After The Snap (23 page)

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Authors: Peyton Miller

BOOK: After The Snap
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Chapter Nineteen

His phone rang and Seth picked it up, moving away from the guys at the bar. Wayne, Will, and a few of the other men from his team had taken him out since they didn’t have a game until Monday night.

“Colby?” There wasn’t a sound and Seth pulled the phone away from his ear to make sure it was still connected. “Colby, are you there?”

Silence greeted him and he stepped outside, leaving behind the music and sounds of the bar. Then he heard it. The soft sounds of snoring met his ears. His heart melted. He made his way out to his car and opened the door, closing himself in the quiet space.

Colby was snoring a little louder, the sound a little clearer. He laid his head back and just listened, smiling to himself as he thought of he and Colby cuddled together in bed, the sheets tangled around their legs.

“Colby, I’ve missed you. God, I want to be in bed with you, holding you tight. Maybe we won’t work, but I hope we do. By the way, I have something important to tell you.”

He was silent for a while, just listening to the sound of Colby breathing. The sleep noises were making him hard and he pushed at his cock, adjusting so he could grow. Colby must have been exhausted.

“Hey, I’m falling for you. Like this, you calling though you’re totally exhausted, I know that’s because you wanted to hear my voice, but you fell asleep before the line connected. I have something I need to tell you and I’m afraid it will ruin our relationship.”

More snoring met his declaration. Maybe if he told him right now, it would be easier when Colby arrived and he told him in person.

“By the way, I’m the quarterback for the San Diego Chargers. That’s why I’m busy on the weekends. I work every Sunday from September until, well until we lose in December, well January really, but just the first week. Maybe we won’t lose this year. Who knows, I could end up in the playoffs but I don’t think I’d make it to the Super Bowl. That’s too much to hope for.”

More snores met him and he smiled. When Colby arrived, he’d be able to tell his secret now. He’d done it once, though Colby had been asleep, but still it counted in Seth’s mind.

The week after Colby arrived, one night when they were having a nice dinner, he would tell Colby everything. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be good to finally get it out in the open.

Colby snorted and little tingles of excitement shot through Seth. He reached to start his car but his phone dinged. The text was from Wayne, wondering where he was. Seth texted Wayne back, stating that he was heading home. He started his car and was happy when his Bluetooth picked up his phone line and he heard Colby still snoring.

When he pulled into the parking garage at his condo and turned off his car he was a little worried that his phone would cut off, but it didn’t. He and Colby had the same phone company, so their minutes weren’t being used and he could listen to Colby sleeping all night long.

After making a sandwich, Seth listened to Colby snore some more as he ate. He brushed his teeth, and stripped down, wondering how weird it would be to jack off while Colby slept. Feeling a little too much like a pervert, he decided to end the call.

“Sleep well,” Seth said before pressing end. His cock was hard and he wasn’t going to waste it. With his hand slicked with lube, he laid back on his sheets, closing his eyes as he thought of Colby all warm in bed. Soon, they would spend more time together. He would be holding Colby tonight, instead of lying here alone. The thought of Colby underneath him, his legs spread as Seth speared him made him even harder.

Seth used both hands to stroke himself and play with his balls. When he was really close, he cupped the head of his cock and came into his hand. The orgasm shook him and he laid still for a long while, wondering how many times Colby had jacked off to thoughts of him.

When his hands were clean, he grabbed his phone and smiled, knowing that he’d be kind of embarrassed if the same thing had happened to him. But he couldn’t leave it hanging. Colby would wonder what had happened.


Seth: You called and must have fallen asleep before I answered. I listened to you sleep for a long while. I know that might seem weird, but you were snoring and I couldn’t help myself. I miss you and can’t wait to see you when you get here. Call me when you wake up.


Seth fell quickly into sleep. Practice had been hell lately. They were doing a run through on Sunday so they were having practice in the morning. His alarm went off and he woke disoriented. Then he remembered that Colby was supposed to have called and checked his phone, there was one missed call and one voicemail. He played the message.

