Shameless (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Shameless
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Riley had already dropped the condom into
the garbage and buttoned his jeans.  He watched me struggle without speaking
and, embarrassment coursing through me, I spun around and yanked the bottom of my
dress down before pulling viciously at my bra.  It refused to untwist and I
could feel the hot tears starting to leak down my face.  What the fuck had I
just done?  I was a goddamn whore and I –

I screamed breathlessly and tried to jerk
away when I felt Riley’s breath on my back.  He gripped me by my shoulders and
pulled me against his hard body.

“Shh, you’re okay, kitten,” he said
soothingly as he cupped my bare breasts.  He squeezed them gently before
rubbing his hand along the curve of my belly.  “Let me help.”

I stood mutely, my body trembling, as he
patiently untwisted my bra and tucked my breasts into the cups before hooking
the front clasp.  He stared over my shoulder and I shivered lightly when he ran
the tip of his finger between my breasts.

“Christ, your tits are fucking amazing.”

He helped me pull up my dress and zipped it,
pushing my hair to the side so it wouldn’t get caught in the zipper.  He handed
me my shoes and my purse and I started toward the door.  I needed to get out of
this room, it smelled like sex and my perfume and Riley’s ridiculously enticing
scent, and if I stayed much longer I’d be tempted to beg him to fuck me again.

“Wait, kitten,” he said.

I reached for the door.  “No, I – “

“Your panties,” he said patiently. 

I flushed and turned around.  He was
holding the flimsy material in one large hand and he grinned at me.

“Normally I’d be all for you going without
them but I don’t want anyone else seeing that pretty little pussy.  I’m not
good at sharing what’s mine.”

I swallowed and stalked toward him, ripping
the panties from his hand before hissing, “It’s not yours.”

Quick as a striking snake, he pushed me up
against the wall and shoved his hand between my thighs.  He cupped my bare
pussy, his thumb rubbing against my still-swollen clit, and I made a soft moan
of submission as he grinned fiercely at me.

“Tonight, this belongs to me.  Say it,
kitten,” he demanded.

I gave him a defiant shake of my head.  His
smile widened and he bent his head and took my mouth in a rough, demanding
kiss.  He kissed me until I was breathless and squirming against his hand.  He
slid one finger deep inside my pussy and I cried out into his mouth.

“Say it, kitten,” he repeated against my
mouth before nipping my bottom lip. 

“It’s yours,” I whispered.

“That’s right, all mine.”  He nipped my
bottom lip again before sliding his hand out from between my thighs.

I flushed bright red when he slipped his
finger into his mouth and sucked away the moisture.  “You taste fucking
delicious, Maddie.”

The desire in his voice brought another
flood of wetness between my legs and he grinned harshly at the look on my
face.  “I wish I had enough time to properly taste you.”

I moaned as a vision of his dark head
between my thighs popped into my head and he kissed me a final time, thrusting
his tongue into my mouth before licking my upper lip.  “Another time, maybe.”

I pulled up my panties, sliding them
awkwardly under my dress.  I washed my hands and splashed water on my face,
smoothing my hair down as best I could, as he made a snort of impatience.

“Come on.”

He held out his hand and I took it gingerly
as he led me to the door of the bathroom.  “Remember what I said, Maddie.  If
you want to make it out of here tonight, you do exactly what I tell you to do
and you keep your mouth shut.  Understand?”

I nodded and he searched my face briefly
before leading me from the bathroom.


Chapter 2




I had lost my fucking, goddamn mind.  I
should have kept my mouth shut, but the woman standing in the doorway had
reminded me so strongly of Andrea that I had been on my feet and shoving my way
toward her before my brain could tell me to stop.

She didn’t favour her in looks.  Andrea had
been the spitting image of our mother, small and blonde with light blue eyes
and tanned skin.  The woman standing in the bar was tall and curvy with dark
hair and eyes and pale skin.  Her tits were fucking amazing, wrapped up like a
Christmas present in that tight-as-hell black dress.  She had wobbled in on
those ridiculous ‘fuck-me’ shoes and half the dicks in the room had sprang to
attention, mine included.

But it hadn’t been her pale skin or her
large tits that had me rushing to claim her as mine and save her from the gang
like I was some goddamn Prince Charming wannabe.  No, it had been the obvious
fragility that surrounded her like a thin shield and the wounded look in her
eyes – the same one that had been in Andrea’s and I had ignored – that had made
me do it.

And I swear on the fucking grave of my
mother – God rest her soul – that I had meant to only pretend she was mine,
that I was going to hustle her out of the bar and take her somewhere safe, but
then I had tasted her and my good intentions had flown out the fucking window.

And Jesus, the way she had looked at me in
the bathroom – a man only had so much willpower.  She wanted me to fuck her and
I never turn down an offer to stick my dick in a warm pussy.  And now that it
knew exactly how wet and tight she was, my dick was crying out for more.  I
wiped a trembling hand across my forehead as the woman stumbled behind me.  I
gripped her hand and threw her a scowl before hurrying her down the hallway.

