Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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Anyway, after a while of picking up the tiniest scraps of lingerie to tease him with, he dragged me behind a full clothes rail and introduced me to his talented mouth. I don't think, before that experience, I had ever had a snog like it, just thinking about it makes me swoon.

I had no idea how long we were pashing behind that clothes rail for, but after a while, my naughty streak reared its very attractive head, and I subtly brushed my hand against his very erect cock, through his shorts. I remember clearly, opening my eyes as I did, and watching his reaction. His eyes shot wide open, and he smiled into the kiss briefly, before pulling away and telling me how hard he was going to fuck me later. I nearly passed out, this was a man after my very own heart.

"Of course, how could I forget that?"

"You couldn't, baby, I'm awesome."

I laugh and wrap my arm around his hard torso, I feel a sudden pang of guilt; I shouldn't be acting so casually around him, like everything is fine. He's
lying here in the snow, cuddling me, laughing with me, and has absolutely no idea that I'm carrying his baby.
You'll go to hell for this.

"Tilly, I hate to get all serious on your ass, but can I ask a question?"

a question, but yes, you may ask another..." I say, jovially.

"I know you said it's okay, but I'm not used to boning without a raincoat, so it's kinda weird for me. Do you take birth control pills or what?"

Oh, shit.
Inside, I'm tied in knots, I can't lie to him but I can't tell him the truth either, I'm not ready to give him up yet. He clearly doesn't want a baby, or he wouldn't have asked the question in the first place.
Shit, shit, shit.
I look anywhere but at his face and nod, I can't say the words, I don't lie with ease.

It seems to do the trick, he squeezes me and kisses my forehead. "Cool, sorry, I didn't want to question you but I've got to know the answer, you know? Now, it's all good."

I feel guilty as hell.

"It's so peaceful out here, huh?" he says staring up at the now overcast sky. I gaze at the side of his handsome face and something deepens inside me, emotionally. I want to squeeze him and tell him I'm sorry for lying, I'm sorry for keeping this from him and that I'm sorry I haven't told him how much I want him. I really want him, for Wriggler, yes, but for me, too. Could he ever give up his women and be a boyfriend and a dad? I really don't think so.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, it is. I love early mornings, before anyone else is up. Aren't you cold, Luke?" I ask, we're lying on his jacket and he doesn't even have gloves on.

He chuckles a little, "No, I'm good. Are you cold? You need warming up again?" he winks.

"Already?! How can you possibly be ready to go again?"

"When it comes to your tight little body, I'm always ready... so?"

I laugh again, "So, no. You can wait until later, lover-boy." I hear a rustle in the distance and rest up on one elbow, leaning against his chest. "Ooh, we're not going to get mauled by grizzlies are we?" I ask, half-joking, half-serious.

He smiles in amusement and brushes the hair escaping my bobble hat with his fingers, "I like your bangs, they suit your pretty face..."

"'Bangs'," I repeat with a grin, "sounds funny, we call it a fringe, but thank you, I like it, too. Now - can you answer my very pressing question?"

"No, Tilly, we're not going to get mauled by grizzlies. For starters, the bears here are black bears, but they hibernate for winter, so we can come out and fuck in the forest as often as you like." He holds one of my boobs in his hand and leans in to kiss my neck, mumbling against my skin, "Wanna head back to the house? I want to see these babies..."


At around midday, I clamber down the snowy steps again and wait for Luke to join me at the bottom to take us wherever we are going. It has been such a fun morning; after our 'session' in the snow, we walked back to the house and went at it again, in Luke's room. You couldn't get bored of 'Luke sex', no one could, he can keep you wanting all day.

I managed to have a shower on my own - somehow, he really wanted to join me but I made up some excuse about wanting to shave my legs in private, so he left me alone for a short while. It's getting more and more difficult to avoid him seeing me naked, I am going to have to tell him, before he figures it out himself.

