You're All I Need (10 page)

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Authors: Karen White-Owens

BOOK: You're All I Need
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“Yeah. You're the one who kept my Tia too busy to be with me.”

“‘Your Tia'?” Chris chuckled unpleasantly. “I don't think so.”

“Pfff!” Darnell scoffed. “You don't know anything about me.”

“Actually, I know more than I care to.”

“Like what?” Darnell challenged.

“Like the fact that you didn't appreciate a beautiful woman like Tia.” Chris nodded toward Darnell's table and his date. “You prefer someone with a little more flash and less brain power.”

“You don't know a damn thing about me.” Darnell raised his voice a notch. “Who the hell are you to talk about me?”

“Just an observer of life.” Chris turned his back on Darnell and slipped into the booth beside Tia. He slid an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. The lights slowly lowered. “It looks as if the show is going to continue. You need to return to your table.”

Dismissed, Darnell stood at the table like a child uncertain of what to do next. His arms flapped up and down like a bird whose wings were too heavy to get him off the ground. After a minute, he turned and, with a parting shot, crossed the café's floor. “Frigid bitch.”

Chris stood. His hands balled into fists as he readied himself to confront the other man. Tia pulled on his arm, frantically begging, “Don't. Don't. Remember, he's not worth it.”

“What an idiot!” Chris watched the other man head to his table and then turned to Tia. “Okay. I'll let it go this time. Your Darnell is not worth my time. Let's enjoy the show.”

As Tia snuggled close to Chris, she wondered what all of this meant. Granted, it felt good to have Chris defend her. She couldn't let Darnell destroy their time together.


The words
frigid bitch
flashed on and off in Tia's head like a huge red neon sign and tied her belly into knots throughout the remainder of the evening. With just two words, Darnell had taken the joy from her outing. She tried to push those terrible words from her head and concentrate on the music, but she failed miserably. Why hadn't Darnell stayed on his side of the café and left her alone?
You know why,
a tiny voice whispered into her ear.
He hates that you kicked him to the curb and got the last word…until tonight.

Determined to handle her business in a dignified manner, Tia sat quietly with her head held high during the second set. Regardless of how she felt, she didn't want to destroy Chris's night out. He had looked forward to it with such eagerness.

After the applause from the last performer faded and the lights came up, Chris turned to her, asking, “Would you like to cap off our evening with another glass of wine before we leave?”

Tia glanced toward Darnell's table and found him hugged up with his date. She squared her shoulders. She refused to let that lying cheater destroy every aspect of the evening. “Sure. One more to end our evening on the right note.”

Grinning broadly, Chris signaled for their server and ordered a carafe of wine. They sat finishing the wine while talking quietly about everything from work to Chris's plans for his house. Once they emptied the carafe, Chris rose and helped Tia to her feet. They left the café and headed out the door to the valet.

Minutes later, Tia found herself tucked securely behind Chris as he steered the bike through the late-evening streets of Grosse Pointe Farms.
Frigid bitch.
That phrase still echoed in her head, sucking all the enjoyment from the ride back to Chris's place.

It wasn't all her fault. She wasn't completely responsible for the sad state of their physical relationship. There were two people in that relationship. She refused to take all the blame for their lack of a love life.

Maybe Darnell had been a poor lover. Was that what he'd always thought of her? And if she was cold, maybe he should have found a way to warm her up. They could have practiced ways to make lovemaking more exciting and thrilling.

Tia tightened her hold on Chris.
Now here's a man I believe will be a wonderful, giving lover.
Chris would be the type of lover who would get the job done thoroughly. There wouldn't be any doubt whether she was thoroughly loved and satisfied.

Stop it,
she cautioned silently, giving herself a mental shake.
You don't have that kind of relationship with Chris. He is your friend and colleague.

Once the idea started to roll around in Tia's brain, it refused to go away. What type of lover would Chris be? Would he be slow and thorough or fast and urgent? More ideas flashed through her head as she considered them together in the ultimate act of love.

