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Authors: Zoe Norman

Rescue Breathing (42 page)

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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I rub the head of his cock along my slit,
getting him well lubricated before guiding him to my
He stops
kissing me and looks me in the eye as he helps guide me onto him.
He wants to watch me when he's entering me, and it is the closest I
think I've ever felt to him. His eyes flutter closed for a second
as I take all of him, and I lift up slightly and then push back
down to ensure that I have him completed sheathed inside me. He
runs his hands up and down my arms and looks down between us, where
we are so intimately connected. I glance down to watch as well and
then lift my head to catch his gaze yet again. His eyes hold such
love, fear, and adoration.

I lift my hand and caress his cheek. “What
are you thinking, baby? Tell me.” I whisper.

He takes a deep breath. “A million
things…I'm thinking how unbelievable this feels, how unbelievable
it feels every time. I'm thinking that I am overwhelmed by you in
the best possible way. I'm thinking that I never want this to end.
I'm thinking that I have gotten too used to waking up to you,
falling asleep with you, coming home to you.”

I smile at him. His words are so touching
and that much more significant to me because he's telling me this
while we are connected—physically and emotionally.

He mouths the word, “
” to me before continuing, and I oblige, starting to lift
and lower myself slowly on him. Uh god, it feels so fucking

He closes his eyes.
“I'm thinking that I see my future with
you. I'm thinking that terrifies me because I swore I wouldn't go
down that road again, let myself want someone like that again. I'm
thinking though that you might be worth it because I love you in a
different way than I've ever loved anyone before. Ugh… Jesus, baby,
that feels so good.”

He puts his hands on my hips and helps me
rise and fall, his hips lifting to meet mine, grinding into me.

…” My head falls back. I am overwhelmed by what he's
saying, deeply affected by how much he stretches and fills me. He
is so deep like this that he occasionally hits my cervix, which
hurts but is almost a welcome pain amidst all the

I take in his face. He has a very slight
smile on his lips. He looks so gorgeous. “I love you so much. I was
sure I didn't want anything like this again. But you're right. This
isn't like the things we've lost, like the things that have hurt us
in the past. It's so much more. I want you to know everything about
me. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to make you
coffee while you get ready for work. I want to come home to

He smiles at me sweetly, seeming
almost…relieved that I have the same feelings, share the same

His fingers push into my hips and he
starts to move me faster. “
Then let
s do it.
's take the next

My stomach flips.
“Next step?” I ask tentatively, starting
to become breathless from our lovemaking.

Yes. Move in with me,” he says, his eyes
soft, telling me he's nervous but determined. “Help make this house
a home.”

I grin from ear to ear, instantly
relieved. I was hoping he'd ask me that. “Yes...yes…yes…” I groan,
leaning forward to kiss him passionately pulling his hair to tilt
his head up to meet mine.

He grabs my ass, and before I know it, I'm
underneath him. He rises up on his knees and positions my legs on
his shoulders. I love this position with him. He is so big that he
hits my G-spot over and over and over again, and it's pure
't last long like
this, but neither will he.

God, baby… You are everything a man could
ever want. You're so fucking beautiful. You're so smart. You're
insanely sexy.”

I mewl from pleasure from the way he's
fucking me and the words he's saying. I arch my back. “Baby…” I
moan. “Don't stop. Please don'
t stop

Come on, Liv. Come for me. I want to feel
you, hear you. Look at me…” He grabs hold of my ankles and starts
to really move. It's not as punishing as it sometimes can be with
him, but he's fucking me hard, and I love it.

…yes!” I
yell. This may be the most intense orgasm I have ever felt. It's
absolutely insane.

He grips me ass hard and pumps into me
over and over.
come on. Scream for me. Let me hear you,” he begs as I scream his
name and clench around him like a vise. “Oh fuck,

I feel him start to pulse inside me, and
with two last thrusts, he stills completely, buried deep inside
He kisses my ankle
and falls forward, propping himself on his arms so he doesn't crush
me. He slowly pulls out of me, wincing, and falls next to

We lie for a moment like this, quiet,
catching our breaths, coming down from our intense orgasms. He
turns his head to look at me, and sensing this, I turn

What?” I ask.

He grins. “You said you'd move in. You're
going to live with me. I can do that to you any time I

I smile at him and chuckle.
“It sounds like you want to
hold me hostage.”

I might,” he confirms, and we both fall
into a fit of laughter. He leans up on an elbow and kisses me

That was the most beautiful thing I've
ever been part of. We just made love in every sense of the word. I
hope you know how much that meant to me,” I whisper faintly before
kissing him back and brushing his hair off his forehead.

I know. It meant a lot to me too, Olivia.”
He grabs hold of the duvet over us and slides me toward him,
against his chest, curling around me. “I love you Liv,” he says

I love you too, Owen.”

And I fall asleep in the arms of the man I
love more than life itself, in the home I will now call mine.


