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Authors: Unknown

Cosmic Bounty (5 page)

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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"Show Div your lovely mounds, little pet. I tell you, you will want to sup and dine from these beautiful things. They taste divine.
So soft and supple in your mouth and on your tongue.
I just made her come from almost sucking on these alone. She needed very little stimulation of her sex."

Kat gaped at
openness to share his sexual exploits with his brother and then wondered why.
How typically male.

"Really, I must see this."

Before she could protest, Div ripped the sheet from her clutches, gazing hungrily at her breasts.

"Stunning, what species did you say she was?"

"Human, from a planet she calls Earth. It is not known in the
Sector, nor beyond to my knowledge, at any rate." He still gripped her hand and was tugging her forward.

Kat managed to yank her hand out of his grasp and scramble back on the bed, glaring at the two men. How dare they treat her as … as property! Even if she did ‘technically’ belong to these brothers, there was no way she was going to put up with them treating her like she wasn't there, or
being passed around like a toy!

She accepted
seduction, but she hadn't met this brother before now.

"If you call me pet one more time, I'm going to scream." Well, she could threaten to cut something vital off, but doubted by their size and obvious strength she'd never be able to pull it off.

"I have a name,
Katrina, so use it! I may have to accept your brother bought me, but it doesn't mean you get to touch, and I don't care if you’re used to sharing. I am not used to being shared."

The look
of stunned surprise on
face was priceless.
, who was leaning against the side of the table on which she had eaten, was chuckling.

"Oh, brother, I may have failed to mention our little Katrina has a mind of her own. I'll leave you two to get acquainted. Be careful with her. Despite her fierce demeanor she is fragile. And remember you can't mount her until

straightened and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Div asked, now eyeing her with caution.

"To find the damn fuck droid, and let
know our ... um, human is awake and in here with you, alone."

The black metallic door slid open and
walked through it, before it softly whooshed shut again.

"What did he
you can't mount me until
has?" Kat questioned, before she could stop herself.

It wasn't hard to decipher that Div was pretty much a rogue. He turned back to her with a sexy, impish smile. He shrugged his shoulders, rose up before he casually sat down on the bed.

had the good fortune to be born first, which gives him the superior rank over the rest of us. Even if
or any of my brothers had bought you, he still gets to mount you first. So, we’re not permitted until he has."

"Oh great, so it's like, take a number and get in line."

He gave a chuckle. "I like your fire, little..."

Kat leapt forward, slapping her hand over his mouth. "Don't you dare say pet, I am not a damn pet!" she growled at him, staring into his eyes, as they twinkled with amusement. His gaze lowered, as the sheet she clutched fell. It took a moment for her to realize she was bent over on her knees, which displayed her dangling breast to his full view.

Before she realized her mistake, he'd grabbed her around the waist and flipped her, pinning her flat on her back within the blink of an eye.

, I see the appeal of your chest mounds. Did
really make you come just by sucking on them?" His face hovered just above her breasts. He licked his lips, as if wanting to taste them for himself.

Kat would have thought after already coming she would have felt satisfied, but hell no! Her body had a complete mind of its own. She again heated under his intense gaze. What was it about these red aliens? Well, to be honest she knew exactly what it was. By human standards, they were the epitome of masculine beauty, strength and flat out sexiness all rolled into one, even if they were red. Her body was reacting on a primitive, sexual level.

And she did not have just one red Adonis to deal with, but four!
Sex slave?
Hell, with more of their skilled attention, she would be a willing, wanton, sex slave.

"They are called breasts and get the hell off me. Just because
..." Damn it. She flushed, embarrassed at almost admitting what
had done. "It's none of your damn business."

"Oh, that's where you're wrong. My brothers’ business or pleasure is ours in return. Let me guess, you come from a race where everything is singular? Not used to sharing? Welcome to the world of quads, pretty little Katarina, everything is shared. There are no secrets, no keeping of anything for one’s self. And just because
gets to mount you first, does not mean I can't play with you beforehand. I think it's a point of pride to see if I can make you come even harder than my brother did.”

His grin was pure mischief, mixed with heated desire in his golden eyes.

“I bet you got into a lot of trouble as a boy, didn’t you.” Her statement came out a breathy pant, as she resigned herself to

Carefully, he straddled her waist, only allowing enough pressure to keep her pinned. His hand skimmed up her stomach and onto her breasts in the palms of his hands, molding them, squeezing them.

