You're All I Need (2 page)

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Authors: Karen White-Owens

BOOK: You're All I Need
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“Internet, phone. They'll get taken care of when I get back to my desk. Until you're up and running, you can use my computer for the Internet.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.”

Tia jotted a few notes on her pad. “For supplies, there are a couple of ways we can go. We have an office-supply closet down the hall on this floor. You can raid it and find most of what you need.”

“Or?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I have a catalog at my desk.” She jabbed her thumb at the door. “Anything that you don't find in the supply closet can be ordered from that book.”


“Let me show you a few other things, like the executive dining room. Then I'll introduce you to the rest of the legal department.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Where are you staying?” Tia asked.

“The hotel.”

Eyebrows raised, she pointed a finger toward the floor. “Here?”

“Yes. I believe it's called the Marriott.”

“That's the one. What about a car? Will you need a parking card?”

“I don't have a car yet, but I do want to get out and away. I want to see more than downtown Detroit and the Detroit River. Can you arrange for me to have a car spot?”

“Certainly. Parking space and card for you.” Tia added this to his growing list of requests.

An hour later, Tia returned to her desk and sank into the chair. Together, after she and Christophe raided the office-supply closet, they returned to his office and set up his desk. She took him on a tour of the Gautier executive branch and introduced him to his colleagues. Christophe's pleasant personality was a huge hit with the legal department. The attorneys welcomed him enthusiastically. That wasn't all. Tia suspected it was his good looks that also won over the female staff.

Tickled, Tia turned aside, hiding her smile when several of the executive assistants began to giggle like tweens when Christophe flirted lightly with them. She couldn't blame them. From the moment that charming and handsome hunk of male perfection had entered Adam's office and turned his pale blue eyes on her, Tia's heart had thumped wildly in her chest while her body quivered in response.

Her immediate reaction and attraction to Christophe was a major surprise. She had never before reacted to a white man or a colleague in this fashion. There was definitely a spark of something she hadn't felt since high school. The sensation was stronger than any she had felt after meeting Darnell.

Calm down,
she warned herself silently.
That white boy is not for you. Remember, you're in a relationship.

Smiling, she swiveled her chair from side to side.
I think I've made a good deal with Adam. I'll get my promotion and a chance to work as a law clerk. This Christophe assignment doesn't seem like it will be difficult at all.

Tia grabbed her purse from the bottom drawer of her desk and rose. The next few months would be interesting. She hoped that she would not regret agreeing to this deal.


A week later, Tia tapped on Christophe's office door.

“Yes?” came the accented reply.

She poked her head inside the room. The surreal lyrics of Enya filled his office. “Hi, Mr. Jensen.”

“Come on in.” Chris rose from the desk and met her in the center of the room. He moved close to Tia, entering her personal space. “Let's not be so formal. After all, we work together. Please, call me Chris.”

She smiled. “Okay. Chris.”

He looked handsome in a crisp white silk shirt, a floral multicolored tie, and navy trousers. His hair had that rumpled, just-out-of-bed look that movie stars sported. One wayward lock fell across his forehead. Tia shoved her hand inside the pocket of her suit jacket, ignoring the urge to smooth the blond tresses into place.

Instead, she handed Chris the stack of pages. “Take a look at the motion and brief. Let me know if you need any changes.”

“Thanks, Tia. Will do.” He flipped through the pages and then gently patted her shoulder.

Chris's soft touch made Tia's skin tingle and her heart race. “You're welcome.” She struggled to keep her voice light and professional.

Was it just Chris's way? A cultural habit? Tia didn't remember Reynolds ever acting so familiar. She doubted Chris was flirting with her. He seemed far too professional to jeopardize his career over a light dallying. Yet, she found herself remembering that spark that had surged between them the day they met. Tia also noticed that Chris always maintained physical contact with other staff when he spoke with them, too.

Tia put a step or two between them and waited.

He flipped through the pages. “You're very efficient.”

“Thank you. That's what I aim for.” Tia started for the door and called over her shoulder, “I'll be leaving for lunch around one. Let me know if you have any changes.”

“Will do.”

Tia returned to her desk. She typed in her password, unlocked her computer, and opened a new file. Her fingers rested on the keyboard as she considered the past week. Doing double duty for Adam and Chris hadn't been as difficult and merciless as she had expected. Adam kept his word, finding help from other staff when needed.

To make life easier, Chris typed his initial documents and then e-mailed them to Tia for the proper formatting and proofing. He displayed a high level of self-sufficiency and didn't require a lot of hand-holding.

If she had any concerns about their working relationship, it would be that the heightened physical awareness contributed to her nervousness. No matter which way Tia turned, Chris stood near her, watching with his intense stare that made her wonder if she had forgotten to comb her hair or brush her teeth that morning.

