After The Snap

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Authors: Peyton Miller

BOOK: After The Snap
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After The Snap Copyright © 2016 Peyton Miller

Cover Art Sara York ©Copyright 2016



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Writing this book took a long time. I’m eternally grateful to Kindle Alexander who helped me through so much, and to Sara York for making me such an awesome cover.


I love football, always have, and in writing this book I’ve grown to appreciate it even more. I’ve taken some liberties and changed a few things, so if it’s not 100% correct to what you know football to be, it’s my fault.


Thank you for picking up After The Snap. I hope you enjoy the story and fall in love with Seth and Colby like I did.



After The Snap


Peyton Miller


Chapter One


Seth Mercer scrubbed his hair with the thin white towel before wiping the cloth down his chest, letting it dangle from his hand as he leaned his forehead against the cool metal locker and sighed. Practice had been shit lately. Coach was riding him hard, pissing him off, and generally making him miserable. He’d tried everything, from keeping his mouth shut to working harder than everyone else. Tonight, like most other nights, he’d stayed late, lifting weights before hitting the treadmill for a run. He was stronger than ever, connecting on more passes, and playing better than anyone else in their division. Coach should be happy with the results Seth was delivering, but he wasn’t.

The other players had left hours ago, and the assistant coaches had filtered out one by one, leaving Seth alone. Silence stretched on. The only sound in the locker room was the ticking of the clock that hung over the coach’s door. Seth turned his head to stare at that door, wondering what the hell he could do to make Coach like him. It was hopeless.

He grunted as he tossed the towel on the bench and grabbed his phone, navigating to iTunes and pressing play. The sounds of Maroon 5 filled the quiet. The music oozed over him, and he began swaying his hips with the beat, rocking just enough to make him start thinking about how he never got any action off the field, and now Coach was threatening to end his action on the field.

He tossed his towel in the air and caught it, giving a little chuckle. In the last month, he’d grown a little too used to being here by himself. At first, the calm filled locker room, devoid of guys joking and talking had spooked him, but now it wasn’t so bad being here alone if he played music, though it did make him act like a fool at times.

The upbeat sounds of songs like Hands All Over coming from his phone lifted his spirits after his tough day on the field and in the gym. He swayed again to the beat, his hips popping and shoulders rocking as he checked his messages. In anger, he tossed his towel to the bench when he saw a stupid question about an assignment from David, a guy he’d had the unfortunate luck of being paired with for a project. That question had been followed up with another dumb question asked by Lia, the girl in their group. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, vowing to answer the questions later, once he was back in his dorm room. It freaked him out that he was the smart one in the group and he was the jock. Having to lead them like they were fresh out of high school though they were all in an advanced class wore on his nerves.

Seth shrugged off his agitation, set his phone down and picked up his towel to take it to the laundry bin. He strutted between the lockers, throwing his hands up in the air and wiggling his hips before flipping the towel over his shoulder as he spun. He rounded the corner at the end of the lockers and came to an abrupt stop, pressing up against a solid body. Arms went everywhere, hands on him were gone by the time he blinked and glanced up as he steadied himself. The angry scowl on Coach Harris’s face startled him. Eyelids narrowed, brows bunched, and lips turned down in a frown was all he could see. Once again Seth knew he’d fucked up royally. Coach hated him even more, if that was possible. He froze, his mouth dry, and all he could do was stand there, staring at Coach Harris like an idiot.

Coach’s frown grew more severe and his eyes narrowed even more.

“I-I didn’t…” Seth trailed off as the coach placed his hand on the center of Seth’s chest—his totally naked chest that was just above his naked abs, which were right above his absolutely naked cock.

Heat blasted through him as his uncovered dick started to fill out. Attraction zinged straight to his balls that were churning for release. The last strains of Hands All Over played in the background and he shivered because that was what he wanted—Coach’s hands all over him, touching, caressing, smoothing lower. Seth sucked in a breath, hoping against hope that his dick would deflate, but it didn’t.

He shoved the feelings and thoughts about Coach away, convincing himself he wasn’t getting hard because of this man, instead it had to be because he hadn’t touched or kissed or anything else with anyone in ages. It sure as hell wasn’t this freaking hot, sexy as hell man standing only inches from him, and that was the lie he would stick to. Even if someone tied him down and tortured him, he wouldn’t give up a whisper about how hard he had it for Coach, because admitting that he had the hots for Harris was scary as hell. What if the coach kicked him off the team?

