Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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"That sounds incredible..." I say, practically dribbling.

Luke is standing still, staring at me with his arms crossed. "So you've never had pot roast before?"

"No, but I can't wait to try it."

"And you're hungry after lunch already?"

"Don't look at me like I'm a pig, can't you smell?" I ask with exasperation, why isn't he appreciating this?

"Sure, I can smell, but I also only just ate a half hour ago... with you."

Okay. Maybe this is completely abnormal, but how do I explain?
Oh, didn't I say? I'm starving again because I have your child growing inside me.
Hmm. No.

"Okay, I'm just appreciating the smell, that's all," I say as my stomach rumbles.

"What can I get you?" Pam asks.

"It's okay, I'll get it," I respond, not wanting her to take her eyes off that cooking for a second, what if it burns?! I open the huge fridge and take out a bottle of water and start to drink it. Luke strolls over and presses his front against my back, resting his hand on my hip. He runs his other hand down my spine, over my bottom and in between my legs. I almost spit my water out as I glance over to Pam to check if she can see. Luckily, she's facing the pots and pans, away from us.

Luke bows his head to mine and whispers in my ear, "Feel good, Princess? Want more?"

I lean back against him, his fingers pressing and circling into the crotch of my trousers from behind. I want to stop immediately, but at the same time, I really don't. This is naughty, and dangerous and such a complete turn on.

I nod. "Uh huh," I whisper.

He uses more pressure, circling slowly, and I subconsciously grind my hips into him, encouraging him.

"Water good?" he asks, his voice louder, sounding completely normal.

It's a struggle for me to answer, but I manage, "Yep..."

Pam is still facing the cooker as Luke moves his hand away, he spins me around and kisses me, slowly unfastening the popper of my trousers and sliding his hand inside.
Shit! Wriggler!
I close my eyes and pray that he hasn't felt a difference in my belly size, I'm not ready to tell him, not just yet. He moves his hands until he is inside my knickers, and I'm so desperate to moan, his fingers rhythmically making magic in my Hanky Pankys.

He breaks away from the kiss for a moment to whisper in my ear, "Do you like this? She could turn around at any minute, and she'll see me standing here with my hand in your panties, making you want to come..."

A tingle spreads all over my skin, his deep whisper, his fingers moving, his words... oh yes, we need to go and have sex right now.

The clatter of pans and spoons in the background doesn't stop us, I wrap my hands around his neck and rise onto tip toes to whisper in his ear, "Fuck me somewhere, anywhere, now..."

He continues with his fingers and smiles, "You'd like that, wouldn't you? I was thinking of making you come here, now." He works his fingers faster and I close my eyes, trying to remember I'm in the kitchen with the housekeeper, and can't have a screaming orgasm.

"Let's go... please? I want to come," I whisper and he simply smiles, but makes no move to leave. My back is to Pam, so I have no idea if she turns around, only Luke can see that.

"I've always thought a pot roast is a great first meal for a winter vacation. Something nice and hearty after a long, active day out in the cold," Pam says, and I look straight up at Luke's face for reassurance, she clearly hasn't turned around, because he hasn't stopped.

"Absolutely, 'Perfect Pam'," Luke responds, "I bet everyone will love it, you're a great cook. What time are they arriving?" he asks.

I'm standing here, on the verge of an explosive orgasm, while he continues to have a normal conversation with the fucking housekeeper! I can't do this, but oh... I think I'm going to come...

"They're arriving at seven, dinner will be served shortly after that."

Luke wraps his free arm around me, as if he's cuddling me, and I push my face against his chest, burying myself in his thick jumper. I need to moan. It's coming, my thighs clench, my pelvis rotating slightly against his hand, and just as he pushes his fingers inside me, and I prepare for the mighty detonation, Oliver calls out from the lounge area.

Luke whips his hand out of my trousers, and wraps both arms around me quickly, as if we've been doing nothing but hugging.
Fuck no! Oliver, I could fucking kill you!