The object of her thoughts came out of his office and stopped at her desk. “You're going to lunch at one?”

“Yes. Do you need something?”

His suntanned skin turned a light shade of red.

What the heck is going on?
Tia wondered, fascinated by the transformation.

“Can I ask you for a favor?”

Uncertain, she hesitated before answering. “I guess so.”

“I hope you won't take this the wrong way.”

Tia's curiosity grew. Butterflies fluttered in her belly.
What could he possibly want?
Tia wondered.
Maybe he needs me to delay my lunch to finish some work.
“What can I do for you?”

“Where do you think you might go?”

She relaxed.
He wants me to pick up a meal for him. I can do that.
“I haven't decided. Do you want me to pick up something for you?”

He chuckled nervously. “No, thank you. Actually, I'd like to come along with you.
S'il vous plaît.

With me? What is this?
Confused, she gazed at the man. “Um. Sure. I guess.”

Chris brushed blond hair away from his eyes. “I don't think you understand. I'm always alone. I live in the hotel here and eat here every day. It would be nice to share a meal with a friendly face and get away.”

He surprised her. But she understood the feeling of being away from friends and family and bored with your own company. “I don't know where I'm going for lunch, but you're welcome to tag along.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Let me think for a minute. Have you been to any place outside of the RenCen?”

“Sweet Lorraine's, Tom's Oyster Bar, and the Marriott restaurants.” He shrugged. “That's it.”

“We won't go to any of those places.” Tia twisted from side to side in her chair as she considered several eateries for lunch.

Chris shoved his hands into his pockets. “If you don't mind, I'd like to get out and see a bit of the city.”

“No, I don't mind at all. It makes perfect sense. Oh!” Tia sat up straighter as a spark of an idea surged through her. She waved a finger in the air and said in a confident tone, “I know where we'll go.”

He eagerly took a step closer to her desk. “Where?”

“Traffic Jam. Students around Wayne State call it TJ's. They have a pretty diverse menu. I'm sure you'll find something you'll like. Plus, we'll take the scenic route so that you can see some of Detroit.” Tia shrugged apologetically. “Some of it's not so nice.”

But what is TJ's?”

“It's a restaurant on Wayne State University's campus. After we eat, I'll take you around the Fisher and the old General Motors buildings so that you can check it out. Plus, it's a colorful area. It's part of the cultural center. The Detroit Institute of Arts, the main public library, and the medical center all surround the campus. We'll do a road trip.” Excited with this adventure, Tia reached for her telephone. “Let me put something on voice mail and call Ruby to let her know that we're going to lunch. She can cover for me if Adam needs anything while we're gone. And I'll leave a message for Adam. I'll meet you at the elevators in ten minutes.”

Merci beaucoup!
I appreciate it.” Chris grinned and checked his watch. “See you in ten minutes.”

“No problem. You're welcome. This will be fun.”


Chris slipped into the olive-green-vinyl-covered bench opposite Tia and glanced around the restaurant. “This is TJ's?”

Nodding, Tia glanced at the menu offerings. “Pretty much. This is the place. It's a hangout for the local Wayne State students and a trendy locale for the surrounding businesses.”

“Nice.” He picked up the paper menu and studied it. “How is their vegetarian lasagna?”

“Oh! It's heavenly!” Tia shut her eyes, envisioning the delicious mixture of spinach, three cheeses, and pasta noodles.

A tall, lean man with silver facial jewelry approached their table. “Welcome to Traffic Jam. I'm Sunshine and I'll be taking care of you today.” He placed a white beverage napkin in front of each of them. “Can I start you off with something to drink?” Sunshine pointed to a section of the menu listing beers and wines.

Pursing his lips, Chris gave the question his complete attention while he studied the wine list. “You make your own wines here?”

Smiling proudly, Sunshine nodded and pointed toward the Second Avenue entrance. “Yes. The brewery is across the street, beyond the parking lot.”

“Très intéressant.”

“We do some very flavorful wines and beers. Traffic Jam operates a bakery on site. After your meal, take a moment to check out some of the goodies we sell in the lobby.”

“We will,” Chris promised.

“Would you like to try one of our house wines?” asked Sunshine.

“Yes.” He looked directly at Tia and held her gaze. The intensity of his look flustered her. “I already know exactly what I want.”

Her heart skipped a beat.
There goes that flirting note in Chris's voice again.

“I'd like the pinot noir.”

“Excellent choice, sir.” Sunshine turned to Tia. “And for you, ma'am?”


Sunshine scribbled their orders in a small spiral notebook. “I'll get your beverages while you review our menu.”

After Sunshine left, Chris said, “Tell me about yourself, Miss Tia Edwards.”

