Cosmic Bounty (4 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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“I … I can’t.”

He looked puzzled by her words. He scooped her up, carried her to the bed, laying her down.
left her to retrieve an instrument she hadn't seen before from a wall panel.

He ran the instrument over her trembling body, concern evident on his features.

“The scan shows no sign of illness.”

“I can’t be what you want,” she squeaked, struggling to keep her fear and panic under control.

Understanding suddenly lit his features. “I have seen this look before.”
lowered his large frame onto the bed, tossing his instrument aside, leaning over her. “It is fear I see in the eyes of our enemy, when we engage them in battle. Tell me what it is which frightens you so? How can I ease your fear?”

In a surprising tender move, he scooped her up, laying her against his chest, cradling her in his arms. His hands stroked down over her hair, her back and up her arms. The warmth of his body felt comforting and made her feel so safe, she couldn’t help but soften in his arms. She rested her head against his hard chest and breathed in a divinely masculine scent.

Her body tingled while he stroked his hand down her back. Despite his action being one of comfort, her skin heated, making it sensitive to his slightest touch. Her breasts felt heavy, and her nipples tightened into hard buds. They ached with a need to be touched, petted and pinched.

She was unable to stop the way her lower stomach clenched, nor the moisture gathering in between her thighs, readying her body to take a long, hard cock.
Oh my!
Confusion clouded her mind, not knowing if she should continue to fight her body’s reactions, especially when it felt so good.

Kat forced herself to hold in her moan, when his hand brushed against the side of her braless breast.

Oh god, how could her body react on such a volatile level to a simple touch? What was wrong with her? Perhaps there was something in the alien food or air which affected her libido.


The word still bounced around her brain. Fuck four big, alien men? Could she? Dare she?

She struggled to keep her mind focused.

“You want … want me to sleep with all four of you?”

“This is your fear? Having all of us to pleasure you?”

“Pleasure me? I … we … I mean, we don’t do such a thing on my world. Only one lover is enough to deal with.”

“So, you have had lovers?”

“Well yes, I was married once, but … but … you can’t just expect me to have sex with all of you!”

“I know you are frail. I will instruct my brothers to be gentle with you. I will take an oath only to bring you pleasure, and I know my brothers will abide by it, as soldiers and Demos men of honor.”

Kat was certainly certifiable to be even thinking of having sex with one, let alone four aliens. She pulled back to look up at him.

“How does it work, um, in your world, having only one
Do you take turns?”

“Yes, one of us is always with our female. She is never alone, never unguarded, and there are times when we share in the pleasure.”

“Never left alone, ever?”

He nodded his confirmation. “One of us will be with you, at all times.”

“I'm used to being alone, a lot. This is so much for me to get used to.”

“You will adjust. It is not our way to be alone, from birth to death. Demos are always united as brothers.”

Kat struggled with the concept of never being left alone. It might drive her even more nuts than she already believed herself to be.

“What if I refuse to have sex with any of you?”

The wicked smile snaking across
face had her pulse doubling.

“Who says you would be able to refuse us?”

Another rush of panic hit. “You would force me?”

His smile remained as he slowly shook his head. His hand came up to hold her head still, while he bent to nuzzle her throat.

“To force a female into sex is an abhorrent thought. On
we treasure our females.” He drew in a long breath next to her skin, and her already damp panties became wetter. “From the scent you are giving off, I know you want us. Your little, human body is giving off every sign of needing our touch.”

Heat warmed her cheeks. She wanted to deny his words, angry over her own body’s betrayal. Was it really crazy to want the sexy, red alien?
Gosh, four of them!

What would she have if she went back to Earth, at any rate? Figuring she’d already lost her sanity, there was nothing else for her to lose.

“Maybe I do, but it doesn’t mean I’m still not scared out of my mind.”

hot, wet tongue slid across her throat, making her shudder, a soft moan escaping her lips.

“Do not fear me. I want to learn how responsive you are, little pet,” his lips murmured across her skin, before placing soft, open mouth kisses up along her throat. Kat’s head tipped back, allowing him better access. His hand slid up through her hair, gripping her scull tightly as he moved his lips over hers. She whimpered softly, her hands stealing up onto his shoulders, curling into fists, as she gripped the material of his sleeveless, dark top. He licked and nipped at her lower lip.

