Rescue Breathing (34 page)

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Authors: Zoe Norman

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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You're beautiful and you're all mine,” he
growls before cupping my sex and letting his finger slip inside me.
“So eager—I love that,” he says in a whisper.

Always,” I murmur.

I reach between our bodies, pushing his
hand to the side and grasping his rock
-hard erection. I stroke him and rub his tip over
my swollen, wet mound. He groans into my shoulder as I position him
at my entrance. He shifts his hips forward to sink into me,
stretching me, and in one slow, deliberate movement, filling me

Ohhhh fuck,” he groans into my neck. Owen
holds himself deep inside me, not moving. I wrap my legs around his
waist, pulling him as close as I can. “You feel
un-fucking-believable. I'm afraid to move. I'll come too fast.” He
rises up on his elbows, looking into my eyes.

I smile at him, a daring, cunning
Grasping his
upper arms, I start writhing underneath him, providing friction,
and moving him just the slightest bit in and out of me. His eyes
flutter closed and I feel his whole body tense.

You're an evil woman,” he moans. He rises
up onto his knees before putting my ankles on his shoulders. Giving
me his biggest, brightest smile, he says, “This will be quick, but
it will rock your world. Happy birthday, baby.”

And with that, he makes love to
—all night





'm at work, and I've had a pretty good shift so far. We had
one call for a toaster gone haywire at an office in Park Slope, but
otherwise it's been quiet. I've texted Olivia a few times today but
haven't heard back from her. It's been three days since I saw her
last, and it feels like a lifetime. Olivia is getting ready to
publish her research paper, and she forewarned me that she would be
busy with edits as she reached her deadline. I'm really proud of
her, but I miss her. She's become my second skin, and I crave her
touch, her smell...

"Hey, lover boy! You going to play your
hand or what?" Tanner badgers me, knocking me out of my daze. "He's
busy daydreaming over there,” he calls to the other guys we're
playing cards with.

"Yeah. Hundred bucks says he was thinking
about his smokin'-hot girlfriend," Saul chimes in.

"You all are just jealous bastards," I
chuckle, throwing down my winning card in our round of spades. I
gather my cards and lay down my four of clubs.

"I think it's time we find Tanner a
woman,” I say, attempting to steer the conversation away from
Olivia. “How are you not on disability with carpal tunnel from
jacking off every night, man?" The table erupts with laughter as
Tanner's ears turn red.

"How old are you, Tanner?" asks Saul in more
of a statement than a question.

-seven. Why?" Tanner replies.

"Ain't you tired of strange all the time?"
Saul says with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

No. No, I'm not,” Tanner replies
defiantly. “Not that I've been getting a whole lot lately. I don't
hit the clubs as much these days now that Maxwell is off the

I shrug my shoulders and smile. "I did you
a favor! Less competition this way,” I say, throwing Tanner a

"You're such an asshole, Maxwell," Tanner

"I am. You're right. Tell you what. How
about I ask Olivia if she has any single girlfriends she'd be
willing to set you up with."

'Willing'?!" Tanner scoffs.
"You say that like I'm a fucking charity

"Well..." I grin, trailing off. At that,
Tanner throws his ball cap at me and we both laugh. “But seriously,
I'll ask her," I finish.

"Yeah. Okay. That might be all right, I
guess," Tanner says, trying to act nonchalant. Deep down, I know
he's excited at the prospect of being fixed up with one of Olivia's

We continue on with our game, listening to
both the TV and our radios for any calls that may come through. I
end up losing our card game badly and decide to play Candy Crush on
my iPad. For the life of me, I can't get past level sixty-nine,
which I find mildly ironic. I check my phone and notice that I
still haven't heard from Olivia. I'm officially worried.

Where are you? Call me when you can.

"How about I come see you instead?" a
familiar voice calls from behind me
—one I know intimately.

"Olivia!” I jump up to greet her with a
smile plastered across my face. “Hey, beautiful girl! What are you
doing here?!"

As I turn to see her, my mouth drops at
the vision in front of me. She's wearing a sexy navy pencil skirt
that hugs those hips I love to grab on to, a white sleeveless
button-down silk top, and fire-engine-red heels. Her hair is pulled
back in a sleek ponytail that I'm desperate to wrap around my wrist
and pull. I quickly reach down to adjust myself as I start to get

"Surprised?" Olivia asks, grinning wide.
"I brought dessert." She shows me the white paper bag in her hand.
"I've been so wrapped up with work that I figured I'd come see you
here. I hope that's okay,” she asks hopefully.

"Of course that's okay." I wrap my arms
around her waist and place a hand on the small of her back,
pressing her tightly against my body. I bend my head and
unashamedly give her a slow, gentle, lingering kiss. God, I've
really missed this woman. "I'm glad you're here," I whisper to

"Umm..." One if the guys clears his
throat. "Ain't ya gonna introduce us to your guest,

I smile down at Olivia and say, "You'd
think they have never seen a beautiful woman before." I turn around
and wrap my arm possessively around Olivia's waist. "Everyone, this
is Olivia. Olivia, everyone," I announce, sweeping my free hand
across the crowd of gathering men.

"Hi, sexy girl!"

"How did Maxwell land such a hot chick?"

Leave him for me!" they all call out in
unison as I roll my eyes and shake my head, laughing.

You want a tour of the firehouse?” I ask
with pride in my voice. This is her first time to my “office,” and
I'm excited to show her around.

Sure! I'd love that,” Olivia replies,
smiling up at me as I pull her closer.

