Secrets in the Lyrics (10 page)

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Authors: S.M. Donaldson

BOOK: Secrets in the Lyrics
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I wake up to the sound of Gable’s phone going off.  “Babe, your phone is going off.”

He picks up his phone.  “Scarlet is on her way,” he says as he lays his phone back
down, adjusting the blankets.

He rolls over facing me.  “Baby, I’m sorry for coming in here last night and just
taking you.”

I start laughing.  “I don’t think I was complaining.  If I remember correctly, I was
thanking God.”

He chuckles.  “Well, glad you were happy about it.  I was just sitting there trying
to eat and I really wasn’t hungry.  I need you.  Sitting there without you, I felt
nothing.” The more he says, the more serious he sounds.

I stand up, pulling on one of his t-shirts.  “Gable, I know.  For me, these past few
months have been crazy.  Right now, I need you, but I need time, too.  So, can you
handle that?  I can’t make us public yet.  I can’t put a label on us.  Can you be
patient with me?”

He stands up on the other side of the bed with a mixed facial expression.  “So, what
exactly are you saying? You say you can’t put a label on us, does that mean we see
other people or what?  I’m confused.”

Man, he just isn’t getting it.  “I’m not saying I want to see other people, I’m just
saying I’m not ready to go public.  I want you.  I only want you.  If I’m being honest,
I’ve only wanted you since the day I met you as a young, stupid seventeen year old

I can see the look of shock across his face.  “You really have wanted me since we

I nod.  “Yeah, since you shook my hand.”

“And after I told you basically the same thing the other night, you decide to share
this now?”

“Yes, now.  Really, you never said you only wanted me for that long.  You said you
had a hard-on for me since then.  It’s different.  The way you used to go through
girls, why should I take for granted that you’ve changed or that I would’ve been any
different back then?  Maybe I’m just convenience right now, maybe I’m not, but I need
time to figure it out.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?  I haven’t been with anyone else in months.  Do you remember
our first show on this tour?  The fake girl with the fake hair and fake boobs?  I
kicked her off the bus.  Before I realized that my feelings about you were true enough
for me to pursue, I kicked her out.  She said something bitchy about you and I kicked
her fake ass out.  Before we went on tour, it had been at least two months.”  He gets
real close to my face.  “So no, Ivie, you are not just some piece of ass to me.  You’ve
always been more, even when I was too dumb to realize it.”

I feel the tears threatening in my eyes.  I softly put my hand on his chest.  “I’m
sorry.  I didn’t mean for it to get this intense.  I’m also sorry for judging you
by your past.  It’s just that I’ve always felt like I jumped from relationship to
relationship, lumping one shitty guy in with another.  Gable, you aren’t a shitty
guy, and I don’t want to lump you in with them.  My feelings for you run deeper than
anything I’ve ever known, I just need a little bit to work on myself before I go announcing
to the world that we are together.”

I look up in his eyes to see his heated stare.  He pulls me into his chest.  “Okay
babe, I get this is all inner turmoil for you.  So, as long as you and I are on the
same page and we know that it’s just the two of us, I’m not looking at anyone else
and you aren’t either.” 

I shake my head.  “No. I don’t want anyone else.  I just don’t want us to get ahead
of ourselves and be public fuck-ups.”

He puts his hands on my upper arms.  “Okay then.  No more running away, or trying
to run away.  We don’t have to label this or explain it to anyone else.  For all I
care, they can go to hell, what we do is our business.  Just please trust me, Ivie. 
I can honestly say I’ve never felt like this before, even if we don’t know what this

I fall back into his chest.  “Thank you for trying to understand me.”

He kisses the top of my head, inhaling my scent.  “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

I look up into his eyes and I’m pretty sure I see unshed tears.

I step back.  “I’m gonna order some breakfast.  Do you want some?”

He sighs.  “No, Scarlet will be here soon and we are going to lunch, I better jump
in the shower.”

