You're All I Need

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Authors: Karen White-Owens

BOOK: You're All I Need
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“What am I going to do with you?”

Tia brushed away the juice on his chin with her fingers. Her hand lingered, caressing the long column of his neck before moving lower.

“Keep me.” Chris placed his hand over hers, holding her hand against his skin. His thumb stroked the back of her hand.

Tia's skin tingled and grew warm under his hand. She gazed into his eyes, and her heart nearly stopped in her chest. Barely checked naked desire glared back at her from his pale blue eyes. Something deep and primal stirred within her. Tia did something she'd never done before. She took the lead, leaning forward and lightly kissing his lips.

Surprise crossed Chris's face. The heat in his gaze warmed Tia's cheeks. “Do you know what you're doing?”

“I think so,” Tia answered honestly, leaning in for another kiss. This time Chris met her halfway.

Also by Karen White-Owens

I Can Make You Love Me

The Way You Aren't

Now Until Forever

Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.


Kensington Publishing Corp.


Monday morning at 7:45, Adam Carlyle stepped out of his Renaissance Center office and stood next to Tia Edwards's workstation. With a laptop in one hand and his chocolate suit jacket in the other, Tia's boss placed his computer on the edge of her desk before sliding his arms into the suit jacket.

“I've got a meeting at eight with Reynolds. After we're done, I'm holding a staff meeting with the legal department in the fifteenth-floor conference room.”

“Do I need to be there?” Tia brushed a wayward curl from her eyes. Silently, she hoped Adam would say no. She had plenty to keep her occupied until he returned from his meetings.

Her boss folded his arms across his chest, considering her question. “No.” He glanced at his wristwatch. “I should be back around noon.”

Tia nodded.

“I'll need drafts of the Swinson, Jamison, and DeVry's briefs when I return.” He straightened his tie and smoothed the front of his shirt.

“Got it.” She tapped her to-do list with the point of her pen. “It's on my agenda for this morning.”

Adam picked up the laptop and tucked it under his arm. “Hold down the legal department. I've got my cell phone, and the computer will be on if you need to contact me. See you around twelve.”

He hurried down the hallway, then turned and disappeared down another corridor. Tia smiled. After two years of working for the vice president of Legal Services at Gautier International Motors, she still believed she worked for a great guy. When Adam offered her the position, Tia hesitated in accepting it. He seemed so demanding and forceful that she questioned whether she'd be able to meet his requirements.

It was never an issue. There were days Adam expected everyone on his team to go full force, kick butt, and work as hard as he did. On other occasions, if he knew she had a school project due, he sometimes gave her the afternoon off. He was a kind, considerate boss who understood her busy school schedule and offered compassion and support for her educational pursuits.

Since Adam would be away for a while, Tia settled back in her chair and finished her cup of coffee before tackling her work. She spent the next few minutes tracking a freight ship slowly cruising down the Detroit River toward Grosse Pointe while sipping a mug of caffeine elixir. Once she swallowed the last mouthful of coffee, Tia started her daily routine of returning phone calls, retrieving voice mail, making appointments, and sorting incoming mail. After those tasks were completed, she concentrated on the legal documents Adam requested.

A little before noon, Tia placed Adam's briefs, mail, and messages on his desk. Head down, she made her way to the door, focused on the remaining tasks on her to-do list.

“Whoo! Watch out,” Adam called, barely missing a head-on collision with Tia. He sidestepped her lithe frame with a guiding hand on her arm.

“Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.”

“Obviously.” He grinned, taking the sting out of his observation as he crossed the floor to set his laptop on his desk. He turned to her as he removed his jacket and placed his cell phone on the charger.

Tia asked, “How did the meeting go?”

“Very well.” Adam hunched his shoulders and then stretched. He pinched his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Some information came out of my meeting with Reynolds that I need to share. Let me grab a cup of coffee while you get your stuff.” He reached for his mug. “I'll be right back.”

Tia watched him leave the office.
Something's up,
she thought. Adam's body language revealed important information. She'd seen him like this before. Something important happened at the meeting.

Heart fluttering in her chest, Tia swiftly returned to her desk, grabbed her computer, and switched on voice mail. Adam always returned from his meetings with Reynolds with a boatload of work to do. Work didn't worry him, so this had to be something different.

