Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (39 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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Still, she could not find rest. Severe exhaustion mingled bitterly with her nervous guilt. Her eyes were closed, yet sleep hid from her.

Finnean placed his warm hand upon her shoulder, ceasing her squirming. “My mother once told me… If you cannot sleep, it’s because you are awake, dancing through someone else’s dreams. Find peace in that thought, Gealach. Know that someone special is dreaming about you right now.”

Poor Daichi
, she thought.

“Come now. Let me sing your worries away, wee lamb.”

He gently pulled her to him, his warm chest relaxing the knotted muscles in her tense back. He gave her a tiny squeeze, buried his nose in her curls, and began his sweet lullaby.

It was late afternoon before her eyes opened once more.




“Rise and shine, Princess.”

Jenevier rolled over. She yawned, shielding her still sleepy eyes… and saw Brodder standing at the foot of her bed.

“Remember, Gealach. Your first dance tonight is mine,” he said, smiling. “And I may claim many more before this night is through.”

“Tonight?” She yawned. “We dance again tonight?”

“Aye, that we do. Three days, Lass. Every royal wedding lasts three days.” He pinched her toes through the covers. “Drostan has sent word. The evening meal is upon us. Hop up, my wee darling. Shall I draw you a bath?”

“No thanks, Father. I can manage.”

She stretched and yawned again, reaching for Finnean. He was gone.

“Aye, Lass, your husband has been up most of the day. Gone on a hunt, he is,” Brodder said. “No need to fret. He will be back in time for the feast. He would never miss such a thing, little one. He loves you too much to stay away for very long.”

“Gratitude, Father,” she said as she collapsed back onto the pillows.

“Come now, Lass. It’s time to wake.” He smiled knowingly. “Did that high-strung Hand of mine keep you up too long? Did he steal all your sweet rest, Milady?”

“Exactly the opposite,” she said through another yawn. “He sang to me. I fear if anyone went without sleep, it was him.”

“What did you just say, Lass?” The lines on the King’s forehead deepened. “He
to you? Tell me. Is everything all right, Gealach?”

“Yes, Father. All is well.”

Jenevier wearily climbed out of bed, stretched, and yawned again.

Brodder studied her colorless face, searching her black eyes.
A bride should wake smiling
, he thought.
Yet she has the same strained, unhappy look my white warrior has worn all day. What has dampened their hearts so? Has joyous love fallen to the wayside once bound by vows

“Is there anything else, Father?”

He jumped when she spoke, focusing back on her watching eyes. “Umm, yes there is, little one.” He cleared his throat. “You have company waiting for you. Shall I see them in?”

“Very well,” she said through another yawn, disinterested.

Brodder returned with two women in tow.

“I believe you met these lovely ladies yesterday,” he was saying as he entered.

Jenevier smiled. “Yes.” She held out a welcoming hand. “Kenzie, Allina, how very nice of you to drop by. Apologies. I have been lazy and have yet to dress for company.”

“Oh, never mind all that,” Allina said with a wave of her hand. “Actually, that’s why we’re here.”

“Because I’m not dressed?” Jenevier asked, one brow lifted questioningly.

Kenzie giggled. “Well, sort of.” The younger woman began to speak in hushed tones. “We heard the men talking. Seems like perhaps you didn’t realize you would be staying on here.”

It wasn’t really a question so Jenevier didn’t answer. She only looked at the other woman, waiting for the rest to spill out.

When Kenzie didn’t go on, Allina cleared her throat and stepped in front of the blushing girl. She sort of rolled her eyes at the younger woman before smiling at Jenevier.

“We have come to take you shopping, Princess,” Allina said. “The marketplace is holding its doors, waiting especially for you. So, when you’re ready… just say when.”

“When,” Jenevier said.

“Let’s go, then,” Allina said with a smile.

“Like that?” Kenzie asked, looking at Finnean’s crumpled tunic hanging loosely from her thin shoulders.

“Oh, you’re right.” Jenevier pretended to gasp, placing her hand over her heart. “I should probably get dressed first. Hmm… I wonder which outfit I should wear today.”

Kenzie only smiled and stared blankly at her.

Allina snorted out a laugh and looped her arm through Jenevier’s. “You’re gonna do just fine here, Lass,” she said with a smile. “Sarcasm and pointed jests—my weapons of choice as well.”

Jenevier chuckled. “I can definitely understand that. If I had to spend my days with Sir Luag, the dry and humorless, I would drive him mad with teasing.”

“Why do you think he wears a constant frown?” Allina winked at Jenevier and both ladies giggled.




The shopkeepers were overly friendly and she couldn’t help but buy something from each of them. Yet, almost everything she purchased was black or dark green or deep purple. The lighter, happier colors held no place in her troubled heart.

Jenevier had changed into proper clothing at the first shop and now carried numerous bags of lovely wrapped packages.

“Wow,” Kenzie said. “It must be nice, being the only daughter to the King. You but look at something and they hurriedly wrap it up for you with a smile.”

“Well, His Grace did tell them to give her all she desired,” Allina said. “Besides, he finds himself with a full grown daughter he hasn’t had to spend a single coin upon.” She winked at Jenevier. “He has lots of catching up to do.”

She snorted out a laugh at the other woman’s words. Jenevier knew she and Allina would be fast friends, always.

“Fear not, wee lamb,” Jenevier said as she smiled at the younger of their trio. “I’ll not be draining the royal treasury on clothing and frilly things. What I get today will last me many years.” A wry smile crossed her face then. “And don’t be all self-righteous with me, Lass. I am certain Eògan denies you nothing.”

Kenzie blushed, and the three new friends enjoyed a few laughs along with their hot spiced ale.

Several times Jenevier found her attention had strayed to the hills beyond the castle.

