Secrets in the Lyrics (6 page)

Read Secrets in the Lyrics Online

Authors: S.M. Donaldson

BOOK: Secrets in the Lyrics
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After our second round of drinks I know I’m in trouble.  I ate most of my food hoping
that they wouldn’t catch up with me so fast.  Screw that idea, I’m so drunk that when
I slide out in front of Gable to go to the bathroom, I’m pretty sure I feel his dick
get hard against me.

I look at myself in the mirror while I’m washing up.  I look kinda skinny in this
outfit, or else I’m drunk enough to believe that.  I feel kinda bad that in my own
pity party, I’ve excluded them from my life.  They have always been there for me and
here for the past two months, we’ve been traveling the Gulf Coast and I’ve ignored
them.  Made excuses and ignored them.  Why?  Because I got my ass kicked by some asshat
with a little man complex? 

Wow, these drinks must really be helping my self-esteem right now, because I seriously
want to go kick Chad’s ass.  I laugh at myself in the mirror and walk out the door,
running right into Gable.

I laugh.  “See, I told you I didn’t need to be drinking.”

He runs his hands down my sides.  “See, that smile you just gave me, I’ve been missing. 
It really is a beautiful smile.”

I look up into his chocolate brown eyes.  “You really like my smile that much, huh?”

I don’t notice we’ve backed up until my ass hits the wall.  “Yes, I love your smile. 
I always have.  It’s killed me these past couple of months to see you so down.”  His
hands are on my ass now.  “Plus, we have to put some of this ass back on, it was one
of my favorite curves of yours.”

I giggle.  “Oh really, well I got all of this flab off and it isn’t coming back, sorry
to disappoint.”

He looks at me sternly.  “Who told you that you have flab?”

I shrug.  “Everyone. Girls.  Guys.  Chad.”

He glares when I say Chad’s name.  “Look, they are all fucking stupid.  You were perfect
the way you were.  All of your curves were in the right places and Chad is too much
of a needle dick to realize it.”

I start laughing uncontrollably at the needle dick comment. 

He brushes the side of my face, lifting it up for him to see.  “See, that’s what I
like to hear and see.”

Suddenly his lips are on mine and his hands somehow end up back down on my ass.

I break from the kiss breathless. “Gable, what are we doing?”

He groans, pressing the crotch of his jeans into my lower stomach without even trying,
resting his forehead on mine.  “Fuck, I don’t know.”

“We can’t do this.  It’ll fuck everything up, Gable.”

He steps back, running a hand through his hair.  “Fuck I know, I know.  I’ve did my
best to stay away from you all these years.”

I’m standing here in shock by his admission.  “So let me get this straight, you’ve
been trying to stay away from me?  Did you not want to be seen with me or something? 
Was I really that horrible to look at?”  I feel myself tearing up as my insecurities
come tumbling out.

I turn to walk back into the bathroom before he sees the tears in my eyes.  “Ivie.
Fuck, that isn’t how I meant it.”

I throw my hand up with my back to him.  “Save it.”  I step back in the ladies room
as tears start falling uncontrollably from my eyes.

Its only seconds later when the door bursts open and in comes Gable.  I glare at him
with tears running down my face.  “Get out, this is the women’s bathroom!”

He reaches behind him and turns the bathroom lock. “No.  You are going to fucking
listen to me.”  He grunts out.  He backs me against the counter.  “I know you felt
how hard my dick was out there, do you really believe all that shit you said to me?”

I start to feel a panic come over me, I feel trapped.  I start to shake uncontrollably
in fear that he may hurt me.

He brushes away my tears with his thumbs.  “Ivie.  I know I sound rough right now
but I would never hurt you.  Never.  Please don’t shake like this, it breaks my heart.”

He wraps his arms around me.  “What I meant earlier was I was trying to stay away
from you for the good of the band.  I didn’t want to complicate things.”

“Look, I’m just a little over sensitive right now.  Having someone tell you how ugly
you are for months, along with beating the ever living shit out of you every chance
he got, makes me that way.”