As they neared his house, Chris slowed the bike to turn into the driveway. His garage door rumbled and rattled open. He drove in, cut the engine, and then carefully swung his leg over the seat and stood. Tia did the same with a helping hand from Chris. They stood quietly inside the garage with Chris's fingers intertwined with hers.

The darkened room practically crackled with tension as Chris gazed down at Tia. His lips pursed and his forehead wrinkled into a frown. Tia got the impression that he was weighing the pros and cons of a heavy decision.

What is he thinking?
Tia wondered.
What's going on in his brain?

“It's still early. Would you like to come in for a while?” His tone was light, but Tia detected a note of something more as he led her from the garage.

Tia shrugged. “Sure.” She didn't have anywhere to be. The only things waiting for her were a quiet house and an empty bed.

They entered the house through the kitchen. Tia waited in the center of the room while Chris locked up.

“You haven't seen the family room since I moved in. Let me show you what I've done.” Chris steered her out of the kitchen with a hand at her elbow. They moved down the hallway to the family room.

The last time she'd been in this room, she and Chris had shared a lovely picnic on the floor. A comfortable-looking, dark chocolate leather sofa and matching cloth chair replaced the floor blanket. A huge flat-screen television sat mounted on the wall facing the sofa. A glass coffee table, end tables, and black Bose stereo system completed the room's furnishings.

“Go get comfortable.” Chris grabbed the remote from the coffee table and hit a button. Soft romantic jazz filled the air. He headed for the doorway. “I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to put a little something together for us to taste.”

Tia followed Chris's instructions and sank into the inviting sofa. The cool, smooth leather caressed her skin and held her gently. She kicked off her shoes and stretched her feet as her body swayed to the beat of the sexy piano tune.

Chris returned minutes later, balancing a small tray, dessert plates, a bottle of wine, and two wine goblets in his grasp. He slid the tray filled with sliced peaches, pineapple chunks, strawberries, Havarti cheese, and crackers onto the coffee table.

“Wow! You went all out.” Tia popped a slice of cheese into her mouth.

Chuckling softly, Chris handed her a plate. “You're the only guest I've had so far. I have to impress you so you'll come back.”

“That'll change.” Tia took the plate, looking for a serving spoon or fork. “Once you're all settled in, you'll have plenty of company.”

“I'm not concerned with that. You're great company.” Chris watched her for a second and added, “Go ahead and use your fingers.”

Frowning, she pressed her lips together. “You sure?”

“But of course. I know where your hands have been for the past few hours.”

Laughing, Tia selected several pieces of fruit, a chunk of cheese, and a few crackers. She munched on a piece of Havarti cheese. The creamy dairy product melted in her mouth.

Chris poured white wine into a glass and handed it to her. He filled a second one for himself. “Enjoy.”

“This is wonderful. It's a great way to end the evening.”

“That's what I was thinking.” Chris added fruit to a plate and scooted closer to Tia. He took a bite out of a strawberry, and juice spurted down his chin.

“What am I going to do with you?” Shaking her head, Tia put down her plate and glass and brushed away the juice with her fingers. Her hand caressed the long column of his neck, then moved lower and rested on his hairy chest.

“Keep me.” Chris placed his hand over hers, holding it against his skin. His thumb stroked the back of her hand.

Tia's skin tingled and grew warm under his hand. She gazed into his eyes, and her heart nearly stopped in her chest. Barely checked naked desire burned back at her from his pale blue eyes. Something deep and primal stirred within her. Tia did something she'd never done before. She took the lead, leaning forward and lightly kissing his lips.

Surprise crossed Chris's face. The heat in his gaze warmed her cheeks. “Do you know what you're doing?”

“I think so,” Tia answered honestly, leaning in for another kiss. This time Chris met her halfway. Somehow he returned the plate to the table and reached for her, bringing her against the hard contours of his body. His tongue slid across her lips, silently requesting admission. She complied, opening her mouth and sucking his tongue between her lips. He tasted of wine, fruit, and the unique essence of Chris Jensen.