“Hey, sorry about falling asleep. I think it’s sweet that you listened to me snore. Anyway, call me when you get a chance, I have exciting news.”

Seth brushed his teeth and hopped in the shower for a quick wash off before pulling on a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and his shoes. He had a little over an hour before practice and he wanted to spend that time talking to Colby.

After he cracked four eggs into his frying pan and started toasting a bagel, he dialed Colby. Anticipation wove through him as he waited for the line to be picked up. Four rings into the call he wondered if Colby was going to answer, then he was rolled to voicemail and his heart sunk. Deep disappointment wove through him. He had to remind himself that eventually they’d be together.

He ate, then gathered his equipment and headed to the practice field. The team wasn’t doing a heavy workout, instead it was a light run through without tackling. He was getting a massage, and he had hydrotherapy scheduled for later. He would be at the facility until close to six in the evening. Then he was headed home to sleep. No going out tonight. Though they were scheduled for a five thirty start on Monday night, the team was staying at a hotel like every other night before a game. They were having a meeting at ten in the morning, then eating lunch and watching a movie. There were no exceptions, everyone would be rested and ready for the game. Monday night games always felt odd to him. He would rather wake early and play, getting it over when he still had energy.

After practice he didn’t have time to check his phone before his massage. His shoulder was tired, but the massage and hydrotherapy helped. By the time he had his clothes on and was ready to head home, most of the guys were gone for the day. He thought about Channing and how he’d shown up at the field house when Seth had been practicing late. Sometimes he wondered if Channing had done that on purpose. Surely he had to know that Seth had been staying after to workout. He’d been so stupid back then. What if Channing had recorded the whole episode? But that would implicate Channing too, potentially getting him fired. College coaches made a lot of money, and getting fired probably wasn’t in his plans. If there was a sex tape in Channing’s possession, it would never be released.

Colby had left a message and he listened before calling back. The phone rang and rang and when it rolled to voicemail he started laughing.

“Hey Colby, it seems like time is conspiring against us. I’ll be awake for a few hours. Tomorrow I’m probably going to sleep late. I’ll be available to talk during the day, but on Monday I’m busy. I can’t wait to see you. I know you’ll be here before long and then maybe, I don’t know, maybe it’s not what you were wanting, but perhaps you could spend the night a few times a week. I really do miss you and want to see you more.”

He bit his lower lip and glanced around, making sure no one heard him and he added, “I really want to hold you in my arms. God, I’m getting hard just thinking about you.”

Seth hung up, then hopped into his car and drove home. He ate a huge salad while he grilled a steak. The steak was delicious and he poked around his kitchen, looking for something sweet to eat. He limited the candy and pastries he consumed, so all he had was some fruit, which he ate. Then it was time for bed. Colby hadn’t called him back and he was disappointed. Colby had flown back from London and was probably wiped out. Maybe his internal clock was off. He’d never traveled like Colby did, so he had no idea how much it would affect him, he only knew that he missed Colby.


Chapter Twenty

On Sunday morning Colby woke so early it was nearly painful. He saw that Seth had left a message. It was pissing him off that they kept missing each other. After listening to his voicemail, Colby realized that Seth wouldn’t be awake this early. It was three in the morning in San Diego and Seth had said he would sleep late.

Colby began packing the last of his items, getting ready for his move. The moving company was okay with him dropping his boxes off on Tuesday. That would give him enough time to gather all of his last minute items for shipping. He would spend Tuesday afternoon cleaning his apartment, then on Wednesday, before rush hour began, he would take off for his new adventure in California.

There were a few places he wanted to stop along the way. He was planning on visiting Graceland in Memphis. Then he was going to drive into Hot Springs and stay at a hotel that promised healing waters. His longest day of driving would be on Thursday. He was going to see how far he could get because on Friday night, he wanted to be in Vegas. That was where the real attraction was for him. Maybe it was too indulgent, but it was his first time there and he wanted to have an afternoon of fun. He probably wouldn’t do anything crazy, but he would like to see a show, maybe gamble a bit. Then on Saturday, the drive from Vegas to San Diego would only be a half day, which would give him plenty of time to get to the extended stay hotel on Saturday and maybe spend some time with Seth.