As we walk, I lean over and kiss her on
the temple, and once we're out of earshot of my friends, I whisper,
“I have missed you so much. Don't stay away from me for that long
again, okay, beautiful?”

Olivia gives me a squeeze and looks up at
me. She winks and whispers back, “You got it.”

I take Olivia around the firehouse and
introduce her to some of my friends who weren't at the Hook 'n
Ladder nearly a month ago. I show her where we eat, and somehow,
with her appreciative comments about our kitchen, she gets conned
into cooking dinner for us some night. I show her the bunk room
where we sleep and the common area where we play cards and have

As we round out the end of the tour,
Olivia asks,
“So where's
the pole?”

I stop in my tracks and turn, smirking at
her. “The pole?” I grin. “You want to know where the pole is?” I
look down at my tented crotch. “

The one
you slide down,” she laughs.

Still the same thing.”

We fall into a fit of laughter, and Olivia
lightly slaps my arm.

I take her hand and lead her to the other
side of the truck. “It's over here, babe.”

We round the truck and there stands the
pole. “Does anyone ever really use it?” she asks, removing the hair
tie that holds her ponytail. She musses up her hair with her
fingers, letting it fall naturally around her shoulders.

Eh…sometimes. We're usually down here
hanging out or checking equipment and stuff when there's a call so,
no, not as much as you'd think.”

Olivia lets go of my hand and walks toward
the pole, running her hand down the cool brass. She glances over
her shoulder, giving me a sly smile. I smile back, cross my arms,
and lean against the truck, watching her.

She wraps her hands around the pole and leans
back, swinging herself around.

What are you doing, Olivia?”

You know, I took one of those pole dancing
classes at my gym," Olivia tells me, wrapping a leg around the

I slowly shake my head, smirking "Did you
now." She's playing with fire.

I did. It was fun. Really hard actually. I
learned all kinds of interesting moves.” She swings herself around
the pole again and lets her head fall farther back so her hair
flows freely behind her.

As she twirls, I casually run a hand down
the front of my pants and stroke my dick. Olivia's eyes follow my
hand and we silently watch each other. She bites her lower lip and
smirks at me. Letting one hand on the pole go, Olivia uses it to
rub her breast over her top and then runs it down her belly and

Owen, is there anyone down here right

I stand slowly and look around the back of
the truck before returning to my spot. “Looks like they're all in
the kitchen. It's just us. Why?”

Olivia spins herself around the pole and
flips her hair again. She pops open a button on her blouse and
starts to slide down the pole, sticking out her ass provocatively
as she moves back up it. She's killing me and she knows it. I smile
at her encouragingly as I continue to rub my hard-on.

Whoa! Now
what I'
' about! That's
!” a voice
calls out from the side of the rig.


Olivia falters on the pole, clearly
surprised to be interrupted. She turns toward the wall of bunker
gear, obviously embarrassed as she works to fasten the buttons on
her blouse.

On instinct, I quickly push myself forward
and move to stand in front of Olivia, protecting her. As I round
the truck, I see Tanner standing there, watching Olivia with an
apple in his hand, his mouth gaping.

"What the fuck, Tanner!”

No! No! No! Please continue. This was just
getting really good!” Tanner says with a quick wink as he leans
against the truck and takes a bite of his apple. I know Tanner well
enough to know that he's just fucking with me, but Olivia doesn't
know that.

s over, Tanner.
Walk away. Now.” I glare at him. He just smirks and walks
back into the kitchen. “I'm sorry about that, Liv,” I say, wrapping
my arms around her. “He's just trying to pitch me shit.”

Olivia looks up at me and smiles weakly.

Have I told you today how fucking
beautiful you are?” I take her chin in my hand and lift her face up
to me.

You did, but I never tire of hearing it,”
she replies as she leans her back against the pole. Whatever
tension Olivia had in her eyes is replaced with a dark, seductive
edge. She's back with me again. Thank God.

I take hold of her hand and place it on my
crotch. “Feel that? That's all because of you.”

Olivia inhales as she feels my hardness then
starts to squeeze and stroke me.

And that little dance you did for me?”
Olivia looks up at me and nods her head slowly. “That was sexy as
hell.” We are just inches apart, and I reach out, running my hand
along the curve of her breast, down her side, and around her to
rest on her ass.

Olivia slides her hands up my arms and
around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. My lips move against
hers, coaxing them apart, and then my tongue finds its home in her
mouth. Our tongues brush each other, soft, wet, and hot. My cock
grows and thickens immediately under her hand as she continues to
touch me.

I missed you, Owen,” she whispers into my
ear as I kiss down her jaw, her neck, her collarbone.

I missed you too,” I murmur against her
skin. “I missed your smile, your smell, your soft skin.” I continue
kissing her while deftly undoing the buttons on Olivia's blouse. “I
missed you wrapped around me.”

Olivia smiles against my skin. “Baby, you
better not start something you can't finish here, because I'm going
to expect you to finish if you keep this up.”

I stop kissing her, stand up straight, and
look around. I grab her hand and pull her down the hall. “Come on,
baby. Follow me.”

I drag her into an empty room and through
another closed door into a bathroom. I guide her inside, closing
and locking the door behind her. There is no time for words, just
time for fucking.

I spin Olivia around and push her against
the wall, my mouth crushing hers. I kiss down her neck as I lift
her skirt around her hips. Seizing her lacy panties, I rip them off
her body, disintegrating them.

” Olivia groans with a mixture of surprise and excitement
at my aggressiveness. She whines as I nibble on her shoulder before
spinning her around abruptly.

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