Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (36 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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The rare amethyst soul-eater held his breath until he had safely exited Sheol. He had no intention of returning there, ever again.

Ahriman may be dark and ruthless and evil, yet he was no idiot—hell bent on self-obliteration.

Now, he was on a new mission. On his way to check up on the happenings of his dark Prince’s sweet Anicee… and the Archs now surrounding her.

I won’t let them have her back. I refuse. She will be mine. And there’s no escaping that delicious little truth, not for any of them
, he thought, as he spread his wings and took flight.




Apollyon’s sapphire eyes blazed with the fire of the Underworld as he kept his gaze locked with Shamsiel’s.

“Does her look remind you of that daughter of a whore you fell for?” he taunted the other Angel.

Shamsiel did not answer.

“Be that as it may,” Apollyon continued. “You will never touch her and you will only ever look upon her through

“And just how can you be so sure of that?” Shamsiel asked, goadingly. “You killed her beloved Guardian… with your own blade, before her very eyes. Her darling Varick, the one she loved as truly as she once loved you. How can you deny it? She used all her power to try and take his place, appearing before your blade with no thought for herself. Complete and total sacrifice—now
the true definition of love… selflessness. And forget not, Prince Apollyon. It’s a fine line between love and hate, a
… fine… line.” The fallen Angel smiled with but one corner of his mouth. “You not only crossed it, Brother, you trampled upon it, mercilessly so. Can you still feel it? Do you yet see it when you close your eyes? The biting ice in those magical pink eyes of hers… Now
was hate, pure and simple and bitter cold. I mean, she bound you to the gates of hell, for goodness sake. Then sliced open your perfect chest to reclaim her likeness, the only treasure you have ever desired. You have the power to claim any treasure upon any realm. Yet, the one thing you truly desire, you will never see again.” He shook his head. “No. I believe I will no longer be looking upon that rare little Angel through
eyes. Those are the sapphires she now hates.”

“If you could see her in my arms, then you would know the lie you now speak. She is my Anicee, always. She came back to me. And when I kissed her, I healed her. If you were watching, you cannot deny the affect I still have upon her.”

“And she upon you,” Shamsiel said with a smirk.

Apollyon smiled. “Yes. I have never denied what that precious Angel does to me. How she makes me feel, the things she causes me to do without thought. She owns me, the whole of me. And I will never regret our amazing love. That little curl-covered fireball brings out the only good in me. Remember that, Shamsiel. I am only ever good with
.” He moved closer, erasing the last few inches separating them. “The horrors you have heard about, the ones whispering all the wicked deeds of my hands… if you touch her or harm her in any way, those same dark deeds will seem as fond fairytales. What I will do to you, the half has not yet been told,
. Shabriri himself will count his lucky stars he wasn’t handled as you will be.”

The fallen right hand of the mighty Uriel remained silent. Shamsiel’s tongue lay dormant, frozen behind his clenched teeth. Never was Apollyon quite so terrifyingly glorious as he was when his mind toyed with thoughts of exquisitely demented torture.

The Prince of Hell strode out of Sheol, leaving the fallen-one trembling as a child, and set his mind upon a proper punishment for his deceitful little right-hand warrior.

“Ahriman is getting too big for his wings,” he mumbled coolly. “Perhaps it’s past time they were clipped.”

Chapter 37






Her breathing was heavy, labored. The on-again off-again thing going on with her vision was making her dizzy, wreaking havoc on her equilibrium.

“Stay where you are,” she cried. Another flash of sight. “I said stay!” Two more nauseating images flicker by. “I do not wish to kill you, but I have no problem spilling your blood if you come any closer. Step back
and stay away from me.”

Several strobing pictures later, the blobs remained as they were.

“Heed what I say! I can’t see you clearly and I cannot understand your words at all. If you know me, if you count me as friend, if you mean me no harm, then please, step back.” She waited for three more snippets of blurry vision before she continued. “If you do not, then I will know you have ill intentions concerning me. I won’t hesitate and I will not mourn your death, for you will have brought it upon your own head.”

With the next revealing flash, the blurry figures were smaller, and then smaller still. With seven more pieces of the coming picture, they were as far away as the wall would let them go.

They are friends
, she thought.
Good. Then they should understand why I cannot stay here like this. If they truly know me, they will understand.

Amatiste continued to spread its vibrant purple glow across the room. She kept a firm grasp upon the sword’s hilt. Her betraying gaze remained locked on the unrecognized trio as she slowly bent down, feeling around for Iole Máni. Seizing her precious dagger, Jenevier took two steps back before she felt the doorknob against her spine. The cold metal bit her tingling flesh. Looking down, it took three more flashes for her to clearly see that her dress was destroyed… and bloodied.

“Did you do this to me?” Her words brought no ascertainable response from the blurry blobs. Her voice pierced through the silence with the repeated cry. “Did you do this to me?”