It couldn’t be the coach, or his strong hands on Seth’s chest, his thin lips, or his simmering brown eyes. It had to be the lack of physical contact with another real live human that had Seth boning up. There was no attraction between him and Coach Harris. Only lust for something Seth hadn’t had in so long it was pathetic. Hell, he’d never gotten past second base with a guy, and he’d only been with two girls, and that had been so long ago he’d almost forgotten their names.

Seth shivered at the thought of Coach Harris touching his cock. Another wave of heat hit him and Coach Harris lifted his brows. The song had switched to a different love ballad and Seth bit his lower lip, wishing he’d turned off his music.

The pressure of Harris’s fingers increased, not much, but enough for Seth to notice. In less than a minute he wouldn’t be able to hide his erection behind the towel he’d ripped from his shoulder to cover his junk. He tried to keep the lie in his head, telling himself he wasn’t attracted to the intense coach whose lips would look good around his cock, but when Harris placed his other hand on Seth’s hip, his fingers skimming over Seth’s totally bare skin, he started to lose it.

The shudder that rocked him was more like a tremor instead of a little shake. Coach’s lips turned up a little before the man stepped even closer, their bodies brushing against each other, breaths mingling, and all Seth could do was stay rooted in place, wishing they were even closer as he stared into Coach Harris’s beautiful brown eyes. The song on his phone changed to I Can’t Lie and he couldn’t—not with the coach holding him like this. Heck, the song was saying it all, telling Coach how he felt, and he couldn’t break away even though he knew it would be best.

“Oh fuck,” Seth whispered as Coach Harris leaned in, his lips hovering only millimeters away from Seth’s. It was torture being so close to another man, a very sexy man that kept his body in shape even though he was past forty. Harris took the towel from Seth’s hand and there wasn’t any hiding his desire. Coach shifted closer, not much, but just enough for the length in his pants to come in contact with Seth’s dick. The shock of the touch against his cock burst through Seth and his knees grew weak, almost dropping him to the ground. He groaned and closed the distance between them, his mouth against Coach Harris’s in a hard press as he prayed the Coach didn’t haul off and punch him. Then Harris slid his tongue over Seth’s lips and he tilted his head back, opening, allowing Harris to do what he wished.

At first it was just lips and tongues swirling together, no different than when he was with a girl, but in a way it was so much more intense. Then Coach twisted his fingers in Seth’s curls and tugged, pulling Seth’s head back as Harris shoved his tongue in, filling all of Seth’s mouth, stroking his desire higher. Seth’s body vibrated with need, and heat, and passion so pure he wasn’t certain he was still standing.

Blood rushed through his ears and he had no idea how long they stayed like that, but another song was on, this one thumping hard just like his heart. Then Harris ripped his mouth away, his brown eyes probing Seth’s. The world seemed to stop but the songs played on. Maybe he would recover in time, but there wasn’t any way he would ever forget that kiss. Harris growled and rocked his hips against Seth’s, sending desire shooting straight through him and he wondered if he would come right then, against Coach Harris’s slacks.

“Do you know how fucking hard it has been not to do that?” Harris growled. “Every fucking day since you came here I’ve wanted to touch you, to kiss you, to run my fingers through your impossibly dark curls, and taste your fucking sexy red lips. God, you’re beautiful, strutting around without any clothes on like you own the place. Fuck, Seth, you’re like a God, you should be sung about around campfires. Legends should be made up about you.”

Seth gulped in a breath just before Harris kissed him again. Harris’s hands moved to Seth’s butt cheeks, gripping them tight and pulling him closer. Seth went along with whatever Harris wanted. He would do anything for this man. The attention was amazing, his touches out of this world. Seth wanted more but he wasn’t sure he could voice his desires or that he even knew what they were since he’d never once been with a guy. He’d craved the touch of a man since he’d known what desire really was, but football, his scholarship, and the promise of the NFL kept him in the closet with the door firmly closed. He wouldn’t come out, not before the NFL, that was for sure.

