Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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"Okay, if that's what you say." I hold my hands up, not believing them for a second. I do think of Oliver as a big brother, and I imagine he sees me as a sister, but there's something different about him and Clare. She used to fancy him back when we were in college, when we first met Bea, but he had a long term girlfriend back then and showed no interest in Clare. So she got over it and it has never been discussed since, but in the last few months, they've been spending so much time together, alone, and I've been more than a little suspicious.

"Seriously Til, sort out that vivid imagination," Olly says, rolling his eyes and relaxing a little.

My phone makes a noise in my handbag, so I stand to head to the table by the front door where I left it to check my messages.


LA Luke 20 Dec  17:54

Get your sweet ass upstairs and show my meat some love.


I laugh, loudly and reply straight away.


20 Dec 17:55

Show your meat some love yourself. I'm busy.


His reply is almost instant.


LA Luke 20 Dec 17:55

Get busy with me, Princess. I wanna lick you... come up. My room.


I quiver, I want that so much.


20 Dec 17:57

Lick me later, when we have more time, and then... ;-)


I'm selfishly glad that I didn't tell him about the baby straight away. If I had, I wouldn't have enjoyed this time with him, I wouldn't have been reminded what it's like to enjoy myself, to mess about with someone... to get fucked. Christ, I would have gone a long time without any. Better get some more, while he's still willing. I know I need to tell him though, and I will... I will.

I make my excuses to Clare and Olly, telling them I'm going to change for dinner, and I make my way up the stairs towards Luke's room. As I approach the door, my mobile phone buzzes again.


LA Luke 20 Dec 18:01

I want you now. :-(


I smile, slipping my phone into my pocket and I slowly turn the door handle, pushing it open just a little. I slip in silently and as I turn to close it, Luke appears out of nowhere, grabs me by the waist and spins me around, forcefully pushing me against the door, his lips pressing against mine, his tongue immediately searching.

I clutch his unruly, damp hair in my fists and kiss him back, moaning loudly. He lifts me, effortlessly, keeping me pressed against the door, our faces level. I subconsciously acknowledge his lack of attire, only a small white towel around his waist, his body warm and damp from the shower. I wrap my legs around him and my stomach flips in excitement, I clench in anticipation.

He caresses the side of my face with his hand; it feels good, so intimate, he's offering a different side of him than the one everyone else sees. I wonder if he handles his other women with such caring tactility, when he's not throwing them around the bedroom.

"I like you, Tilly," he says as his lips travel down my neck.

"Just as well, really," I say with a smile as he continues. I close my eyes and enjoy every touch of his soft lips.

"I mean it, I really like you. I missed you when you left."

My heart beats wildly and I writhe against him as he takes my earlobe in his teeth lightly, his excited, yet, gentle breathing, all I can hear. "Did you miss me?" he whispers, vulnerability laced through his masculine voice. I pause for a short while, enjoying the affection he's showering upon me, afraid to speak for fear of something too true escaping. "Til?" he asks, gently probing.

"Yes," I whisper, almost too quietly, "I did. I missed you."

"Luke... hey, Luke?" A loud knock on the door behind me and Daniel's voice interrupts our 'moment'.

Luke sighs, "Kinda busy in here, dude," he calls back, still kissing my neck.

"Oh, okay, hey Tilly," Daniel calls, making me laugh.

"Hi, Daniel."

"We're all downstairs about to have an aperitif, can you resume that later?"

Luke chuckles silently and drops his head to my shoulder. "Be down in a minute."

"Cool." Daniel responds, and I hear his footsteps retreat to the stairs.

I smile and pull his head up by his hair, he's smiling too. "Come on, bad-boy, let's go for dinner. We can pick up where we left off, later."

He pouts like a kid, "But I'm hard, I need you..." he lowers his head to trail kisses along my collar bone. I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the door, needing him, too.

"Don't say that, I'm so horny."

He growls and lifts his head to kiss my mouth, resting there, he looks into my eyes, "That's not something I can hear, right now. Come, the sooner we eat, the sooner we fuck. Let's go show our faces."

He releases me and I go to change in my room.