It didn’t matter how wet her pussy was, or
how fucking hot she had looked bent over that sink while I fucked her, I had
made a huge mistake and I needed to get her out of here before Frank asked too
many questions.  There was no way a woman like her would ever be with a man
like me.  Of course, Jenkins wouldn’t have been shy about spreading the news
that I was fucking Maddie in the bathroom.  It had been a mistake to fuck her
and I had no one to blame but my own lack of willpower when it came to pussy,
but it may actually have worked in our favour.  It might have been enough to
convince Frank she was my woman.  Maddie didn’t look like my type but she also
didn’t look like the type to fuck a complete stranger in a dirty bathroom. 

My dick stirred in my jeans at just the
memory of being in Maddie and I cursed it in my head.  We were almost at the
main part of the bar and I slowed and gave the woman behind me a dark look. 
“Remember what I told you.  Keep your mouth shut and do everything I tell you. 
Do you understand?”

She nodded.  After I had fucked her, there
had been a warm sated look on her face but it had been replaced with the same
heartbreaking sorrow and fear from earlier.  I squeezed her hand and gave her a
grim look.

“I won’t be nice to you.  It’ll raise suspicions
if I am.  Don’t take it personally.”

“I – I won’t,” she whispered. 

She looked close to tears and I surprised the
both of us by cupping her face and kissing her roughly.

“Everything will be fine.  In a few hours
you’ll be warm and safe in your own bed, I promise.”

“Right.”  She took a deep breath and I
silently applauded her when she straightened her back and gave me a determined

“I’m ready.”

I led her out into the bar.  As we crossed
the room and I sat down in the armchair, tugging her into my lap, there was a
low wolf whistle.  Jenkins, the asshole, sauntered toward us and sat down in
the chair next to mine.

“You feel like sharing tonight, Riley?”

“No I fucking don’t,” I snapped.  “Touch
her and I’ll send you to the fucking hospital.”

Jenkins snorted.  “Ease up, boy.  What’s so
special about the fat bitch, anyway?”

Maddie stiffened on my lap and I squeezed
the back of her neck in a warning grip before staring at Jenkins.  “There isn’t
anything special about her, I just don’t like sharing my toys.”

“If you want something better than his puny
little pecker you just say the word, sweetheart.  I know how to make you squeal,”
Jenkins said crudely.

I nearly laughed out loud when Maddie
looked Jenkins up and down and, in a voice nearly dripping with disdain, said,
“Not if you were the last man on earth.”

Jenkins flushed and his hands clenched into
fists.  He leaned closer and Maddie shrank back against me.  Her pulse was
fluttering like a trapped bird beneath my hand and I rubbed her neck soothingly
as I glared at Jenkins.

“Stay away from my girl, Jenkins, or that
dick you’re so proud of will be sticking out of your fucking ass.”

“What the fuck has gotten into you,
Riley?”  Jenkins gave me a wounded look and I just shrugged and squeezed
Maddie’s neck.

“Go get me a beer, kitten.”

There was a flash of rebellion in her eyes
and I squeezed her neck in silent warning before pulling a twenty from my
pocket and handing it to her.  She bit her bottom lip before sliding off my lap
and, leaving her shoes on the floor, limped toward the bar.  I watched her
leave, her ass swaying in that ridiculously skimpy dress, and scowled at Jenkins
when he reached down and tugged at his obvious erection.

He shrugged.  “I like the fat ones.”

“Call her fat again and I’ll kick your
fucking face in,” I snapped.

“Hey, it’s a compliment, man.”  He grinned
at me and I rolled my eyes as Billy sat in the chair next to mine.

“How long you been dating her, Rye?”  He

“Not long,” I replied shortly.

“What’s she do for a living?”


“Just curious,” Billy said.  “Where’d you
meet her?”

“At a fucking square dance!” I growled. 
“Is it twenty questions night and I missed the goddamn memo?”

“Jesus,” Billy grumbled, “I was just bein’
social.  I ain’t ever seen you with a woman like her before.”

“Hell, we ain’t ever seen you with a woman,
period,” Jenkins laughed.  “Was starting to think maybe you liked suckin’ cock
or somethin’.”

I glared at Jenkins as Billy snorted

“You’re really pissing me off tonight, Jenkins.”

“That’s my job, man,” Jenkins said.  He
glanced at the bar and I followed his gaze, my stomach dropping when I saw
Frank standing next to Maddie.  Even from here I could see the anxiety in her
eyes and I shot to my feet and stalked toward the bar, praying she hadn’t
revealed too much.


* * *




I limped my way toward the bar, entirely
too conscious of Riley’s hot gaze, and smiled at the slender blonde woman
standing behind the bar.