Any thread of reality was shattered when he sealed his mouth over hers. Who the hell cared if he was an alien? He could kiss like nobody’s business.

Deep down in the truth of it all, she had let him seduce her. She could have fought harder and made him keep his distance, but she really didn’t want to.

She was lonely and afraid and he had been the nicest thing she’d come across, since her abduction.

His smoldering gaze told of a man or alien who really did want her.

As his mouth plundered hers in a deep, passionate kiss, his hands were busy pushing up the top of her t-shirt. His hot, rough, callused hands explored her heated skin.

It felt so good. He broke the kiss for only a moment. Kat sucked in a lungful of air, as he whipped her top over her head, discarding it along the bunk on which they sat. He captured her wrists, tugging them behind her and shackling them in one strong hand, keeping her immobile. A thrill ran through her at the thought of being held down, unable to move.

Having her arms and his under her back made her chest thrust out, giving him full access to her large, DD-sized breasts. Her breasts had always been the only parts of her body her ex-husband liked.

“I’ve never seen such large chest mounds.”

She blinked in confusion.

Breathlessly she asked, “Your women don’t have breasts?”

He gave her a wicked smile. “No, although they have a defined chest, they are flat, much like our males; they do not have these lovely nubs. What purpose do they serve on your body?”

He ran his hand over her right breast, plumped the soft flesh before taking a nipple between his fingers, squeezing, making her moan in response.

“They fill with milk when our babies are born to feed them…”

“They suckle on the bud?” His heated golden gaze met hers.

Kat managed to nod.

, I see the appeal they would have to human males. Our females’ bellies remain slightly swollen after birthing. They have a gland from the cord, which the babies are attached to inside the womb. It secretes nurturing fluid for six moon cycles. When does human infant suckling end?”

He shifted his hand to her other breast, pinched the other nipple. She moaned, arching her back.

, from around a year to two years of age…” she managed.

“Do your males enjoy your mounds?”

“Yes,” she panted, as he rhythmically pinched her nipples. “Men are obsessed with women’s breasts, for their pleasure.”

Kat cried out when he lowered his head, taking the nipple he had been taunting into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the bud, tasting, exploring. He sucked down hard, making her pant and writhe, each pull having a direct connection to her clit.

He lifted his head to study her highly aroused form for a brief moment, before going down to torment her other breast.

He released her hands and pushed her back on the bunk, sucking, licking, nipping at her breasts. She hadn't even realized her hands were now threaded through the soft, short hair on his head.

Desperately, she tried to push her sex against his leg, wanting desperately to come.
If only … if only he would...

As if answering her unspoken demand, one of his hands stroked her through the material of her black pants. It was all she needed. Her body stiffened for a brief second, before the climax ripped through her. Kat cried out in ecstasy.

"Amazing..." He continued to stroke her, riding her through the peak, slowly bringing her down.

Her body became a limp mass of jelly under his touch.

“Never have I come across such a responsive female.” His tone was deep and husky with need. Opening her eyes, she gazed up into his darkened, gold depths. His hands and powerful body shook with need.

Before she could ask if he would finish what he started, the door slid open. A second of the four brothers strode in. His gaze fell on them half lying on the bunk.

"Damn the Ice Plains, why am I always the last to hear things? Why did no one tell me
bought a female at the markets?"




Chapter Four


Kat gasped at the intrusion, scrambling to grip the silken, red sheets off the bunk she
on, covering her upper body.

"You damn well know why. You’re the youngest."

"Still, I would like to know something first for a change," the spitting image of

turned away from her, moving off the bunk, rising to his feet and facing his younger brother.

"I tell you,
has found something special. You wouldn't believe how sensitive and responsive she is,"

"He left you to find this out? Why hasn't he mounted her yet?" The quad moved around the bunk to peer down at her.

"The little pet is frightened and confused. She was badly treated by the

"Someone needs to teach those
a lesson," growled the other brother with frightening menace.

He suddenly flashed
her a
sexy grin. He squatted down by the bunk, reaching out to take her hand away from where she clutched the material to her chest.

"Hello, little pet, you are remarkably lovely. No need to be shy around me. I am Div and by far the better looking of all my brothers."

Kat stared dumbfounded, as he brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

, um, nice to meet you."
She managed to find her voice after a moment.

"I would love to know what you two were doing before I came in." He gave her a wink of his red eyelid, before glancing back up at

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