Chris moaned softly, holding her tightly against him. His hands were everywhere, touching, learning the secrets of her body. Tia wrapped her arms around the strong column of his neck, giving herself up to the sweet taste of him.
This feels right,
she thought, snuggling closer and running her fingers through his silky hair.

He drew her over his lap, kissing her deeply. “Lovely,” he muttered against her lips. His tongue explored further, tasting the recesses of her mouth.

Somehow they ended up sprawled across the carpeted floor with Tia straddling his legs. With slow deliberation, Chris popped each button on her silk top, feasting his eyes on her light brown flesh peeking through her lacy strapless bra.

Suddenly, the tempo of Chris's kisses changed. He slid the top down her arms and tossed it away. He then unhooked her bra and tossed it in the direction of her top. Tia leaned down for another kiss, rubbing her breasts against his hair-covered chest. He felt so good. She couldn't get enough.

Chris's tongue traced a path of fire down Tia's neck. His hands sought her breasts, kneading the soft flesh.

Her heart pounded. Hunger flamed within her. Chris captured a firm brown nipple between his lips and sucked for a moment.

Tia then unzipped his trousers and pulled them past his hips to his knees. Next came his silk briefs. Freed from the confining clothing, his male flesh stood tall and thick. Fascinated by the pink maleness, Tia took his shaft in her hand and began to move up and down, loving how he seemed to grow longer and thicker with each stroke of her hand.

Chris moaned, placing his hand over hers to show her how he enjoyed being touched. Tia followed his direction, becoming more daring with her movements. Pumping his shaft, she used her free hand to fondle his balls. Again Chris moaned. “God! That feels heavenly.”

His lips covered hers as his hot tongue searched for Tia's. He stripped off her remaining clothing and blazed a heated path to the junction between her legs. She quivered, trying to hold herself still.

“Tia,” Chris whispered close to her ear. “You are so beautiful.” As he spoke, his hand parted the curly entrance and found her core. His fingers slipped between the folds and caressed her flesh. She gasped. The sensations were exquisite. Tia bit her lips to keep from screaming his name.

Chris flipped her onto her back and rained hot, openmouthed kisses on her face. His hand made the journey to her junction again and found the spot he'd caressed moments earlier. Leaning into his touch, Tia shut her eyes and swayed to the music in her head. Her interior walls began to shake, and she felt her orgasm drawing closer and closer. She didn't want Chris to stop. Tia tried to hold on, but the pleasure was too great and the sensations too intense. One more stroke of his fingers and she went over the edge, crying out as she shattered.


Grinning down at her, he asked, “Yes?”

Breathing hard and laughing softly, she lifted her head and kissed him. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure,
” He kissed her again. She loved the smell and taste of him. It was unique and Chris's alone. “But we're not done.” To prove the truth of his words, Chris slid his length into Tia's hot core.

For the second time, she gasped. Tia felt him deep within her. Chris lay still for a moment, allowing Tia to adjust to his size. Then he began to move, slowly at first, pushing deep within and then withdrawing several inches before sliding to the hilt.

Passion hot and intense flared between them. He thrust into her faster and faster. Tia wrapped her legs around his hips and met each movement with a downward push of her body. She moaned, feeling the light tremors that signaled the start of her orgasm. Tia's canal contracted, squeezing him tight.

Chris groaned, pushing further into her.

A powerful tremor hit her, followed by a series of sensations that caught her in its grip. Chris held her tightly against his body as the wet evidence of his release filled her canal. Tia gasped, riding out her climax while Chris continued to move inside her.

Damp and sated, Tia gently kissed his lips. “Oh, I liked that.”

Brushing a lock of hair from her forehead, Chris grinned. “Me too.” He wiggled his hips and asked, “Want to go again?”

“You can't possibly be ready to—” Tia hushed, feeling Chris's flesh swelled and stretched inside her. “Oh!”