I nod.  “Okay.  For now, can we tell her that the hotel was overbooked and neither
of us will share a room with the other two?  Which is a partial truth.  I can’t face
your sister right now.”

He chuckles and nods.  “Yeah, babe.”  He turns to go in the bathroom.


A little while later, there is a knock at the door.  I open the door to see Scarlet
and her boyfriend, Ryder.  She’s looking at me like,
What in the hell are you doing in my brother’s room dressed only in one of his shirts?
  “Hey Scar, Gable is in the shower.”  I can tell she wants to know something.  “The
hotel was short on rooms last night so Gable bunked with me.  Normally, he and I both
get rooms to ourselves.”

She has a flash of worry across her face.  “Oh, okay.”

She nods and thank God I hear the shower shut off, so I know Gable will be out here
in a minute.  As soon as he opens the bathroom door wrapped in only a towel, I really
want to push his ass back in the bathroom.  I start gathering my things up to take
in the bathroom and mumble to Gable on the way by.  “I’m getting a shower.  See you

After stepping in the bathroom, I try to compose myself.  I take a seat on the edge
of the tub and my thoughts are racing. 
What is Scarlet out there saying to Gable? What is he going to tell her?  Why do I
really care?  Of course I care, it’s his sister, the person he loves more than life. 

I almost jump out of my skin when there is a tap on the door, and I stand up and open
it just a little.  It’s Gable.  He steps in the bathroom and shuts the door.

Pressing me up against the counter, he slams his mouth into mine.  He whispers.  “Fuck,
baby.  I want you right now.  I started thinking about you while I was in the shower
and then the thought of you getting in now.  Fuck, it’s about to do me in.”

“Babe, you gotta go with your sister, and I’d prefer that you walk out of this bathroom
without a fucking huge ass hard-on.”

“Well, then we need to fix the problem.”

We are still whispering.  “We cannot do that with your sister in the next room.”

“What do you suppose I do then?”

“Think about something that turns you off, quickly.”

He chuckles softly.  “Like what?’

An idea pops in my head.  “Do you remember the time Stoney was wasted bad and we caught
the toothless Waffle House waitress blowing him?”

He slumps.  “Yep, that did it.  Thanks, babe.  I’ll probably just meet you guys at
the venue.  You call me if you need me though, okay?”

I smile.  “Okay.  Now go.”  We give each other one last kiss and he leaves the bathroom.
  Now off to my own cold shower.


I knew my sister was going to try and get information out of me about Ivie and she
damn sure did.  Well, that is until I turned the table on her and Ryder to start answering
questions.   I really did have a great time catching up with her, though.  She seems
really happy, which I haven’t witnessed in a very long time.  It’s like Ryder was
made for her, and as long as he keeps her happy, I’m happy.

Now, I’m just ready for tonight’s show.  There is another record guy coming to watch
us and he may invite us to go do our own gigs in Seattle until Christmas.  That would
be great for our careers, plus it would give us a break from Ransom’s End.  Those
guys can be real shitbags.

The only bad thing about today is not getting to spend much time with Ivie.  I’ve
come to the realization that once I decided to get over my fears with her, I can’t
live without her.  I have also come to the conclusion that I sound like a real pussy
about her.

I’ve gotten my sister and Ryder to their seats.  My girl should be here anytime now.

The side door to the dressing area opens and there she is. I want to take her right
now, but there are too many people back here for me to even kiss her.  I give her
a smile and walk over to her.  “Ivie, come with me.  I’ve got some new lyrics for
a song and I wanna go over them real quick somewhere quiet.”

“Sure, okay.”  She grabs her bass and follows me.

Once we get to a small side room, I open the door and shut it behind us. 

I take her bass and sit it down.  I lift her so that her legs are tightly wrapped
around my waist. 

“Baby, fuck.  I love my sister but today I have missed you like crazy.”  I slam my
mouth into hers.  Then, I trail down her neck nipping at her collar bone. “Fuck, I
need to be inside you right now.”