Seth did tend to work a lot on the weekends, but maybe he could get off. He didn’t know how the military worked in letting guys off and making them work, but he knew they had to have some type of leave.

After he packed his boxes, Colby looked around and realized that he’d not bought too many things since his time with Neil. How had he not seen what Neil had done? He didn’t want to think about the cheating, or the other stuff, but for some reason his mind wouldn’t stop turning to Neil and his shit.

There was a knock on his door and he answered without thinking. Neil was leaning up against the doorjamb, his eyes narrowed.

“Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?”

“I’ve said goodbye.”

“No, you haven’t.”

Neil pushed passed him and he stayed by the door, holding it open. He was about to tell Neil to leave when he realized it wouldn’t do any good.

“What do you want?” Colby asked as he shut the door.

“Why can’t you admit that we were good together?”

“You cheated on me. I didn’t know you were having sex with other people. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have stayed with you.”

Neil stalked over, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes dark. “We could have made it work.”

“Why should I put up with a guy who cheats? Really, Neil, why?”

“I want you.” Neil stepped close, pressing Colby against the wall, trapping him with his grasp.

“Stop,” Colby said through gritted teeth.

“No, I want to show you how good we would be. Don’t tell me you don’t want it. I won’t believe you. You want me.”

Neil held Colby’s wrists, and at first Colby didn’t fight the hold, but when Neil tried to kiss him, he knew he was in trouble. Colby shoved at Neil’s grasp but it wasn’t enough to dislodge him. Then Neil was kissing him, pressing his body against the wall, trying to hold him as he tugged at Colby’s shirt, revealing his flesh.

Colby struggled, pushing Neil away but it wasn’t any use. He was trapped against the wall. Neil had taken him by surprise, and now he was fighting to get free. Had he known Neil was going to attack, he probably wouldn’t be in this position.

Neil reached down, his fingers at Colby’s jeans button, tugging it open. Once Neil got his pants off, Colby wasn’t sure what would happen. He damn sure wasn’t going to get raped by Neil. Colby stopped struggling when Neil shoved his hands down his pants, searching for his dick. He was soft and Neil’s touch didn’t wake him up. Neil was distracted now and he saw an opportunity.

Colby shoved Neil hard. It wasn’t enough to hurt Neil, or for him to fall, but it gave Colby time to get closer to the door. A few more hard shoves and he’d be outside. He’d yelled at Neil a few times, telling him to stop, but this apartment complex wasn’t full of people who were the friendly sort so he doubted that his cries for help were actually gaining him any advantage.

“Just stop fighting it,” Neil said. “I know you want me. You’ve always wanted me.”

“No, stop,” Colby cried out. “Quit, I don’t want you.”

Neil drew his arm back and let it fly, his fist striking Colby in the cheek. He staggered and lost his focus long enough for Neil to move in close. Neil shoved at Colby’s pants and he was aware enough to know he couldn’t let Neil do that. Colby screamed and scratched, his fingernails raking down Neil’s face.

A knock sounded at the door and Neil stilled. Colby yelled, screaming for help before Neil placed his hand over Colby’s mouth.

“Shut up,” Neil spat out. His eyes were wild, his lips pulled back. He didn’t look like the man Colby had known.

The pause had allowed Colby to gather his wits enough to act on his plan. He shoved Neil and grabbed the door knob, turning it as he pulled. It opened and he ran out just as he saw the strobing lights from a cop car pulling into the lot. Colby ran to the cop, dropping to the pavement when the vehicle stopped. He didn’t pay attention to Neil, didn’t care, all he knew was he was safe.

It took a few minutes for the cops to sort everything out. When they asked Colby if he wanted to press charges, he said yes. He couldn’t allow Neil to get away with what he’d done. After getting checked out by a doctor, he spent the rest of the day at the police station. It was a long process and when he made it home he was exhausted. He lowered to his air mattress, wondering if Seth had called.