His smile turned into a full grin. “I'll take that as a yes.”


Consciousness slowly returned as Tia roused from the depths of sleep. She stretched, feeling more relaxed and rested than she could ever remember. Frowning, she glanced around the room. Her mouth went dry, and her heart began to pound in her chest. This wasn't her bedroom. She touched the gray comforter and wondered,
Where in the world am I?
Tia slowly turned to the right and gasped softly. Chris Jensen was sleeping soundly at her side.

Tia squeezed her eyes shut as images flashed through her mind. They had gone to the Dirty Dog Jazz Café and returned to Chris's place for a snack. Things had gotten hot and heavy. She ended up coming on to the Frenchman. She'd kissed Chris while straddling his hips and caressing his thick, pulsating shaft. Tia covered her eyes with her hand but couldn't destroy the images.
Oh, man!
She'd never live this down.

I've got to get out of here.
She eased from the bed, making certain that she didn't disturb Chris.

Where are my clothes?
She searched for her bra and panties. The carpeted floor offered no clues. They must have undressed in the family room. Tia blushed when she remembered how she had removed Chris's clothes and how he had helped her strip.

She tiptoed out of the bedroom and down the hall to the family room. Sure enough, their clothes were strewn all over the room, on the floor and on the furniture. Grimacing in mortification, she headed straight for her underwear and grabbed up her silk panties and lacy bra. A small sound from the hallway reached her ear, and she whirled around to find a naked Chris filling the doorway. She took a step back, holding the silk garment in front of her like a shield. “Oh!” she yelped, grabbing at anything that might help her regain her balance.

“Watch it!” He rushed across the floor and caught Tia before she fell. He held her arm, steadying her.

“Thank you.” Tia pulled away from him.

“You're welcome. Good morning,” he added in a husky drawl, leaning down to kiss her.

Embarrassed at being caught in this state of undress, she muttered a hasty hello and stepped away.

“I missed you. Why didn't you wake me?”

Because I'm not ready to face you,
Tia thought, staring at the floor and hoping it would open up and swallow her. Her gaze landed on his chocolate silk shorts lying under the glass-top coffee table.
Oh, man!
She remembered how she had encouraged him to remove them so that she could see and touch him.

Standing in front of her, Chris took the under-garments from her hands, tossed them on the sofa, and took hold of her hands. “Clothes are the enemy. You don't need them right now.”

“Stop!” Tia grabbed for her things. “Give them back.”

“Come on. It's early. Let's go back to bed.”

He gave her a little sexy smile and held out his hand to her. Tia's insides quivered, responding to the sexy drawl. She shook off his hand and dug her heels into the carpet. “I need to get home.”

“Why?” Chris stroked his hand down her bare arm. “Tia, what's wrong?”

Her arms flapped up and down like a bird trying to fly. “This was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened.”

Je ne entendre pas!

“You, me. Together.” Tia twisted the bra's band around in her hand. “Things just got way out of hand. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry.”

“I'm not.”

Now it was Tia's turn to ask, “What?”
I can't believe I'm having this conversation while I'm standing here butt naked.
Confused, Tia stared at the floor, trying to figure out where he planned to take this conversation.

“For months I've dreamed of being with you. Making love with you. Finally, it happened. We were beautiful and
together.” His eyes drifted shut. Tia could tell that he was reliving their moments making love.

Unable to stand there another moment, Tia grabbed for her things and began dressing. Chris placed his hand over hers, halting her.

“Stop. I need my clothes.”


“It's time for me to go.”

“To where?”

She chuckled without humor. Where else would she go? “Home.”

“You're going to leave without talking to me? Leave my home without waking me?” He put that lost-puppy-dog expression on his face that made her heart melt.

“I didn't want to wake you,” Tia answered lamely.

His eyebrows lifted inquiringly. “Oh?”

She crossed her arms across her breasts. Her gaze landed on her clothes. Tia moved around the coffee table and reached for her top.


