Cosmic Bounty (2 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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“Did you not hear his order, seller?” snapped

set her on her feet with one arm around her small waist, as the seller hurried and with trembling hands complied.

“Be it upon your head, my lord, but let it not be said I did not warn you. The female is dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” He swept his gaze down the female again. The only thing dangerous he could see was the ability to make him ache. In the past, he lusted after a female, but never one who affected him like this, her every little movement, every little, soft whimper, or daring glare. It drove him almost beyond reason, wanting to throw her down, right here and now, take her, claim her.

With her wrists free, she immediately rubbed them.

He placed a finger under her chin, tilting it up to remove the voice inhibitor from her throat. He tossed it at the
, who caught it, before tucking it into his pocket.

“Are you dangerous, little pet?”

“Only to those who piss me off,” she
her voice soft and husky.

It washed over his body, sending more blood into his rod, making it throb almost to the point of pain. A pain he welcomed, as he mentally battled to stay in control of his body.
I am a soldier, I will not lose control.
clenched his fists, holding himself rigid, repeating his words over and over in his mind.

She rounded an angry glare in the seller’s direction.

The seller's slit eyes widened, and he retreated into his stall.
let out a burst of laughter. The woman jumped back, surprise registering on her expressive face.
let go of her, and she stumbled back several paces and tripped.
moved in quickly, catching her before she reached the ground.

, thank you.”
She glanced up at him.

smile widened. “You are welcome, little pet.”

Her pretty, delicate, eyes brows knitted together in a frown. She shrugged out of

could see
was just as reluctant to let her go, but did so. They both watched as she wobbled on her feet a little, before steadying herself. She straightened, glancing between them.

“Um, would you excuse me a moment?” she asked, though her tone suggested she cared little if they did.

The brothers nodded. The little female stalked after the seller, disappearing into the shuttle.
glanced curiously at each other. Not worried she was trying to escape, as there was no way out of the shuttle pod, except the way she went in. “I’ve never seen the likes of such a female. She is so similar to ours if not for how pale, soft and small she is,”
noted. “I want to test to see if she is compatible, then we can…”

A loud crash and a cry of pain made the brothers jump into action.
shoved his way into the shuttle first. He stopped in his tracks to see the female standing over the seller, who groaned with blood trickling down his face. The little female held a piece of pipe in her trembling hand.

“Next time, you’ll think twice about abducting a human, you alien son-of-a-bitch!” she screamed and kicked the
with her unclothed, delicate foot. The
seller squealed in pain; she kicked him right in his sex organ. Even
could not help but wince.

“I think we may have bought a fire viper.”
chuckled with amusement, peering over
shoulder, watching from behind.

With a heavy sigh, she tossed the pipe to the side, and
relaxed his stance. At least she had not planned to attack him with it. He did not want to harm his new little pet if he had to disarm her. She rummaged around the junk the seller had piled up, before pulling out a square bag, which looked to be covered in a dark, red, synthetic material. The color was almost the same shade as Demos skin. She placed it down on a nearby bench and opened it.

They watched in fascination as she pulled out garments, before ripping off the sheer material she had been dressed in.
The sight of her completely naked threatened what little control
had maintained over his body. He was barely able to contain his groan of pure want.
was not as subtle; she turned her bright green eyes on them at his brother’s lustful growl.

“Don’t even think about it,” she snapped, covering her pale, soft skin with fabric. Tight cloth now covered her legs and lower half, while a top covered her full breasts.

How was
not to think about it? She was a beauty, with such soft pale skin, her every lush curve begging to be touched, licked and explored, until she writhed under his touch and begged them to sink their hard rods into her. There was no way to control such thoughts.

Everything and everyone else be dammed to the ice. Control! He had to maintain control for her sake and for his. They still had no idea about this female, her species or even if she was able to take them as lovers. But the mere thought of it had him achingly hard.

“Are you two big
twins?” she asked, slipping on thin looking foot coverings, her gaze wary while she studied them with half an eye.

“We are two of four,”

“Two of four what?”
She met
gaze, her wary expression still in place.

“Quad brothers.”

“Quads, okay. Well,” she said, handing her case over to
, who took it. “My name is Katrina or Kat for short. I am a human from Earth, and just what the heck are you two giants?”

