The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (25 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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‘Arnie. He started hanging around at certain times, watching us with proper lecherous looks. He made me feel sick. He especially liked Sheree. She’d said she was seventeen, but I think he was well aware that she wasn’t.’

‘How old was she?’

‘Fourteen.’ Issy wipes her eyes as the tears start to flow. ‘Stella, I made out with her, a child. I know I wasn’t much more than one myself, but it disgusts me. I’ve never felt that way about women. What I did, to score, it appals me to this day. Do you see why I don’t want to talk about it?’

I go in my bag and hand her a tissue. ‘I’m so sorry.’

She goes in her bag and hands me a piece of paper. ‘That’s the address in London where we filmed and they’re the names and numbers I had. They’re probably not there anymore, but that’s what I have.’

‘Thank you.’ I put the paper inside my purse to keep it safe.

‘Would you like another drink?’ I ask.

‘Yes, another coffee please.’

As I walk to the coffee stall, a man clips me, sending me sprawling onto the ground. He offers his arm to help me up and then in a low voice says, ‘You need to be very careful with the direction you’re going in. You could get hurt.’

Issy comes running over to me and sees the frightened look on my face.

She kneels beside me and closes her eyes, biting her lip as if she was knocked, not myself.

‘That was him wasn’t it?’


‘Arnie. He was behind that bloke knocking you over wasn’t he? I saw your face then, you looked scared to fuck. I knew you’d bring him back. You just couldn’t leave well alone could you?’

I can’t work out why she’s unravelling in front of my eyes and then it starts to connect.

Arnie started hanging around.

He wasn’t there at first.

I turn to look at Sam, running around catching the balls thrown by Gabe.

‘Oh my God. That’s why you don’t want Sam to know.’

Issy looks at me wide eyed, in fully fledged horror.

‘He’s not his is he? Samuel is not Gabe’s son.’

‘No,’ she says quietly, ‘He’s not. He’s Arnold Gregory’s.’








Chapter 5


Issy is hysterical, crying and sitting on the path with her head in her hands. People pass us looking at her like she’s some kind of freak show animal. Sam spots her and comes running, Gabe and Maddie closely in pursuit.

‘What’s wrong mom?’

‘She just stumbled a little,’ I lie, ‘I think maybe Maddie and Gabe should sit with her a while. Shall we go and get an ice cream from over there, just while they make sure she’s okay?

‘Sure.’ He kisses his mum’s head, ‘Making it better mom.’

She looks up at him and smiles, ‘Thanks sweetie, I’m sure I’ll be fine. You go enjoy your ice cream.’

I leave them all to it.


After the ice cream we head back to Gabe’s mothers. Issy having returned home with Sam.

‘It must be a shock, finding out Sam is Arnie’s after all you’ve done to help her?’ I state.

‘Do you know Stella. I’m actually mightily relieved. Gabriel isn’t tied to a child and Sam’s life can stay as it is.’

‘Do you think Arnie knows?’

‘Well if he does, he won’t give a damn, he’s not exactly paternal. He only tolerates Gabriel because he wants an heir to take over the business.’

‘Why did she say he was Gabe’s?’

‘Apparently,’ says Gabe, ‘She felt if she went to my mother saying it was my father’s baby, she was likely to get the door closed in her face, but mine, well that was a different matter.’

‘Anyway I’ve told her I still want to see him just the same,’ says Maddie. ‘I love that boy and I can make up for that cock of a father he has.’


‘Well, that man has caused so much trouble in young Issy’s life. Anyway, she was beyond relieved that everything is okay. In fact, she said everything was now a lot better. There was one thing though Stella.’


‘She asked me to say to you, that even though you aren’t properly sisters, that she can see just how much you two do have in common and she’d like you to stay in touch. She also said, and I’m quoting here Gabriel before you complain about my language, that you must “bring the fuckers down so that everyone can have some peace.”’

