Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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I'm so surprised by how he took it, I mean - I thought he was going to shout and get really angry, maybe even storm out, but he was the height of perfection. He showed his natural feelings, but remained calm for me, he made it all 'okay', and I will be forever grateful to him for that. Telling him about the baby was probably one of the most nerve wracking moments of my life.

I dry off and get dressed in my black, loose-fitting, knee-length, silk dress and heels. I make sure I wear the gorgeous lingerie set that Luke bought me and I feel sexy. A bit fat, maybe, but definitely sexy. I grab my hair dryer and make-up bag, and make my way to Luke's room so I can finish getting ready with him, in case he wants to talk anymore before we have company.

When I step through his doorway, he's nowhere in sight, and I can hear the shower running.
in the shower?
I kick off my heels and walk into the en-suite to find him standing there in the cubicle, facing away from me, one arm out-stretched - his hand pressed against the far wall, his other hand pinching the bridge of his nose as he frowns, pained. His head is bowed, the water simply thundering down onto his neck and back as his stands, motionless.
Oh shit.
This is not the stance of someone have a leisurely shower. He's stressing out.

I stand and gaze at him for a moment, worried. He's jovial, he's bubbly, he's not...
. He should be singing or whistling, maybe even having a little dance in there... not standing there, fretting. Silently, I unzip my dress and let it float to the floor before I open the door and step in behind him. I don't care that I still have my underwear on, I just want to comfort him, I need to touch him, soothe him. I gently run my hand against the hot, wet skin of his back and step around to his front. "Hi," I whisper when he looks at me, surprised. I wrap both arms around his middle and press the side of my face against his chest.

It takes a moment, but he soon embraces me, holding me tightly, bending to rest his face on my head. "Hey."

"Are you stressing out?" I ask, running my hands up and down his brawny back.

He exhales loudly and
smoothes my hair down my back. "Little bit. Little bit."

I squeeze him tightly. "That's okay. You can freak out, it's okay. You don't have to be strong around me."

"I know I don't, Princess. This is just... happening."

"It will. It's okay. Do you want to ask me anything?"

"No, I'm good. But... can I..."

I look up at his face. "What?"

"Can I... touch her again?"

I smile and my heart beats rapidly, I think I just fell in love with him all over again. "Of course you can, don't even ask me that, just do it." I step back a little and pull the lingerie top up and over my belly, and he places his huge, gentle hand on my little stomach. The water runs down our bodies, soaking us both.

"Wow. I have a child in here," he says, somewhat astonished. I remain silent. This is his moment to get acquainted with Wriggler. "You're not big at all, but you do look pregnant, now that I can see you like this. No offence."

"No offence taken, darling, I am pregnant."

He exhales again, and slowly crouches down until his face is level with my tummy. He inspects it, silently, like it's a rare piece of art, both hands resting on either side. He leans forward and gently kisses it, bringing tears to my eyes again.

He stands and holds my face. "Thank you for taking such good care of him. Or her," he says as he leans forward and kisses me gently.
What an odd thing to say...

"Of course I would..."

"I know, but... you know... thank you anyway."

I smile at him, wondering what he means, and kiss him back. "We'd better go down for breakfast, we'll be really late if we don't get out now."

"You're right. By the way, this looks hot on you. Especially wet. It even looks good with our little bump, here."

I grin, here's a bit of the Luke I know.
And he said 'our bump'!

Half an hour later, we're dressed and ready and we make our way down to the dining room for breakfast with Clare and Oliver.

"Good morning, you two, we thought you'd never get here. Merry Christmas," Oliver says as he stands from his chair to shake Luke's hand and kiss my cheek. I give him a big hug.

"Merry Christmas, Olly. Sorry we're late."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to know..."

I giggle as I move over to Clare, we hug tightly. "Merry Christmas, doll," she says, "all sorted?"

"Merry Christmas," I respond, before continuing in a whisper as the boys chat about something or other, "Yes, sorted. It's okay. He knows you know, but we're not saying anything to anyone else yet. He needs to get used to it..."