She looked up at him. “Yes?”

“Talk to me.”

“I don't…I don't know what to say,” she stammered, running her fingers through her hair.

“How you feel would be a great beginning. Tell me what you're thinking, feeling. I need to know.”

“I'm embarrassed.”

Chris followed her around the room as she gathered the rest of her clothes. “There's no reason to feel embarrassed.”

“That's easy for you to say,” she muttered.


“Nothing.” To avoid looking at him, Tia stared pointedly at the floor. “Would you put some clothes on, please?”


“Fine. I'll put on mine and get the heck out of here.” Mustering all the dignity she could, yet shaking inside with embarrassment, Tia made a move to get past Chris. He stepped into her path and caught her upper arm in his hand. She felt the warmth of his touch clear down to the soles of her feet. Tia quivered, responding to his touch.
Stop this right now,
she thought.
That's how you got into this mess in the first place.

“Don't leave. We need to talk.”

“Not like this,” she stated with dignity. “We've got to get dressed before I'll discuss anything with you.”

“Only if you promise to stay put until I come back.” He held her gaze with his own, willing her to agree.

They did need to come to an agreement and establish a few rules about how they would conduct business at work. She didn't want to walk into Gautier and find herself the subject of all the execs' gossip. Tia sighed, shutting her eyes for a moment. “Okay. I'll wait.”

“I'll be right back.” A grin spread across Chris's face. He headed for the door. After experiencing his full-frontal nudity, Tia was unprepared to see his firm, round cheeks as he strolled out of the family room. She practically drooled. The man was too perfect for words.

Not sure how long he planned to be away, she quickly dressed. She refused to have this conversation in the buff.

Minutes later, Chris entered the room dressed in a pair of jeans. His chest and feet were bare. “I've got on clothes. Come. Have breakfast with me.”

Tia shook her head. “No. I should get home.”

“Nonsense. It's barely seven o'clock. Let me get you a cup of coffee.” Chris cupped her elbow and led her from the family room.

“But I…I…I…,” Tia stammered as she followed Chris. He directed her down the hall and into the kitchen. He patted a chair before heading to the counter. With economical movement, Chris set the coffee to brew and went to the refrigerator. “We can share a cheese omelet and then we can talk.”

“Please, don't put yourself out.”

“No bother.”

Tia didn't know what to do. She had never dealt with the “morning after” following a one-night affair. Darnell had been her only lover, and their relationship had progressed at a slow but steady pace. What she had experienced with Chris was like an explosion from a gas leak that had burned unchecked.

“Coffee.” Chris placed a mug in front of her and filled it. The strong aroma of coffee and hazelnuts permeated the air. He padded around the kitchen in his bare feet, preparing breakfast. Before Tia could come up with an excuse to leave, he slid a plate in front of her. A second smaller plate of buttered toast followed.

They ate their meal in silence. Chris seemed to anticipate her every need. Without uttering a word, he jumped to his feet to refill her coffee mug or add the apricot preserves to the table for her to spread on her toast.

When Chris slid the omelet in front of her, she didn't expect to be able to eat a thing. Yet, the meal he prepared tasted wonderful, and she ate every bite.

Chris pushed away his empty plate and leaned back in his chair, watching Tia as she nibbled on the last of her toast. The silence grew as he stayed focused on her.
What am I doing here?
she wondered.
I should have left when he went into the bedroom.

“I'm sorry, Chris,” Tia began.

He scratched the side of his face with a finger. “Sorry? Why?
Pouvez-vous expliquer cela?

“For coming on to you.” She waved a hand around the room. “Putting you in this position and upsetting the balance between us.”

“I'm not sorry.” Tia went hot and tingly under Chris's intense gaze and husky voice. “Making love with you was wonderful, perfect.”

Tia refused to admit it, but she truly enjoyed making love with him. Chris was a kind, considerate, and thorough lover. He performed just the way she had expected; he left her completely satisfied.