I slip on a pair of jeans and a cosy woollen jumper, and as I'm pulling on my big socks, a fully-dressed, gorgeous-looking Luke walks in. He's wearing jeans that skim his legs to perfection, showing off his incredible thighs. His v-neck, charcoal sweatshirt is soft and expensive looking, and fits impeccably... he looks like a bloody fitness model. "What is it about you?" he asks with a smile, "You're changing me; I never used to find socks a turn on
at all,
but now I think they're really freaking hot! It's all I want you to wear for the next two weeks."

I laugh as I stand, pulling my hair into a pony tail, "Okay, if that's what you want," I say as I pretend to unbutton my jeans.

He walks over and holds my wrists still, "Okay, okay, it's all I want you to wear for
." He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it, "I don't want them seeing what's mine."

I raise my
eyebrows, "Oh, what's
eh? You think I'm yours?"

He smiles and frowns, "Weirdly, yes. Let's go."

I follow him out of the door, wondering what exactly that means. Is there a chance we might be able to work something out? Do I want that? Yes. I do. I knew when I left LA that I'd want more with him, but he's not that kind of bloke.
Is he?


The meal with everyone was lovely. The food was exactly as I had expected, bloody amazing! It was a little awkward, trying to avoid having a glass of wine without making a big deal of it, I was handed one, so I kept it - occasionally bringing it to my lips to simulate drinking.
The taste of the pungent liquid on my lips actually makes me heave a little, I've heard that some women find the thought of alcohol repulsive when pregnant; I think I must be one of them.

It was lovely to catch up with Bea's parents, Emily and Edward, they've been like parents to me since Dad died and I try to see them as much as I can, I'm always invited over to theirs for Sunday lunch with the family, and I go whenever I can, although I've been MIA in recent weeks.

Daniel's parents are also lovely, just as Bea said, so welcoming and happy. His sister, Alexia, is hard to make out; she is very quiet, seems quite nice, maybe a little prudish. I'm also not sure if she 'gets' my British humour, she doesn't seem to laugh much. Well, she does for Luke, she couldn't help but laugh at their private jokes, giggling that squeaky noise, flicking her hair about like she's in a shampoo advert. I know I sound jealous, I'm not, I just found it really fucking irritating.

Luke managed to peel himself away from Alexia long enough to join Bea, Daniel and I out on the verandah for 'one for the road' at the end of the evening. Everyone else decided to stay in the warmth, around the fire, but I really wa
nted a moment with the LA crew.

I had a hot chocolate with Bea, while the boys had a beer together. They held us close; Daniel had Bea tucked into his side, her arms wrapped around his waist, and Luke's arms were wrapped around my chest from behind, pressing me into his front. It felt just like LA... well, except LA was hot...
Mmm, smoking hot, what a hot, sexy summer that was...

Anyway, it was great to get a moment like that, just the four of us. We told Bea and Daniel about the skiing situation, and they reacted pretty much the same as Clare and Olly did; disappointed, but accepting. I'm so grateful that Luke made the whole thing that much easier for me. I owe him one.

I managed to get a little time alone with Bea during the course of the evening; she said I seem so much happier now that I have seen Luke, and I reluctantly agreed with her. I don't want him to be able to shape my mood, I haven't let a man do that since Scott, but it's totally out of my control here, and I'm not really comfortable with it.

Bea is glowing, she adores Daniel's Aspen home and is so excited for their first Christmas together, I can't help but smile with her. They are perfect together, and so lucky to have found each other. One day, they'll have a baby, just like me. The difference being; they'll have the security of a loving relationship - she'll have the father of her child with her, supporting her... in the know.

When the front door closes, and the guests have gone, I slump on the sofa and curl into a ball, closing my eyes and enjoying the relaxing heat of the fire warming my chilly body. Clare and Oliver both said their goodnights a short while back and went up to bed separately. Luke had a message on his phone about a work emergency and had to make a business call in the study. What could possibly be so critical about personal fitness, I've no idea.

I subconsciously cradle my slightly rounded tummy and relax fully, wondering what little one is getting up to in there. I'm not feeling much in the way of flutters today, some days he's livelier than others, and he's still so tiny, he might have moved so I can't feel him... her. I can feel the difference inside, if I poke my belly, I can
feel a hard ridge, or if I run or hop or something, I feel a heavy, full sensation, almost as if there's a grapefruit sitting in my pelvis.