By the time Adam made it back from the executive lounge with his cup of coffee, Tia had settled in a chair in his office with her computer opened to a new document, ready for whatever new assignments he was about to share.

“Let's get started.” He shut his office door and took his place behind the desk. “The legal department is going to expand.”

Oh, man! This is huge,
she thought, typing this into her document. Since opening his U.S. office in the GM Renaissance Center two years ago, Reynolds had been very cautious about his hiring practices. The president of Gautier International Motors lectured his staff on erring on the side of fewer, instead of more, employees. But why was Adam concerned?

Her boss hit the power switch on his laptop and opened a file. Glancing at the screen, his forehead crinkled as he reviewed his notes. “Reynolds wants me to cross-train an attorney from the home office in France. He'll be working here for a while.”

That doesn't sound so bad,
Tia thought. “How long is a while?”

“Um”—Adam shrugged—“that hasn't been determined. I do know that he'll be in this office for at least six to eight months. What happens after that is Reynolds's decision.”

“When will he start?”

“He's here already.”

“Oh!” Tia sat up straighter in her chair. “That was quick. Where is he?”

“In Reynolds's office. He'll be down here in a bit.” Adam pointed to the door. “We're going to put him in the office on the other side of your workstation.”

Okay. She didn't have a problem with that. “What about staff? Is he bringing anyone with him?”

Amazed, Tia watched Adam shift uncomfortably in his chair. That wasn't like him. What was going on?

“This is where things get a bit dicey,” he announced.

“Oh?” Tia uttered cautiously.
What's going on, Adam?
she wondered.

Nodding, Adam answered, “Mmm-hmm.” He leaned forward in his chair. “Look, I hate to do this but I don't have a choice. I need your help.”

“For what?”

“I need you to help acclimate Christophe to the office.”

Not liking the sound of this request, she asked, “What does that mean, exactly?”

“You'll be his admin like you are mine. We'll increase your salary. Don't worry about that,” he added hurriedly. “Tyler Hudson's admin will be your backup.”

Tia brushed a curly lock from her forehead and then held Adam's gaze with her own. “You haven't answered my question. I'm stuck on the word
What exactly do you expect from me?”

Adam sighed. “Christophe Jensen is from France. He's going to need a little help beyond the office.”

“Am I going to be dealing with a language issue? Problems with English?”

He shook his head. “No, not at all. Chris is very fluent in English.”

“Then what's the catch?” Tia asked. Her eyebrows lifted questioningly, and her voice dropped. “What does ‘outside the office' really mean?”

“Okay, you got me.” Adam held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I'm sorry about this. But Christophe is going to need a little direction in finding an apartment, getting around for the first few weeks, and learning the office routine. You'll have to go over his briefs and show him how we structure things here. It wouldn't surprise me if you end up in court with him. There's just so much that he's not going to know and will need help learning. Think of him as a first-year attorney.” He offered Tia his most engaging smile. “Please. I truly need you on this one.”

“Adam!” she whined, gearing up for a major rant. The last thing she wanted to do was play nursemaid to a company transplant.

He halted her tirade with a slice of his hand through the air. “Tia, help me out.”

Unmoved by his pleading, Tia crossed her arms over her chest and sat back in her chair, considering all of the options and implications of Adam's request. “What do I get out of this?”

Adam swung into negotiation mode. “I know you are finishing your degree and that you want to make a move in a different direction. That makes sense. You didn't go to school to be an executive assistant for the rest of your career. I'll tell you what. Do this for me and I'll move you into a law clerk position once you're admitted into law school.”

Lips pursed, Tia considered Adam's offer.
He'll give me this promotion for showing some French guy around town?
she thought.
There's got to be more to it.
She examined Adam's poker face but found nothing. There were times when Adam played his cards close to his chest until he found the best possible moment to reveal them. She had to keep in mind that there might be more to this deal than she already knew. Was she willing to do whatever it took to get that promotion? Short of going to jail for killing someone or taking Mr. Frenchie to bed, she could handle this assignment.

She did a mental debate while her hopes soared. This may well be the opportunity she needed. But she didn't want any gray area. Tia needed the offer to be as clear as possible to avoid any misunderstandings or mistakes later. “I know you'll keep your word. If something happens to you, I want everything clear and tight. Here's the deal. Bear with me. I'm going over our agreement one more time. If I get into law school, you'll find me a law clerk position at Gautier's.” She reached out her hand. “Agreed?”

