Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (45 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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However, the shock troops behind the incinerated ones continued their forward
momentum. They knew that the battle was theirs the very moment that they could set
foot inside the building. No more flames could be cast in such a confined space.
Meanwhile, Karel hovered and aimed his next spell carefully. Another Disintegrate spell
blasted a hole in the center of another Mage, who crumpled to the ground. He’d aimed
for the Baron, but his Duska sense warned him of the impending attack, and he dove
and rolled out of the way, leaving his Mage to take the spell in his chest.

Suddenly, two windows on the fourth floor splintered, glass shards, reflecting
sunlight, tumbled slowly to the ground. Two large golden dragons, the twins, came
flying out of the windows. At once, they swooped and let lose two blasts of their fiery
breath upon the troops about to enter the tower. Simultaneously, Zdenka appeared on
the rooftop amid the remnants of the sticky Webs. She shot a Disintegrate spell at
another Mage, downing him, but becoming visible herself. She dove for cover, fearing
instant retaliation from the remaining three Mages.

Bernard and Jarka planned their first attack carefully, based upon the action
before them. Both teleported to a position behind the three hovering Mages, whose
attention was totally toward the tower, frantically lobbing spells at the last known
position of Karel and Zdenka. Another pair of Balls of Fire came from Zoran and Marek
from just inside the open door.

Just as Jarka and Bernard launched their attack, Aldrick and Sofie came flying in
to go to work on their mining operations. Seeing the battle, they swooped in and added
their fiery breaths to those of their circling twins, further roasting the shock troops.
Jarka’s carefully thrown dagger pierced the back of the neck of one hovering Mage; he
collapsed onto the ground. Bernard’s Disintegrate spell removed the back of the head of
another Mage. Jarka’s subsequent volley of Acid Missiles struck the remaining Mage in
the back of his head. He died instantly.

Baron Kazimir whirled and prepared to duel the two Mages. He saw the look of
total confidence in Jarka’s eyes and instantly Shadow Walked himself back to his castle.
Her throwing dagger missed his forehead by a split second. Once again, his Duska sense
had kept him alive.

The dragons circled the mass of burning men, continuing to breath fire down
upon them. They were taking no chances. At last Zoran called out to them that the battle
was over. Only then did the dragons cease. Emil called out, “We’re off to eat. This has
made us hungry!” Zoran chuckled. One by one the defenders stepped out of the front
door or down to that area, except Bernard and Jarka, who were already examining the
fallen bodies of the Mages, making doubly sure that they were dead. As the flames died
down, but not the horrid stench, Zoran saw the remains of two hundred fifty of
Kazimir’s best shock troops. Not one had set foot in the tower. Now all of their students
began peering out of the windows as well as hundreds of townsfolk, who began
congregating to see what had happened. The stench was awful; many were nauseated. It
was that bad.

“Anyone hurt?” Zoran called out loudly. A chorus of no’s gave everyone
immediate relief.

“Kazimir was the only one to get away,” Jarka yelled to him. “I just barely missed
him. He’s a hard man to kill.”

“He’s a Duska,” Zoran yelled back. She grinned. Well, she knew that. That was the
reason she did not go after him first. He would very likely avoid her attack and perhaps
fell her in the process. Instead, she took out the next most dangerous ones, his Mages.
“Hey, that’s Archmage Milos!”

“Yes, I took him out first,” Archmage Karel declared. “He was the most dangerous
man on the field of battle that I had any chance of getting. He had to go. Pity I didn’t get
the chance to get Kazimir, though.”

“He would most likely have just dived out of the way in time, and your spell
would have been wasted,” Zoran explained. Karel began wondering just how one could
kill an enemy Duska anyway. He angrily swore to find out.

General Janos, who was out walking among the fallen shock troops, called out,
“Interesting, Zoran. Dragon breath is so hot that it has melted their armor and weapons!
None of it is worth salvaging. What a mess to clean up before breakfast.”

“I know. Have your men stack them up in a pile of four. I will get rid of them
myself,” Zoran decided. As a pile was made, he cast his Vanish spell on them, dropping
them just above the sun, where their remains vaporized instantly. However, it took him
an hour to get them all disposed of and only then could the rest of the scene be cleaned
up. With all the Mages working together, casting numerous Create Water spells, the
whole main street before the tower was finally washed clean. Many of the cobblestones
would now need to be replaced, because they had cracked under the intense heat of the
dragon’s breath. One side note, this outcome convinced everyone in Brn that indeed
their new baron and his dragons would protect them from Baron Kazimir. Zoran now
had the entire town one hundred percent behind him.

Finally at ten, the group sat down for their very late breakfast. General Janos and
his men set about replacing the doors and the two broken windows. After eating, Zoran
then made contact with his uncle telling him the outcome.

Zoran, that is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. With his Archmage and
remaining five Mages dead, he is out of magic users! That has to cripple his ability to
wage war! Glad none of you were injured. You are an amazing nephew!

Say uncle, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Does any planet have any
mermaids on them?

He detected his uncle laughing.
No, there is no such thing as a mermaid. Now
the water world of Asami does have women who swim underwater going after pearls.
That’s their biggest money making enterprise, pearls. No mermaids, sorry. Why do
you ask?