Even through the thick material which covered his lower body, she could feel the hardness of his cock poking against her stomach.

“I am fourth born. It comes with little responsibility, which allowed me more
. Yes, you guess correctly. Some trouble can also be the most fun.”

Kat shrieked and laughed as he buried his face between her breasts. Where
was a slow, seductive explorer, Div dove straight in, licking her nipples, sucking each breast in turn into his mouth with appreciative gusto.

She squirmed and panted under his attention.

"Yes, Katrina?"

"You can call me Kat, but do you have a bathroom?"

He raised his head.

Letting go of her breast, he gracefully climbed off the bed and scooped her up into his arms.

"You know I can walk."

He flashed a devil-may-care grin. "I know, but where would the fun be in it for me, if I let you?"

He walked directly to an ordinary metal wall. With a wave of his hand, the wall vanished, replaced by a large open door.

Kat stared, stunned. “How did you do that? Make the door appear?”

“It’s always been there. I just opened it by waving my hand over the door panel.”

“Oh, okay.” She had so much to learn. Her gut sank again at being reminded just how out of her depth she was in this alien world.

Div chuckled, carrying her into a huge, luxurious bathroom, with a large tub, fluffy towels, and more objects she couldn't identify.

"Wow, you don't do anything by halves do you?"

He chuckled. "This is the high commander's cabin. My brothers and I are all commanding Lords over the Demos standing army."

Kat blinked in surprise. "I didn't know. There is so much I don't know." A sensation of feeling way out of her depth swamped over her. "Compared to you, I'm not from a very advanced race. There is so much I don't know."

He gave her a little squeeze of comfort and set her on her feet. "Do not fear, little Kat, my brothers and I will teach you all you need to know."

"Thanks, so could you start by telling me where I am?"

“Let’s see to your needs,
I’ll answer your question.”

Kat shrugged, fair enough.




Chapter Five


glanced up when
entered the bridge. He was walking a little more stiffly than usual.
could see from the bulge in his pants, the reason for his sour-looking mood.

"Who have you left our pet with?"

"Div and Katrina are getting acquainted. Do you know where the fuck droid is? If I get any damn harder, I swear I'm going to internally combust from my aching sacks,"

temper simmered. "And just why did you not alert me the moment she awoke?"

cocked him a half smile. "She was hungry, so I fed her and then discovered the delights of her chest mounds. She is so sensitive and responsive, just from sucking on her buds alone and with a little stroking of her
I brought her to completion in my arms."
boasting would have annoyed
, if not for
rubbing his rod through the material of his pants, looking even more uncomfortable.

"So, you did not mount her?"

"I have not broken rank, damn the Ice Plains, brother. She is something exceptional. I was sorely tempted. If Div had not walked in, I think I would have mounted her first. I cannot go back in there. For the sake of all our sanities, you had better hurry with the mounting. Secondly, I would not leave Div alone with her for too long, or he is sure to mount her first."

growled. If Div dared to mount the captivating little human female first,
would make sure he regretted it for the rest of his life. But, he had to make sure.

"So, you are certain she can take us."

"If you are careful, I believe her body will adjust to us. For the sake of us all, and to speed your ability and mine to mount her, I will impart what I have learned so far. Whatever you do, do not call her pet, she does not like it. She is not like our females. The seduction has to be gentle, soft words, many smiles and much touching. If you charge in there and start demanding, I have no doubt she would throw you out on your red ass, and we will all be lined up to use the fuck droid."

gripped his shoulder. “She is special, so don’t screw this up. You know as well as I, she is the one for us.”

From the moment
had seen her beat the entrails out of the
, he knew the fierce-hearted, little human was the one they had been searching for.

Still one fear remained. “What if we set her loose and she does not choose us?”

cocked him a half smile. “Are we not Demos? What are we best at doing for our females? With one this responsive, we shall pleasure her so thoroughly no other quads will ever enter her mind. We may have bought her body, brother, but we need to win her heart.”


Once he had shown her the bathroom, he explained they were on a battle ship, one used for transporting troops to and from wars and battles. When she delved deeper, she found the Demos soldiers worked for some kind of Intergalactic Council, which was made up of all sorts of races. They were often called on to keep the galactic peace in their sector of space.

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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