THE END … for now




Zoe Norman is the brainchild of Stephanie K.
and Heidi H., two women with one very important thing in
common—their love of good erotic romance novels. After a year of
writing fanfiction and developing a swoon-worthy friendship from
across the country, the decision was made to write their own


You can find them on







Thank you to S.A. Wolfe. You are such an
amazing author, you're books were an inspiration for us both, but
your friendship and willingness to support us has been key in
helping us get through the crazy self-publishing process. You
didn't know us from Adam but when I reached out to you (okay,
begged you for your ARC of Freedom) there was no hesitation in your
willingness to help us and support our book. You shared EVERYTHING
you know...all of which were things we didn't know! Thank you for
being you....this book wouldn't have happened without

Thank you to Tessa Teevan!
Tessa you have been such an
amazing help to us. We are so thankful for all your support, all
your recommendations. You're like our author big sister! You're
also the author of our first real book review which set our hearts
into the stratosphere. You have shown us how strong the sisterhood
of "self-publishing women" can be - and we are eternally grateful
for that. You have also inspired us with your work and your
commitment to that one thing we both

Thank you N.A. Alcorn
—another author big sister. You noticed
our talent for writing together early on and have been a great
resource for us. We are forever grateful for your words of
encouragement and blueprint for getting us started in indie
writing. Our love of writing, The Neighbourhood, 2:06, and the fact
that you're a fellow Sinner will keep us bonded. Seriously. Right

Thank you to S.C. Stephens who has served
as an inspiration to us as well.
Our homage to Pete's Bar and the D-Bags is evident
of your work and its effect on us. Thank you for your consent to
using the references in Rescue Breathing and for your words of
encouragement as we set out on this crazy adventure.

To our editor, Michelle Kampmeier, you are
a godsend.
You beat us
up with your edits, but we deserved it. You took a chance on a new
writing team and we hope that the end product makes you proud to be
a part of it. We know without a hesitation that you have taught us
more in two weeks then we could imagine possible. Your words of
encouragement, gentle nudges to help us see a
chapter/paragraph/sentence differently and calling us out on or
over use of words has been invaluable. Thank you.

Thank you Robin Harper and Wicked by
Design for saving us.
When things fell through elsewhere, you rescued us and made
room for our project on your already busy schedule. You put our
minds at ease with your very first email and we knew right away
that you would take care of us. We love the cover and look forward
to working with you again very soon!

Thank you Anna Coy for being our second
set of eyes before we hit
“submit.” Thank you for taking a fresh look at the
manuscript and for your valuable feedback.

Thank you to Karen Phillips at White Hot
Ebook Formatting for your patience and understanding.
After a few delays, we finally
got our book to you for formatting and you turned our dream into a

Thank you to Between the Sheets Promotions
and Michelle Carroll for your hard work.
You've helped to create the buzz to get Rescue
Breathing off on the right foot and in front of the right



's easy when you're life is full to not attend to that
little voice in your mind. For me, that little voice spoke up
whenever I'd be reading a particularly good book. It would mumble
in my ear when emotions were evoked in me, when a certain
passage would send a tear down my cheek, when a grin would spread
across my face at a particularly funny line. What did the little
voice tell me? It told me to write. It told me to reach outside the
box I was so comfortable in. That voice has been whispering to me
for a
long time,
and finally, just about a year ago, I started listening. And so it

- I honestly don't know how to start this thank you. Is
there enough paper? Enough words? I think not! I don't know how I
found you…what cosmic force put you in my life when it did...but my
God am I thankful for it. Your friendship has been one that most
times I feel I probably don't deserve, don't reciprocate enough.
But you always make me feel like it is. You accept my crazy
schedule, my constant life interruptions without so much as a
frown. I can't thank you enough for that. All our late night
writing sessions, our chats on the phone that last hours, our
fantasy vacation plans. Thank you for being my friend, thank you
for taking this chance with me, this leap of faith. There is no one
in the world I would rather be doing this with, and I am eternally
grateful for your friendship every day.

To my family
- How do you thank you family properly? How do you
quantify the support and love they give you? I'm not sure but I'm
going to try.

To my husband Jason, for finally coming
around and realizing this might be more than my pipe dream.
For being accepting of my
friend and our crazy dreams, no matter how ridiculous they were.
For having to endure me never knowing what's going on, on the show
we're watching because I'm furiously typing. For countless bedtimes
and bath times, with the kids that you took over. I love

And, for my beautiful, amazing, angels,
Kyla and Maddie.
sweet, sweet, girls. Thank God for you. You won't get this now, but
the joy you bring me every day is something I could never measure.
You are both my sunshines and I love you to the moon and

To my parents and my sister
- Thank you so much for
supporting me on this project from day one. I was so scared to tell
you about this crazy idea, but you didn't hesitate in jumping in
and backing me up. Mom, thank you so much for reading our book. The
fact that you loved it meant the world to me...



Who would have thought it?
If you were to have told me a
year ago that I would have co-authored a book
have it published, I would have called you crazy.
Yet, here I am. Writing has become an outlet for me to express my
thoughts, dreams, fears and love. All that expression has a cost,
but the growing pains and getting completely real and vulnerable
with myself have been the biggest benefit. It's been a life lesson
and I continue to reap its benefits.

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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