Been having strange dreams. Guess that’s all it is. Thanks for the timely

The next night, the nightmare returned and this time, Zoran told Zdenka what
Baron Milan had told him about Asami and their pearl industry. “See, I told you that
there is no such thing as a mermaid,” Zdenka pointed out. Nevertheless, as the days
passed, the nightmare continued to plague him.


On May Day, Bernard and Jarka were married in a simple ceremony held at the
Stodgy Inn, where they had first met many years ago. “Where are we going to go for our
honeymoon?” asked Jarka coyly the day before May Day.

“Beats me. Where would you like to go?” Bernard replied.

“Well, when I was in Alta, I heard all of these tales of just how fabulous the water
world of Asami is. Delightful sandy beaches, warm sunshine, tropical breezes, perfect
weather nearly every day. It is a vacation planet,” she replied.

Since Zoran had not yet taken Zdenka on a honeymoon and hearing Jarka’s
desires, he spoke up. “Then, it’s settled. Zdenka, you and I and the Dragans are going to
honeymoon together on Asami! Kazimir is not likely to do anything against us here in
the near future. I’m not really needed here at the moment, though I have yet to deal with
the Yeller problem. That can wait. Let’s have our honeymoon on the vacation planet.”

“Are you sure, Zoran?” she asked conservatively. It would not do to get her hopes
up immediately.

“Absolutely. With Bernard and Jarka with us, we ought to be plenty safe. Besides,
no one will know that we are going but us. We’ve only just now decided to go there. It
should be safe for a few days, maybe a week. What say you? Marek, Karel, the twins —
anyone can substitute for you with the students for a few days. Please say yes my love,”
he begged.

Now convinced that he meant it, her enthusiasm sprang out. “Fantastic!” she
jumped up and hugged him tightly. Jarka was also very pleased. She was going to a
tropical paradise!

“Dear, what do we wear there? What should we pack?” Zdenka, ever practical,
asked what now came into her mind.

“Let’s take nothing. I’m sure that we can buy whatever is appropriate there,” he
suggested. Honestly, he had no idea whatsoever what they ought to take. He’d never
been there, only hovered above it during Shadow Walks.




Chapter 21 Asami


After the wedding ceremony was finished and the new couple congratulated by everyone
in the tower, Zoran sat down and focused his mind on Asami. He soon made contact
with Baron Hajime.
Hi, Baron Zoran here. Say, Zdenka and I and another couple
would like to take our honeymoon on Asami.

An excellent choice, I might add. You and lovely Zdenka are most welcome. In
fact, please allow us to host your complete honeymoon! Baroness Lami will not hear of
it if you insist on paying. Please, allow us to show you our world. When would you like
to come?

Wow! Thanks, yes, we would be delighted. Jarka and Bernard just got married
a few minutes ago. We’d like to come now, unless you need time to prepare for us.
However, I must request that until we leave, you keep our presence a secret, as much
as that is possible. Baron Kazimir has attempted to assault our tower a few weeks ago
and before that Baron Bogdan attempted to assassinate Zdenka.

Yes, I have heard about both. Terrible treachery and from your own father too.
Despicable tyrant. Were you hurt?

Not at all. No wounds on any of us, though the Baron lost two hundred fifty of
his best shock troops, his Archmage, and all of his remaining Mages.

Incredible. That must be most devastating to him. Yes, we will keep your visit as
secret as possible. After all, I have my reputation at stake. If anything happened to you
or your party while on Asami, why, our tourism industry would suffer an immense
blow. Politics, eh son?

Politics can be useful. Thanks. Where should we arrive? I’ve never been to your
world. Can we get whatever clothes are needed when we come? We have no idea what
to wear or bring.

Leave all that to Lami. When you approach, look for the largest island. It is
called Shimamori. You can’t miss it. There is no other island anywhere near its size.
My fortress and castle is on the northern edge of the island at our largest city of Paru.
When you approach, you will see a large yacht and docks. Land on the docks and I’ll be
waiting for you. Give me a half hour to prepare for your arrival.

Thanks a bunch, Baron Hajime. We four really appreciate your kindness for our
very special time.

“All settled gang. All expenses paid vacation on a tropical paradise island! Baron
Hajime insists that we pay nothing. Bring nothing, he said. He’ll provide what we need.
We leave in a half hour. All right!” The others whooped it up. Jarka was extremely
excited about this trip.

Zoran decided that the fewer people that knew about this short trip, the better.
Hence, he did not even tell his uncles. Only his trusted friends in Brn knew of their trip.
Archmage Karel was put in charge and the four joined hands a half hour later. Zoran
began his Shadow Walk once again, taking them with him. Into the black void they
stepped. Zdenka and Jarka fought valiantly the nausea that swept over their bodies.
Bernard just closed his eyes and pretended it was nighttime.

Soon, a blue dot appeared ahead in the total blackness. Slowly it began to grow in
size until it became huge. Now those with open eyes could see Asami, the water world.
This planet was almost entirely water, one monstrous ocean from pole to pole. As they
drew even closer, a myriad of tiny islands began to appear, tiny against the sea of blue.
Zoran moved slowly around the world, looking for the large island. At last he saw what
had to be his destination, an island perhaps a hundred miles long and fifty miles across.
Sure enough at the northern edge, as he moved closer, a large city sprang into view.
Paru. He moved down towards it and spied the large yacht and docks. A moment later,
he landed the four nicely on the docks.

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