Colby found his phone mixed in with his covers and saw that he had two voicemails and three texts. One text was from Neil, but the rest were from Seth. He didn’t even listen to the messages before dialing. He was trying hard to hold it together but the second he heard Seth’s voice he lost it.

“Hey, I’ve been wondering if we’d connect,” Seth said.

Colby hiccupped in a sob and tried to say something but his throat had closed with emotions.

“Colby, are you okay?”

He nodded though he knew Seth couldn’t see him. After a few seconds he was able to speak. “Yeah, I am now.”

“Give me a second.”

Colby heard Seth say something to someone and it sounded like an elevator dinged. He stayed on the line listening.

“Colby, you still there?”


“Tell me what happened?”

Colby drew in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. He closed his eyes and sighed. “I was at my place packing everything when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and my ex was standing there. I didn’t think anything of it. He’s never hit me or anything until today.”

“Oh God, are you safe now? Has he gone?”

“Yes, I’m safe. He’s in jail.”

“Shit, are you really okay?”

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he nodded. “Yeah. My neighbor called the cops. I’ve never talked to them, but they told me that since I moved in I’ve been so quiet that when I started yelling they knew something was wrong.”

“Babe, what happened?” Seth’s voice dripped with concern.

“My ex, Neil, came over and wanted to have sex. I said no. He got violent and started shoving me around. I was surprised by how strong he was. It scared me. I don’t know, maybe if I’d been expecting him to rough me up I would have—hell, I never would have opened the door.”

“God, he attacked you?”

“Yeah. He got my jeans unsnapped, but that only pissed me off more. His fist did connect with my cheek and I’m going to have a huge bruise, but I’ll be okay. The doctor said it wasn’t too bad. I’m a little bruised and shaken, but physically I’m fine.”

“Did—what else happened?”

“My neighbor knocked after they called the cops and that distracted Neil. I was able to shove him away and get out of the apartment. The cops were pulling into the lot then, and that was it.”

“Colby. God Colby, I can’t—shit, babe, are you really okay?”

“Yeah, I am. Talking to you helps.”

“I’m glad you’re leaving there on Thursday.”

“Actually, I’m leaving on Wednesday. I’ll be there late Saturday.”

“Shit, I have to work next weekend.”

“Oh.” Disappointment filled Colby.

“I’ll be off on Monday. And maybe, you could come over on Sunday night. I don’t know. Do you think you could spend the night on Sunday?”

Colby smiled, his heart felt lighter. “Yeah. I have to go to a party for work, that’s why I’m leaving early, but I’ll call when the party is over.”

“Cool. I’ll be done around three or four. We can eat dinner and talk.”

“I’d like that. With me living there I’m sure there’ll be plenty to talk about.”

“Are you really okay?” Seth asked.

“Yeah. I’m exhausted though. I still haven’t adjusted back to this time zone.”

“And you’re about to move here.”

He laughed, his whole body relaxing a bit more because just talking to Seth made him feel better. “Yeah, but I’ll be driving and that will help set me right.”

“Go get some sleep. I’ll talk with you later. I’m working late tomorrow.”

“I’ll be finalizing the move on Tuesday.”

“So then, on Wednesday. Call me when you check into your hotel that night and I’ll know you’re safe. And could you text me when you wake up and go to sleep, maybe a few more times during the day until you leave Atlanta. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

“Sure. I can do that. And Seth.”


“Thank you for caring.”

“I do care about you, Colby. Don’t ever question that.”

Colby hung up and stared at his phone for a short moment before getting ready for bed. Just talking to Seth had made him feel more secure. Maybe he was being a fool since they’d only seen each other a few times. But hell, those few times were freaking amazing. When he’d met Neil he’d been taken in by his age and his money, maybe with Seth everything would be better. He didn’t really know the guy, not really. Hell, he wasn’t really sure what Seth did for work, but once he moved to San Diego he would find out.

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