He pulls me into his chest.  “When you got out of that car and I saw your face, I
was ready to kill him.  But I-.”

About that time someone starts beating on the door.

I start to giggle now.  Jeez, I’m losing my mind. “They are going to think we are
in here having sex and get us kicked out.”  I whisper in a giggle.

He looks at me.  “Just follow my lead.  Don’t dry those tears up just yet.”  He tucks
me into his side stroking my hair.

As we walk out the door, two women are standing there staring at us.  He coos.  “It’ll
be okay, sweetie.  We’ll get you there as quick as we can.”  He glances at them. “She
just got a bad phone call from her family.”

Both of the women act in awe over him stroking my hair.  I hear them as we walk off
comment on how sweet he is. 

I stop him.  “I really have to clean my face up before we get to the table.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner. “Here, I’ll help.”  He wipes the
tears from my face, cleaning up the mascara as he does.  He fans my face to pull some
of the redness away. 

Fuck, between crying my fucking eyes out and being horny, I probably look like shit.

“It’s okay, if the guys ask I’ll say I got sick.”

Once we get back to the table, the guys look up and Keeg says, “I was beginning to
wonder about y’all.  Have you been crying?”

I shrug it off.  “No, I got sick in the bathroom.  I told y’all I haven’t drank in

They nod and Stoney laughs.  “Well, come on then light weight, let’s get you back
to the bus.”

I laugh.  “Fine, I suppose it’s time to go.”

We pay our bill and make our way out to the SUV.  I slide in the backseat next to
Gable and he reaches over to take my hand.  I can’t help but feel the heat in my face
from the blush creeping up on it.  Thank God it’s dark in here.

I know we’ll spend most of the day on the bus tomorrow.  We actually go down the Space
Coast to do some local festivals around West Palm so we should get plenty of rest,
but I’m still ready to crawl in my bunk and pass out. 

The guys agree as we get back on the bus. It isn’t long before all of us are snuggling
in our bunks.  I don’t even realize I’ve dosed off until I feel a shift in my bunk. 
I’m startled until I hear him whisper.  “Hey.  We weren’t finished talking.”


Lying here in my bunk listening to Keeg and Stoney snore, I can’t help but think how
if those ladies hadn’t interrupted us, how different things would have went.  I remember
how soft her lips were, the small demanding thrusts of her tongue.

Once again, I can’t think about her without my dick getting hard.  I’m doing something
about this right now.  I slip out of my bunk, making sure Keeg and Stoney are still

I slide open her curtain and I can make out her lying there, sleeping like an angel. 
I slip into the bunk alongside of her and slide the curtain closed.  She jumps. I
whisper into her ear. “Hey, we weren’t finished talking.”

She whispers back.  “I’m pretty sure we were.”

I continue to speak in hushed tones.  “I’m pretty sure you said we’ll finish this
conversation in my bunk on the bus.”

She giggles.  “Um no, I don’t think that is what was said at all.”

I lean in and kiss her lips.  “I’m pretty sure it was.”

“No-.”  Before she can say more I’m consuming her lips.

“Damn, Ivie.  You drive me crazy and I think you make my dick permanently hard.”

She brushes her hand down against my boxers.  “Hmm, seems I do.”

I push her over on her back, quickly realizing this bunk isn’t very big.  How have
Keeg and Stoney been banging girls in these things?

“Shit Ivie, this is small.  We can’t do much in here.”

She reaches inside my boxers and starts stroking my dick.  “Well we’ll just have to
improvise.”  She says.

I slide my hand into the front of her sleep shorts and find her wet.  I rub her clit
with my thumb while gliding two fingers into her.  She lets out a soft moan.  I put
my mouth back to hers to keep us from making too much noise, working my way down to
take her tight nipples into my mouth.