Seth was drifting on a cloud of lust when Harris pushed him between the rows of lockers so they were hidden from view of anyone who stepped into the building. Seth grew braver and ran his fingers over the coach’s sides—
His coach!
Oh fuck, surely he’d gone insane. His hands shook as he skimmed over the cloth of Harris’s shirt and down to the waistband of his coach’s pants. Touching Harris was something he’d never really believed would happen, but now the man was in his space, making him so hard he needed relief.

Harris pulled out of the kiss, his lips red and swollen. He stepped away and Seth complained. Coach grabbed Seth’s phone, shutting off Adam Levine and Hillary Scott crooning Out of Goodbyes. The song just didn’t fit the mood and Seth would do almost anything to keep Coach in the mood.

The lust shining in Harris’s eyes had grown darker, harder, almost cruel. Seth drew back, and his heart rate increased. The quiet following the music was haunting. The tick-tick of the clock was once again loud in the space, like it watched everything he and Coach Harris were doing. Should he stop this madness? There was a line they were crossing, rules being broken. He was stomping on conventions like they meant nothing. Once he did this, there wasn’t any going back. Fucking his coach was all kinds of bad, but he had never seen anything so sexy in his life as Coach Harris at that moment.

Seth wanted more kisses, more touches, but when Harris spun him around, pressing his chest against the cool metal, Seth yelped. He gasped as his face was smashed against the locker, his body held in place as the cool metal seeped into his skin.

Seth scrambled to gain some leverage, but Harris was leaning in hard, his lips toying with Seth’s earlobe, fingers sliding along Seth’s crack, over his hips, finally to his dick. Desire pulsed harder, deeper, and it was too much to resist. Gasping for breath, Seth tried to move so he wasn’t being squished against the cold, hard metal, but Harris had him pinned.

Then Harris bucked hard against him and Seth’s dick ran into the locker, sending pain sliding through him. He cried out and pressed back, fighting the hold Harris had on him.

Harris let up and chuckled, his hands on Seth’s hips, allowing him to move away from the metal but still holding him in place. “Fuck, boy, I’ve wanted this pristine white ass for so long.” Harris smoothed his hands over Seth’s torso and back, then around to his dick. Harris nibbled his earlobe and neck, his touches turning gentle the longer they were together.

Coach started stroking Seth’s cock. The touch felt amazing, better than his own hand ever felt. He let his head drop back, resting on Harris’s shoulder. Trusting Harris wouldn’t hurt him, the man had stayed away, kept his distance, not done anything until now, just weeks before his last season ended and months before graduation. Seth relaxed, going with this crazy flow instead of listening to sanity.

This was his coach, not some stranger he’d hooked up with. Seth knew from watching porn that some guys liked to play rough when they fucked. He groaned thinking of the way the guys dominated when they were on screen. It was so freaking sexy seeing a man held down and speared on a thick cock. Right now, wrapped in Harris’s arms, he wanted that. Wanted to be touched, and maybe rough was how he wanted it too. He would spread his legs, and allow Harris to spear him.

“Babe, you’re so fucking sexy,” Harris whispered before sliding his finger between Seth’s butt cheeks to his pucker, pressing in hard.

Seth gasped and slapped his hands against the locker, holding himself away from the cold surface. He didn’t want to be pressed in and held against the cold metal like before. Harris’s body wasn’t as insistent at pushing him forward, but his finger was. Rough was painful, but he wasn’t going to tell Harris to stop. Coach pressed in harder and Seth clenched down on the invading finger, wondering if he was being too sensitive.

Embarrassment filled him because he wasn’t ready to do this. Should he tell coach, or maybe just keep quiet? He warred with himself, unsure what he should do. If he told Coach the truth, then the man might stop. He would think Seth was a baby and that might get him benched. Getting benched was the last thing he could afford. He went along with Coach because though he was a baby where sex was concerned, he was tough and could handle this.

Harris pressed harder and his finger popped in. Seth couldn’t stifle the cry of pain as his whole body bucked against the invasion. Harris paused and Seth looked over his shoulder, embarrassment flaming through him. Coach’s eyes were dark with lust, his cheeks pink with desire, and Seth couldn’t disappoint this man. He’d spent the last four years going above and beyond anything asked so he didn’t disappoint his coach, and he wouldn’t start disappointing the man now. Harris wanted him, and he wouldn’t let his coach down.

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