Are you still there, old friend
? she thought.

I am here, Naga. Always am I here
, Nilakanta answered.

I have made a fine mess of things this time, Dragon. Seems Fate hates me above all creatures.

Perhaps, perhaps not. I have seen you smile more today than ever I have in the past. We were drawn here for a reason, Kagi Naga. Enjoy your days of normalcy for a change. You haven’t been blessed with many of those in your life. Why don’t you try forgetting yesterday for a little while and just live in today? Who knows, you might find it to be the peace you have long sought.

Wise words from the noblest of creatures.
She chuckled in her thoughts.
I will heed your counsel, Brother. Perhaps Val Hal is where I will find my laughter once more.

Warm hands gently squeezed her shoulders. Only then did Jenevier realize her company had fallen silent and were staring with wide, admiring eyes to the man now standing behind her. Tender lips left a gentle kiss upon her crown.

“Has there ever been such a vision of loveliness? Nay, not upon this realm.” Finnean gave her shoulders another little squeeze as he spoke.

Kenzie’s face burned crimson and she sighed dreamily, fanning her burning cheeks with frantically waving hands.

Jenevier only rolled her eyes.

Tilting her head back, she looked up at her fair-crowned husband. “You are far lovelier than I could ever hope to be, Lord Finnean. Ask any woman within the kingdom if you doubt my words.”

He bent down and placed a sweet kiss on her waiting lips and then her forehead. “Aye, and you can ask any man the truth of my words as well. Only just today, I caught Brian and Gráda in a heated debate over whom you would choose once you tire of my rash temper and fiery passion.”

She giggled. “Truly? And whom did they decide upon?”

“I’m not certain.” He kissed her again. “Seems it would come down to a duel, best I could gather.”

“Then let their swords remained sheathed, my love. The only way I will part from you is when you choose to cast me aside. Until then, dearest husband, I fear you are stuck with me.”

His grip upon her shoulders grew painfully tight. “I love you more than I have the words to say,” he whispered against her ear.

Her breath hitched, causing his knees to weaken. “Then we are of like-mind,” she whispered back.

They stayed like that for a moment, lost in the amazing sensation of just being near each other, touching, each breathing in the other.

Finnean cleared his throat, breaking the spell. “Come,” he said, looking up at the other two women. “Dinner is served, and many bellies now growl awaiting the arrival of our happy faces.” He helped Jenevier up, taking her many packages as he did. “Shall we go, Milady?”

He bowed toward her dramatically, causing her giggles to spill out.

“Lead the way, most handsome of warriors. I will follow you anywhere, Milord.” She lowered her voice for his ears alone. “Besides, the view from back here isn’t too bad.” She giggled again. “Not too bad at all.”

He stopped and she nearly bumped into him. Turning around, he had a daring smirk upon his face as he whispered, “Continue to play upon this deliciously dangerous path, Milady, and you may find our previous agreement revoked.”

“Perhaps that was my intent, Lord Finnean.” She matched his smirk. “Would it be so bad? Having to spend hours by my side, wrapped in these deceptively wicked arms, pressed against this snowy flesh. Will I remain your nightmare? Or will you let me become your wildest dream?”

He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her hard against him. She saw the fire burning in his passionate eyes. It made her tummy do flips, caused butterflies to war within her.

“Oh, beautiful lady, I have no doubt you could fulfill my every fantasy. My dreams have been of nothing but you since the moment I first laid eyes upon you. Were your resolve to weaken only slightly as we lay down to slumber, I fear I may not live through such bliss. My heart would burst within me… if your desire matched my own. Tempt me not, Milady. My mind is already filled with reasons and excuses to touch you every moment we are near.”

His words made her heart jump and the memories of their days together washed over her like a tide. Back when her past was still forgotten and her heart was free to give, the feelings this man stirred within her were the things that made life worth the living.

Instantly, she was lost to this rare, magical warrior once more, the way she had been when her tongue first touched his delicious flesh.

My dearest Finnean, I gave you my heart and laid claim to yours. I never wish it to be any other way. No matter who waits on me now, you own me, my love. Since the day I lost my color, I have been yours and yours alone.
These words ran through her mind, but she dared not give them voice.

He had sworn to keep his distance and seemed happy in his vow. It was wrong for her to tempt or press him in this matter. She swore in her heart never to be a burden unto him. And she wouldn’t go back on that, not ever.

I would do anything to make him smile
, she thought.
I’d pull down the stars and lay them at his feet. I would petition heaven for a layer of our very own, if he so wished it. I would face the pits of hell with a smile on my face, and stand against every demon locked within them… if I knew it would make this wonderful man happy. And causing him grief such as this is anything but joyous.

Only when Allina cleared her throat, did Jenevier realize she had balled Finnean’s tunic up in her clenched fist, white knuckles keeping the beautiful warrior pulled up against her. And there they stood. Eyes closed, their lips only a breath apart, lost in this succulent closeness. Feeling each other’s heartbeat race wildly between them, they breathed in the other’s intoxicating scent.

Even though her pale cheeks gave no sign of it, she blushed, quickly glancing at her new friends, who were trying desperately not to notice what was happening right beside them.

“Apologies, white warrior,” she said. “Forgive me, Finnean. I will be good. I promise,” she whispered as she stepped around him and picked up her pace, heading on toward the castle.

Jenevier didn’t look back. She didn’t see the gulf of sadness, the heartrending pain, or the bitter disappointment now evident in her beautiful husband’s icy blue eyes.

But Allina saw. Saw the great pain that engulfed Jenevier, and its equal stab clean through Finnean’s pure heart. Her soul cried within her.




Jenevier’s smile was strained as she entered the great dining hall and pleasantly greeted her new family.

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