She could hear them mumbling now. One shadow began moving toward her. One flash, he was advancing. The second flash put him almost half way there. She didn’t wait for the third. With the pommel up and the blade steadied against the length of her forearm, Jenevier lunged for the advancing stranger, spinning Amatiste in a flurry of strobing snap-shots. One picture revealed deep red droplets hanging silently in midair… the next they were gone.

Now facing the door, she fought with a hazy memory when a delicate red box appeared in her peripheral with the next flickering of sight. She snatched it up as she made for the exit.

Flying down the many flights of stone steps, her dagger’s scabbard made a fine, thin line along the pristine wall as it marked the jagged path of her uneasy balance.

“If they were my friends, why did they make me do that?” She sniffed and tried to rub the tears from her eyes, but her hands were too full. “I told them, did I not? I said to stay back if they meant me no harm.”

Her foot missed the next step and she tumbled forward, thankful she only hit four steps before coming to a jarring stop on the cold marble floor.

Her spackled vision was maddening, yet the pictures were staying just a little longer than they were before, perhaps becoming a bit clearer as well.

Checking to make sure both swords and the odd box were still in her possession, Jenevier tried to get back to her feet.

“Empress, what happened? Are you well? Did you get hurt?”

She spun toward the speaking shadow and twirled her sword so the heavenly blade now pointed outward.

“Stay away from me.” Her tears were obvious in her threat, almost choking out her words as they poured over her cheeks, burning a pathway down her scarred neck. “I do not wish to harm anyone else. So please… just let me leave.”

The massive palace doors had been in view while she was sprawled upon the floor, she knew she was close. This new shadow blob, the one she could hear, heeded her plea and did not advance. She backed away, one uncertain step at a time.

“Naga, if you wish to leave this place, I will help you.”

“I can do it myself,” she cried. “Just stay back.”

“Yes, Milady, as you wish. I know not what new evil has befallen you, but if you can understand me, listen closely.”

Jenevier stopped short when her back bumped up against the stone wall, a long way from the intended doors. The speaking shadow made no move to stop her as she scooted along the wall, hand extended, searching desperately for the feel of a cold metal protrusion.

“When you are freely through the main gates and can feel the sun upon your cheeks, call out to your bonded protector. Nilakanta will wing you far from the palace.”

“Why would you help me?” she said. “And why can I understand only you?”

“I know not what has befallen you, Mistress. But I will
help you… just as I have always loved you. When you are ready to come back home, I’ll be here waiting for you. Worry not over Jinn, Milady. We will see to your realm. Go. Heal your soul, beautiful Angel.”

Her hand latched onto its intended target just as the shadow had finished its words. Jerking the door wide, she ran headlong into the bright daylight, stumbling down the polished marble steps.

“Let her pass.”

She heard the voice behind her as she gained her footing and ran wildly forward.

“Do not hinder or approach her. Give her room. Stay back.”

The shadow person was shouting out exactly what she was thinking. The many other mumbling blobs parted like waves as the open gate flashed in and out of her vision.

Her trembling legs had taken her perhaps a couple hundred yards before the burning in her lungs forced her to her knees.

“Nilakanta.” Her intended yell came out as a squeaky plea, but the result was the same.

As she knelt there, gasping for air, her every cell still screaming out for more oxygen, a giant shadow blotted out the sun. The jarring thud sent her sprawling, face first, onto the ground.

Come, little Naga. I will be your wings.

The deep, ethereal voice wasn’t in her ears, but in her head. Her strobing vision was slowly lessening. She had little trouble seeing the giant sapphire wing touching the ground beside her.

It took longer than she thought to crawl up the velvety leather ladder. Falling wearily upon her Dragon’s back, Jenevier released a heavy sigh.

Hang on, tiny Angel. I will take it slow for a bit. Are you ready, Kagi Naga?

“Y-yes,” she said.
Not really
, she thought.

The rumbling laughter in her head eased her racing mind
. Do not lie to me, little one. I know your thoughts. Take your time and regain your bearings. I’ve got you. My breath will ensure your safe rest. No one can get to you now, Little Fire. Not even Angels, be they dark or light.

“Gratitude, dear friend.” Her chest heaved with the effort required to speak. “I could use just a little rest.”

She nuzzled into his luxurious softness and breathed in and out, over and over, until calmness returned to her quivering soul.

“What happened… it must have all been a dream,” she whispered. “A horribly tragic dream. That’s all. Yes, it must have just been a dream. I haven’t been nearly
enough for such a thing as that to be reality. Have I?”

As she slowly relaxed, utter exhaustion hung tiny little weights upon her drooping lids. She gave in to the comforting lull as she curled into a ball, snuggling atop the velvety soft spot between her Dragon’s shoulder blades.

