Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (34 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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“First, tell me this,” she said. “Will removing my wings remove Vashti?”

“Yes,” he whispered.

“If I am minus Vashti, then… I’m no longer Angel, right? I will no longer be the bringer of death.”

“That is correct.”

“Then do it,” she said. “Being Angel is one
I could definitely live without.”

He only stared at her, mouth agape.

“I am Empress of this realm and Guardian of Dragons. That is more than enough responsibility. I do not need wings to fulfill those roles.”

“Empress of Jinn, yes. But no longer will you be Guardian of Dragons,” Gabriel said.

Tears burned the backs of her eyes. “I will lose my Dragons as well? How much pain can accompany a single dawn? And… how are they attached to my wings? No. Don’t answer that. Only tell me this. Will I retain my bond with Nilakanta?”

“You will. Nothing can break that bond. He is yours and you are his, always.”

“Then that’s all that matters.” She took a deep breath. “Will Tenshi still be my son?”

Gabriel smiled. “Naga, think clearly, little sister.” He lightly chuckled. “He is of you, nothing can change that. He is not your son because of your wings. He is your son because of love. An epic, tragic love… one that I’m almost jealous of.” He whispered that last part.

“But then… what about Daichi? He is not of me, not my son, not of my blood. He was an undeserved gift. One I needed only to fulfill my duty as Death.”

“He will not be taken from you,” he assured. “He was made for you, Naga. One is only whole with the other. That will not change.”

She released a choked laugh. “Well then, had I known it would be this easy, I would have petitioned your help sooner, Brother.”

Gabriel took her hand in his. “Naga, you will be just a human again. Do you understand? You will no longer be immortal.”

“Immortality is highly overrated.”

She turned her head to hide her tears. Her words were a lie, through and through.

“What of Tenshi and Daichi?” he asked.

The question shook her to the core. “But… you said I wouldn’t lose them.”

“You will not lose them, Little Fire. They will not be removed from you. But neither will they be human. They are Angel. That will not change.”

“Then… I guess I will just have to appreciate them all the more during my shortened time here.” Her tears were obvious now and made her voice quiver.

“Aww, little sister. Why do you pretend to be so strong?”

Gabriel tried to embrace her but she pushed him away and turned to leave.

“What would you have me do?” She spun back to face him. “Do you wish me to beg you for something that has caused me so much pain? And for what? You said you came to take them. So, take them. You don’t need
permission. Just go, Gabriel. Leave me in peace. Let me enjoy what little time I have left. Let the rest of my mortal life be as any other, minus Angels and demons and the constant battles.”

“No life is minus those things, Naga,” he said quietly.

“And yet, millions live and die every day without Archs barging in and threatening to kill them,” she snapped. “I believe I’ll make it just fine. So many others manage to do it from birth. I am no different.”

“Oh, but you are… exquisitely different,” he whispered, low enough that she couldn’t hear. “Very well,” Gabriel said. “I will miss you, Little Fire. More than you will ever know.”

She snorted out a laugh. “I’m sorry I cannot say the same.”

Jenevier walked back to the bed. Staring down at her beautiful Daichi, she spoke to Raphael. “You can let him wake now. I wish to spend as much time with him as I may have left.”

She crawled over to him and curled up against his warm chest. He smiled in his sleep and wrapped his arm around her.

“What?” Raphael gasped out a growl. “You chose to give up your wings? Why would you do something like that? Just how pigheaded are you? Stupid girl.”

“What would you have me do, Raphael? Beg and plead for something I didn’t even want to start with? Why do you even care? Now, you will never have to come near me again. Actually, I’d like you to promise me you never will. And please, stop watching me. I am no longer your concern. And frankly, knowing how much you hate me… thinking you’re still hanging around gives me the creeps.”

“Gabriel did not tell you the whole of it, did he?”

She rolled her eyes. “Really? Tell me, Raphael. How in the hell am I supposed to know if he told me the whole of anything? He told me enough. And enough is as good as a feast.”

“You stubborn little brat.” His tone was vicious. “Father spoiled you. He heaped blessings upon you when you obviously didn’t deserve them. Gabriel said you would fail. From the beginning he proclaimed thus.
never did. I watched you, always. I knew you had an awesome fire burning inside you. I swore you would never run away.”

“Run away from what? From Gabriel? Do you jest or are you mad? Tell me how I run from an Arch to spare my wings. What would be the point?”

