Zelda (72 page)

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Authors: Nancy Milford

BOOK: Zelda
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   373 Sometimes she got tired of making the best…: ZSF to Scottie, n.d.

   373 “I always feel that Daddy was the key-note…”: ZSF to Scottie, n.d.

   373 She wrote Mrs. Ober: “I used to feel desperately sad…”: ZSF to Mrs. Harold Ober. June 26, 1945.

   373 She told Scottie to avoid…: ZSF to Scottie, n.d. (ca. summer? 1945).

   374 At the beginning of 1946 she returned to Highland…: Landon Ray to NM, interview, July 25, 1963.

   374 Immediately after the birth of Timothy…: ZSF to Scottie, n.d. (ca. late April 1946).

   374 She felt dated; “it brought back our honey-moon…”: ZSF to Scottie, n.d. (ca. May 1, 1946).

374 “It is completely incredible to me…”: ZSF to Ludlow Fowler, n.d.

   375 Mrs. Biggs recalls that she had picked some berries…: Mrs. Anna Biggs to NM, interview, June 9, 1963.

   375 Mrs. Biggs remembers: “John mentioned that it was time…”:

   375 “She was a marvelous woman, big…”: Mrs. Harold Ober to NM, interview, March 3, 1964.

   375–6 She wrote Anne Ober that she would despair…: ZSF to Mrs. Harold Ober, October 29, 1946.

   376 It kept her from sleeping half the night…: ZSF to Mrs. Harold Ober, November 5, 1946.

   376 Paul McLendon met Zelda for the first time…: Paul McLendon to NM, November 6, 1965.

   376 “I am not au-courrant with the affairs &…”: ZSF to Paul McLendon, May 24, 1946.

   377 “…the world is fair game to the greedy…”: ZSF to Paul McLendon, October 16, 1946.

   377 Paul realized that Zelda enjoyed his company…: Paul McLendon to NM, November 6 and 27, 1965.

   377 Once after Paul had invited her for a day at Tuscaloosa…: ZSF to Paul McLendon, November 5, 1946.

   377 But one afternoon Mrs. Sayre told him Zelda couldn’t…: Paul McLendon to NM, November 27, 1965.

   378 “The time was early, early spring…”:

   378 “He sends His angels to help…”: ZSF to Paul McLendon, March 10, 1947.

   378 Henry Dan Piper was discharged from the Army…: I am especially indebted to Mr. Piper for his generosity in allowing me to draw freely from his own interview with Zelda on March 13 and 14, 1947. I interviewed MR. Piper on November 17, 1965.

   381 When they were finished they returned to her little house…: It was at this point, Mr. Piper recalls, that Zelda told him about the companion portrait of Scott which she said Condé Nast had. Before giving him the self-portrait she had showed him a number of her paintings, then she said something to this effect: “Maybe you’d like something really big. Would you like a self-portrait?” Mr. Piper says that she then unrolled it. “I told her I thought it ought to be at Princeton, and she seemed quite flattered by my interest.”

   382 Mrs. Sayre, Marjorie. and Livye Hart…: Mrs. Harry Ridgeway to NM, interview, June 1, 1968.

   382 She wanted to get home, she said, to see “our lillies…”: ZSF to Mrs. A. D. Sayre, n.d. (ca. March 1948).

   382 Zelda told her she had gained twenty pounds…: ZSF to Scottie, n.d. (postmarked March 9, 1948).

   382 “Anyhow, today there is promise of spring…”: Ibid.

   383 Zelda died with them…: The nurse who first discovered the fire said in a newspaper report that “on the night of the fire she had personally given sedatives to…Mrs. F. Scott Fitzgerald.” The Asheville
, March 27, 1948, p. 11.

   383 Her body was identified by a charred slipper…: It was further identified by recent dental work.

   383 It was St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 1948…: Mrs. Bayard Turnbull to NM, September 30, 1965.

Dates of sales are given in order to approximate when the stories were written.



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Accel, 120

Addison, Mrs. Everet (Eleanor Browder), 13, 22, 45, 47, 62

      Zelda, letter from, 140

Allen, Kiki, 153, 218

American Mercury, The
, 138

Anderson, Sherwood, 93

Angoff, Charles, 138, 139

Arlen, Michael, 121, 252

The Green Hat
, 121

Bakst, Léon, 105

Ballet Russe (Diaghilev Ballet), 105, 136–37, 140, 155, 157

, 256

Barrymore, John, 128

Beautiful and Damned, The
(F. Scott Fitzgerald; early title
The Flight of the Rocket)
, 70, 81, 87, 88, 89–90, 94, 98, 102, 183, 234, 278