It's strange, but I like it; it reminds me that I'm never going to be alone, even if...
Luke decides to do a runner, it'll always be me and Wriggler.
Oh... Wriggler, I don't want to tell him. He'll leave and I'll go back to being a miserable bitch again. I promise I'll be happy when you join me out here, though, I will, I'm so excited to see you.

I drift off, comfortable and warm, thinking about those ten little fingers and ten little toes. Mmm, so cosy.




I need a wee, badly. I moan and turn in bed, preparing to sit up when Luke's voice startles me. "No..."

I can't recall coming to bed last night - to Luke's bed. I blink a couple of times, attempting to clear my head, it's not like I've been drinking. I'm naked, except for my knickers, but all I remember is falling asleep on the sofa. I slip out of bed, to grumbles galore from Luke, and dash to the en-suite.

When I finish, I head back to find him sprawled out in all his naked glory, looking ridiculously gorgeous. I pick up the jumper I was wearing last night, and pull it on to cover my torso. I notice I'm still wearing my socks and smile.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him, I gently run my fingertips along his washboard abs, he is the sexiest man alive, without a doubt. I lean down to lay a gentle kiss on his chest, and watch as his mouth curls into a slight smile as he sleeps. I try to picture him as a dad - but I can't, he's probably great with kids but nowhere near responsible enough to have and take care of one of his own.

I check the time on my phone, which is on the bedside table; again, no recollection of this. It's only six thirty, so I should probably get some more sleep, but I feel wide awake - I must have slept like a log. I climb off the bed and take a thick blanket from the chair, heading towards the balcony. Opening the curtains just enough to crack the door, I slip out into the ice cold morning with the blanket around me. It's peaceful, I feel so cosy, wrapped up like this, my thick socks keeping my toes toasty.

I stare into the snowy pine trees ahead and listen as the weightless snow floats to the ground. It's silent, not a bird rustling in the trees, not a gust of wind rushing past; nothing. I rest against the railing and close my eyes, taking a deep, cool, fresh breath in.

Wriggler tugs at something gently, making me smile, I can't wait until she's bigger and I can feel big kicks. I feel happy in a strange way, I have my little secret with me, I'm getting more and more excited about his or her arrival, and I'm with Luke having such a wonderful time. I would probably be a lot more happy if I could share my news with everyone - have Luke be the excited, expectant father, but thinking that way is unrealistic and I daren't get carried away in case I persuade myself that it could happen.

I hear the door creak behind me, and Luke's huge, warm arms wrap around me, his head sinking to kiss my neck, making my knees go a little weak.

"Morning hot-lips, want me to make you come?"

I grin, resting my head back onto his chest, and giggle, "Good morning, bad-boy, I always want you to make me come. I'm just enjoying the quiet out here so early in the morning, it's amazing."

"Cool, huh?" he says, lifting his head and looking towards the trees with me, "I want to take you somewhere today, I think you'll like it."

"Ooh, sounds intriguing."

"But it's real early, we can go back to bed for a while if you like."

"If you want to, I just woke to use the loo and felt awake, so came out to see dawn in the snow."

"I'll tell you what, buttercup, let's go out, you and I. Right now."

"Now?" I ask, "Where?"

"Just get your warm stuff on, we'll shower when we get back," he says, kissing my cheek and releasing me to head indoors.

About ten minutes later, I'm sitting on the floor of the hall, pulling on my snow boots and Luke emerges from the kitchen with two lidded, disposable cups of tea, wearing a gorgeous smile. As I stand, he hands me a cup. "Ready?"

"Yep, let's go," I reply, following him to the door. He wraps an arm around me as we descend the snowy steps. When we reach the bottom and I head towards the car, he tugs me in the opposite direction, towards the mass of pine trees.

"I would've made you coffee, but I noticed you've been taking tea a lot, so thought I should stick with that. That okay?"

I have been drinking tea, I thought it would be less of a caffeine overload for the baby, but what I'm surprised at, more than the fact that he has been thoughtful enough to make it in the first place, is that he noticed.