“Come, Raphael. We have
to do,” Gabriel said as he walked into the tension-filled room.

“Yes, Raphael. Go. Do all your
stuff. Leave us in peace.”

His golden eyes pierced her. She matched his glare.

“You didn’t tell her. Did you, Gabriel?”

“There was no need. She can live without them. Why bother with the rest of it?” Gabriel said. “If she is fine and can happily live and die as a human, why would you not wish her well in this? Come. Let us take our leave.”

“Why bother?” Raphael shook his head. “What do you mean,
why bother
? Did you even give her the choice? Does she yet remain ignorant of what she could have been?”

Gabriel’s calm words were a stark contrast to Raphael’s swelling anger. “Has she not seen enough blood? Has she not known enough loss? Look at her, Brother. She has to have a fulltime healer just to keep from shattering into nothingness. She has done her part. Let her know a few short years of peace.”

Raphael never took his eyes from hers. “Shouldn’t that be
decision? You didn’t even give her an option. This is wrong, Gabriel. On every layer of this universe… this is
. You have removed her freewill by leaving her absent choice.”

“Raphael, if you care for her.” He glanced at Jenevier and quickly back to his brother Arch. “If you love her, as much as I know you do, you will not do this.”

“It should be
choice,” he yelled.

Raphael came closer to the bed, their gazes remained firmly fixed.

“Do not touch me,” she snapped.

Then, she disappeared from Daichi’s embrace.

Raphael spun on her just as he heard Iole Máni leave its scabbard.

He grabbed both her wrists. “You
listen,” he hissed.

Jenevier felt like all the air had been sucked out of her.

Gabriel looked around the room, now empty save for the sleeping sapphire Angel. He shook his head. “Perhaps it’s better this way,” he whispered as he spread his wings and glided back to the clouds.

Daichi smiled in his sleep and reached for his precious Naga. His hand just kept reaching.

Chapter 35






It was the most terrifying feeling she had ever experienced, even worse than being blind—the loss of air.

Jenevier tore at her own throat, digging her nails in deep. This was the end. She knew it. But… where was the peace, the calm? She had always believed death would bring a moment of divine clarity and stillness. Terror and pain were all she could feel. Her chest burned and her eyes felt like they would burst forth from their sockets. Darkness closed in on the edge of her vision, slowly cutting off the last comforting sensation she had, sight.

Someone was talking, then yelling, then screaming, shaking her. She went limp. And then… just, nothingness.

But even that didn’t last.

Opening her eyes, she lay crumpled upon the street. She didn’t move, only laid there, staring at the enchanting cobbled gemstones her head now rested upon.

Mindlessly trailing her fingertip around the edge of a particularly vivid green stone, she thought of Alastyn.

This is exactly the color of his eyes. He had such lovely eyes. I was blessed to look into many amazing sets of eyes. I was lucky. We are but few, the ones who can travel to the many beautiful realms of this great universe. Yes, I was truly blessed

Lightly kissing the cool little emerald, Jenevier slowly rose to her knees, gaping at the beauty all around her. Colorful gemstone streets laced elegantly throughout the expansive plane, sparkling with their brilliant glory. It captivated her senses, filled her with peace and love, even more so than her vague memory of it. She had seen a street this spectacular somewhere before. It brought her comfort, and a strange tightening in her chest.

“Wow…” Her whisper echoed across the vastness of this new realm.

“Welcome home, my love. I have missed you terribly. How did you lose all your lovely color, Princess? Alas, it does not,
diminish your rare beauty.”

Gentle hands wrapped about her waist, lifting her to her feet. She swayed upon wobbly, unsure legs.

“How am I here? And… where is here?” she whispered to the unseen man holding her steady.

“You must have died, little one. You’re in the Nether. Tell me. How is it you are no longer Angel?”

“Oh, Gabriel took my wings.”

The large hands turned her around. She felt like she was floating.

“Why would he do that? What was his reasoning? Did you fall, tiny Princess?”

“Nope, I didn’t fall. At least, if I did, it didn’t hurt. Why? Did
fall?” she asked, curious.

Giddiness was swelling within her and those infectious giggles were becoming too hard to contain, she released them. Never had she felt such joy, a weightless euphoric type of happiness.

Someone grabbed her chin. “No, wait. Do not leave me. Not yet. Stay but a moment longer. Focus on my voice and still your drifting soul.”