      Bishop, John Peale, on, 90–91

      Zelda as Gloria, 83, 88, 89, 90, 92, 238

      Zelda’s material used, 35, 76, 81, 89

      Zelda’s review, 89, 90, 91

Bellando, 108

Benchley, Robert, 182

Benét, Stephen Vincent,
The Last Tycoon
reviewed by, 352

Biggs, Judge John, Jr., 28, 75, 131, 143, 350, 375, 376

      as Scott’s literary executor, 368, 380

      on Zelda’s painting, 291

Biggs, Mrs. John, Jr. (Anna), 136, 375, 376

Bishop, John Peale, 28, 67, 80, 96, 157, 182

The Beautiful and Damned
, 90–91,

      letters: Scott, 113, 115

    Zelda, 257–58

      McKaig, Alexander, on, 75, 77, 80

      on Scott, 90

      on Zelda, 47

Bleuler, Dr. Paul Eugen, 179–80, 285

, 88

Braque, Georges, 105

Brinson, Mrs. Marjorie (Marjorie Sayre), 6, 7, 11, 18–19, 62, 164, 198, 369, 382

Brinson, Marjorie, 18, 19

Browder, Eleanor,
Addison, Mrs. Everet

Bruccoli, Matthew J, 139, 172, 287

Bryant, Gordon, 91

Caesar’s Things
(Zelda Fitzgerald), 103, 234, 354–66, 372, 379–80

      Jozan as French aviator, 355, 364, 366

      Murphy, Gerald and Sara, in, 363

Callaghan, Morley, 148–49

      on Scott, 154

      on Zelda, 149

Campbell, C. Lawton, 60–61

      McKaig, Alexander, on, 79

      on Scott and Zelda, 61, 68, 82, 104–05

      on Zelda, 78, 81

Carroll, Dr. Robert S., 309–11, 312, 313, 325, 326, 327, 328, 335, 336, 337, 343

      letters: Rennie, Dr. Thomas, 312

    Sayre, Mrs. Anthony D., 321–22, 337, 338

    Scott, 316, 317, 318–19, 325, 332, 333, 334, 337, 338

      Meyer, Dr. Adolf, on, 310

Champson, André, 250

Chanler, Mrs. Margaret Winthrop, 181

Chanler, Theodore, 249

Churchill, Lady Randolph Spencer, 83

Churchill, Winston, 83

Cobb, Buff, 348

College Bazaar
, 345

College Humor
, 149–50, 152, 176, 298

, 333

Conrad, Joseph, 95, 110–11

Cowley, Malcolm:

Save Me the Waltz
, 264

      Scott, letter to, 264

      on Zelda, 281–82

Crowninshield, Frank, 95

Dalmita, Lily, 198

Diaghilev Ballet (Ballet Russe), 105, 136–37, 140, 155, 157

The Dial, 97, 116

Dos Passos, John, 96, 106, 137, 370

      on Scott and Zelda, 133

Three Soldiers
, 93

      on Zelda, 93–94

Drew, Georgia, 5

Duncan, Isadora, 117

Egorova, Madame Lubov (Princess Troubetskoy), 135, 140

      Scott, letters from and to, 166

      and Zelda, 140, 141, 147–48, 158, 165–66, 169

      Zelda on, 168, 250, 252

      on Zelda, 166

Elgin, Dr. William, 302, 303

Eliot, T. S., on
The Great Gatsby
, 116

Ellingson case, 139

Ervine, St. John, 83

, 2.18, 299, 301, 313, 332

Faulkner, William, 204

, 193

Fitzgerald, Edward, 25–26, 185

Fitzgerald, Mrs. Edward, 268

      Zelda, letters from and to, 38, 39

Fitzgerald, Frances Scott (Scottie),
Lanahan, Mrs. Samuel J.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott Key):

      on American literature, 75

      army life, 24–25, 31, 32, 35

      Biggs, Judge John, Jr., as literary executor, 368, 380

      Bishop, John Peale, on, 90

      Callaghan, Morley, on, 154

      Campbell, C. Lawton, on, 61, 68, 82, 104–05

      childhood, 27

      Conrad, Joseph, admired by, 110–11

      death and funeral, 350

Dos Passos, John, on, 133

      drinking, 27, 28, 56, 58, 70, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 87, 98, 100, 113, 119, 122, 133, 135, 138, 141, 152, 163, 170–72, 201, 222, 250, 251, 258, 260, 261, 266, 268, 269, 271, 272, 305, 312, 317, 318, 327

      and Duncan, Isadora, 117

      on Europe, 83–84

      fears, 72

      and Graham, Sheilah, 314, 316, 317, 318, 324, 329, 347, 348–49

Beloved Infidel
, 315, 316, 327

    as Kathleen in
The Last Tycoon
, 353

      health, 311, 327, 329, 332, 348, 349

    tuberculosis, worries about, 183, 190, 252, 305, 332

      Hearne, Mrs. Laura Guthrie, on, 306, 307

      and Hemingway, Ernest, 113, 114, 115, 116, 122, 153–54, 181, 211, 287

      Hemingway, Ernest, on, 114, 115

      on Hemingway, Ernest, 113–14, 225, 347

      Hemingway, Hadley, on, 114, 115

      on his family, 25, 26

      in Hollywood, 127–30, 193, 195–96, 197–202, 205–06, 207, 313, 315–16, 318, 325, 328–29, 332, 333–34, 337, 341, 342–50