Fuck, this is like high school.  But there is something fun about it. The make out
session is intense.  Man I want to bury my cock balls deep.  I feel her shudder against
me and the walls inside her sweet slice of heaven clutch around my fingers.  I feel
my balls drawing up and I explode on her.  We both look down and giggle. 

I whisper.  “Why do I feel like I’m in high school all over again, trying not to get

She smiles.  “Because we can’t fuck things up, that’s why.”

I nod, knowing that she is right.  If the other two guys ever figure this out, we’ll
be screwed.

She kisses me gently.  “You should probably slip back into your bunk.  I need to go
clean up.”

“You’re right.  I just wish I could get cleaned up with you.”

“Yeah, well then we wouldn’t get much cleaning up done, would we?”

I laugh and make my way quietly back over to my bunk.  I hear her tiptoe to the bathroom
and a few minutes later come back to her bunk.

As I lie here thinking about her, I can’t wait to get her alone and show her how much
more I want to do to her. 


Today our show is a music festival in West Palm.  We sit around in the back listening
to the other bands.  Ransom’s End will be going on soon and we go on right before
them. Right now a young band called Mind’s Eye is rocking the stage with some serious
old school skills.  I look over at Keeg.  “Man, if we ever get to headline our own
tour, let’s get them to open.”

He nods.  “Shit yeah.  They’ve got some serious skills.”

Ivie nods.  “Holy crap, that kid playing bass is fucking awesome.”  She is listening
intensely.  I’ve always been amazed by how she can concentrate on the music like that,
but I know it’s the reason that she can just about pick up any piece of music and
play it.

I sit in my own daze, thinking about what she sounded like when she got off.  Her
soft gasps and moans.  Ivie has always been so hard core, but she seems so gentle
during those moments.

Damn it, thinking about it I’m getting hard again.  I’m going to have to go to the
bus and take care of my problem.  I stand up.  “Hey guys, that food is messing with
my stomach, I’m going to the bus to the bathroom.  Just a fair warning.”

Stoney nods.  “Thanks for the heads up, man.  We’ll give it time to air out.”

I look over to Ivie.  “Hey, if you’ll walk with me, I’ll introduce you to that other
female bass player I met.  She’s on the way.”

Ivie stands up, playing along.  “Sure, let’s go.”

Keeg looks at me.  “Dude, you better not be getting some stomach flu.  The rest of
us have to live on that bus and if we all get sick, we only have one bathroom.”

“Dude, I really think it’s just the food.”

He nods as Ivie and I walk away.  She laughs once we are out of hearing range.  “So
I’m guessing you wanted alone time on the bus.”

I nod and chuckle.  “Yes.  I’ve been thinking about you all damn day.  I can’t get
that sound of you coming out of my head.”

She tilts her head down. She’s blushing, actually blushing.

Once we are inside the bus, I grab her and pull her to me.  “Fuck Ivie, you are killing
my dick.” I pull her down the hall to the back bedroom.  It’s still not a very big
room, but it’s bigger than a bunk.  I spin around to face her and grabbing her ass,
I hoist her up to put her legs around me. 

Slamming our mouths against each other, we are both breathless.  She reaches for the
bottom of her shirt and pulls it over her head.  I start tugging at her bra and she
finishes getting it off.  I take one of her nipples into my mouth before lowering
us to the bed.  She reaches up, trying to pull my shirt over my head as I’m trying
to work her jeans down.  As soon as I get her jeans and panties off, I drop my jeans
and boxers.

I’m about to take her but she puts her hand up to stop me.  “Condom?”

I nod and grab one out of my wallet.  “Sorry, it’s been a while and well, I’m not
normally this worked up.  I’m not in the habit of going without one.  Ever.”

After I roll the condom on and lower myself into her, those beautiful brown eyes of
hers grow large.  “Oh shit.”

“Are you okay?”

She smiles.  “Yeah, it’s just, well, it’s been a little while, and the last time wasn’t
with someone as blessed as you.”

I lean down, attacking her neck with my mouth.  “Oh Fuck Ivie, what you do to me is

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