She pulls away and simply nods and smiles, as the room goes a little quiet. I move to sit down and Clare hugs Luke. I observe as she squeezes him tightly and kisses his cheek, looking purposefully into his eyes. Oliver frowns slightly, confused, so I quickly divert his attention.

"So, where's my tea Olly? Haven't you poured it yet?"

"Oh! Apologies madam!" He says with a sarcastic tone and a roll of his eyes, and I giggle, cheekily, as he begins to pour the tea from the pot. Luke sits next to me and Clare next to Oliver, opposite us. He rests his hand on my knee and I clutch it. It's all going to be okay.

Our breakfast is delicious, eggs Benedict, at our request, tea and orange juice. The champagne is being put on ice until the rest of the party gets here. Pam is cooking for us yet again, and Marsha - from Daniel's house, is also here preparing the Christmas dinner with her. Either they don't have anywhere to be today, or the Berkeley's are paying them a ridiculous sum to be here.

We retire to the sitting room where we get comfortable on the sofas to wait for everyone to arrive. I wonder how Bea is coping with that ring weighing her down, I bet she hasn't stopped staring at it, it's the most stunning ring I've ever seen and it practically takes up her whole hand. I have no idea how much diamonds cost, I've never checked it out, but I'm willing to bet that this cost more than my annual fucking salary, and then some.

The room is so warm and festive, the tree lights twinkling as always, the smell of incredible cooking floating in from the kitchen, fun Christmas songs playing in the background - kicking back with my best friends and super-sexy boyfriend. I love it.

I look over at Clare as she stands to throw a log onto the fire. She looks effortlessly gorgeous today, her hair is flicky and glowing so perfectly golden, her make-up - spot-on, and her fitted, cream,
lamb’s wool, short dress showing her curves and lengthy legs to perfection. I have to say I'm a little jealous, I feel like a frump in this baggy dress. I look her up and down as she moves around the room, her tiny waist and flat stomach and those big boobies.

Luke nudges me and puts his arm around my shoulders. He lowers his face to kiss my cheek and whispers in my ear, "You look totally, freaking hot, sweet-cheeks. I want to do you all over this room. Stop feeling insecure."

I look up at his face, how the hell did he know what I was thinking? "Uh... thank you. How..."

"I'm watching you watching Clare... I know what you're thinking."

"Well you're right. But have I told you how delicious you look today?" I ask, leaning away from him to fully appreciate the sight. Even the way he sits turns me on. His black trousers fit his thighs perfectly, and the pale grey shirt he wears skims every curve of his brawny torso. His collar open a fraction, I can smell that neck from here. His incredible, Luke smell that sends me into orgasmic overload every time I come within two feet of him. My god. His hair is styled, but tousled, messy but perfect, matching his rough stubble. Crikey, he's so unbearably edible.

"No, but please, go ahead..." he says with a cheeky smile on his face.

I giggle and lean forward to kiss him. "You look fucking amazing, I fancy the pants off you." I mumble against his mouth.

"I love it, but you'll have to fancy them off later, Princess, because I hear the rest of the gang coming."

I pout and he kisses me as the front door opens and everybody tumbles in, covered in snow. "Merry Christmas!" They all cry and we stand to join them and share hugs and greetings all round. I watch as Luke greets Alexia, and for the first time since I met her, I don't feel an ounce of jealousy.

They hug tightly and kiss each other on the cheek, Luke ruffles her hair and she slaps him on the arm. It makes me laugh. Thank god I can see their relationship for what it is now, that jealousy thing was horrific. They're no different to Olly and I.

Daniel and Henry go straight to the kitchen to wish Pam and Marsha a Happy Christmas, and when they return, they bring a couple of ice buckets with champagne and orange juice. Pam follows with a couple of trays of delicious looking canapés. We settle around the fire and Henry begins to pour the bubbly. Clare stands with him and suggests she make the mimosas.