We dress separately and meet in the hallway before heading downstairs for breakfast with Clare and Oliver. Olly is so excited about their day at Snowmass Mountain today, he's like a big kid! It's great to have a catch up with them before they go out, I wish I could spend more time with them while I'm here.

"Ready?" he asks as he skips carelessly down the steps, jumping the last few. He has no fear... kind of reminds me of who I was a few months back. Wow, how carrying a child can change so much, so quickly.

"Yep, where are we going?"

"For lunch, I told you," he says with a great big smile, winking. Those dimples seems to get deeper every time he smiles at me. "I thought we could walk there, it's not far at all, about three minutes in the car, twenty minutes walking, you good with that?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," I reply, and he throws an arm around my shoulder, guiding me out towards the road.

As we turn the corner onto the main road, Luke takes his arm from my shoulder, and reaches down to hold my hand. I look up at his face and he's already looking at me. "You're okay with holding hands, right?" he asks.

"Yes, it's fine, why do you ask? We held hands earlier on in the woods..."

"Yeah, but we're out in public now, thought I should check."

"It doesn't bother me in the slightest, Luke, aren't you afraid it's cock-blocking you though?" I ask with a grin as I squeeze his hand.

"I'm blocking my own cock, Princess, he's all yours right now."

"I feel so privileged," I say, sarcastically, pressing my free hand to my chest. But in reality, I do feel privileged. I doubt he's blocked his own cock for anyone. Well, except that one girl that he mentioned yesterday. I wonder what happened with her...

We walk along the pavement at a steady pace, chatting and joking around as always for about fifteen minutes before he takes a left turn and shortly after, a right. After a few paces, he stops and points at a large building at the base of the mountain. "This is Ajax Mountain, or Aspen Mountain as they call it now." He gently tugs my arm and walks towards the large, brick built flight of steps. "Wait here for me, I won't be long." He kisses my hand and jogs towards some nearby offices. I look around for a restaurant, wondering where lunch is.

Only a few minutes later, Luke returns, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss, without saying a word. He lingers for a moment before pulling away and smiling a beautiful smile. "Let's go."

"Where to?" I ask, wanting to continue with the kissing.

"Up here," he points to the large glass building at the top of the steps.

As we approach, I notice the small cable cars travelling up the mountain and the sign reading; 'Silver Queen Gondola'. "Are we going up the mountain?" I ask.

"Uh huh," he responds, "that's where lunch is; up there." I immediately smile broadly, excited.

He leads me inside where the modern red and black gondolas churn through the building, passengers exiting on one side, and climbing aboard on the other.

"Hey, Luke!" A voice calls out as we wait, and Luke turns towards it.

"Matt! Hey, how's things? I haven't seen you in a long time, bro." They exchange slaps on the back and a small man-hug.

"Sweet, I didn't know you were in town, dude, you didn't call?"

"We only just got here, I haven't been out yet. I'm just taking this beautiful lady to lunch; Matt, this is Tilly," he says as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his side. I can't help but smile shyly at his introduction.

"Sweet... jampiece," he says, nodding at Luke with a downward smile, in approval.
What the hell is jampiece?
"Hey Tilly, great to meet you."

"You too," I say with a smile, shaking his hand.

"Anyway, enjoy Sundeck, good day for it. Text me or whatever, there's sick fresh powder out, we'll shred the gnar."

"Not today, bro, but yeah, we'll do it."

"Cool, here, hop in..." Matt says, guiding us to the front of the queue and gesturing towards a bright red gondola, "this one's done," he says to the other guy controlling the queue, kindly letting us ride up alone. He smacks the side of the gondola with his hand and gives Luke a thumbs up as the gondola moves towards the exit.

"Sweet," Luke says and returns the thumbs up as our doors close, and we start our ascent.

"I have no idea what you two were just talking about," I say as I sit back in the seat while Luke takes an iPod from his pocket and places it in the allocated slot in the gondola. "Wow, a docking station?"

