Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (37 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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Raphael finished their tale. “And instead of giving her the
, he decided to just take her wings and leave her mortal.”

“I only planted the thought within her. She was the one who accepted it in her heart.
the one who butted in, Brother.”

“You left me no choice,
. Not giving her the whole story, not letting
be the one to decide, it was the same as lying to her. She stood, absent choice, minus freewill,” Raphael said. “What else could she do but accept the life you told her she had no choice but to lead?”

“And so…” Gabriel said as he nodded toward Raphael. “Her tenderhearted brother, here, loves her too much and decided to help her change her mind. I had removed her wings, erased her immortality at the same moment he disappeared with her in his arms.”

“I took her to the moon,” Raphael said softly. “I had no idea she was only a human once more. By the time I realized my folly, her lovely little soul had drifted to the Nether.”

“And the rest you know,” Gabriel finished.

“No,” Yui said. “You failed to explain the part I just bore witness to. Why is it we all stood here and let her leave? You know not if she is mortal or Angel now. And we have no idea where in this universe she went.”

“She was yet master of her blades,” Raphael said as he rubbed the new scar upon his once flawless cheek.

“Yes. But not so with her wings,” Gabriel added. “Nilakanta is eons old and incredibly wise. He will not lead her into danger. He cares only for her. She will always be safe upon his majestic back.”

“And what of you, Daichi?” Yui asked. “I never dreamt you would willingly let her depart. And so soon after you finally got her back.”

“Nor did I,” Daichi said. “But… I know she lives and I know she is safe. That’s good enough for now. I have a strange peace in my heart about this whole thing. I will let her heal how she is supposed to heal from this. I spent the better part of this past night restoring her, Yui. The dawn greeted her as very nearly the same woman you laughed with in our secret valley.” Daichi smiled then. “She is amazing. After all she sacrificed, all she left up there on the baby moon, at her core… she is still Naga. She is still our Little Fire. Only her wrapper has changed.”

“Yes. She just needed some time alone with her healing Blessing,” Raphael said. “Kagi Naga is Kagi Naga. And Daichi ensures that. As he should.”

“He speaks true,” Daichi said. “She woke whole… on the inside. Now? Well, I trust Nilakanta, Senpai. If Naga needs me, I will know. I will not force her in this. I will never part from her, Yui. Yet, right now, she needs time to sort out who she is, who she wants to be, and which path would be best for her. I will wait for her call. Whatever she decides, I will be there to support her in it.”

Yui stared at each man’s angelic face and then turned back to the empty skies over Jinn.

“…I hate Angels, too,” he whispered.

Chapter 38






Bore da, Little Fire. Did you rest well?

That deep voice resonating through her head brought a smile to her lips.

“Bore da, Dragon. I slept like a baby. How is it you speak with the tongue of my warrior kin on Val Hal?”

I am unfathomably old, little one. My kind can be found on the pages of antiquity amongst many races. Jinn was not always my home.

“We’re no longer on Jinn, are we?”

Now, tell me. How is it you know that, Little Fire? You have yet to even open your eyes.

“I know because I can no longer smell the lavender. This place smells like… like… rain. I like it.”

He chuckled inside her mind.
You are as a child, Kagi Naga. I do believe that’s what I love best about you.

She yawned and stretched her arms, looking around as she sat up. “I wish to sleep on your back always, dear friend. Best sleep ever,” she said through a yawn.

As you wish, Naga.

She was trying to reach an itchy spot in the center of her spine when her unusual contortions turned her around.

“Ah, why did you bring me here, Dragon? What was your reasoning?”

I have a name, Naga. Or do you wish me to address you as Angel?
He chuckled again.
And I brought you here because of your dreams. You are an extraordinarily vivid dreamer, Little Fire.

She snorted. “Tell me about it.”

You have unfinished business here. Your dreams turned to sorrow when your mind remembered the bitter regret of not getting to say farewell to these honorable people.

“But… I don’t think I’m ready for this. What will I say? What will I do? Just stroll in there like nothing ever happened? I hurt people here, Dragon. I made too many ripples. And also… I love them all too much to hurt them again.”

Little Naga, take my advice. Don’t be so scared of being hurt that you pass up the chance to be happy. There is happiness awaiting you on this layer, tiny Angel. You only need the strength to accept it.

“Ugh, Dragon, you know me too well. I feel violated.”

As well you should.

His warm laughter rolled through her again.

“But what if someone sees you? Jinn is now the only realm where Dragons are common knowledge.”

