Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)
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When Dr. McNaughty with the Incredible Tight Ass turns to go down the hall, I elbow Jackson in the stomach, causing him to move his arm rather quickly. Walking ahead, I hear him sputtering and cussing as he follows behind.

The curtains part and I see Rory lying on a bed being prepped to switch rooms. She’s checking out the doctor with a dazed look and cheeky grin.

“Gracie, I found us a date. Dr. Sexy,” Rory slurs.

Turning back to me he says, “It’s Dr. Sexton.”

“As I was saying, Dr. Sexy really fits his name doesn’t he.”

As red starts creeping up his cheeks, he says, “Mrs. James called and asked that you stay with her daughter until she gets here. As you can see, she is a little out of it. She has a concussion and has suffered breaks to her left arm and three ribs.”

“Is she going to be okay?” I ask.

“I’ll be okay when he gives me that back rub that I asked for. He’s said something about not being able to due to ethical reasons,” Rory interjects.

I’m about to lose it. I’ve never experienced loopy Rory and she is hysterical.

“She’s going to be okay but we’re consulting an orthopedist right now. She may have to have pins placed due to where the break is located.”

“Grace, did he just say he’s going to pin me down? Woo Hoo! I’m up for anything with you, Dr. Sexy. Did you know it’s been forever since I’ve gotten laid?” Rory yells.

“Doctor, is there anything you can give her to calm her down?” I ask.

“I must admit, I’ve never had a patient react this way. With the amount of medication she has received, she should be knocked out,” he says in disbelief.

I turn back to Rory and she has finally succumbed to the medication. A few minutes ago she was acting like a wild woman ramping up for a night out on the town, now she’s sleeping like a little girl with no care in the world.


Mr. and Mrs.
James arrive an hour later. The orthopedic doctor said that pins are necessary, but he will not be able to perform the surgery for a couple more days. It kills me that she’s going through this pain and will endure more in the future. Mrs. James encourages me to go on home but I find I’m a little lost.

Soon after Rory’s parents arrived, Jackson seemed to disappear. I walk to the nurses’ station to see if I can borrow a phone to call a cab and notice Jackson sleeping upright in one of those hard wooden chairs in the waiting room. I quietly walk over to where he is and just take him in. He has his head propped up on his hand, which is angled just right for a wicked crick in the neck. His face is soft except for a tight crease which shows worry between his eyes. He’s the one that walked away and yet he’s here. The one thing that I can’t deny is the spark that still flickers between us.

When Jackson put his hand on my lower back as I was talking with Dr. Sexton, I wanted to melt. Since the day I met Jackson, there was an undeniable bond between us. A chemistry that made me willing to trust him with my heart, not knowing he would break it.

I sit studying him for what seems like forever when he slowly opens his eyes. Just as we make eye contact, Jackson’s sly grin trips my heart. He reaches up and places one of my stray hairs back behind my ear. This move has always made me want to pull him close, guiding his lips to the curve of my neck.

“Hey,” he says softly.

“Hey,” I say shyly.

“How about we get you home?”

With exhaustion overtaking my body, I agree. He possessively takes my hand leading me to the elevator. Once the doors close, the energy around us is overwhelming. We stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, as he gently rubs circles on the backside of my hand. The tight circles he’s forging upon my skin spread warmth to every nerve ending. My heart’s response is one of longing, but my inner weakness is making my brain stand resolved.

The descent feels never-ending when the elevator stops abruptly. When the doors open, Jackson releases a heavy sign. I swiftly extricate my hand from his and exit the confinement of this box. As we are walking out, I see a silver vehicle speed away.

“Did you see that car?” I ask anxiously.

Jackson looks around but it’s too late.

“What car?” he asks.

Jackson’s on his phone, looking extremely preoccupied. I direct him to a small area used as a valet parking lot for the hospital.

“Over there by the entrance of the valet was a silver car. As soon as I saw it, it sped away.”

Jackson hangs up his phone, scanning the whole parking lot with concern. “I’m sorry but I was just listening to a voicemail that Ben just left.”

Jackson ushers me quickly towards his car.

“Jackson, what is it?”

Jackson’s moving at such a brisk pace that I feel as if I’m about to lose my balance. I turn quickly, placing my hand on his chest to block him from continuing forward. “Jackson, what’s going on?”