"Yep, as this is your first time up here, I thought you could use a little light background music," he says as he finishes fiddling and sits back, putting an arm around my shoulders. He rests his feet up on the bench opposite and crosses his ankles, smiling confidently.

Just as I begin to frown in question, a very familiar song starts to play; Winter Wonderland by Ray Charles.

"Oh! I love Christmas music!" I cry enthusiastically. How perfect, listening to a real Christmas classic whilst journeying up a beautiful snowy mountain with the most fun and thoughtful man I think I've ever been with.

"Well, good; so do I."

I look out at the incredible view; pure white slopes, pine trees topped with powdery snow, skiers gliding elegantly down to the base, and to make everything even more perfect, the sky is the most perfect blue, the sun beaming.

"Luke, I love this, I didn't think I'd see any of this as I'm not skiing. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Princess, I want to be here, too," he says as he sits up to join me, looking out through the glass. He tugs my scarf down and kisses my neck, wrapping his arms around me from behind, before resting his chin on my shoulder, gazing out at the spectacular view.

A snowboarder on the slope below takes an impressive tumble - almost burying himself in the snow, making Luke chuckle, "Whoa, that kid blasted a dookie!" he says in amusement.

I turn to look at his face, laughing, "What the hell does that mean? I am definitely new to this slope lingo."

He shows off his dimples as he replies, "That just means he fell real hard."

"Okay, and what about jampiece?"

He laughs out loud and kisses my cheek, "A jampiece, my hot, sweet, baby girl - is what you are. You are a total jampiece."

"And by definition?"

"By definition; something that is excessively cool, beautiful and/or fun. You are all of those things, but Matt was referring to your beauty."

"Ah..." I say with a smirk, raising my eyebrow and nodding, "so I'm a jampiece... I like this."

"I like this, too," he responds, "a whole lot." He kisses my neck again, but this time, he doesn't stop. His lips softly caressing my skin, his tongue gently stroking with each small touch. My eyes close and I smile, listening to the jolly Christmas music, feeling totally relaxed in the company of the man that I'm falling for, more and more with each hour that passes.

Even when we were apart, I felt more for him every day. That feeling of wanting something so much, knowing it won't happen, just like Bea went through. And it's not just him I've been wanting, I've been wanting the father for my child, I've been wanting the domesticity of a normal family.
Jesus, if I could go back six months and hear myself now, I'd think I was having some sort of hallucinogenic episode. Who the fuck am I, and where has fun-loving Tilly gone?

"I think you should suck my big dick," Luke says with a smile against my neck, making me remember that a little bit of 'fun-loving' Tilly is still in there. I laugh loudly and bring my hand up to the back of his neck as he continues to kiss me. I press his head into me, loving his closeness.

"I would love to suck on your big dick, bad-boy, but as our little pod is almost entirely made of glass, and we pass another every few moments - just a few metres away, I think we'd get caught."

"Would that be so bad? I really want you."

I giggle again, "Really? So if I sank to my knees right now and took you out of your trousers, you wouldn't bat an eyelid?"

He pauses, breathing against my neck for a moment as he weighs it up. "Okay, okay. Not here. But later, I want to do something naughty." He proceeds to run the tip of his tongue from the base of my neck up to my jaw, and I shiver with excitement.

"Mmm, yes please. Naughty is definitely on my 'to-do list', today."

The song ends and another fun song starts to play; Mariah Carey, 'All I want for Christmas'. Such a classic and I can't help but wriggle, dancing along.

"I like this," Luke says, nodding at me, "but I'd rather you did it..." he pauses as he pulls me up onto his lap sideways, "on my lap. Don't stop - wiggle."

I grab his face in my hands and smile as I lean in to kiss his beautiful lips. I close my eyes and linger, totally absorbed by the moment, by his fun naughtiness, by his supreme masculinity, by his attraction to little old me.

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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