, 333

Three Comrades
, 324

      homosexuality, worries about, 153–54, 211

      Jozan, Edouard, on, 108–09 Jozan and Zelda, 109–10, 111–12, 114, 115, 175, 216, 222, 239–40, 349

      and King, Ginevra, 28, 29, 55

      and Lardner, Ring, 95–96, 103

      lectures and speeches, 69, 80

      letters: Bishop, John Peale, 113, 115

    Carroll, Dr. Robert S., 316, 317, 318–19, 325, 332, 333, 334, 337, 338

    Egorova, Madame Lubov, 166

    Eliot, T.S., 116

    Forel, Dr. Oscar, 162–63, 169, 170–72, 185–86, 201, 208–09

    Fowler, Ludlow, 56

    Hearne, Mrs. Laura Guthrie, 307

    Hemingway, Ernest, 139, 155–56

    Meyer, Dr. Adolf, 270–71, 272

    Murphy, Gerald and Sara, 308

    Murphy, Sara, 155

    Ober, Harold, 150

    Perkins, Maxwell, 54, 87, 94, 112, 113, 115–16, 143, 150, 154, 159, 170, 176, 208, 224–25, 225–26, 287, 305, 313

    Rennie, Dr. Thomas, 261–62, 265, 282–83

    Sayre, Judge Anthony D., 42, 179, 180

    Sayre, Mrs. Anthony D., 41, 164, 179, 180, 321, 326, 343

    Scottie, 26, 311, 315–16, 322–23, 323–24, 329, 331, 343–44, 546–47, 349

    Smith, Rosalind, 326

    Squires, Dr. Mildred, 213, 215–16, 222, 253–54, 257

    Stein, Gertrude, 116

    Wilson, Edmund, 31, 32, 54, 83–84, 87, 88–89, 102, 116

Fitzgerald, Mrs. F. Scott, letters, Scott

      on love, 56

      love affairs, 305, 306–07

    see also Graham, Sheilah; King, Ginevra,
Moran, Lois,

      McKaig, Alexander, on, 67–68, 70, 74, 75–76, 77, 78–79, 80–81

      MacLeish, Mrs. Archibald, on, 120–21

      Marx read by, 258

      Mencken, H. L., on, 98

      Millay, Edna St. Vincent, on, 79

      Mizener, Arthur, biography
(The Far Side of Paradise)
, 26, 27, 183, 314

      and money, 42, 58, 79, 94, 103, 208, 214, 219, 226, 267, 313, 329, 332, 334, 341, 342

      and Moran, Lois, 129–30, 131–32, 181, 211, 222

      Murphy, Gerald, on, 117–18, 121, 123, 291

      and Murphy, Gerald and Sara, 106–07, 111, 117, 118, 119, 123, 142, 154–55, 157, 190

      on Murphy, Sara, 346–47

and Nathan, George Jean, 71, 78

      newspaper and magazine publicity, 77, 96, 97, 100, 256

      at Princeton, 27–31

      Ruth, Leon, on, 69

      Sayre, Judge Anthony D., disapproval of, 35

      on Sayre, Judge Anthony D., 211

      Sayre, Mrs. Anthony D., conflict with, 321

      Sayre, Mrs. Anthony D., on, 40, 43, 62

      on Sayre, Mrs. Anthony D., 211, 253–54

      and Scottie, 214, 315, 353, 344, 346

    her education, interest in, 137, 286, 333

      Seldes, Gilbert, on, 97

      Taylor, Cecelia, on, 136–37

      on theater, 27

      Thurber, James, on, 292

      Turnbull, Andrew, biography
(Scott Fitzgerald)
, 314

      Turn bull, Mrs. Bayard, on, 258–59

      Van Vechten, Carl, on, 98–99, 314

      Van Vechten, Carl, photographs by, 313–14

      West, Rebecca, on, 99

      and Wilson, Edmund, 28

      Wilson, Edmund, on, 25, 88, 133, 291, 350–51

      on Wilson, Edmund, 69

      women, attitude toward, 29–31, 77, 347

      writing, 29, 39, 57–58, 219, 302

    “Absolution,” 196, 352

    “Auction—Model 1934” (with Zelda), 296, 298, 299, 300–01

    “Babes in the Woods,” 30, 49

    “Babylon Revisited,” 344

The Beautiful and Damned
(early title,
The Flight of the Rocket)
, 35, 70, 76, 81, 83, 87, 88, 89–90, 90–91, 92, 94, 98, 102, 183, 234, 238, 278

    as a boy, 27

    “The Camels Back.” 79

    “The Changing Beauty of Park Avenue” (with Zelda), 132

College Humor
, 150, 152

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