"Here you are! You missed a great day, Til... hi, you must be Luke, I'm Oliver, Bea's brother," he says as he enters the kitchen and walks over to us.

"Hey, Oliver, I've heard a lot about you from Daniel, good to meet you."

Oliver opens the fridge and pulls out two bottles of water and as Clare enters, he hands her one.

"Hi Til, we missed you today, have fun?"

"Hiya, yes thanks, it was great, this is Luke, by the way, Clare."

"I gathered. Hi Luke. I've heard lots about you from Bea and Daniel," she says, "... oh, er, and Tilly..." she adds as an obvious after-thought. She kisses his cheek and Luke looks at me with a raised brow. I feel bad, It's obvious that I haven't talked to Clare about him as much as Bea.

Clare kisses him on the cheek and smiles sweetly at me. "I'm desperate for a cuppa, shall I make us all one?"

"I'll make it, you two go and change into something comfy, and then you can tell me all about skiing," I say, needing a reason to cool off, alone for a moment.

"Great, back in a bit," Clare says and she and Oliver head to their rooms to change.

Pam walks over and makes a shooing motion with her hand, "I'll make tea, sweetie, you two go relax, I'll bring it through," she says with a warm smile.

Luke and I sit together on one of the three large sofas surrounding the coffee table. The fire crackles in front of us, it's such a cosy haven in here. Luke moves to sit right up against me, putting an arm around my shoulders. I look up at his face and smile, resting my head into the side of his chest. "I was milliseconds away from coming then, you know."

He grins, showing off those irresistible dimples, "If they'd have come home just a few seconds later... but I still want to take you to bed, I want to taste you."

"Oh, Christ, Luke, shut the fuck up. Or I'll seriously come in my pants right here, you've got me so horny."

Luke laughs, "Will they be long? Maybe you can sit on me real quick?"

I laugh with him, "No, they won't be long, and as much as I love dangerous sex, bouncing on your lap in the middle of the lounge, in the middle of the day, with friends about to walk in - is just too much."

"It is? But letting me make you come in the kitchen with the housekeeper at the stove isn't too much?"

I giggle again, "Okay, okay, so maybe I would do you in the lounge, but not now. I need it, trust me, I do, but we'll have to wait. It was hard enough trying to make conversation when I'd just been on the verge, it'll be even harder if I've just had a raging orgasm."

He pauses for a moment, looking into my eyes. His are so warm, so happy, but they're doing that searching thing again. "You know, Til, I can't thank Bea enough for hooking up with Daniel on that airplane, or I'd never have met you. You've totally changed the way I feel about women. Sure, I've always loved women... a lot," he emphasises those last two words, "but I've never really seen further than... the outside."

Whoa! Careful there Luke, you might actually start sounding like a good-boy!
"That's because all you do is shag them. You - and I, actually - don't get to know anyone."

"I've never really wanted to, but you intrigue me. Not that I wanted a relationship when we met, or anything, the same as you, but I wanted to keep seeing you, and your fine-ass body."

I look at his face, his gorgeous, happy face, and I smile, slowly, "You know why that is?"

He raises an eyebrow, suspiciously, "Why?"

"Because you

A broad, delighted smile crosses his face and he turns to close in on me, wrapping a hand around my side, against my ribs. He tickles me, burying his face in my neck, growling and brushing his teeth against my skin, biting me gently. I  screech and howl with laughter, pushing my hands against his hard chest.

"Get off me you animal!" I cry, between fits of giggles, pushing against him as I writhe underneath.

He continues, forcing me down on the sofa so he's half on top of me. My laughter gets louder as the tickling gets worse. "Stop!" I cry, I can't take any more.

He slows and chuckles, locking eyes with me. He lowers his face to gently kiss my lips, and I wrap my arms around him, to fully accept his invitation.

"Huh hmm..." I hear Oliver clear his throat, obviously, and we both giggle, sitting upright and straightening ourselves out.