Adam leaned back in his chair, mentally reviewing the agreement for any loopholes that might cause him problems later. His lips pursed, and then he lifted his hand, taking hers. “Deal.”

On cue, there was a knock on the door.

“That should be him.” Adam rose and strolled across the office. He opened the door and greeted the newcomer. “Hey, come on in.”

The man entered the office and shook hands with Adam.

Tia rose, allowing her professional smile to drop into place. She straightened her skirt and jacket and ran a hand through her wavy hair, waiting for her first glimpse of the French attorney.

Adam led the man toward the desk.

Christophe had the well-toned physique of a man who worked out regularly. His oval face and blemish-free skin would have been considered pretty on a woman, yet he wore them well. It made him appear more alluring and attractive.

Golden locks lightly brushed his shoulders. For a moment, Tia had a flashback to one of the romance novels she'd read during her high school years. The hero stood tall, blond, and handsome on the book cover, just like this man.

Adam touched her arm and drew her closer. “This is my executive assistant, Tia Edwards.”

Fascinated by the sheer beauty of the man, Tia stared, tongue-tied. As tall as Adam, Christophe moved forward. Casually dressed in a blue and white striped poplin shirt with the cuffs rolled back, he revealed a set of long, muscular arms sparkled with blond hair. The man completed his outfit with a pair of tan Dockers and sandalwood-colored snakeskin boots.

Tia gazed into a pair of pale blue eyes that twinkled with humor and intelligence. She nodded at the man.

Adam made introductions. “Christophe Jensen. Tia Edwards.”

“Nice to meet you,” he stated in an accented, musical voice. The deep tone resonated within her. He captured Tia's hand and shook it. A spark of something sizzled between them. Christophe's eyes widened and his gaze settled on their intertwined fingers.

“You too.” Flustered by the contact, Tia pulled her hand free and rubbed her hands together.

“I'm going to leave you in Tia's very capable hands,” Adam said. “She'll take you to your new office and get you settled. If you need anything, Tia will be your contact person.”

Christophe's eyebrows rose, questioning. “Oh? With anything?”

“Work related,” Tia clarified swiftly, wanting to make her role as clear as possible. She waved a hand toward the door and then retrieved her computer. “Let me show you your office.”

Christophe hesitated in the doorway. “Adam?”

Back at his desk, Adam glanced at the pair, shifting through a dozen or so pink message slips. “I've got a few things to sort out. Let's meet back here after lunch, around two-thirty?”

Nodding, Christophe replied, “That sounds good.”

“See you then.” Adam picked up the telephone and began to dial. “Tia, did my wife call?”

“Yes, Wynn called around nine-fifteen.”

“Thanks.” He focused on his phone call. “Good morning, Helen. Can I speak to Wynn?”

“Your office is this way.” Tia shut Adam's door as she led the way with Christophe on her heels. She stopped to deposit her computer on her desk, and grabbed a pen and notebook and a set of keys from the drawer before continuing to a dark door on the opposite side of her workstation. “We've had this office as part of our suite but never had a need for it. It's yours now.” She unlocked and threw open the door, reaching for the light switch on the wall. Instantly, light bathed the room. Tia waved him inside.

Christophe slowly strolled around, examining the workspace, touching the desktop, opening empty file drawers, and peeking into the closets. After a moment, he stopped at the floor-to-ceiling windows, taking a look at downtown Windsor's shoreline. Nodding approvingly, he gazed directly at her. “This is nice.”

“Good. I'm glad you like it.” She moved closer to the man, drawn by the combined scent of his tangy aftershave and unique scent. “There's an attached restroom,” she explained, crossing the floor and turning on the light to the washroom. “Let me know if you'd like anything changed. We can have maintenance move the furniture or add anything that you believe you'll need.”

“A log-in and password so that I can access Gautier's databases would help.”

Nodding, Tia said, “I'll take care of that immediately. Anything else?”

Christophe tapped a long, tapered finger against his lips. “Supplies—pens, notepads? Telephone? I have my laptop, but I do need Internet access.”

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