She tried. Searching, she caught sight of enchanting blue eyes, bluer than the heavens. As perfect as flawless sapphires.

“Wow…” She reached out to touch them and the face began to take shape. Hazy and out of focus, it gradually cleared before her.

She recognized this face, this gloriously beautiful face. There wasn’t another in all creation that could match it. Utter perfection.

“What happened to your eyes?” she said, smiling.

“Jenevier, my love, my eyes are the same as when you first gazed into them. You are the one who sees with new eyes, Princess. How is it snowflakes now dance within an abyss? They fail to show the truth of your radiant soul. These eyes are darkness and ice. Yet, you glow as a newborn star.”

“Daichi, you know how I came by these eyes.” She smiled and ran her fingers through those enticing blue locks. “Remember you not? I was destroyed by onyx. Tell me. Where have all your curls gone, my love? Why are they but waves now?”

“Is Daichi your gift from Father? Is he the Blessing that fluttered within you the night you saved your Guardian friend? The very last night I held you in my arms. Was he the mighty Angel that stood beside you upon the battlefield… where I earned your fierce hate?”

“Daichi, my love, all of this you know. Yet I could never hate you.” She giggled and lightly kissed the tip of his nose.

The tears now filling those beautiful blue eyes tore at her bliss-filled heart.

“Oh, I’m sorry, sweet Angel,” she said. “I have to leave you now. Don’t cry, my love. Know that I will love only you, always.”

“Jenevier stop!” He grabbed her hands, pulling them to his chest. “Do you no longer recognize me? Your love for Daichi is tearing me apart. How much more shall be heaped upon me? With your Blessing, Father has cursed me further.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, locking her firmly against him. “Say my name,” he begged.

She smiled. “Daichi.”

He pressed her tighter still. “No! Look into my eyes, Jenevier. Say… my… name.”

She concentrated hard, falling into those limpid pools of sparkling blue. “Tenshi? Wha-what is… no… You are neither my son nor my Blessing. How is it your face is as theirs?” She began to struggle. “Let me go.” Fear and darkness surrounded her, trying to crush her bliss-filled light. “Who are you? Let me go.”

“Jenevier, say… my… name.”

She stopped struggling with him, yet a name would not form in her mind.

He moved his face closer, his nose almost touching hers. “Say… my… name.”

His lips lightly brushed across hers, sending familiar tremors down into the pit of her being.

“Jenevier, my only love. Say… my… name.”

The tip of his nose ran along the scar on her cheek. “This is mine,” he whispered.

His hot breath against her ear made her shiver in his arms. She felt herself melting into him and was powerless to stop it. A deliciously painful jolt ran through her when his lips closed around a spot at the base of her neck, and then her shoulder, two spots on her chest, and another one upon her left breast.

She cried out when he began licking her neck, over and over, the tip of his warm tongue leaving a cool trail upon her skin. He blew upon it.

“Say… my… name. I will hold you forever in the waiting place. I refuse to release you. Say my name. Show me I remain a part of you still. Give me blessed hope or we shall live within the Nether always, my hands never releasing your form.”

The tiny electrifying jolts each of his glorious touches produced, bounced and streaked and clouded her already addled mind.

“I know you… not…” she whispered.

He shook her. “What has happened to you? Did Gabriel steal your mind when he claimed your wings?”

“No,” she said, smiling. “The onyx Elf took my essence. I gifted it to the baby moon.” Her mind drifted. She was being pulled away.

“You speak madness, my love. How can you gift your essence?”

“…Uriel… Uriel’s blade…”

“No! Stay with me. I will not release you. I refuse. Jenevier! Jenevier, can you hear me?”

The darkness was once again taking her vision. She floated, flying adrift upon the wind.

“No, you cannot have her,” he yelled.

A painful blast of light filled her head. She tried to scream but had no voice. Feeling slowly returned. The warm sensation on her lips erased all fear, lulled her heart. His light kisses intensified. Both her heart and body melted with his possessive touch.

She returned the loving act with fervor. She knew these lips, the sweet honey taste of his tongue, the heady scent of lilies.

“Vindicus…” She whispered the name as their lips parted.

Those amazing sapphire eyes filled with tears and were accompanied by the same enchanting smile that had completely stolen her heart, so many years ago.

“Yes, my love.” He kissed her again. “You remember me. You have finally returned to me.” His happy sobs soaked her curls.