Naga, my tiny little Guardian, Dragons are full of magic. We are the very essence of it, the fountain from which it flows. My scales hide my presence, always. If your Celtic brethren look this way, I appear to them as nothing more than a blending of the surroundings. Completely natural… except for the colorless maiden straddling my back.

Sitting atop Nilakanta, Jenevier smiled as she drew her knees up to her chest, blinking away the sleepiness while she stared at the back of the large castle.

Your father awaits you, little Naga.

“Yes, I know.” She sighed heavily and turned to look her Dragon in the eyes. “You know he’s not my
father, right?”

Blood makes you kin. Love makes you family.

She giggled. “You’re almost as wise as you are handsome, Dragon. Continue to impress me thusly and you may wake one dawn to find your manacle has been stolen away whilst you slept.”

Tease me not, Angel, or you may find yourself good and truly wed. As I said, Dragons hold great magic.

She smiled then. “Very well, my bonded friend. The next time I mention it, I won’t be teasing.”

She heard his growl in her head as she felt it rumbling underneath her.

Remember how it felt when we first touched?

She chuckled. “No matter how much of me has been stolen, never could I forget
, Brother.”

Do you believe you could handle such as that daily, little Naga?

“Absolutely not. You, my good Dragon, are more man than I could ever possibly hope to handle.”

She felt and heard his laughter, it warmed her heart.

“Nilakanta, at the end of all things, after I have managed to alienate all who ever cared for me… will you remain?”

Naga, until my last breath, I am yours.

She rested her back against his broad neck. “Deep within me, I knew that. But hearing the words, I am edified, Brother. I love you too much.”

Of course you do. I am… Dragon.

She giggled and jumped to the ground. “Well, wish me luck, Brother. I might as well get this over with.”

Yes, Little Fire. It seems this is but the first stop of many. Alas, we are in no hurry. We yet have eons together. Go. Heal your heart, little Naga, and center your life. I will be here when you’re done.

She kissed his nose and turned toward the castle.

Umm… Naga?

She looked back to her dear Dragon friend. “Yes, Brother?”

Are you going like that?

“Huh? Like what?”

Nilakanta puffed out a hot breath. She felt the warmth tickle across her bare flesh. She looked down and back up quickly.

“Oh my.” She giggled. “Perhaps I should put on some clothes first.” She tried to pull her torn dress closed. “And gratitude for mentioning it, Nilakanta.” She rolled her eyes. “Men… you are
the same.”

What? So it’s my fault you’re a grown woman who cannot even tell your breasts are bare to the world?

“N-no. That’s not what I meant. Ugh, I’m so ridiculous.”

Yes, it seems you are, at that.
He twitched his shoulder and her red box slid down his extended wing.
Can I watch?

She chuckled. “Are you saying I could possibly stop you?” She slipped the destroyed garment over her head. “I’m certain this pale body does nothing for you.” She tied her lovely red top in a knot just below her breasts. “Now, if I were a snow white she-Dragon, perhaps you would be enjoying this indecent little show.”

She stepped into the flowing skirt and spun around, sending it fluttering all about her.

Naga, one day I will tell you the truth about Dragons… and their desires.

She held out her arms. “So, what do you think? Am I presentable?”

Never have I seen you look more stunning. That dress is perfect. The color suits your name as well as your personality, Kagi Naga. You are a splendid vision from antiquity. A forgotten goddess from times past.

“You are good for my ego, Brother.” She hugged his snout. “And… I will hold you to that promise.”

Which one?

“The one where you just vowed to divulge all the hidden secrets concerning
Dragons… and their desires
.” She said that last part really deep, trying to mimic him.

He only laughed in her head as she bounded down the hill, heading for the castle gates.

As she approached the back and made her way around the side of the battlements, a familiar voice drifted down to her from above.

“Aye, Lass, you’re a vision of fire and ice, you are. How is it a wee moon flower comes gliding in from the hills… adorned with exquisite fiery red petals?”

Jenevier looked up to see Gráda’s smiling face staring down at her.

“Aye, Brother, come let your lass in. Don’t leave me on this side of the wall all by myself. Do you no longer count me as kin?”

Gráda smirked. “Tell ya what. Let’s see if you can scale up this wall. If you make it to the top, I will give you your very own key to the gates.”

“But I don’t wish to muss my pretty dress, Brother. It was a gift from my dearest friend in the world.”

“I thought
was your dearest friend in the world.” He winked and chuckled.

“Come on, Gráda,” she begged. “Give me another challenge, a different quest.”

“Very well, Gealach. Let’s have a footrace, you and I.”

“While you’re upon the wall?”

“Aye, you want in, do you not?”