A huge grin breaks out across my face. I was so sure Issy would never want to see me again. But she does. I have some more family.

‘Well I think you’ve just made Stella’s day, and Issy certainly made mine.’

‘What?’ I interrupt, ‘You didn’t want to be a daddy?’

‘Sam is a handsome, friendly chap and obviously I would think that, because he looks just like me. However I am extremely pleased to not be the father of an eight year old, who already thinks of someone else as his Dad. So with that,’ he stands up and grabs hold of my hand. ‘We will be off. I am going to take this lovely lady out for dinner to celebrate.’

After our meal, I kiss Gabe goodbye and head off for my next shift at The Rodeo. It’s a similar kind of evening except it’s a theme night and tonight everyone has to dress in gold or silver. The night was advertised as for couples and single women only. There’s a lot of sparkle around and some people have fairy wings on, whilst others have sprayed their hair gold or have wigs on. It takes a similar timeline as before though, and as the drinks go down, so do the men and women, on each other. I go to find Toni to see if she needs any help, because the people around seem to have all the assistance they need.

‘No, I’m good here thanks. There is one thing though. Would you mind locking up for the evening? I could really do with being home a couple of hours early tonight, it’s my anniversary.’


‘Security will make sure everyone leaves without a problem and will check around. Then if you could just do the final cashing out and place it in the safe until tomorrow. Phone a cab to collect you from the door, get a receipt and charge it to the club.’


I wander out of the office and wonder what I can do until then. The Sybian Room’s midnight booking was a no-show, so I go in there, bolt the door, close the curtains across and take out my phone to chat to Gabe.


‘Hello there sexy, everything okay?’ I hear him yawn.

‘Sorry were you asleep? I didn’t mean to disturb you.’

‘I was just dozing a little. I don’t like to sleep until I know you’re back safe.’

‘Well that’s what I was going to tell you. I’m locking up tonight so I’ll be a little later.’

‘So what am I supposed to do here all alone?’

‘I’m sure you’ll think of something.’

‘Oh something’s come to mind as soon as I’ve heard your voice. Do you know you talk straight to my cock Stella? Are you somewhere private?’

‘Yes I’m locked in the Sybian room.’

‘I think my balls just exploded.’

‘I’m not on it, I’m just in the room. Someone missed their appointment.’

‘Now I’m disappointed, so, you called because?’

‘I’m bored. Everyone’s humping and as I’m not an actual proper member of staff, I don’t have anything specific to do.’

‘Let’s play then. How long do you have in that room?’

‘Next appointments in twenty minutes.’

‘Well I bet we only need ten.’

I feel my nipples harden, ‘What do you have in mind then? How can we play the alphabet if you’re there and I’m here. Sybian is an S.’ Then the penny drops, ‘Aaaah, phone sex.’

‘You got it babe.’


‘Are you sitting comfortably?’

‘I’m trying to suss out how it works.’ On the top of the leather seat, there is a rectangular piece of a flexible latex or plastic which includes the dildo. I look around and see there is a remote attached to the seat that has a red and green dial. I turn one and the plastic dildo starts to vibrate; turning the dial increases the vibration. I turn the other dial and the dildo starts to rotate. Oh my.

I see a box full of condoms, and I now know that the machine is kept sanitary by the use of them. I place one over the ‘cock’.

‘Are you ready yet, cos I so am,’ I hear from the phone.

‘Just about, hang on.’ I slip off my pants and climb astride, not yet sitting on it. I feel myself go slick with anticipation.

‘Okay, talk dirty to me. What would you be doing to me if I was with you right now?’ I ask.

‘Well, let’s set the scene. We’ve been making out for a while, just me kissing that sensitive spot on your neck and now we’re about to get hot and heavy. So first of all, I stick my hand up your shirt and I start feeling your tits.’

I take my hand and start to stroke my breasts, my nipples pebbling even harder under the touch of my fingers.