“But… why… why am I… in hell?” she asked, fear creeping over her.

“I know not how your life ended, my love, but you are not in hell. I saw your rare light enter the Nether, smelled your deliciously unforgettable scent. I’m the one who holds you here. If you leave me, I will never see you again, never touch you again.” He tenderly circled the tip of her nose with his. “If I release you, never again will I be able to taste the sweetest lips in all creation. I will hold to you always. I cannot let you leave this plane or I will forever lose you.” He kissed her once more. “I cannot continue on if there is no more hope. If you travel to the Otherworld, all hope will go with you. Stay with me, Jenevier. Choose me over all else and be mine, always.”

“Vindicus…” Her voice was fading.

“No! No, I won’t let Him have you back. You are mine.” He held to her so tightly, it was painful.

“Vindicus…” She drifted, slowly at first. Then she was falling, faster and faster. The sensation was gut-wrenching, breathtaking. The inevitable stop came suddenly, but minus the pain she had braced herself for. Instead of a jarring crash, there was a warming impact, smooth and encompassing. She drew in a deep filling breath as her lungs painfully expanded, jerking her body upright.

“Vindicus!” Her scream rang in her ears, filling her bedchamber with the wrath of her remembrance.

Her chest heaved. Again and again, she pulled in deep, filling breaths.

“Naga! Naga!”

“You killed Varick,” she yelled.

Uncontrollable rage coursed through her marrow. Her wild eyes would focus on nothing, rapidly scanning everything at once.

Her body moved of its own accord. She leapt to her feet and dashed across the room. Her glowing sword came to life in her hands and she held Amatiste hilt up with the blade running back the length of her forearm.

There were talking
surrounding her, incessantly babbling words she could not understand from mouths she could not plainly see. Everything was flashing in tiny incomprehensible scenes—a strobe effect that left the approaching
in a different spot with each new picture. She stood her ground.




Raphael had grabbed her wrists, forcing Iole Máni from her hand, and transported her with angelic speed to the surface of Jinn’s baby moon, to the only place he could think of that might help her understand what she was, what she could be, and what she was choosing to become.

He took her flailing and thrashing about to be nothing more than her continuing struggle to free herself from his embrace. He released her.

She didn’t try to scratch his eyes out, as he had thought. She didn’t even yell at him. Instead, she turned her back to him, hands going to her throat.

“Kagi Naga, you
listen to what I have to say. Consider the rest of the universe as lost until you calmly hear me out. Do not try to flee. I will let you leave only when I have finished with you.”

She staggered away from him and fell to her knees. He was pleased. She seemed resigned to finally listen.

“Naga, you can yet be Death. It isn’t glamorous, no. But it is
necessary. Imagine what would happen to this universe if there was no Death Angel… only those vile little reapers.” He shuddered.

Her shoulders slumped forward. Perhaps his words were reaching her. Perhaps he could yet save her wings. Raphael’s heart ached at the thought of such magical wings disappearing forever. He didn’t believe he could bear it, the loss of them… the loss of her.

“Naga, you can do this. You only need to remember how.”

She didn’t answer him.

“If you will but try, I vow to help you in any way I possibly can. In truth, Naga, I cannot bear the thought of losing my only little sister. Speak to me. Just say something, anything.” He sighed wearily. “Are you still angry with me? I’m sorry I hurt you before. In truth, I
you to be pleased with me, to say all those wondrous things you did.” He sighed again and looked away, blushing. “I was so angry. Angry with you, angry with Father, angry with myself. I knew you weren’t made for me, as much as I wished for it… it would never be like that for us. But why
? Why Apollyon? He certainly didn’t deserve you. That old blue devil took the most precious thing I had ever known, and he soiled it, changed it forever. I hated him with a fire that threatened to consume me. Alas, I accepted what was right for you and eventually moved past my own selfishness. I had no other choice.” He looked back to her then. “Naga? Naga, are you even listening to me? Have I poured out my weary soul to no avail?”

Her tiny pale form crumpled in on itself and she fell to her side.

Raphael stared, confused by the crimson flow covering her neck, saturating her crisp white gown.


Then… he saw her soul leave. For a couple heartbeats, the mighty Arch stood frozen, shock and wonder filling him. Her dainty spirit was brilliant, no darkness clinging to it, no black lacing its edges. He had imagined the image of Apollyon had been forever burned upon it, tattooed across her very soul. He was wrong.

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