She unwraps her legs, kicks her boots off and slides her jeans and panties down in
one movement.  At the same time I unbuckle my jeans, sliding them and my boxer briefs
down.  Rolling a condom on quickly, I slam into her.  Her legs go back around my waist.

“Fuck, babe.  If it was up to me, we would be joined like this for the rest of our

She giggles.  “Well, I think it’s medically impossible to stay hard that long, first
of all.  Second, people might look at us funny walking down the street.”

“Shit, it wouldn’t matter to me if they took pictures and sent them to National Geographic.”

She’s about to quip back at me when I thrust into her again.  So now all I hear is
a moan.

“Baby, this is going to be quick, but I promise to make it up to you later.”  She
nods as I quickly pound into her. As soon as I feel her tightening around my cock,
my pace quickens even more.  I feel her letting go and I thrust again, doing the same.

I lean in and rest my forehead against hers.  “Damn, babe, you wreck me.”

She looks up at me, kissing me on the lips.  “Ditto.”

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.  “Hey, um, when you guys finish in there,
we have a show to do.”  Stoney’s voice rings through the door.

“Okay, just a sec.” I respond back.

Once we are presentable again, we walk back out to our waiting area.  Keeg looks up. 
“Nice of you two to come back and join us.”

I mouth “
Fuck You

We both fall into the overstuffed sofa next to Stoney.

“How much time do we have?”  I ask Keeg.

“About ten minutes.”  I nod my head.

A few minutes go by when the stage hand comes to get us.

Alright Hilton Head, South Carolina. Get your asses out of your seats and welcome
to the stage Beautifully Tainted!


We just finished our show for tonight and I have security bringing Scarlet and Ryder
back to meet us.

Scar comes bouncing through the door and hugs me.  “Oh my God! That was an awesome
show big brother, I’m so proud of you guys.”

“Thanks.”  I look over at Ryder.  “Hope you enjoyed the show, man.”

“Yeah man, you guys were great.”

I see the record company guys coming in.  Fuck, I hope that means good news.

Rex, one of the record company guys, steps forward.  “Hey guys, great show.  The other
guys agree.  We want to offer you guys the month long headline gig in Seattle.  You’ll
still be back home for Christmas, but it may open some big doors for you guys right
after the first of the year.”

There is a lot of excitement.  Rex walks back over to me.  “You guys are on your way,
Gable, I’ve watched groups with half of your talent get far.  Have you started working
on anymore original stuff?”

I think about the song I started working on the other night.  “Yeah, I actually started
on something recently.”

He shakes my hand.  “Okay, great.  Keep working.  I gotta get these other guys to
their flight.  I’ll be in touch in the next few days.”

“Okay, and Rex, this is unbelievable.  Thanks again.”

“Hey, you guys kick ass.”

After they leave, Scarlet hugs me with a death grip.

“Oh my God!  Congratulations you guys.  Seattle is so damn far away, but from what
that guy was saying, I’m thinking I better get used to it.  It sounds like you guys
are going to be doing worldwide tours before you know it.”

I smile.  “Thanks little sister.”  The other guys and Ivie give her hugs.  Ryder shakes
everyone’s hand.

Ryder smiles at Scarlet.  “So, how about y’all join us for dinner?  Sounds like we
have some celebrating to do.  Do y’all have to stay until the other band finishes?”

I shake my head.  “No, we don’t, but you don’t have to do that, Ryder.”

“I want to, this is a big deal.  It’s important to Scarlet so it’s important to me.”

Everyone else is walking out ahead of us.  I look over at him.  “Ryder, man I just
wanted say that you seem okay.  My sister really seems to like you and really seems

He looks back at me.  “I hope she is, man.  She’s everything to me.”

I understand that more than he knows.  I slap my hand on his shoulder.  “You’re a
good guy, man, I’m glad you and Scar found each other.”

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