‘After that,’ Gabe growls, ‘I’m desperate to feel you, feel the warmth between your legs, so I begin to stroke you there. Can you feel me?’

My fingers invade myself and I feel my wetness.

‘I need your cock Gabe,’ I moan.

‘Okay so I’m laying back on the bed now and we’re going to do it with you on top. Sit astride me Stella.’

I position myself on the Sybian, sliding down and feeling the thickness of the dildo invade me. I feel so full. I notice that where my clit sits, there is a raised bobbled area to stimulate me there. I turn the dial and it starts to vibrate. I gasp. Oh my fucking God.

‘Gabe, you’re so hard, I’m sliding onto your dick and you’re filling me up. I’m so horny for you. Fuck me.’ I raise the dial a little and switch on the rotator. The sensations are incredible. The rotation means that I’m pushed forward onto the bobbles, which stimulates my clitoris until I think I’ll go insane.

I can hear Gabe’s breathing down the phone.

‘I’m moving on your cock, up, down and around,’ I say, ‘Can you feel me.’

‘Fuck yes, I can feel you Stella.’

I imagine Gabe pumping his own cock and that makes me hornier still. I decide to go for it and turn the dial up even more. It’s too much and not enough all at once.

‘Gabe, oh my, fucking yes, yes, now, now,’ I push myself harder into the bobbles, it sets my clit aflame and the tremble starts to come from my toes. ‘Aaaaaaaaaah, oh fucking hell, yeeeeeeessss.’ I explode over the dildo and carry on riding until I reach a second orgasm. I hear Gabe shout out as he himself finishes.

I turn off the dial, lift myself off the Sybian and collapse in a heap on the floor.

‘Stella? Are you okay?’

‘Gabe, that was so fucking good I can’t walk. Seriously, I have jelly legs.’

‘You are never again allowed on that thing. I’m scared you’ll ditch me for it.’

‘Aw, can’t it be a perk of the job?’

‘Certainly not. Anyway that was hot Miss Mulroney, but now I think you need to get back to work.’

I look at my watch. ‘I have ten minutes to recover, thank goodness. Thanks for the ride.’

‘Anytime.’ Gabe says.

I hang up.

I tidy up, removing and disposing of the condom and then I walk out of the room. I feel hot and know my face must be flushed but here no-one will question why. No-one’s even noticed I’ve been gone. With that in mind, I go for a wander around. Behind the dungeon area is a series of storage rooms, they just seem piled with junk, old chairs, some sex equipment. I reach a door that is locked. Interest peaked, I head back to Toni.

‘Hey Toni. I’ve some time, do you need me to inventory the storage rooms or anything?’

‘Oh that junk. I really need that going through at some point, deciding what needs to stay and go. If you’d like to go and see if there’s anything worth keeping be my guest. I hate it down there, it’s too dark for me, creeps me out.’

‘What’s with the secret, locked door? Have you got a forbidden room hiding a ghostly sex slave or something?’

‘Oh that’s the room Arnie uses when he comes to visit. He likes to have his own office space.’

‘What’s it like?’

‘No idea. He tells us not to go in there.’

‘Aren’t you curious?’

‘Of course, but I like my job and I know I don’t fancy being on the wrong side of Mr Gregory Sr.’

‘Have you got a key?’

‘It’s in a box with a four digit code, that only he knows. Right,’ she picks up her bag. ‘I’m off, it’s all yours. Just push the keys through the letterbox when you’ve locked up and I’ll get them in the morning.

It’s extremely strange watching cavorting couples being told it’s time to leave. Some just stop what they’re doing there and then. Others carry on until they’ve reached their climax. Some emerge as if from a sex coma, looking startled, as if they hadn’t realised they were fucking in a room of strangers.

The security guy gives the all clear and I say goodnight, emptying the till at the bar and taking it through to the office to do the cash out.

Job done I pick up the phone to call a cab and then I stop. I need to try and get in that office.

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