“Ben said that when he drove by your house there was a guy peaking into your front window. He saw the guy go around back. When Ben confronted him, he said that he was from the alarm company. Ben says that he didn’t believe him and called the police. When the man realized what Ben was doing, he bolted. The one good thing is that Ben was able to capture a photo with his phone of the guy and the car before he could get away. The police are waiting at your apartment.”

With worry radiating from his face, Jackson continues to scan the area while expressing his concern to me. His reaction makes me paranoid and I do the same. Next thing I know, he has me around my waist ushering me to the car. I swear my feet never touch the ground once.


As we arrive
into the complex, I see three police cars parked in front of my condo. Ben and three officers are walking from the back of the condo to the front when Jackson and I get out of the car.

“Ms. Weatherly?” one of the officers asks.

I walk up and introduce myself while Jackson pulls Ben off to the side. I’m trying to concentrate and answer the officers’ question but I’m being distracted by Jackson and Ben. The only time I’ve experienced Ben behaving in this manner is when he and Adam came to my house foraging for any hidden dangers.

“Ms. Weatherly?” one of the officers asks again.

“I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating your question?”

“I asked if there was anywhere you could stay until our investigation is complete. With all the disturbing events, I don’t think you should be alone until we can finish our investigation. The person obviously knows that you have an alarm system and it has not deterred him.”

Out of nowhere, Jackson appears and places a possessive hand around my back.

“She’s going to stay with me.”

Turning out of his embrace I reply, “No I’m not. I’m not letting this asshole run me out of my home.”

“Then I’m going to stay with you,” Jackson counters.

“Like hell you are,” I oppose.

“Do I need to call Nate? How about Sam? Oooh, what about your stepdad?” he threatens.

“What are we in? Kindergarten?” I spout.

Jackson smirks and shrugs his shoulders, knowing he has me where he wants me.

“Jackson Alexander Kavanaugh, you are the biggest ass.”

“Awe. Using my full name. I’m sorry but that doesn’t intimidate me one bit.”

I stick out my tongue like a huffy brat. I know, real mature.

“I don’t care what you think. I’ll do anything to keep you safe. Plain and simple.”

The police officers wrap up their questions and go on their way. I’m walking up to my door when Jackson stops me. “We are going to my house so I can get my things.”

“Can’t you just lend me Thor until the investigation is completed?”

“Lucky for you, you get us both.”

How did I get to this point? I have a crazed ex-boyfriend trying to run me down at work causing me not to be safe, even in my own home. My new best friend is lying in the hospital with injuries meant for me. I have another ex-boyfriend trying to play the role of Kevin Costner in “The Bodyguard.” I feel as if I’m slowly suffocating.

Giving up, I turn and walk towards Jackson’s home.


After waiting for
Jackson to gather his belongings, we head back to my home. I set up Thor’s bed beside mine. As I turn to make my way out of my bedroom, Jackson stops me. “Grace, I know that I screwed up. I understand that you don’t trust me, but I’m determined to win that back.”

Walking past him, I lead him to the guest room. I clear the room of my clutter and lay fresh sheets on the bed. “I don’t feel like cooking so I’m ordering out Chinese. Do you want anything?”

“I’ve already ordered us something and it should be here any time.”

I leave Jackson unpacking his belongings. Deciding I’m in need of a relaxing bath, I begin to close my bedroom door when I hear him say my name. Turning back in the direction of his room, I answer, “Yes.”

“I’m sorry,” Jackson says tenderly.

I simply close the door, seeking to alleviate the stressors of the day.


I awake with
a start. I’m unaware of how long I have been soaking in luxury. A faint knock comes from my bedroom door. Seeking my plush robe, I blow out my candles and drain the already deflated bubbles. When I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, I’m taken aback on how exhausted I appear. Disquietude has infiltrated every crease formed from worry.

When I open the door, Jackson has an array of food lining my bamboo bed tray. Placed amongst this outlay is a single pink rose, his signature gift to me.

“I know that you must be exhausted so I thought you may want dinner in bed. I put a little of everything on your plate. If you want something different or more of anything else, let me know and I’ll get it for you.”

As I settle into bed, Jackson places the tray straddling my lap. Slowly he turns to walk away, calling for Thor on his way out. As he begins to shut my door, I take this opportunity to stop him.

“Jackson,” I say softly.

Jackson freezes with his arm still on the door and his back towards me.

“Thank you.”

I hear a faint, “You’re welcome” as he leaves.


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