“I'm a man, not a child. I make my own decisions.”

Frowning, she rubbed her forehead. “Maybe I should talk to Adam and suggest that you be reassigned to another administrative assistant.”

“Why would you do that? I like working with you.”

“I like working with you, but can we get past what happened last night?”

“Work with you is fun. I don't want that to end.” He smiled, making her heart jolt in her chest.

God, this man's smile does things to me. He is beautiful,
Tia thought.

“I hope you feel the same way,” Chris said.

“I do.”

“Then what's the problem?”

She shrugged, uncertain how to explain her feelings.

“Tia, I like you.” Chris reached across the table and caught her hand.

Okay, she knew he was interested in her. For the past few weeks, she'd ignored his feelings in favor of continuing her relationship with Darnell.

He smiled. “From the moment I met you, I wanted to be with you.”

“Why didn't you say something?”

“You had someone.”

“And now I'm single again.”

“Darnell is a fool. Good riddance. He's gone and I'm here. We moved too fast. That's why you feel uncomfortable. But I'm not sad we made love. I've wanted to from the first touch.”

“Where do we go from here? What do you want from me?” she asked. “How do we continue to work together?”

“Like we've always done,” he answered promptly. “You like me. No?”

“Yes.” Tia couldn't deny it. She found Chris incredibly attractive. But she'd just gotten out of a long-term relationship with Darnell. Was she ready to move on? “Yes.”

“Then let's continue.”

Think, Tia, think. Use your head, not your heart. Get everything out in the open and see what can happen.
“There are a few things we need to discuss before we continue with anything.”

“What's wrong?”

“I'm not sure this is the right thing for me right now,” Tia muttered.

“I feel strong enough for both of us.” He leaned closer. “Like what?”

“Color. I know love is blind, but other people aren't.”

“Pfff!” Chris tossed his hand in the air. “I don't care what people think. We look gorgeous together.”

“That sounds wonderful in theory, but you have to live it to understand. Sometimes it comes from people you don't know. Remember the lady at that apartment building? She wasn't pleased with us being together. She's not the only one. There are times when your family members will show dislike or prejudice.”

“What do you mean?”

“My grandma Ruth doesn't trust white people. She's seen a lot of unpleasant things in her life. It might take a lot for her to warm up to you. There's a possibility that she may never trust you or like you. Are you willing to deal with that?”

“Absolutely. You come first. I'll use all of my charm to sway your grandmama,” Chris stated.

“That was just a sample of what you can expect. Not all of the time, but when you least expect it.”

“I can't change what people think or feel, but I can promise you this—I'll protect you as best I can from anyone or anything that will hurt you. You will be my first consideration. Let's see where this thing takes us,” Chris suggested.

“Do you mean at work?”

“No.” He shook his head. “You and me together. I want to go out. Date. Spend time away from Gautier. Get to know you better.”

Tia nibbled on her bottom lip. “I'm not ready for a sexual relationship.”

Smiling, Chris replied, “You seemed more than ready to me.”

She began to speak again. Only this time, Tia spoke a bit louder and firmer. “What we did last night, happened. It wasn't planned, but things got out of hand. I'm not ready for a repeat. Not yet. I need time.”

“You can have it.”

I can have it? Was I such a poor lover that he can wait because it didn't matter?
she wondered, feeling a bit let down. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes. I want you to feel comfortable with me. We have plenty of time.” He lifted a finger and said, “Don't misunderstand me. I want to make love with you again. But the next time we are together, it will be because we both want it.”

“Chris, what about your job? How can we have any kind of relationship? Reynolds could reassign you at any time. You're here today, but you can easily be gone tomorrow. I don't want my heart broken again. I've barely recovered from Darnell.”

He dropped to his knees in front of her and took her hand between both of his. “That's true. And I don't have any answers or guarantees. Reynolds told me that I would be cross-training for months. If I have my way, I'll be here permanently. Just remember, I want to be here with you.”

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