-one, but him. I sit on the edge of my clothes strewn spare bed and hug myself. I crave his touch.

Then I remember, crikey, it’s my turn to pick the letter. I dash into the lounge and grab the dictionary from the coffee table. Erm, gadgets? Could get my vibrator out? Gang, certainly not going there, garniture - embellishment, costume, dress. More like it. Garter? Hmmm I have one of those. Frustrated by this dictionary I put on the internet and type into Google the words “sex dictionary”. There actually is one, with hundreds of words beginning with G. My mind boggles, gag, gash, grabbing the goatee, oo-er. I decide on a medley of a few things, when I spot Gazupie, a nineteen-thirties Americanism of a Prostitute’s striptease. I slip a garter over the lace band at the top of my thigh high. It’s one I caught at a wedding, navy blue with a long satin bow attached. Then I grab my military style cap from the hat shelf.

The buzzer sounds.

Please let it be him this time.

I let him in. He walks in dressed in beige chinos and a black tee and bearing a potted plant. ‘This is for you, a real plant, still alive look, with roots.’

‘Gabe, do you see a garden for me to plant it in? I forget to water stuff, I’ll kill it.’

‘For God’s sake woman you’re awkward. I’ll take it back to the office for Lorraine. Anyway,’ he grins, ‘I have a great idea for G.’

‘Don’t think so.’


‘It’s my turn to choose. You’ll do as you’re told.’

He smiles, ‘Alright with me, I’m not going to turn you down babe.’

‘Sit on the sofa,’ I say and I go and draw the curtains across the patio windows. I feel my face flush,‘Right. You laugh once and you’re straight out of that door.’

‘Oh-kay, bit worried now, to be honest.’

‘G is for Gazupie, a striptease.’

‘Oh, I won’t laugh,’ his eyes darken, ‘please proceed.’

I switch on my CD player and Jason Derulo’s
Talk Dirty to Me
starts playing.

‘I thought I loved this song before,’ says Gabe.

Now I’m not one for showing off about myself but I can dance. I had classes at school. So the music hits and my body starts to sway. The music has a beat that begs for hip jutting, so I start to hustle and turn my hat, before throwing it at Gabe. Then I start removing my belt, stride over to Gabe and place it around his neck, pulling him towards me so his lips almost meet mine and then I pull it around and off so he has to steady himself. I turn and walk and strut in complete control. I slowly unbutton my dress and let it drop, so I’m standing in my black bra, a black g-string, my hold ups and garter. I turn and shake my bootie a la Beyonce and Rhianna and think Gabe is going to stroke out. Instead he undoes his flies and strokes himself. I walk over and place my leg over his thigh and push his mouth down to my garter. He gets the idea and removes it with his teeth. I walk over to the dining table, Gabe’s eyes watching me intently all the time and I turn a chair around so its on a sideways view to him. I sit astride it and grind as if I’m bearing down on his penis, running my tongue over my teeth. I slip a strap off my bra, then another and pretend to peep down the front liking what I see. I remove it and caress my breasts, pinching my nipples and starting to groan and grind.

Gabe carries on stroking himself, ‘Fuck babe, I can’t take much more.’

I stand up and beckon for him to take a seat on the chair I’ve just vacated. On his way he steps out of his trousers and pants and puts a condom on. I stand in front of him and slide a hand under my pants and begin to stroke myself as the song reaches the rap section. The g-string ties on the side as I’d planned on easy access and I undo them simultaneously so my pants drop. Then I sit astride one of his thighs and begin rubbing myself against his leg whilst stroking myself.

‘Oh God, I can feel how wet you are. On my cock, please, I need to feel you.’

I’m close to climax and smile.

‘Well since you ask so nicely.’

I place myself astride him and lower myself onto his cock. He sinks into me and it’s all friction and warmth. He thrusts his hips up off the chair, holding my waist and I lift myself up and down, rotating my hips a little before I plunge down on his shaft. We buck furiously against each other until we both come in rhapsodic moans and we rest our heads against each other, panting.

I move off Gabe and head for the bathroom. He follows me in and throws the condom in the bin.

He grabs me and kisses me hard, as if he can’t get close enough to me. He leaves my mouth feeling bruised.

I put on a robe. ‘I’ll get us a bottle of wine. Head to the sofa.’

‘Time to talk yes?’

It really can’t be put off any longer.

‘Yes, time to talk.’

Gabe sits straight backed on the sofa. He’s replaced his pants and trousers, but left his shirt off. How I’m supposed to concentrate on what he’s telling me with his rock hard abs on show, along with his happy trail, I don’t know. Maybe that’s the plan. If it gets too uncomfortable we can focus on other things.

Gabe swallows.‘Okay, this is really difficult for me to say, so bear with me.’

‘Okay.’ I sit myself up straight and face him.

‘My father used to run another company when I was younger. They made pornographic films.’

‘The more I hear about your father, the more of a complete sleazebag he seems.’

‘You don’t know the half of it. I met Isabel in a bar when I was visiting him. I was nineteen, a young idiot. We started hanging out. Spent our time drinking in bars. She was always moaning she was skint and needed some extra cash. I told her what my father did, an innocent comment. I didn’t know …’


‘She sought him out. Asked to take part in a film, to make some money.’

‘What? Why didn’t she just get a job in a shop or something?’

‘Because she was in with a bad crowd. They were doing drugs and pressuring her to join in. She needed the money for supplies. My father said yes. I pleaded with him to not let her do it, but he wouldn’t listen, so I did the only thing I could think of.’

