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Cosmic Bounty

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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Evernight Publishing




Copyright© 2012 Angela Castle



ISBN: 978-1-77130-165-7


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Marie Medina







WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






The Quads of


Angela Castle


Copyright © 2012




Chapter One


Distracted by his thoughts, Lord
bumped into one of the many aliens wandering around the
Interspecies Trading Market.
As the
swiveled around to glare at him, his anger quickly morphed into fear upon realizing who it was he would have insulted.

“Oh, forgiveness,” the
muttered, fear flashing in his yellow eyes.

watched the creature scurry away.

shoved at
shoulder, amusement gleaming in his bright golden eyes. “Making friends again, brother?”

Other aliens wisely gave them a wide berth, for it was well known the males of the Demos species of
were renowned as formidable soldiers. With deep red, hardened skin and powerfully built bodies, they stood tall and proud.

Strapped to the waist of their darker red and black uniforms were their battle lasers and a few hidden blades. All Demos soldiers were trained in blade combat, because if technology failed them, a blade never did.

The side trip to the market was as much in need as training and fighting, but came with a side effect. Demos men craved and needed sexual release, as much as they craved the battle; the aftermath left them needy and wanting.

It was becoming an increasing problem.
females could birth up to four sets of male quads in their mated lives. Large families were becoming rarer. And sadly, when a female was born, it was a singular event and becoming less frequent in the passing centuries.

With so many Demos quads compared to females, there was increasing infighting among the quads and the pod housing, as well as an underground market in kidnapped females.

As usual, the sex droid traders would make a hefty profit with a squadron of Demos soldiers on the station. Many quad brothers headed straight for the pleasure-droid stalls the moment they docked, eager to sate their lust before returning to the solitude of their quad pods.

Since the invention of sex droids, they helped ease much of the fighting and tension created by having fewer females to meet their needs. There was now a pleasure droid in nearly every Demos home pod on

Right now, he needed to stay in command of his body and his troops. He could not let his body’s desires control him. He was the commander of his squadron, gods damn it!

gaze flicked over the merchandise in the traders' stalls. Each stall was attached to a large, oval shuttle hatch. The smaller shuttles would simply dock, open their hatches and arrange their merchandise for sale.

A small crowd gathered around one seller’s stall.
could hear elevated yelling, which drew his and

Do you think?”
, his brother, shoved forward, trying to see what the commotion was about.

pushed his way through the crowd, stopping at the edge of the semi-circle to see a
Water Fish and a
Feline in a heated argument. Between them, they tugged a small, pale creature. Long, dark brown hair fell about its shoulders and down its back.

It was clear the creature was female.
stared, stunned at her beauty. His gaze skimmed down her body, clearly visible through the sheer, golden material draped over her. Rounded full globes jiggled and moved with each tug jostling her body.
knew if he touched them they would be soft. His fingers itched to do just that, touch her.

females were much like their male counterparts, only leaner and slightly shorter.
couldn’t pull his gaze away from her rounded, dangerous curves.

Sucking in a sharp breath, his body reacted. His rod thickened against the fastening of his pants. It began to throb with an aching need. He knew the natural lubricants would already be coating his length, ready to penetrate the female. Beside him, he could smell the deep arousal of his brother, who was clearly affected by the sight of the lush female also. Their bodies and minds were already in agreement. They wanted her.
glanced at
with understanding. They would have her.

could see the dark triangle of hair between her legs. The visual similarities between their species were apparent.
would bet good credits she’d be compatible with him sexually.

The gold bands around the alluring creature’s neck indicated her
for sale
status. Although there were no slave markets on the trader’s station, it did not mean they didn’t occur from time to time.

As long as the alien for sale was not a part of the Galactic Alliance, slaves could be bought and sold freely. As
had never seen this kind of species before, he knew she fell outside of

What caught
attention was the annoyed way she rolled her large and captivating, clear, green eyes, as the aliens kept tugging her between them. The bright sparkle of intelligence was obvious. The bands around her wrists kept her from moving or fighting back, and there was a vocal inhibitor pressed against her throat.

Why did they silence her?

“You cannot overtake my bid for the female after my offer was accepted,” snarled the
. “What use does a creature like this have for a
?” The
yanked hard on the captive’s upper arm. He saw her wince in pain before she stumbled, collapsing heavily onto dirty floor of the market.

Anger rolled through
quicker than a firestorm. He took action before he lost the delectable prize before him. Striding forward, he shoved the bickering aliens out of the way and scooped up the female.

Her eyes widened in panic. She struggled in his arms.

“Easy, little one, I’m here to help you,” he whispered near her ear.

Clear skepticism flashed in her gaze, as she stared at him, but she stilled her struggles, sagging against him.

turned his attention to the stall vendor.

“Seller,” he snapped at the
. His stout body hurried forward, his ears reaching high above his head and twitching with nerves, signaling his distress
were known for being the galaxy scavengers. Many of the stalls at the market were run by them.

“I am
, owner of the female pet,” the
said, giving him a quick bow of respect.

unhooked his credit bag and threw the whole thing towards the scum.
He caught it with obvious glee in his slit, dark eyes. “Three thousand credits. The female is mine, unless anyone wishes to dispute my purchase?” He rounded a glare at those who watched on.
stepped in also, standing by
side, his hand lying lightly on the hilt of his weapon.

“The female is sold, no more offers!”
declared loud enough for the gathering to hear.

feline looked thoroughly irritated at
interference, but seemed to know better than to anger a Demos soldier. He hissed at the spectators. They parted to let him through. The
simply slunk off through the crowd.

The female stared up at him, her eyes wide, weariness and fear mixed in her clear green depths. She nibbled on her lower lip, and her small body trembled in his arms.
He liked the soft silky feel of her against him. He wished not to be wearing his battle uniform, to reap the full effects of her, as he held her tighter against his chest.

“Do not fear us, you are safe now,” he attempted to reassure her.

breathed in her scent; he’d never scented anything so fresh and sweet in all his days. His arms tightened around the small, trembling female.

“Disperse, there is nothing more to see here,” barked
to those who still watched. The crowd was quick to go back to its business, though a few still cast them lingering glances.

turned back to the seller, unwilling to put down the female in his arms. Her small body was soft, yet so very warm.

“I want her bonds undone.”

“My lord, perhaps I should warn you…”

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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