"Tea is great, thank you. I've gone off coffee a bit. So where are we going?"

"I thought - as you like to look at it - that we'd go for a walk around here." He points up at the balcony to his room as he talks, and I realise that we are headed to the area I look out to from his balcony, and from my bedroom window. He holds my free hand and leads me into the trees. It's still so peaceful, even from below the trees.

"This is really cool Luke, I love it out here," I say as I look up at his face, smiling.


I take a sip of my steamy tea, and stroll along with him, wading through the deep, powdery snow. "So, what happened last night? Did you take me to bed?"

"Sure did, I got back to the living room and you were out cold in front of the fire. I tried to wake you but you were out for the count, so I carried you up to bed. You were cute, you smiled at me and put your arms
around my neck. That's 'cause you love me, you know," he says as he raises a brow and takes a sip of his tea, smiling.

I laugh, "Yeah, yeah. So how did I not wake up when you undressed me?"

"You stirred a little, you really don't remember?"

"No, it's weird."

"You must have been real tired! I started undressing you, but you got fidgety when I got to your pants and you pulled them down yourself."

Blimey, even when I'm unconscious, I know what I'm doing.
"Oh right. Weird. You uh... you left my socks on..."

He smiles and blushes a little, "I couldn't help myself, Princess, your legs look so freaking hot with those things on."

"I'm surprised you didn't jump me," I say with a snigger.

"Oh, come on, Tilly, I might be a bad-boy, but I'm not going to try to have sex when you're practically comatose."

"I'm sure I'd have come around." I grin, looking up at him through my lashes.

"I bet. So, forget that, how's work? We haven't really talked a whole lot, yet."

Wow, Luke getting off the subject of sex! "Work is okay, thanks, boring as always, but it pays well and I get to take my holidays, so it'll do,"
and I can deal with it because I'll be taking maternity leave in a few months.
"How's your work?"

"It's cool. Why don't you look for something else if your job's boring? I bet there'd be a bunch of travel firms ready to snap you up."

"Thank you, Luke - but it's okay, I doubt anywhere else would give me as much annual leave as I get now, I've worked there forever so I get quite a lot."

"Sure, if you're not unhappy, it's all cool."

We continue walking through the trees together, chatting, and it's probably one of the most refreshing mornings I've had. The snow creaks under our boots, the early morning air fresh and invigorating. Our voices are gentle, respecting the sheer perfection of our peaceful environment.  

"So what are we going to do today, Lukey?"

He grins, "Lukey..." he repeats, testing the word, "not very 'bad-boy' is it?" he chuckles with me, "I want to take you somewhere for lunch. It'll be good, you'll like it."

"Luke, you really don't have to take time out from snowboarding, you know. Entertaining me isn't your role here."

He comes to a halt, looking at my face. He takes my empty cup and drops it, with his, into the snow beside him. Reaching for my pockets, he pulls me towards him. "I know I don't have to Til, but I want to... I like hanging out with you, and there's shit I want to show you, starting with the main man trying to burst out of my pants right now." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I smile broadly and immediately place my gloved hand against the hard bulge in his snow trousers, "Show me then..."

He chuckles and bends to kiss me, curling one bare hand around my neck, and clutching my buttock with the other, pulling me against him. He lightly brushes his lips against mine, before licking the centre of my top lip, parting them a little; our combined breath casting warm clouds between us in the cold air. He presses a little harder, his lips moving rhythmically, invitingly.

I groan, and wrap my arms around his neck, encouraging him to move faster, harsher... dirtier."
I so friggin' need this.

He squeezes my buttock hard, it hurts but it's so good and I cry out in need. A dark thrill spreads from deep within, prickles covering my skin, I want him so much, right here in the silence... no one around - but still that exciting possibility of getting caught.

He slips his hand down, in between my legs from behind, and hoists me up until I wrap my legs around him. His incredible strength is such a huge turn on. His fingers press against me and I grind into them, silently begging him to move... or rub... or stroke... grope... fondle, fucking anything! Just get me off!