“Well then, you’ll have to earn your way. Show your courage, Lass.”

She smiled mischievously. “Since you are old, Brother, it doesn’t really seem fair. I don’t wish to shame you in front of your comrades. Let’s make it even, then. Well… I’m not booted. That’s one thing. Oh, and I can see at least three water trenches between here and the gate. Those obstacles should come close to making us even. What’d ya say? Shall we have a go of it, then?”

Gráda laughed. “Old, am I? You just earned yourself a good tanning, Lass. I can hardly wait. Very well then, Gealach. Whoever makes it to the front gate, wins.”

She heard his sword and shield hit the stones. The anticipation made her feel like she was ten years old again—butterflies gathering in the pit of her stomach, goose bumps tickling up her spine.

“On your ready, Gealach,” he called down. “Say when.”

Almost before his words had finished, she yelled, “When!”

The dull thump of his boots atop the wall kept her ears company. She giggled wildly as she approached the first moat, screaming like a child as she leapt over it.

The encouraging cheers raining down on her didn’t even register until she glanced up, trying to catch a glimpse of her opponent. Countless faces were peering over the stone walls. Jenevier looked back just in time to make her second jump. Her laughter only increased when her clumsy landing caused her arms to swing out, saving her speeding balance.

She ran as fast as she could, making a mighty leap over the third muddy ravine, yelling out taunts to Gráda all the while. Gloved hands appeared from around the corner, snatching her out of the air before she could land. Together with her captor, they spun around and around, stopping only when his back slammed into the cold stone wall. Her hysterical giggles were cut off when firm lips closed over hers, snow white hair falling softly against her cheek.

She heard the sound of grating metal mere seconds before her racing partner burst through the massive gate.

“Ha! Old, am I?” Gráda laughed. “Aww, bloody hell, Finnean. Why are you always butting in at the worst times? We were in the middle of something important.”

“She is mine,” he mumbled between kisses. Hugging her ever tighter, Finnean whispered, “You are mine as I am yours, always.”

His next kiss carried even more fervent passion. Running had stolen her breath, and this warrior’s intense enthusiasm was nearly enough to make her swoon, keel over right there.

“Unhand my daughter, you filthy rogue.”

She pushed against her white warrior’s chest until he finally released her.

Taking a deep breath, she yelled, “Father!”

Jenevier ran to Brodder Scot, jumping into his arms as if she were a child.

“Aye, Lass. I do love the sound of your voice. Those heavenly giggles pulled me from the council table. I knew I heard my wee lamb.” The giant of a man hugged her ferociously. “Tell me, sweet Gealach. Did you come to claim your rightful place by my side?” he said, lowering her back down.

“For a time, Father.” She smiled up at him. “That is, unless you make my stay here so enchanting, I never wish to leave.”

Someone took hold of her hand, tenderly kissing the back of it. She turned to find a bowing Brian before her, his lips still lingering upon her skin.

He looked up. “I will do everything within my power to ensure your time here is as magical as you could possibly wish for, Milady.”

Finnean casually took her hand from Brian and tucked it in the bend of his arm, leading her into the castle proper. “Gratitude, Brother,” he said. “But there will be no need for your valiant efforts. I can guarantee my wife will be so blissfully happy,
will be the last thing on her mind.”

King Brodder called out over the excitedly chattering party, “Drostan, inform the cook. There will be a grand feast this evening. My only daughter, who was lost to me, has returned. Our overdue celebration will begin at dusk, lasting the allotted three days, as it is with all just and honorable royalty on such an occasion.”

At the mention of his name, Jenevier turned to find the man who had once abducted her, glowering at them.

“Lord Drostan,” she said as she approached him. “Humblest apologies for my prior behavior, Brother. I wasn’t quite myself back then. I beg your forgiveness for inconsiderate words and callous actions.” She bowed to him in her respectful Dragon manner. “Do you yet feel my breath alone nullifies your sworn vow?”

Drostan snorted before he turned to go. “I know you’re not a demon,” he grumbled. “Not wholly.”

Gráda wrapped a protective arm around her tiny shoulders. “What was all that about, little sister?”

“Ahh, Gráda, I fear I shall never be free from dark past. I only pray no blood is spilled in my father’s house.” She smiled up at her old friend. “Come. Let’s talk of things once forgotten. I have much to tell you.”

Finnean slid his hand into hers, lacing their fingers together. Gráda didn’t release her.

“Try not to grope my daughter too much, gentlemen,” Brodder said. “She will soon tire of your constant smothering. And forget not. Her kick packs quite a punch. Doesn’t it, Luag?”

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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