“I am
this is my Quad brother
. We are Demos from

Gee, and I used to think aliens were just fanciful tales. Sorry, I’m not usually a violent person, but I was kidnapped by this asshole here. He didn’t even bother to feed me.” She side kicked the seller once again.

“It is understandable.”
softened his tone, not wanting to frighten her.

She gave them a hopeful expression. “So, by any chance are you going to take me back to my planet?”

The brothers exchanged glances; they both knew they had no wish to let her go. They had other plans.

“We paid good credit for you, little pet, I have no wish to…”

She waved her small hand dismissively at them. It was clear she was not afraid anymore. “Fine, fine, I get it. I’m really stuck here with you, aren’t I?”

“Take comfort, you are safe with us.”
wanted to assure her. He wanted to make her feel safe and treasured, as much as he wanted to bury his aching rod deeply into her and ride her hard until she screamed in pleasure. But, he still did not know if she was capable of taking a Demos male.

She sighed and swayed dangerously on her feet. “Sorry, big, red guys, I’ve almost been starved to death by an alien dickhead. You’ll have to wake me up later.” Katrina paled further.

He watched her eyelids flutter closed and her body sink towards the ground.
was quick to dart forward, scooping her into his arms as she collapsed.

“I have half a mind to kill the
for his mistreatment,” growled
, hovering over
shoulder, studying the now unconscious female.
concern for her was evident.

“Let us get her back to the ship; we shall feed her and run tests. I want to know everything about our new, little pet.”

nodded in agreement. Without wasting another moment, they carried their purchase back towards the main docking bays.




Chapter Two


The nightmare had somehow turned into a scrumptious erotic dream. Gone were the strange creatures, replaced by glorious, muscle-bound hunks, whose red skin you wanted to lick, just to see if it was candy apple flavored.

A deep voice penetrated her senses, sending delightful little shivers over her spine, along with something warm, stroking her skin in a slow, caressing motion.

“She was severely dehydrated and malnourished, no doubt from the
neglect, but she will be fine.” The formal, serious voice brought her to awareness. She was lying on something soft.

Oh, what were their names again,
? Yes. How could she forget the huge seven-foot tall, blood-red skinned aliens, with black hair and eyes the color of molten gold? Hmm, a ruby, wet dream if there ever was one.

She remembered the sleeveless uniforms they wore, which displayed a host of muscles, telling her of their immense strength. And here she was, little Katrina Greendale, at their mercy. Right now she should be absolutely terrified of what they were going to do with her, to her. But the look in
eyes somehow drained all her fear, making her want to trust him, despite it all.

Okay, so she was utterly insane.
Abducted by aliens, then trusting the next ones who paid for her, no less.
Yes, her senses were sharp at the moment.

“And the other tests?”
It was
voice filtering through her mind.

“All scans are positive. Physically, she differs very little from our own females, except for her overly large, chest mounds.”

"I find her mounds very appealing. I like the way they feel in my hands."

Obviously, he'd had a good grope of her breasts while she'd been out for the count. For some reason, she was not repulsed by the thought.

The other alien sounded the same as
, but she could hear a slight difference. Still, it was an odd conversation to be waking up to. Kat kept her lids closed, wanting to hear all she could before facing reality and opening her eyes.

“We can mount her?”

Kat felt her stomach clench at his word ‘mount’. It was clear they wanted to have sex with her. Her sex clenched at the mere thought of it. Damn it, why did her sex-starved body have to rejoice at the idea? Even if, mentally, it frightened her, well a little.

“She has a fragile bone structure; if mounting is to be attempted, it should be done with care. We do not want to cause distress or discomfort to her.”

With care.
At least they care about my comfort. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all
? Kat wanted to slap her brain back to sanity.

“What about making her our
? I paid more than the required bride price for her. She already belongs to us.”

“You know as well as I, a
has to be a free female, not an owned one. They must make the choice of which set of quad they wish to join. Plus, I do not know if she is genetically able to take our offspring. She is too small and delicate to gestate quads.”

“I fear if we free her, she may not choose us, but I want her so badly. I’ve already mounted the fuck droid twice. I am nowhere near satisfied. Alert me when she is recovered.”

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