"Hold on," he says as he lets go and proceeds to unzip his coat between us, he pulls it off  his arms, kissing me meanwhile, and with both hands, flicks the coat out and lets it float to the snow behind us. I suppose he's hot... or something? He wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tightly, and ups the tempo with the serious pash we've got going on. I'm so ready to rip the rest of his clothes off when he pulls away and says, "Wanna wrestle, Princess?"

Before I even have time to figure out what he's talking about - let alone respond, he has pulled off some seriously acrobatic manoeuvre, flipping me, throwing me, dropping me; I've no idea, but I'm completely stunned to find myself on all fours, on top of his flattened coat, Luke pressed up against my back, kissing my neck.
What the...?
"Whoa..." I whisper, amazed, totally impressed, but not in the least surprised, the way he threw me about the bedroom in LA, it was only a matter of time before he did so here.

His hands make quick work of pulling my trousers and knickers down my thighs, and his cock is immediately against me, forcing its way in. I cry out, everything about this is what I love, everything about what he's doing, where we are, how dangerously sexy this is.

He grunts as he eases all the way inside me, he seems so big, so much deeper. I lift my head back, eyes firmly shut, my mouth forming the perfect 'O', and his cold hands grab my hips, hard.

"Fuck, you're so freaking hot," he cries as he pulls back and immediately sinks back in. "Jesus, baby, I'm gonna come too fast."

I moan out loud, he's not the only one. "Me too, Luke, this is so fucking good... and dangerous... talk to me..." I ask, knowing it'll make us both come faster than a speeding bullet.

"You want that, baby girl, huh? You want me to tell you how hard I am, how good it feels to pound your ass like this out in the open," he growls as he thrusts into me harder, faster, "anyone could be out here, someone could have seen us back in the yard, and decided to come join us... oh, fuck, yeah..." he growls again.

"Yeah," I cry desperately, so close already, "yeah, uh huh, I'm gonna come, keep going... Luke..."

"Baby, I'm gonna come so hard. You want it, don't you? Out here, under the trees, your bad boy so fucking deep inside you." And that's all it takes, just two little words... 'bad'...oh yeah... 'boy'...

"Oh shit, oh god! Luke!" I cry, not too loudly, but loud enough for anyone in this woodland to hear, and the sharp spasm shoots through my body, it's so intense, so unbearably good, and so fucking long! "Oh god, yeah... yes!" I cry again, riding through it, willing it to stay with me for a few seconds more, my hands grasping at the coat beneath me.

Luke thrusts deep and hard one last time before calling my name and grunting, collapsing against my back.

I pulsate around him, still buried inside me, as he pants against my back. "God, Luke, that was fucking amazing - quick, but fucking amazing."

He laughs. "Short 'n' sweet, just like my naughty girl. You're just as bad as I am."

"I never said I wasn't, darling..."

"I think two wrongs make a right, here; you and me."

I grin, wondering what to make of that comment, but agreeing with it, anyway. We do create something special together. Well, we already have; Wriggler.
Oh yeah, Wriggler, forgot about you for a minute.

Luke slowly lifts away from me and does his trousers up. I pull mine up as he lays down next to me and pats his coat, gesturing for me to follow suit. He holds out his arm and I snuggle into him, half on the snow and half on his coat, gazing up between the trees to the clear morning sky.

"Well, that was fun," I say with a smile and he turns his head to look at me, his dimples beautifully on display.

"It was, I've never had sex in the snow before, most girls wouldn't do what you just did."

"Oh really? And what is that supposed to mean?" I ask, accusatively, but lightheartedly.

Luke grins, "Just that you like the same things as I do, I get to do stuff that really turns me on, with you, and it's a lot of fun. You're different to other girls is probably what I'm getting at."

"Okay then, I'll allow that. Because I am, and I like a bit of naughty."

"I figured that the day we met, remember Nordstrom?"

I smile, remembering our first kiss, just an hour or so after we met. We all went shopping together, after Bea and Daniel unexpectedly reconnected while we ate at a noodle bar, following their first meeting on the aeroplane. Bea wanted to get some underwear from Nordstrom so we all joined her, much to her embarrassment. She ran off, determined to lose us, so I took the opportunity to flirt with the hot slice I'd just met. I already knew at this point that we'd be getting naughty later; he was just such a bad boy, so much fun and totally my type.

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