“Hi, could I, uh, get a beer for Riley and
a glass of water, please?”

The woman looked me up and down and I
shrank back at the anger in her gaze.

“We don’t serve water here.”

“Just tap water is fine,” I replied.

“I said we don’t serve water.  Either order
a fucking drink or get the hell out of the bar,” she snapped.

“Fine.  I’ll take a beer.”

I hated beer but I was too tired to argue
with her.  She turned away and grabbed two bottles of beer.  She removed the
caps with an angry twist and threw them into the garbage before slamming the
bottles down on the bar so hard that beer sloshed out and puddled on the worn

I handed her the twenty without speaking
and she stormed to the cash register.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the
mirror behind the bar and could barely hold in my groan of dismay.  My mouth
was still swollen and red, and there were bright red blotches on my face and
neck from Riley’s stubble.  I tried to smooth my hair down again as the
bartender returned and threw my change into the puddle of beer.

My temper flared and I glared at her. 
“What’s your problem?”

She sneered at me.  “Maybe I don’t like fat
bitches in my bar.”

“Call me fat again and I’ll kick your
skinny little ass,” I replied calmly. 

I was lying.  I’d never been in a fight in
my life, and the woman glaring at me might have been half my weight but I had
no doubt she could easily beat the crap out of me.  Still, I was having a bad
fucking night and I’d be damned if I let a woman I’d never met before insult

“You think you mean anything to Riley other
than someplace to put his dick, you’re wrong,” she suddenly snarled.

A lightbulb went off in my head and I
grinned tightly at her.  “At least he
to put his dick in me.”

Maddie!  Shut up!
  My inner voice moaned. 
Are you trying to get yourself killed?

“Shut your mouth!”  She hissed.  “You don’t
know nothin’ about Riley and me.”

I leaned forward, ignoring my inner voice,
and grinned again at her.  “I know you want him and he doesn’t want you.  I
know it’s killing you that you could hear us fucking in the bathroom.”

Maddie!  Stop!  For God’s sake – stop!

Her face went pale and she gave me a look
of pure fury.  “You shut your fucking mouth.”

“Make me,” I said softly.

Her hands clenched into fists and I stared
silently at her.  Outwardly I appeared calm but my insides were churning and I
was seriously considering just turning and bolting for the door.  Before I
could, a low voice spoke beside me.

“Whiskey, Deena.  Now.”

Deena twitched and with a final glare,
turned away.  I stared at the man standing beside me.

“Frank.”  He held out his hand and I shook
it briefly, my stomach twisting at the feel of his hard hand.


“You don’t belong here, Maddie.”

I stayed silent and tried not to shudder
when his gaze lingered on my large breasts.  He shook back his long hair and
rested his belly against the bar as Deena placed a glass of whiskey in front of
him.  He took a sip and I picked up my beers and nodded nervously to him.

“It was nice to meet you.”

“I’m not finished.”

He spoke softly but every nerve ending in
my body lit up like a Christmas tree.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a
place like this?”

I swallowed down my nervous laughter and
shrugged.  “My car broke down and I knew Riley was here tonight.  I needed a
ride home.”

“How long have you and Riley been fucking?”

“Not long.”

“Where’d you meet?”

“A bar.”

“Which bar?”

“I don’t remember.  I was pretty drunk.”  I
took a swig of beer, trying not to grimace at the bitter taste.

“Is that right?”


He waited patiently and I smothered another
bout of laughter.  If Frank thought I would spill my guts just because of a
little silence, he was in for a surprise.  I’d spent enough time teaching
clients to keep their answers short when on the stand that I had the upper hand
in this conversation.  Even if Frank didn’t know it.

After a moment, he took another sip of
whiskey.  “You don’t look like his type.”

“How many of his girlfriends have you met?”

“Is that what you are?  His girlfriend?”

I just shrugged in reply and drank some
more beer.  It was already starting to hit me, I couldn’t remember the last
time I had drank, and I cautioned myself to slow down.  Being drunk was the
last fucking thing I needed.

“What do you do for a living, Maddie?” 
Frank asked.

“Office work.”

“Secretary?”  He looked me up and down
again and I nodded.

“What company?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Just answer the fucking question, Maddie,”
Frank said softly.

Relief flooded through me when Riley
appeared.  He looped his arm around my waist and reached for his beer, drinking
nearly half of it before staring at Frank.

“What’s going on, Frank?”

“Just chatting with your kitten,” he replied.

Riley squeezed my waist.  “Let’s go,

“Where’d you two meet, Riley?”  Frank

“I told you, we met at the – “

“Shut your mouth,
,” Frank
said softly.  “I ain’t talking to you.”

I shut my mouth with a snap as Frank stared
expectantly at Riley.  I slid my arm around Riley’s waist and dug my fingers
into his hip before tapping my finger deliberately against the top of the bar.

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