"I fancy one, you do too, don't you Til? Hmm? Mimosa?" she stares at me and I'm clearly a bit behind because I've no idea what she's on about... of course I don't want a mimosa!

"Uh... okay?"

I watch as she prepares a couple and then casually pours a glass full of juice, and hands it to me. Nobody is watching and finally it clicks. "Great, thanks Clare." I say with a grateful smile, and she winks at me in return. Me not drinking on Christmas Day would be like Bea's mum serving up a pizza, so I'm thankful for her quick thinking.

We toast to the perfect day and chat amongst ourselves about how fabulously festive Aspen is and how much we're enjoying our holiday. Apparently, the Berkeley's usually go skiing on Christmas morning, but they decided that with such a large group, they would skip it this year, and asked if we'd like to go for a walk instead. I think it sounds like a lovely idea and I'm quite excited about getting out and about in the crisp, snowy air.

When we finish our drinks and canapés, about an hour or so later, I put on some tights, swap my heels for snow boots, and find my luxurious new coat. Everyone else gets wrapped up warm again and we head out. Daniel's mum, Rose, said there's something going on in town that we might enjoy so we slowly walk together in that direction.

Luke walks with Henry, talking about... something, so I join Oliver and Clare. I slip in between the two of them and link arms. "Hiya, what's new? You're looking particularly handsome today, Olly..." I say, meaning every word; he looks hot. He is a very handsome man anyway, he and Bea have the same colouring, light brown hair, bright green eyes and they both have incredible, long eyelashes - which I always think looks gorgeous on a man. He's probably just over six foot and really fit, he's always had a good body. Not quite as delicious as Luke's, in my opinion, but it's great, none-the-less. The girls have always gone after him. I don't think he's ever been short of a date.

"Thanks, darling, you look pretty stunning yourself. You all do," he says, leaning forward, past me, to look Clare up and down .
Oh yeah? Someone's got passion in their pants...

"She is looking pretty hot today, isn't she?" I say with a huge, knowing smile as Clare looks straight ahead and blushes.

"He wasn't just talking about me, Til," she says, almost a whisper.

"Of course. I'm just saying, you do. I love that dress on you, your boobs look amazing."

Now it's Olly's turn to blush. Inside, I'm giggling like crazy, they're so easy to play.

"Okay, okay. Thanks Tilly, we all know you like my boobs."

I giggle, it's true. Ever since we met I have had a bit of a fixation on them. I've always had average sized boobs, quite relative to my size, and Bea is the same, but Clare's are larger and so... perfect. They're big and pert and make her waist look tiny. Most girls pay a lot of money to have a chest like Clare's. She looks incredible in a bikini. And this cream dress.

"So, met anyone new, Olly?"

"You mean am I seeing anyone? No, not really."

"Not really?"

"Not really. Someone's interested back at home, but I'm not sure."

"You've always got someone interested, Ol. Who is she, do I know her? Why aren't you sure?"

"You don't know her, she's a friend of the girlfriend of a bloke I do a couple of jobs with. And I'm just not sure on her yet... she's pretty and everything, I just... don't know."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. There could not be a better matched couple than the two people either side of me, but they won't seem to do anything about it! Although I suspect, as I have already mentioned, that they have had a shag.
has definitely happened. "Well if she's not right, she's not right. I'm sure, one day, you'll see that the perfect girl has been right under your nose all along."

Oliver rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Oh right, and who might that be, darling? You?" He starts to tickle me as we walk along, sliding his hand inside my coat to poke my ribs. I cry out, laughing and trying to push his hand away, I'm too ticklish for my own good. "S..stop, Olly!" I cry through the giggles, and suddenly, I trip on his foot and lose my balance on the
icy paving below. "Sh-shit!" I cry as everything transforms into slow motion. I pull my arm from Clare's and grab hold of Oliver and he wraps his other arm around my waist as I fall fast, the only thing racing through my mind is Wriggler.
Please, don't let me hurt my baby...

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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