I look at him.

‘I starred in it with her. I didn’t have a lot of experience and that’s how they played it.’

‘Your dad let you do that? The sick bastard. Did he see it?’

‘I don’t know. He wasn’t there at the filming and other people did the editing. My father’s never done his own dirty work, always had people to do it for him. Anyway, it was a waste of time. Isabel and I couldn’t face each other after and she just went and did more anyway. She got way too involved in the drug scene and overdosed one night. It was after that went down, that your Stepfather became involved in the business. I don’t know what went on that night but it was the catalyst for it all.’

I sit back on the sofa reeling from what he’s told me.

‘So where’s the film?’

‘I don’t know. He never released that one. Just told me that if I ever stepped out of line, he had that film. I’d be a laughing stock if that got out Stella.’

I nod, ‘I get that.’

His eyes glisten with unshed tears, ‘Your stepfather holds me responsible for Isabel’s drug problem. She was so ashamed of the films, she tried to block it out with drugs and then it started a viscous cycle as she needed to do more films to score more drugs. It was an innocent remark in conversation Stella. I was showing off. “My Dad makes porn films.”’ His eyes bore into mine. ‘You have to help me bring him down. I need to do it every bit as much as you want revenge on Mitch.’

I move along the sofa, lay across his lap and snuggle into his chest. ‘We can do this Gabe, together, we can, I know we can.’

‘I hope so. The day you came into my life I saw a chance to be free.’

I still. ‘Is that all I am to you Gabe? A chance for freedom?’

‘Don’t think that’s a small thing with me Stella, but don’t ask for any more right now.’

I undo my robe. ‘What about this? Can I ask for this?’

He rolls me under him and there is no more talking.








Chapter 4


Waking the next morning I find myself tucked under the duvet cover. Gabe isn’t there. A realisation occurs, that he’s not leaving me, but rather he’s running away.

We’re so similar it hurts.

At the office I wait until ten and then I make a phone call I’ve been thinking about for some time. I arrange a meeting for after work. I could have done with it being at lunchtime but thirty minutes is hardly enough time to actually eat. Instead at lunch time I ring The Priory to speak to Ronnie.

‘Hey friend.’

‘Hey Stel.’

‘You sound a little down, are you okay?’

‘I’m just feeling really rough right now. Listen, I know I said visit me, but don’t for the next week okay, til I let you know I feel better. I don’t want you to see me like this.’

I clasp the phone closer to my ear,‘You sure? I give great hugs.’

‘I feel like I have the flu. I just want to sleep all the time.’

‘It won’t be for long Ronnie. You’ll start to feel better soon.’

‘I know.’

I speak softly,‘So what am I supposed to do without my bestie in the meantime?’

I think I hear a sniffle, but then a strong voice comes down the line.‘Just carry on fucking your way through the alphabet so you have plenty to tell me when you do see me.’

I laugh. ‘You behaving around Harry Taylor?’

‘Stella, I can hardly raise my mouth off the bed for a drink never mind to stick a cock in it.’

. Are there people nearby?’

‘Only the Receptionist and I’m sure she’s heard much worse in here. Yep, she’s just nodded her head at me. Anyway Harry’s a sex addict. He can’t have any whilst he’s in here. How bloody bad is that. Walking fucking orgasm and he can’t have sex and I can’t bloody move. Torture, this place, torture.’

‘What are the other residents like?’

‘Oh they’re alright. Can you believe some women are in here because they are addicted to shopping. Who wants to stop shopping? I’ll tell you what that’s all about. Their bloody husbands want to reign the spending in. They stick the wife in here and then they save money whilst at the same time they’re free to shag the nanny.’

She coughs and sounds like she’s going to hurl.

‘Oh Ronnie, get better soon.’

‘I’ll be fine. Listen what’s happening your end?’

I tell her about my stepfather warning me off and about Gabe opening up about his past.

‘Crikey, there’s more debauchery out there than there is in here.’

‘Tell me about it. I’ve made an arrangement to meet with a Private Investigator.’

‘Great stuff. Remember cash only, you don’t want it traceable.’

Ronnie sounds very knowledgeable about this and I make a mental note to ask her about it some other time. God only knows what she’s been up to in the past.

‘You’re not going to let your stepfather tell you when you can see your own mother or not are you?’

‘He said he wouldn’t let me near her, unless he was there.’

‘So go there, get her on her own and tell her what’s going on.’

‘Do you know, you’re right. I’m going to go there tomorrow night. I’m just going to turn up and that way Stepbastard will be wrongfooted, or with any luck, not even in.’

She yawns.

‘Gosh I’m sorry for keeping you chatting on Ronnie. Go get better. I miss you heaps, it’s not the same here without you.’

‘Course it’s not, I’m fucking awesome, and what are you? Say it Stella.’

‘I’m fucking lovely.’

‘Don’t you forget it. Now fuck off I need to be sick.’


Gabe’s been in meetings all morning. He comes in to see me when he gets in. I give him a massive smile. He looks at me as if I need committing.

‘Er, you all right Stella?’

‘I’m great thanks. Why?’

He looks at his feet. ‘I was kind of expecting a “you left me” snark.’


‘Er, okay then. You up for meeting later?’

‘Sorry, can’t, plans.’

He tenses. ‘What sort of plans?’

‘Plans you aren’t anything to do with plans. Now have you brought me some work?’

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