Clare and Oliver sit on another sofa, watching us with amused smirks on their faces. Luke throws his arm around my shoulders again and relaxes back, resting an ankle up on the opposite knee, causing his thigh to press firmly against mine.
Grr, I just want to straddle him and snog his fucking face off.

Pam enters with a tray of tea and little pastries, and puts it down on the table in front of us.

"Thank you, Pam, I hope that hasn't kept you from looking after my yummy dinner," I say, smiling jovially - but I damn well mean it.

"Your dinner is cooking slowly and perfectly, Miss Burton."

"Gah!" I cry, "Don't call me that, I'm Tilly, please call me Tilly."

"Okay - Tilly. Enjoy your tea, everyone."

"So, how was your first day?" Luke asks, looking genuinely interested. I lean forward and pour our tea from the pot, turning to hand Luke his. "Thank you, Princess," he says, and heat flushes my cheeks at his term of endearment in front of my friends. I see Clare grinning as she pours hers and she catches my eye and winks. They haven't seen me acting like this with anyone for... well, not since my ex, Scott, so about six years or so. Bea has; she saw how we interacted in LA, but these two certainly haven't.

"It was fantastic, we had a great first day, didn't we Clare?" Oliver says, turning to look at her, grinning.

"Brilliant, the snow was perfect. You'll love it Til," she says, and I stumble, not knowing quite what to say.

"Well, I, er..."

"I actually wanted to take Tilly out over the next few days, we're not too fussed about skiing yet, and I know some really cool places I'd like to show her," Luke interrupts, and I gaze up at his face, surprised. I doubt he knows how grateful I am that he's taking the heat off me a little.

"What?" Oliver asks, "You've come to Aspen for a skiing holiday, and you're not going to ski yet? Are you crazy? I thought you loved skiing?"

"Well, I did, but I had a fall last time and it has given me the heeby jeebies, plus, Luke has told me about some amazing sights, so I really want to do that."

"I can visit whenever I like, so I quite like taking time out to do other stuff, too," Luke adds, as his hand searches mine and gives a gentle squeeze. I could just kiss him all over for this. And he has no idea of the real reason he's doing this for me.

"Oh, okay then. But we'll miss you on the slopes, make sure you join us out there after Christmas," Clare says and rests back into the sofa with her tea. I don't respond, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

The next hour, or so, is spent chatting comfortably, Clare and Oliver tell us every detail about their day, and Luke shares information about the best slopes and places to visit in Aspen. The men seem to get on well, as expected, they're both friendly guys and have common interests in Daniel and Bea and their cars, which is the next topic of conversation.

After a while, Luke heads upstairs to change for dinner, and the rest of us lounge by the fire, chatting.

"He's gorge!" Clare whispers enthusiastically, "And he seems like a great bloke, Til. You've been at it like rabbits all day, haven't you?"

I laugh and raise an eyebrow, "Not all day, we had to eat."

"Okay, okay," Oliver butts in, "enough of that, I'm not Bea you know, stop talking about sex."

"Aw, jealous Olly? Not getting any?" I tease.

"I get plenty, ta very much, but I'm not keen on hearing about your pursuits. You two are too close to the family, it's like hearing about my sister doing it... bleugh..." he says, quivering in disgust. Clare turns slowly to look at him with a raised brow, he simply blinks at her, and looks down at his hands, awkwardly.
What's that all about? Oh... my... god...

"Eur! You two are shagging aren't you? Oh my god, I knew it!" I cry and they straighten up immediately, attempting to look innocent.

"What? No! Oh my god, Til, where did you get that from?" Clare asks, she looks mortified, maybe I should have kept that revelation to myself... but they

"Til, I don't know what you think you know, but me and Clare, we're not... we're just friends, sweetheart. Close friends, yes, I'll give you that, but we're not... you know... doing anything together." He looks at Clare and she at him, they both feign innocence, curling their lips up at one another in mild disgust. "Like I said, you two are like my sisters."

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