She shrugged, hiding her surprise. Questions about her were the last thing she expected from him. “I'm an employee of Gautier.”

“That I already know.” He crossed his arms, placed them on the table, and focused his pale blue eyes on her.

Her heart thumped erratically in her chest. She found herself fidgeting nervously with her beverage napkin.

“But there's more to you than work. What about your family? Are you married? Do you have children?”

“Goodness no! I'm single. No kids.”


A twinge of apprehension slithered down her spine, but she answered the question anyway. This was none of his business. “Yes. Darnell.”

“Lucky man.” Chris's eyebrows rose suggestively. “Really. Does he work for Gautier?”

Tia shifted uncomfortably. These personal questions were unexpected and made her feel awkward. “No. He's an insurance agent for Buckhouser Life.”

“Sounds like fun.”

Tia shrugged. “I don't know. Darnell seems to enjoy it.”


She decided to turn the tables and ask a few questions of her own. “What about you? You came from France. Moving to Michigan had to be a major life change. Do you have a wife, children, or a special someone who's waiting for you to come home?”

He shook his head. “No wife. My friend and I split before I left home. She didn't like the traveling part of this job.”

“I'm sorry.” Instantly, Tia's heart went into sympathy mode. Without thinking, she reached across the table and squeezed his hand reassuringly. A muscle leaped to life under her fingertips as he held on to her hand for a second longer than necessary.

“Some things are meant to end. Patrice and I were one of them.”

“Do you have children?”

“No. Not yet. But I want a big family. I believe it's my turn. Are you from the Detroit area?”

Tia nodded. “Yes. Born and raised here.”

“What about your family?” Chris asked.

Sunshine returned with their drinks, placed the glasses in front of them, and then took their food orders. He added a small basket of bread before making a quiet retreat.

“I come from a medium-sized family.” Tia took a sip from her glass. The lemonade tasted tart and sugary, just the way she liked it. “I have three brothers and one sister. My twin.”

“Twins! That means there's another one out there just like you?”

“No, nothing like me, except for our looks. Nia's very different.” Tia laughed softly, getting a mental image of her twin with her soft bob and tight, colorful clothes.

Chris took a sip, rolled the wine over his tongue, and then swallowed. “I have a large family also. Big Catholic tribe. There are nine of us. I have five sisters and three brothers.”

Tia blew out a puff of air. “Wow! I thought we were a large group.” She tore off a piece of bread and buttered it. “Where are you from? Adam didn't say much about you. Do you live in Paris?”

He took another sip from his glass. “I know you probably won't believe this, but there are other cities in France.”

“I know,” Tia admitted bashfully. “But Paris is the one that comes to mind first.”

“Shame on you.” He strummed his finger at her. “Not enough geography while you were in school.”

She laughed. Chris joined in. The rich, warm sound filled the room.

“I grew up in the city of Nantes. It's on the west side of France,” Chris explained.

Leaning more comfortably against the vinyl seat, Tia asked, “How did you end up at Gautier?”

“Reynolds recruited me during my final year at the university.”

“Adam said the same thing. Reynolds is a very clever man.”

“Yes, he is.” Chris broke off a piece of bread and chewed on it. “Reynolds is a major benefactor for the university.”

“Did he go there?”

“Yes. But he's more than a pretty face with a checkbook. He spends time on campus and conducts entrepreneurial workshops for students and faculty.”

“Very nice. I didn't know that.”
Definitely more than a pretty face,
Tia thought.

“Reynolds doesn't brag. He likes things to be quiet.” Chris smiled.

It captivated Tia. She found herself in a momentary daze.

“What?” he questioned. “Is there something between my teeth?”

Tia snapped out of her trance and decided to admit the truth. “Sorry. You have such a beautiful smile. I couldn't help admiring it.”

“Thank you. So do you.”

His compliment filled her with pleasure. Tia sat watching this interesting and very different man.

“Tell me, how do you know about this place?” Chris waved a hand around the room.

“I'm a Wayne State graduate. My study group came here for meals sometimes.”

“We're going to see this campus after lunch, correct?”



Sunshine hurried to their booth with an entrée in each hand. He placed a dish on the table in front of Tia and the other before Chris. “These look really good. Enjoy,” he said, then left the table.

Tia glanced at her vegetarian lasagna and inhaled the aroma of Italian seasonings and garlic. Sunshine was right. It did look wonderful. She picked up her fork and glanced at her lunch partner and laughed out loud.

Chris sat, studying his burger. “This isn't funny. I didn't expect the burger to be this big.”

“It's a Jam Burger. It's half a pound of ground chuck. They are huge. You can always take some of it back to the office and have it for a late-afternoon snack.”

He held the burger in both hands and took a bite. Nodding approvingly, he returned the burger to the wooden basket and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I think I'm going to finish this.”

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