“I just need a calm moment.” Her whispered words grew ever fainter as consciousness slipped away. “Just an hour or so, for rest, then all will be well. The nightmares will ebb and my wings will return. I’m all but certain of it. Keep me safe, giant brother. Let me slumber within your magic for a time.”

Very well, tiny Guardian.

The Otherworldly voice floated softly through her mind.

Nos da, Little Fire. Sleep well.




“Yui,” Daichi called out to the young Shinobi as he stood motionless, staring out the open door at his terrified Empress. “Why did you allow her to leave the palace?”

Yui turned back slightly and caught sight of the approaching blue Angel. “I do not have to be one of heaven’s mighty hosts to know… crossing her this day would not be a wise thing to do.”

He looked then to a man he hadn’t yet met and saw blood oozing out between his fingers, dripping down the back of his hand that was clamped firmly against his left cheek. Yui blushed slightly and turned back to watch the approaching Dragon.

“Ha ha. Yes. My wisdom fled me this day, little ninja.” Raphael followed Yui’s gaze outside as he mumbled. “She has always had that effect on me, removes my rational thought… troublesome little sister.”

Yui didn’t look at him directly, but Raphael could see the Shinobi’s smile from the corner of his eye. The injured Arch bumped the young ninja with his elbow. Yui swayed slightly, his smile growing a fraction larger.

“You and I are of like-mind concerning her, child of Munenori,” Raphael whispered.

Yui only nodded his head slowly and watched as the Empress of Jinn clumsily scaled her Dragon’s giant wing, collapsing onto his back.

“She could be in no safer hands,” Gabriel said as he took a place beside the gawking trio.

“Are you going to make me ask what happened this time?” Yui said. “Or should I just guess?”

Daichi released a heavy sigh. “Oh, the usual. Angels came and pushed Naga past her breaking point, took her wings, and then her life.”

Yui snorted out a sardonic laugh. “Oh, is that all?”

“No, it gets better,” Daichi continued. “While her wrongfully departed soul was passing through the Nether, unescorted, Apollyon saw her.”

“Of course he did,” Yui said casually. “I knew that, for I saw his rare sapphires sparkling upon her alabaster cheek.”

“That’s not the only place they now sparkle,” Daichi grumbled.

“Yes. I noticed that, too,” Yui said. “Tell me. Why didn’t she know me?”

“Well, that bloody Prince of Hell refused to release her,” Raphael said. “Her body lay dead for nearly an hour. It’s naturally taking her shell some time to catch back up with her mind. That’s all.”

Yui rolled his eyes. “Oh, well…
,” he said. “And need I ask why an Angel yet bleeds?”

Raphael shrugged his shoulders. “It was a seraph blade,” he said, like that simple explanation should suffice.

“He means… it will leave a scar,” Gabriel added. “And it’s such a shame, too. His pretty face was about all he had going for him.”

Daichi snorted. “Yeah, what a shame.”

Yui muffled a chuckle.

As they watched, the majestic Dragon spread his enormous wings and finally took flight. Dusty wind blew through the open palace doors and across the four witnesses, tousling their hair, causing their eyes to squint.

“Is she mortal now?” Yui asked.

“I’m not certain,” Gabriel said.

The young ninja shook his head, rolling his eyes in exasperation. “Tell me. What of her
you certain about?”

“She has been removed from my hands,” Gabriel said. “Father will decide what will become of her now.”

Daichi snorted again. “Ugh, I hate Angels.”

Raphael placed a hand on his shoulder. “As do I, Brother. As do I.”

“So, tell me.” Yui crossed his arms as he turned to face the ethereal company. “Why do you people keep messing with her? Why can you not just leave well enough alone?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “And who are
to demand her wings? What gives you the right? And who the hell killed her?”

Neither Arch seemed put out or perturbed with the ninja’s honest questioning.

Gabriel started. “She was the Angel of Death, designed for nothing else.”

“And she was glorious, was she not?” Raphael sighed. “Exquisitely lethal,” he said with a smile.

Gabriel cast his brother Arch a sideways glance, cleared his throat, and continued. “When her power was drained by the Elf girl, Uriel did what he could to restore her. And then when Ahriman gifted her with darkness, we
held our breath.”

Raphael smiled. “And then, true to form, she shocked us all by refusing her Blessing and denying her essence.”

“I have no idea why you find that so amusing,” Gabriel chided.

Raphael ignored him. “We came this morning to remind her why she was built thusly, convince her to take up the part she was meant to play. Remind her how important death and the wings that carry it are. We needed to see if she still had it in her, if she could still manage it. Or if she was just simply done with it all.”

“Yes,” Gabriel said. “And when the time came for my questioning, when I took her tiny hand in mine and started to talk with my little sister… I could plainly see all the horrible nightmares still plaguing her. All the blood she has spilt. All the lives she has claimed. All the wretched battles she’s had to fight. I took pity on my precious baby sister.” He paused.

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